Are Children A Part Of The Gay Marriage Conversation?

To what degree are children a part of the gay-marriage conversation?

  • They are THE concern of marriage. Marriage was mainly created for their benefit after all.

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Part of the conversation for sure. But in the end the adult civil rights trump them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Somewhat part of the conversation, but only a secondary role.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Marriage is for and about adults. Kids will accept what they have to.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
You keep pulling crap out of thin air

I asked the question as to why the lesbian utilized birth control, you failed to answer (which is your right I suppose ), but then you criticize instead of answering?

Oh my.

I can answer the question for you Pops. Birth control isn't just simply used to hinder women getting pregnant. Women; including lesbian women, use birth control to combat painful periods, PMS, and, Endometriosis. It also lowers the risk for certain forms of cancer. I know this because my sister had serve and painful periods from the start. She started taking The Pill years before she became sexually active. It worked and a side bonus it also helped clear up her skin. I hope this help clears up any misconceptions as to why lesbians may need to take birth control.

If they used the pill to level a rickety table, would you also say it was birth control?

How exciting for you !

I explained in detail why lesbians would have a need for birth control/The Pill. If they only used the words "The Pill" would that change any of the facts that I posted as to why it's prescribed to lesbians? Of course not. You're just splitting hairs.

No, the hair split is yours

Trying to get anyone to believe a same sex couple would use birth control is absurd.

The two demographic groups are as different as attorneys and physicians.

Birth control is not a difference between gay and straight couples, as we've already pointed out. Some lesbians take birth control, gay men certainly use condoms and many, many, many straight couples don't use birth control without having to worry about getting pregnant. That argument has failed, try another. There are no differences between straight and gay couples either with children or without.

You make me chuckle Wytch

No gay couple has ever used birth control for birth control between each other. NOT ONCE.

You can use a pill to plug a leaky faucet and would claim


You keep pulling crap out of thin air

I asked the question as to why the lesbian utilized birth control, you failed to answer (which is your right I suppose ), but then you criticize instead of answering?

Oh my.

I can answer the question for you Pops. Birth control isn't just simply used to hinder women getting pregnant. Women; including lesbian women, use birth control to combat painful periods, PMS, and, Endometriosis. It also lowers the risk for certain forms of cancer. I know this because my sister had serve and painful periods from the start. She started taking The Pill years before she became sexually active. It worked and a side bonus it also helped clear up her skin. I hope this help clears up any misconceptions as to why lesbians may need to take birth control.

If they used the pill to level a rickety table, would you also say it was birth control?

How exciting for you !

I explained in detail why lesbians would have a need for birth control/The Pill. If they only used the words "The Pill" would that change any of the facts that I posted as to why it's prescribed to lesbians? Of course not. You're just splitting hairs.

No, the hair split is yours

Trying to get anyone to believe a same sex couple would use birth control is absurd.

The two demographic groups are as different as attorneys and physicians.

Birth control is not a difference between gay and straight couples, as we've already pointed out. Some lesbians take birth control, gay men certainly use condoms and many, many, many straight couples don't use birth control without having to worry about getting pregnant. That argument has failed, try another. There are no differences between straight and gay couples either with children or without.

You know a bunch of same sex couples that one got the other pregnant?

Do share the names Wytch, better yet, send the names to the Guinness book of records.

Oh my
Good. Tell Pop23.

Where your argument fails, and while you ignore it, SCOTUS won't, is that hetero adult predators are already set in the ways as well, andd as that of the gay parades.

their damage caused in number is hundreds of times of that as homosexuals.

The heterosexual image flaming is as bad if not worse than that of gayparades.

Your attempt to craft an exclusion for discrimination against gays fails on those two points alone.

Except that heterosexuals when preying on children are denounced by their culture and we do not hold "hetero pride parades" where we invite and hope children of all ages will be attending to see soberly-done lewd sex acts performed on floats with bright primary colors for their enticement. If any such parade were held with the intent of little kids attending and such acts went on in front of them, participants would be arrested. It's a curious double standard of cultures.

We heteros put people like Jerry Sandusky in jail and shun other molestors who were caught but somehow slipped off the hook.

LGBTs put people like Jerry Sandusky [Harvey Milk] on a pedastal precise because of his sexuality, knowing it was with at least one and likely more minor teen boys, as "representative of their sexual movement across the nation and the world."

It's just a difference between two cultures. One puts their child predators in jail. The other celebrates them as sexual-messiahs.
Sorry, you don't get a pride parade because you don't need it. Straight people have never been attacked or fired for merely being straight. You do not have to worry about holding your partner's hand in public. Vacation plans do have to be made by taking into account which country not to travel to for fear of being imprisoned because of your sexuality. Additionally, straight people have never had the uncomfortable experience of having to come out to their family and friends.

Gay Pride Parades are not about sex, as so many people assume. It is about celebrating who you are. Yes, there is some semi-nudity and hyper-sexualized dancing, people in underwear, and people in crazy suggestive costumes but's gay pride is about having a good time, not portraying a gay life style. There is nothing in a gay pride parade that is any more shocking than what's available on TV.

