Are Christians intolerant?

Are Christians intolerant?

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Let him die

Feed the poor and they will breed

Make disaster victims pay to be rescued

I went to Catholic School and I can't remember any of these being "taught" except as examples of what's "bad".

rdean, as an atheist, your opinion is immaterial to the believer.

Im pretty sure him being an atheist has absolutely nothing to do with why his opinion is immaterial for everyone.

I have to agree with you 100% here.
There are Christians and then there is the evangelical movement that has taken over the Republican party in the last decade. Christians, if they are true to their core beliefs, are very tolerant. The far right evangelicals are not.

Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et. al ---- blatantly, openly intolerant of everything unless it's another evangelical nut case like them.

What planet do you people live on?

Just an FYI, if the evangelical movement had taken over the Republican party Romney would not have won the primary. Evangelicals consider Mormons to be a cult.

I dont think the evangelical is as intolerant as some try to claim it is.

That was sorta the point I was making.
Given recent discussion today, I have to understand something from you all. People (mainly liberals) say that Christians are "ignorant", "intolerant" and "hateful" towards others who do not share their faith, or to those who are gay. Should the fact that Christians are some of the more charitable people in America be overlooked?

I have also heard those trying to say that Christians are trying to establish a theocracy in our government, are they?

Compared to what, Templar?

Compared to Islam?

Compared to Atheists?

Compared to Jews?

Compared to -- What?

In an ideal world, one that never has, and never will exist, you can make a case for everything and anything being imperfect, flawed, intolerant or downright evil.

But you can't just ask a question without a basis of understanding.

Compared to what else exists in this world, NO.

Christians and Christianity are not intolerant.


Funny, the only time I heard atheists complain is when Christians force their religion on them.

It's unfortunate that you are so weak willed that you consider someone mentioning Christ as an assault on your person.
your op paints with too broad a brush, templar. pat robertson is a christian bigot, who finds evil in everything he does not believe in. my late aunt found fault with no one, and spent her life trying to be Christ like ,in her own quiet way. they both called themselves CHRISTIANS. Only one of them really was.
Their definition of sin that they got from an invisible person in a book written 3500 years ago.....yeah....

Has sin changed since the beginnng of man?
What is sin?
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

All the more reason to do what we can to make sure we dont lie to ourselves.

If you believe in that book then you are living a lie and believing in a lie.

Let him die

Feed the poor and they will breed

Make disaster victims pay to be rescued

I went to Catholic School and I can't remember any of these being "taught" except as examples of what's "bad".

rdean, as an atheist, your opinion is immaterial to the believer.

Im pretty sure him being an atheist has absolutely nothing to do with why his opinion is immaterial for everyone.

I am pretty sure you are wrong.
your op paints with too broad a brush, templar. pat robertson is a christian bigot, who finds evil in everything he does not believe in. my late aunt found fault with no one, and spent her life trying to be Christ like ,in her own quiet way. they both called themselves CHRISTIANS. Only one of them really was.

Well said.
Given recent discussion today, I have to understand something from you all. People (mainly liberals) say that Christians are "ignorant", "intolerant" and "hateful" towards others who do not share their faith, or to those who are gay. Should the fact that Christians are some of the more charitable people in America be overlooked? As compared to those who make these claims, as compared to other religions, are Christians intolerant?

I have also heard those trying to say that Christians are trying to establish a theocracy in our government, are they?

Be forewarned, all votes are public.

Truth be told, the Christian Church is entirely too tolerant. If we would just stick with our Scriptures and quit watering down the messages contained in them for the sake of acceptance, we would at least regain some of our lost respect and dignity. It's not like the Church is making any friends by befriending the World and accepting the ways of the World. And this isn't about making friends anyway. It's about life, death, and consequences. The value of a few frail and conditional friendships pails in comparison.
Given recent discussion today, I have to understand something from you all. People (mainly liberals) say that Christians are "ignorant", "intolerant" and "hateful" towards others who do not share their faith, or to those who are gay. Should the fact that Christians are some of the more charitable people in America be overlooked? As compared to those who make these claims, as compared to other religions, are Christians intolerant?

I have also heard those trying to say that Christians are trying to establish a theocracy in our government, are they?

Be forewarned, all votes are public.

Truth be told, the Christian Church is entirely too tolerant. If we would just stick with our Scriptures and quit watering down the messages contained in them for the sake of acceptance, we would at least regain some of our lost respect and dignity. It's not like the Church is making any friends by befriending the World and accepting the ways of the World. And this isn't about making friends anyway. It's about life, death, and consequences. The value of a few frail and conditional friendships pails in comparison.

You are not the first one to make that point.
Given recent discussion today, I have to understand something from you all. People (mainly liberals) say that Christians are "ignorant", "intolerant" and "hateful" towards others who do not share their faith, or to those who are gay. Should the fact that Christians are some of the more charitable people in America be overlooked? As compared to those who make these claims, as compared to other religions, are Christians intolerant?

I have also heard those trying to say that Christians are trying to establish a theocracy in our government, are they?

Be forewarned, all votes are public.

Truth be told, the Christian Church is entirely too tolerant. If we would just stick with our Scriptures and quit watering down the messages contained in them for the sake of acceptance, we would at least regain some of our lost respect and dignity. It's not like the Church is making any friends by befriending the World and accepting the ways of the World. And this isn't about making friends anyway. It's about life, death, and consequences. The value of a few frail and conditional friendships pails in comparison.

