Are Christians intolerant?

Are Christians intolerant?

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I think most people are intolerant to people of other beliefs. It doesn't even have to have anything to do with religion. Also, how charitable a group is has nothing to do with it. I wouldn't call Christian's opposition to homosexuality hateful by any means. I have met a lot of Christians who treat homosexuals with the same amount of respect they would anybody else. I have met a lot of atheists who treat Christians with the same amount of respect they would anybody else. For the most part, people understand that not everybody is going to agree with them, or follow the same belief system as them. Due to the anonymity of the internet, some people tend to forget that.

As far as Christianity trying to establish a theocracy? Most people want to see a government that mirrors their beliefs. Some laws Christians push for may push the boundaries of separation of church and state, but I understand the reasoning behind it, even if I don't agree with them sometimes.

I think you got that backwards, most people are actually pretty tolerant of other people's beliefs, even if they believe exactly the opposite.
Compared to you?

I am only intolerant of an intolerable hateful deceitful harmful cult called christianity any sane person would do the same. I am certainly not hypocrite I mean what I say and say what I mean.

A cover. One cannot be intolerant of intolerance, and then be intolerant.

Thus 'Turn the other cheek'...Turn the other cheek means listen, and politely move on...stick to principles as set forth by Christ regardless of the consequence(s).
I think most people are intolerant to people of other beliefs. It doesn't even have to have anything to do with religion. Also, how charitable a group is has nothing to do with it. I wouldn't call Christian's opposition to homosexuality hateful by any means. I have met a lot of Christians who treat homosexuals with the same amount of respect they would anybody else. I have met a lot of atheists who treat Christians with the same amount of respect they would anybody else. For the most part, people understand that not everybody is going to agree with them, or follow the same belief system as them. Due to the anonymity of the internet, some people tend to forget that.

As far as Christianity trying to establish a theocracy? Most people want to see a government that mirrors their beliefs. Some laws Christians push for may push the boundaries of separation of church and state, but I understand the reasoning behind it, even if I don't agree with them sometimes.

I think you got that backwards, most people are actually pretty tolerant of other people's beliefs, even if they believe exactly the opposite.

I admit I did contradict myself in that post. Most people are tolerant of others. What I should have said was that most people aren't very understanding of other's beliefs. It seems a lot of people have a hard time seeing things from another viewpoint.
Given recent discussion today, I have to understand something from you all. People (mainly liberals) say that Christians are "ignorant", "intolerant" and "hateful" towards others who do not share their faith, or to those who are gay. Should the fact that Christians are some of the more charitable people in America be overlooked? As compared to those who make these claims, as compared to other religions, are Christians intolerant?

I have also heard those trying to say that Christians are trying to establish a theocracy in our government, are they?

Be forewarned, all votes are public.

Some are intolerant and some aren't.

It seems to depend on the individual and their interpretation of their religious beliefs.

The progressives are some of the least tolerant among us...

Methinks you're are wrong. Progressives support the rights of everyone, even rabid conservatives like you. What would a progressive do when faced with only RINO? It would be no fun to debate rational people with open minds willing to compromise.
I think most people are intolerant to people of other beliefs. It doesn't even have to have anything to do with religion. Also, how charitable a group is has nothing to do with it. I wouldn't call Christian's opposition to homosexuality hateful by any means. I have met a lot of Christians who treat homosexuals with the same amount of respect they would anybody else. I have met a lot of atheists who treat Christians with the same amount of respect they would anybody else. For the most part, people understand that not everybody is going to agree with them, or follow the same belief system as them. Due to the anonymity of the internet, some people tend to forget that.

As far as Christianity trying to establish a theocracy? Most people want to see a government that mirrors their beliefs. Some laws Christians push for may push the boundaries of separation of church and state, but I understand the reasoning behind it, even if I don't agree with them sometimes.

I think you got that backwards, most people are actually pretty tolerant of other people's beliefs, even if they believe exactly the opposite.

I admit I did contradict myself in that post. Most people are tolerant of others. What I should have said was that most people aren't very understanding of other's beliefs. It seems a lot of people have a hard time seeing things from another viewpoint.