Last edited:
Pop are you for or against big brother big sister solutions when a parent has died?

You'll need to explain that one
... Ok there is a program called big brother. The idea is to introduce a male role model to children, esp. for those children who do not have a father. For example, children who's father has died. For example, a father who died fighting for this country.

Start Something for a child today-Big Brothers Big Sisters

And there is also a program called "Family and Friends" (there isn't really, I am referring to actual family and friends). We have them, families and friends. We don't raise our kids in bubbles. They have friends too and get to see all kinds of families, some like theirs, some different from theirs. The number one difference between my kids and all but one of their friends kids is not the orientation and/or gender of the the's their marital status. Only my daughter has one friend whose parents are still together and married like hers are. That's fucking sad.
It makes no difference whether a child's parents are straight or gay. What makes a difference in a child's life is two loving parents who invest their time and energy into child raising. So many parents make the mistake of thinking it's the big things that count, providing a college education, a fancy home, cars, and an upscale life style. It's not. It's ten thousand little things, 30 mins a day devoted entirely to to do what you child likes to do, disciplining the child without loosing your temper,, taking off work for parent teacher conference, track meets, scouting meetings, and sometime just to spend quality tiem with the child. It's almost impossible for a single parent to do what is needed to see that their children reach their full potential. Whether they are straight or gay, they need a co-parent.
Pop are you for or against big brother big sister solutions when a parent has died?

You'll need to explain that one
... Ok there is a program called big brother. The idea is to introduce a male role model to children, esp. for those children who do not have a father. For example, children who's father has died. For example, a father who died fighting for this country.

Start Something for a child today-Big Brothers Big Sisters

And there is also a program called "Family and Friends" (there isn't really, I am referring to actual family and friends). We have them, families and friends. We don't raise our kids in bubbles. They have friends too and get to see all kinds of families, some like theirs, some different from theirs. The number one difference between my kids and all but one of their friends kids is not the orientation and/or gender of the the's their marital status. Only my daughter has one friend whose parents are still together and married like hers are. That's fucking sad.
It makes no difference whether a child's parents are straight or gay. What makes a difference in a child's life is two loving parents who invest their time and energy into child raising. So many parents make the mistake of thinking it's the big things that count, providing a college education, a fancy home, cars, and an upscale life style. It's not. It's ten thousand little things, 30 mins a day devoted entirely to to do what you child likes to do, disciplining the child without loosing your temper,, taking off work for parent teacher conference, track meets, scouting meetings, and sometime just to spend quality tiem with the child. It's almost impossible for a single parent to do what is needed to see that their children reach their full potential. Whether they are straight or gay, they need a co-parent.
meh... there are many ways to raise a child well... IMO way to many people need to learn to mind their own business.
Pop and Sil simply can't think clearly: no critical thinking ability at all.

1. All adult preadotrs need to be hunted down.

2.. Hetero predators commit hundreds of times more assaults on children than homosexuals.

SCOTUS is very aware of those facts.
Post to your heart’s content, but as long as you ignore the comparable photos of heterosexual public demonstration of genetalia in parades in the US, you don’t have any point at all, other than all readers see your confirmation bias in action.
Pop and Sil simply can't think clearly: no critical thinking ability at all.

1. All adult preadotrs need to be hunted down.

2.. Hetero predators commit hundreds of times more assaults on children than homosexuals.

SCOTUS is very aware of those facts.

#2 is just plain false. About half of all cases of paedophilia are male-on-male.
Post to your heart’s content, but as long as you ignore the comparable photos of heterosexual public demonstration of genetalia in parades in the US, you don’t have any point at all, other than all readers see your confirmation bias in action.

Please post some photos, you senile old coot.
Pop are you for or against big brother big sister solutions when a parent has died?

You'll need to explain that one
... Ok there is a program called big brother. The idea is to introduce a male role model to children, esp. for those children who do not have a father. For example, children who's father has died. For example, a father who died fighting for this country.

Start Something for a child today-Big Brothers Big Sisters

And there is also a program called "Family and Friends" (there isn't really, I am referring to actual family and friends). We have them, families and friends. We don't raise our kids in bubbles. They have friends too and get to see all kinds of families, some like theirs, some different from theirs. The number one difference between my kids and all but one of their friends kids is not the orientation and/or gender of the the's their marital status. Only my daughter has one friend whose parents are still together and married like hers are. That's fucking sad.
It makes no difference whether a child's parents are straight or gay. What makes a difference in a child's life is two loving parents who invest their time and energy into child raising. So many parents make the mistake of thinking it's the big things that count, providing a college education, a fancy home, cars, and an upscale life style. It's not. It's ten thousand little things, 30 mins a day devoted entirely to to do what you child likes to do, disciplining the child without loosing your temper,, taking off work for parent teacher conference, track meets, scouting meetings, and sometime just to spend quality tiem with the child. It's almost impossible for a single parent to do what is needed to see that their children reach their full potential. Whether they are straight or gay, they need a co-parent.
meh... there are many ways to raise a child well... IMO way to many people need to learn to mind their own business.

