Are Christians intolerant?

Are Christians intolerant?

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Not a Christian. Not a Jew. Agnostic. Why is it Muslims delve into such dark realms of self sacrifice and suicide as a form of warfare to support their religious bigotry? Islam is intolerant. Christians don't do IEDs or create a underground network to destroy Muslims and crash planes into Mecca or Medina, do they? I have to say that for Christians don't do this NOW, just Muslims. I read about wise leaders like Salidin, but it seems Muslims have forgotten his wisdom or common sense.
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Not a Christian. Not a Jew. Agnostic. Why is it Muslims delve into such dark realms of self sacrifice and suicide as a form of warfare to support their religious bigotry? Islam is intolerant. Christians don't do IEDs or create a underground network to destroy Muslims and crash planes into Mecca or Medina, do they? I have to say that for Christians

No they just start wars.George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq' | World news | The Guardian

That's just example 1 of MANY
Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not saying just xtians are doing this but just refuting your claims...oh did you know that only 6% of the terror attacks last year were from Muslim Extremists? Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil | Washington's Blog
I believe true "Christians" are for the most part REALISTS. They believe in a heaven and want everyone to get there. They believe there is a hell and want no one to go there. They believe there are absolutes and eventual results for every action.
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.
I believe true "Christians" are for the most part REALISTS. They believe in a heaven and want everyone to get there. They believe there is a hell and want no one to go there. They believe there are absolutes and eventual results for every action.

Well.....that made absolutely no sense.
I believe true "Christians" are for the most part REALISTS. They believe in a heaven and want everyone to get there. They believe there is a hell and want no one to go there. They believe there are absolutes and eventual results for every action.

Well.....that made absolutely no sense.

Do you what people to go to hell? Do you want people to go to heaven? Perhaps it is a combination of Ideal and Reality. I believe heaven is a real place and the ideal is that everyone gets to go there. But the reality is that many people care only about themselves and the present. They need to at least be warned and encouraged.
There are Christians and then there is the evangelical movement that has taken over the Republican party in the last decade. Christians, if they are true to their core beliefs, are very tolerant. The far right evangelicals are not.

Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et. al ---- blatantly, openly intolerant of everything unless it's another evangelical nut case like them.

What planet do you people live on?

Just an FYI, if the evangelical movement had taken over the Republican party Romney would not have won the primary. Evangelicals consider Mormons to be a cult.

And intelligent thinking people consider fundies to be a cult. Actually, there's no doubt.

What No tee Party pleez said is true - The christian religion I was raised in was much more tolerant than the nutters we see now. Or, at least i think they were. Actually, seems like what I remember is the worst it got was little old ladies jealous of each other's hats. Nothing at all like robertson, falwell hatred and downright insanity.

The Christian religion you were raised in does not exist outside your head.
Not a Christian. Not a Jew. Agnostic. Why is it Muslims delve into such dark realms of self sacrifice and suicide as a form of warfare to support their religious bigotry? Islam is intolerant. Christians don't do IEDs or create a underground network to destroy Muslims and crash planes into Mecca or Medina, do they? I have to say that for Christians

No they just start wars.George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq' | World news | The Guardian

That's just example 1 of MANY
Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not saying just xtians are doing this but just refuting your claims...oh did you know that only 6% of the terror attacks last year were from Muslim Extremists? Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil | Washington's Blog

Yea, and God told Obama to finish them and to start another.

Oh wait, he is the messiah.
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I believe true "Christians" are for the most part REALISTS. They believe in a heaven and want everyone to get there. They believe there is a hell and want no one to go there. They believe there are absolutes and eventual results for every action.

Well.....that made absolutely no sense.

Do you what people to go to hell? Do you want people to go to heaven? Perhaps it is a combination of Ideal and Reality. I believe heaven is a real place and the ideal is that everyone gets to go there. But the reality is that many people care only about themselves and the present. They need to at least be warned and encouraged.

In other words, you think you know what's best for me....and you'd like to warn me and encourage me to believe, as you do, that "heaven" is a real place. What is more, the means to getting there are right there for me to see, but I am too dense....or see them.