Very true. Many are dead set and closed-minded and aren't willing to take the time to talk or at least look at counter arguments. Bad form in my view...but then again what is tolerance but to some asking a person to abandon his/her principles. A very difficult premise for most.
The progressives are some of the least tolerant among us...

Methinks you're are wrong. Progressives support the rights of everyone, even rabid conservatives like you. What would a progressive do when faced with only RINO? It would be no fun to debate rational people with open minds willing to compromise.

So then, why do you continually stereotype us Christians? Not all of us are as you claim. Support would imply you agree and therefore would not imply that conservatives and Christians are "rabid".
It is a simple fact of history that for almost all of their sorry existence on this planet, Christians have been wickedly, monstrously, murderously intolerant.

In modern times, since the most of the levers of political power have, with great difficulty, been wrenched from their fanatical claws, there are, indeed, Christians who are not intolerant, and against all the odds, some of them are even admirable.

But this would quickly change if they ever did regain their lost political power. It is in the nature of a fanatical creed, that vainly imagines that it has the only truth, to become corrupted, and all through history there has been no lack of evil scoundrels who have gained satanic power by manipulating the zealotry of an exclusive religion.

The only times in history that Christians have been Meek and Mild is when they have been politically powerless. Let them remain so, for the sake of their souls. There can be no doubt that power would, once again, release the demonic tendencies in their religion.
So as compared to Islam how are we "monstrously intolerant" numan? They hate women and homosexuals with a vengeance, they have a particularly hateful stance against other faiths, kill those who convert, and etc.

So how are Christians intolerant?
It is a simple fact of history that for almost all of their sorry existence on this planet, Christians have been wickedly, monstrously, murderously intolerant.

In modern times, since the most of the levers of political power have, with great difficulty, been wrenched from their fanatical claws, there are, indeed, Christians who are not intolerant, and against all the odds, some of them are even admirable.

But this would quickly change if they ever did regain their lost political power. It is in the nature of a fanatical creed, that vainly imagines that it has the only truth, to become corrupted, and all through history there has been no lack of evil scoundrels who have gained satanic power by manipulating the zealotry of an exclusive religion.

The only times in history that Christians have been Meek and Mild is when they have been politically powerless. Let them remain so, for the sake of their souls. There can be no doubt that power would, once again, release the demonic tendencies in their religion.

Really Gracie? Christ was put to DEATH for being intolerant despite his preaching WAS tolerance aka 'Turning the other cheek'?

YOU know NOT his teachibngs NOR Christians, sir...
Given recent discussion today, I have to understand something from you all. People (mainly liberals) say that Christians are "ignorant", "intolerant" and "hateful" towards others who do not share their faith, or to those who are gay. Should the fact that Christians are some of the more charitable people in America be overlooked? As compared to those who make these claims, as compared to other religions, are Christians intolerant?

I have also heard those trying to say that Christians are trying to establish a theocracy in our government, are they?

Be forewarned, all votes are public.

As with any group, some people are intolerant and some are not. Christians are not some monolithic block who all think and act alike. Some congregations are extremely intolerant in their views - like the Westboro Baptist Church. Other churches are tolerant and accepting of gays.

Christians go all across the political spectrum. One doesn't have to be a right wing conservative to be a Christian.

Only a very small minority of Christians would want to establish any kind of theocracy in the US.
Given recent discussion today, I have to understand something from you all. People (mainly liberals) say that Christians are "ignorant", "intolerant" and "hateful" towards others who do not share their faith, or to those who are gay. Should the fact that Christians are some of the more charitable people in America be overlooked? As compared to those who make these claims, as compared to other religions, are Christians intolerant?

I have also heard those trying to say that Christians are trying to establish a theocracy in our government, are they?

Be forewarned, all votes are public.

I would say that the most intolerant are the ones who blame everyone around as being hateful, ignorant and so on.