The welfare of children put up for adoption is our business.
Pop and Sil simply can't think clearly: no critical thinking ability at all.

1. All adult preadotrs need to be hunted down.

2.. Hetero predators commit hundreds of times more assaults on children than homosexuals.

SCOTUS is very aware of those facts.

#2 is just plain false. About half of all cases of paedophilia are male-on-male.

Flat lie. Run on along.
Post to your heart’s content, but as long as you ignore the comparable photos of heterosexual public demonstration of genetalia in parades in the US, you don’t have any point at all, other than all readers see your confirmation bias in action.

Please post some photos, you senile old coot.

Been posted above. Run on along. Do you realize we all know you are posting form your parents' basement?
I can answer the question for you Pops. Birth control isn't just simply used to hinder women getting pregnant. Women; including lesbian women, use birth control to combat painful periods, PMS, and, Endometriosis. It also lowers the risk for certain forms of cancer. I know this because my sister had serve and painful periods from the start. She started taking The Pill years before she became sexually active. It worked and a side bonus it also helped clear up her skin. I hope this help clears up any misconceptions as to why lesbians may need to take birth control.

If they used the pill to level a rickety table, would you also say it was birth control?

How exciting for you !

I explained in detail why lesbians would have a need for birth control/The Pill. If they only used the words "The Pill" would that change any of the facts that I posted as to why it's prescribed to lesbians? Of course not. You're just splitting hairs.

No, the hair split is yours

Trying to get anyone to believe a same sex couple would use birth control is absurd.

The two demographic groups are as different as attorneys and physicians.

Birth control is not a difference between gay and straight couples, as we've already pointed out. Some lesbians take birth control, gay men certainly use condoms and many, many, many straight couples don't use birth control without having to worry about getting pregnant. That argument has failed, try another. There are no differences between straight and gay couples either with children or without.

You make me chuckle Wytch

No gay couple has ever used birth control for birth control between each other. NOT ONCE.

You can use a pill to plug a leaky faucet and would claim



Oh, so we're shifting the goal posts now are we? Scraping the bottom of the barrel more like. You said gays can't get married because only straights have to use BC. That is false. Gay men use condoms and plenty of lesbians use birth control. There are also millions of straight couples that don't use birth control.

Birth control is a fail. Why are you still harping on it? Be specific Pops, what are these glaring differences between gay couples and straight couples with or without children.
The welfare of children put up for adoption is our business.

Yes, this truly will be a legal battle between the civil rights of orphans vs the overweening aspirations of those anxious to get at them..

"Your honor, I offer Exhibit A":




And your honor will say to the marriage equality lawyers please introduce the similar evidence of the heterosexual posturing sexually in evidence. Then your honor will tell the heterof fascist to not waste the court's time again unless they wish a weekend in jail.
Good. Tell Pop23.

Where your argument fails, and while you ignore it, SCOTUS won't, is that hetero adult predators are already set in the ways as well, andd as that of the gay parades.

their damage caused in number is hundreds of times of that as homosexuals.

The heterosexual image flaming is as bad if not worse than that of gayparades.

Your attempt to craft an exclusion for discrimination against gays fails on those two points alone.

Except that heterosexuals when preying on children are denounced by their culture and we do not hold "hetero pride parades" where we invite and hope children of all ages will be attending to see soberly-done lewd sex acts performed on floats with bright primary colors for their enticement. If any such parade were held with the intent of little kids attending and such acts went on in front of them, participants would be arrested. It's a curious double standard of cultures.

We heteros put people like Jerry Sandusky in jail and shun other molestors who were caught but somehow slipped off the hook.

LGBTs put people like Jerry Sandusky [Harvey Milk] on a pedastal precise because of his sexuality, knowing it was with at least one and likely more minor teen boys, as "representative of their sexual movement across the nation and the world."

It's just a difference between two cultures. One puts their child predators in jail. The other celebrates them as sexual-messiahs.
Sorry, you don't get a pride parade because you don't need it. Straight people have never been attacked or fired for merely being straight. You do not have to worry about holding your partner's hand in public. Vacation plans do have to be made by taking into account which country not to travel to for fear of being imprisoned because of your sexuality. Additionally, straight people have never had the uncomfortable experience of having to come out to their family and friends.

Gay Pride Parades are not about sex, as so many people assume. It is about celebrating who you are. Yes, there is some semi-nudity and hyper-sexualized dancing, people in underwear, and people in crazy suggestive costumes but's gay pride is about having a good time, not portraying a gay life style. There is nothing in a gay pride parade that is any more shocking than what's available on TV.


Yes there are some people that dislike seeing anyone hold hands in public. No matter what genders are involved. Odd I know.

Opposite sex coupling is required for the society to exist, so it is taken for granted. The existence of same sex coupling is not required for society to exist. They want a parade, I got no problem, but why?
Because many of the heteero fascists acted like butt holes toward them. Shouldn't, I know, but go figure.

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