Hey let's generalize like complete forking idiots about a class with over one BILLION people, shall we?
Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et. al ---- blatantly, openly intolerant of everything unless it's another evangelical nut case like them.
Evangelicals consider Mormons to be a cult.
Mormonism IS a heretical cult. Mormons are apostates. One item : they deny the fundamental doctrine of the Trinity.

What No tee Party pleez said is true - The christian religion I was raised in was much more tolerant than the nutters we see now. Or, at least i think they were. Actually, seems like what I remember is the worst it got was little old ladies jealous of each other's hats. Nothing at all like robertson, falwell hatred and downright insanity.
A small confirmation of what I wrote. If Christians do not strive for political power, they are harmless -- or, at least, relatively harmless.

When they scheme for political power, they quickly become satanic monsters -- or, at least, give willing support to satanic monsters.
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Everyone is intolerant. The question then becomes what are we intolerant of? And what do we do about that intolerance

Im intolerant of people lying to me. Im intolerant of violence against women. I'm intolerant people avoiding responsibility for their actions.

What I do in reaction is to speak out against such action.

God is intolerate of sin. He cannot look at sin with the least degree of allowance. Because of that He provided a Plan of Redemption so that we can overcome sin through Christ.

Intolerance is buzz word used by people who don't bother thinking and who want to pretend they are somehow better than others with no effort on their own part. It's an excuse they use to avoid speaking out against bad things.
I think that many social traditionalist evangelical and fundamentalist Christians, who make up a small minority of American Christianity, can be and are at times intolerant of other Americans and their beliefs.
It is a simple fact of history that for almost all of their sorry existence on this planet, Christians have been wickedly, monstrously, murderously intolerant.

In modern times, since most of the levers of political power have, with great difficulty, been wrenched from their fanatical claws, there are, indeed, Christians who are not intolerant, and against all the odds, some of them are even admirable.

But this would quickly change if they ever did regain their lost political power. It is in the nature of a fanatical creed, that vainly imagines that it has the only truth, to become corrupted, and all through history there has been no lack of evil scoundrels who have gained satanic power by manipulating the zealotry of an exclusive religion.

The only times in history that Christians have been Meek and Mild is when they have been politically powerless. Let them remain so, for the sake of their souls. There can be no doubt that power would, once again, release the demonic tendencies in their religion.
Really Gracie? Christ was put to DEATH for being intolerant despite his preaching WAS tolerance aka 'Turning the other cheek'?
And what does that have to do with the way his followers have actually behaved? "By their fruits ye shall know them"

Did you only recently learn the English language? You seem to have some difficulty understanding past and present tenses.

I clearly stated that when Christians do not inject their religion into politics, they can be admirable. And, in the past, whenever they possessed political power, they became monsters.

Islam, being another intolerant monotheistic religion, demonstrates the same repulsive tendencies as does Christianity. Due to the political backwardness in the Middle East, religion is still interwoven with politics, and Islam today displays the same evil tendencies as Christianity did a few short decades or centuries ago.

If and when Islam is divorced from politics, I would expect it to become as relatively benign as Christianity often is today.

However, if you go back a few short centuries, the present situation was quite reversed, and Islam was far more tolerant than the murderously barbaric Christians of Europe.

Though they suffered some legal disabilities, both Christians and Jews were accorded much more freedom and respect in the Islamic world than non-believers -- or even heretics -- experienced in the Christian West.

An instructive example is provided by the researches of the Moslem traveller and historian Ibn-Batuta. He travelled far more widely than anybody else in the mediaeval world (including Marco Polo) and was zealous in his researches. But he never visited the Christian West, because he knew the Europeans were savages who would surely kill him. Unlike the relative security Christians and Jews enjoyed in the Islamic world, any Moslem foolish enough to venture into the benighted realms of the Christians could only expect arrest, torture and execution. For centuries, the only Moslems who ever went to Europe, and lived to tell about it, were physicians, diplomats, businessmen and others who were protected by royal favor and patronage.
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