Are Christians intolerant?

Are Christians intolerant?

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So as compared to Islam how are we "monstrously intolerant" numan? They hate women and homosexuals with a vengeance, they have a particularly hateful stance against other faiths, kill those who convert, and etc.

So how are Christians intolerant?

The difference between Muslims and Christians when it comes to intolerance is opportunity. Read Numan's post again. Remove the Muslim faith from the government and education system in Iran.....and you will soon see a very tolerant Muslim faith in Iran. Add Christianity to ours....and watch the intolerance grow.

Get it?
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So as compared to Islam how are we "monstrously intolerant" numan? They hate women and homosexuals with a vengeance, they have a particularly hateful stance against other faiths, kill those who convert, and etc.

So how are Christians intolerant?

Indeed. The same Progressive 'LIBERALS' applaud ISLAM which IS intolerant. They have painted themselves into the proverbial corner, haven't they?
So as compared to Islam how are we "monstrously intolerant" numan? They hate women and homosexuals with a vengeance, they have a particularly hateful stance against other faiths, kill those who convert, and etc.

So how are Christians intolerant?

Indeed. The same Progressive 'LIBERALS' applaud ISLAM which IS intolerant. They have painted themselves into the proverbial corner, haven't they?

Quite the regular occurrence, T. ;)
So as compared to Islam how are we "monstrously intolerant" numan? They hate women and homosexuals with a vengeance, they have a particularly hateful stance against other faiths, kill those who convert, and etc.

So how are Christians intolerant?

Indeed. The same Progressive 'LIBERALS' applaud ISLAM which IS intolerant. They have painted themselves into the proverbial corner, haven't they?

Quite the regular occurrence, T. ;)

They have. CAIR comes to mind. CAIR is the first to squeal...
Indeed. The same Progressive 'LIBERALS' applaud ISLAM which IS intolerant. They have painted themselves into the proverbial corner, haven't they?

Quite the regular occurrence, T. ;)

They have. CAIR comes to mind. CAIR is the first to squeal...

Yes indeed. If in any way someone bashes Islam, they are the first to issue a fatwa.

(Google "fatwa" if you don't know what it is)
Some are.
Some are not.

Same can be said about just about any real or imagined group.

If you want to see real intolerance coupled with mind boggling ignorance, op should check out the nearest mirror. imo.
Some are.
Some are not.

Same can be said about just about any real or imagined group.

If you want to see real intolerance coupled with mind boggling ignorance, op should check out the nearest mirror. imo.

Says the one who just trolled my thread.

You should look in a mirror yourself. Scratch that, you'd turn yourself into stone.
There are Christians and then there is the evangelical movement that has taken over the Republican party in the last decade. Christians, if they are true to their core beliefs, are very tolerant. The far right evangelicals are not.

Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et. al ---- blatantly, openly intolerant of everything unless it's another evangelical nut case like them.

What planet do you people live on?

Just an FYI, if the evangelical movement had taken over the Republican party Romney would not have won the primary. Evangelicals consider Mormons to be a cult.
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Some are.
Some are not.

Same can be said about just about any real or imagined group.

If you want to see real intolerance coupled with mind boggling ignorance, op should check out the nearest mirror. imo.

Says the one who just trolled my thread.

You should look in a mirror yourself. Scratch that, you'd turn yourself into stone.

If you don't want opinions, don't ask. You're a crybaby in every single thing you post. Grow a pair.

Editedd to add - You offered only two choices, yes or no. Why would you think this question is that simple?
So as compared to Islam how are we "monstrously intolerant" numan? They hate women and homosexuals with a vengeance, they have a particularly hateful stance against other faiths, kill those who convert, and etc.

So how are Christians intolerant?

The difference between Muslims and Christians when it comes to intolerance is opportunity. Read Numan's post again. Remove the Muslim faith from the government and education system in Iran.....and you will soon see a very tolerant Muslim faith in Iran. Add Christianity to ours....and watch the intolerance grow.

Get it?

One problem with that theory, Turkey has a constitution that effectively guarantees a secular government, yet there is a lot of intolerance there toward non Muslims. On the other hand, Vatican City is a Catholic Nation, and they are pretty ecumenical in their outreach to Muslims. You might want to base your beliefs on reality sometime.
Some are.
Some are not.

Same can be said about just about any real or imagined group.

If you want to see real intolerance coupled with mind boggling ignorance, op should check out the nearest mirror. imo.

He probably won't see you in it, so I don't know how it will help him.
There are Christians and then there is the evangelical movement that has taken over the Republican party in the last decade. Christians, if they are true to their core beliefs, are very tolerant. The far right evangelicals are not.

Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et. al ---- blatantly, openly intolerant of everything unless it's another evangelical nut case like them.

What planet do you people live on?

Just an FYI, if the evangelical movement had taken over the Republican party Romney would not have won the primary. Evangelicals consider Mormons to be a cult.

And intelligent thinking people consider fundies to be a cult. Actually, there's no doubt.

What No tee Party pleez said is true - The christian religion I was raised in was much more tolerant than the nutters we see now. Or, at least i think they were. Actually, seems like what I remember is the worst it got was little old ladies jealous of each other's hats. Nothing at all like robertson, falwell hatred and downright insanity.
Some are.
Some are not.

Same can be said about just about any real or imagined group.

If you want to see real intolerance coupled with mind boggling ignorance, op should check out the nearest mirror. imo.

Says the one who just trolled my thread.

You should look in a mirror yourself. Scratch that, you'd turn yourself into stone.

If you don't want opinions, don't ask. You're a crybaby in every single thing you post. Grow a pair.

Editedd to add - You offered only two choices, yes or no. Why would you think this question is that simple?

Yes or no, with the chance to explain why here. Or did your pea brain not figure that out?

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