I have to agree. But should we just lay down and take our lumps because of who we are?
I have to agree. But should we just lay down and take our lumps because of who we are?

Was Christ just laying down and taking His lumps when He was crucified? or was His pain and suffering necessary to fulfill a higher goal?

There is power in turning the other cheek. It's not immediately apparently, but there really is.
Given recent discussion today, I have to understand something from you all. People (mainly liberals) say that Christians are "ignorant", "intolerant" and "hateful" towards others who do not share their faith, or to those who are gay. Should the fact that Christians are some of the more charitable people in America be overlooked? As compared to those who make these claims, as compared to other religions, are Christians intolerant?

I have also heard those trying to say that Christians are trying to establish a theocracy in our government, are they?

Be forewarned, all votes are public.

Truth be told, the Christian Church is entirely too tolerant. If we would just stick with our Scriptures and quit watering down the messages contained in them for the sake of acceptance, we would at least regain some of our lost respect and dignity. It's not like the Church is making any friends by befriending the World and accepting the ways of the World. And this isn't about making friends anyway. It's about life, death, and consequences. The value of a few frail and conditional friendships pails in comparison.

It's difficult for sinners to keep living under the old covenant. You'll have to wait until your flesh dies before waking up to the new covenant that us saints understand.
I have to agree. But should we just lay down and take our lumps because of who we are?

Was Christ just laying down and taking His lumps when He was crucified? or was His pain and suffering necessary to fulfill a higher goal?

There is power in turning the other cheek. It's not immediately apparently, but there really is.

Most of the prophets and all us saints are killed for our testimonies of the invisible God and His plans for our future.

Revelation 6
9: When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne;
10: they cried out with a loud voice, "O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before thou wilt judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell upon the earth?"
11: Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.

Christians have no idea what this prophecy is about because most Christian leaders die with a good pension and lifestyle.
theword, you have every right to your beliefs, and I, for one, am very comfortable with my relationship with my Lord and Savior. I call Him "Lord", and he calls me by my first name. Hope you have a saving relationship with Him.
theword, you have every right to your beliefs, and I, for one, am very comfortable with my relationship with my Lord and Savior. I call Him "Lord", and he calls me by my first name. Hope you have a saving relationship with Him.

I don't have to hope anymore. I know you and every created being of the Lord's will awaken in the New Heaven and Earth and experience life forever.
Truth be told, the Christian Church is entirely too tolerant. If we would just stick with our Scriptures and quit watering down the messages contained in them....
Truth? "What is Truth?"

"Thus saith the Lord of Hosts...Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass."
---I Samuel 15


"Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you. Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek, offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak, forbid not to take thy coat also."
---Luke 6

Which scriptures are you going to "stick with" in not "watering down" your holy book?

Perhaps the reason the religious are so often addle-pated and irrational is because they are constantly trying to reconcile Commandments of God which are diametrically opposed and contradictory!!!

P.S. Note the "camel" in the first quote. It is an anachronism -- showing that the Book of Samuel was written long after the time claimed. Archaeology has shown that camels had not yet been domesticated in the time of Samuel -- and certainly had not been domesticated long before, in the time of the mythical Abraham!! Yet the Bible claims Abraham had camels!!
So much for the divine "infallibility" of the Bible! This absurdly venerated remnant of barbaric times was all too humanly written!!
Truth be told, the Christian Church is entirely too tolerant. If we would just stick with our Scriptures and quit watering down the messages contained in them....
Truth? "What is Truth?"

"Thus saith the Lord of Hosts...Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass."
---I Samuel 15


"Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you. Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek, offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak, forbid not to take thy coat also."
---Luke 6

Which scriptures are you going to "stick with" in not "watering down" your holy book?

Perhaps the reason the religious are so often addle-pated and irrational is because they are constantly trying to reconcile Commandments of God which are diametrically opposed and contradictory!!!

P.S. Note the "camel" in the first quote. It is an anachronism -- showing that the Book of Samuel was written long after the time claimed. Archaeology has shown that camels had not yet been domesticated in the time of Samuel -- and certainly had not been domesticated long before, in the time of the mythical Abraham!! Yet the Bible claims Abraham had camels!!
So much for the divine "infallibility" of the Bible! This absurdly venerated remnant of barbaric times was all too humanly written!!

After man got a hold of the scriptures and started changing the original writings by God's servant in the flesh of the prophets and saints, there is no Truth to be found in this world.

You'll have to wait until this world is destroyed to enjoy the Truth in the next age.
Compared to what, Templar?

Compared to Islam?

Compared to Atheists?

Compared to Jews?

Compared to -- What?

In an ideal world, one that never has, and never will exist, you can make a case for everything and anything being imperfect, flawed, intolerant or downright evil.

But you can't just ask a question without a basis of understanding.

Compared to what else exists in this world, NO.

Christians and Christianity are not intolerant.


Funny, the only time I heard atheists complain is when Christians force their religion on them.

It's unfortunate that you are so weak willed that you consider someone mentioning Christ as an assault on your person.

People that are controlled by satan do feel they're being assaulted......rdean probably covers his eyes whenever he drives by a church, the cross may burn him! Lol!

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