Christians as any group are generally very diverse in their views on anything.
Most are plain indifferent, as most people are :)
I think most people are intolerant to people of other beliefs. It doesn't even have to have anything to do with religion. Also, how charitable a group is has nothing to do with it. I wouldn't call Christian's opposition to homosexuality hateful by any means. I have met a lot of Christians who treat homosexuals with the same amount of respect they would anybody else. I have met a lot of atheists who treat Christians with the same amount of respect they would anybody else. For the most part, people understand that not everybody is going to agree with them, or follow the same belief system as them. Due to the anonymity of the internet, some people tend to forget that.

As far as Christianity trying to establish a theocracy? Most people want to see a government that mirrors their beliefs. Some laws Christians push for may push the boundaries of separation of church and state, but I understand the reasoning behind it, even if I don't agree with them sometimes.

I think you got that backwards, most people are actually pretty tolerant of other people's beliefs, even if they believe exactly the opposite.

I admit I did contradict myself in that post. Most people are tolerant of others. What I should have said was that most people aren't very understanding of other's beliefs. It seems a lot of people have a hard time seeing things from another viewpoint.

I could go along with that one, seeing other points of view can be really hard.
Matthew 5:43-47

Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in Heaven: for He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? Do not even the publicans the same? 47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? Do not even the publicans so?
It is a simple fact of history that for almost all of their sorry existence on this planet, Christians have been wickedly, monstrously, murderously intolerant.

In modern times, since the most of the levers of political power have, with great difficulty, been wrenched from their fanatical claws, there are, indeed, Christians who are not intolerant, and against all the odds, some of them are even admirable.

But this would quickly change if they ever did regain their lost political power. It is in the nature of a fanatical creed, that vainly imagines that it has the only truth, to become corrupted, and all through history there has been no lack of evil scoundrels who have gained satanic power by manipulating the zealotry of an exclusive religion.

The only times in history that Christians have been Meek and Mild is when they have been politically powerless. Let them remain so, for the sake of their souls. There can be no doubt that power would, once again, release the demonic tendencies in their religion.

Really Gracie? Christ was put to DEATH for being intolerant despite his preaching WAS tolerance aka 'Turning the other cheek'?

YOU know NOT his teachibngs NOR Christians, sir...

The progressives are some of the least tolerant among us...

Methinks you're are wrong. Progressives support the rights of everyone, even rabid conservatives like you. What would a progressive do when faced with only RINO? It would be no fun to debate rational people with open minds willing to compromise.

You are completely wrong. Progressives do not care about rights nearly as much as they care about building a society that produces equal results. The fact that doing this will completely roll over the rights of every single person is irrelevent, because, in the end, everything will be perfect.
It is a simple fact of history that for almost all of their sorry existence on this planet, Christians have been wickedly, monstrously, murderously intolerant.

In modern times, since the most of the levers of political power have, with great difficulty, been wrenched from their fanatical claws, there are, indeed, Christians who are not intolerant, and against all the odds, some of them are even admirable.

But this would quickly change if they ever did regain their lost political power. It is in the nature of a fanatical creed, that vainly imagines that it has the only truth, to become corrupted, and all through history there has been no lack of evil scoundrels who have gained satanic power by manipulating the zealotry of an exclusive religion.

The only times in history that Christians have been Meek and Mild is when they have been politically powerless. Let them remain so, for the sake of their souls. There can be no doubt that power would, once again, release the demonic tendencies in their religion.

What did Christ mean render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, Render unto GOD, what is God's? Have an answer for this? genius?
There are Christians and then there is the evangelical movement that has taken over the Republican party in the last decade. Christians, if they are true to their core beliefs, are very tolerant. The far right evangelicals are not.

Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et. al ---- blatantly, openly intolerant of everything unless it's another evangelical nut case like them.
The progressives are some of the least tolerant among us...

Methinks you're are wrong. Progressives support the rights of everyone, even rabid conservatives like you. What would a progressive do when faced with only RINO? It would be no fun to debate rational people with open minds willing to compromise.

You are completely wrong. Progressives do not care about rights nearly as much as they care about building a society that produces equal results. The fact that doing this will completely roll over the rights of every single person is irrelevent, because, in the end, everything will be perfect.

Indeed. ALL Men are created equal to carry out their whims, their dreams...GOD never promised ALL would be successful.

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