Are Christians intolerant?

Are Christians intolerant?

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That is enough! I don't know what book you are reading out of there, wordie, but it isn't the bible. Caroljo is a beautiful christian and is 100% biblically based correct on her posts. You are way out in left field here and I knew it from the first day you showed up here. Since then I have not bothered to read your Threads ( nor have I responded to one) as clearly you are a not a christian and have come to twist the scriptures, mislead others and create confusion which is what the devils kids love to do.

You need to chill.


He picks and chooses what to believe from the Bible.

No he isn't Christian. He does claim to be Christ though.
I have to agree. But should we just lay down and take our lumps because of who we are?

Was Christ just laying down and taking His lumps when He was crucified? or was His pain and suffering necessary to fulfill a higher goal?

There is power in turning the other cheek. It's not immediately apparently, but there really is.


what you are saying, is that we should turn the other cheek, and not resist, just as Stephen did when he was stoned to death for preaching the gospel? Complete and utter submission?

Depends on what the Spirit says. Though I think we should lean towards turning the other cheek until the Lord says otherwise.
theword, you have every right to your beliefs, and I, for one, am very comfortable with my relationship with my Lord and Savior. I call Him "Lord", and he calls me by my first name. Hope you have a saving relationship with Him.

I don't have to hope anymore. I know you and every created being of the Lord's will awaken in the New Heaven and Earth and experience life forever.

What does the Bible mean by A New Heavens And A New Earth? for anyone who is interested in from where theword is coming.

Are you of the supposed inner circle of "saints" that have to announce "I am the equal of God and I renounce Him. I am the judge of right and wrong of beauty?" If so, then never respond to me again.
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Was Christ just laying down and taking His lumps when He was crucified? or was His pain and suffering necessary to fulfill a higher goal?

There is power in turning the other cheek. It's not immediately apparently, but there really is.


what you are saying, is that we should turn the other cheek, and not resist, just as Stephen did when he was stoned to death for preaching the gospel? Complete and utter submission?

Depends on what the Spirit says. Though I think we should lean towards turning the other cheek until the Lord says otherwise.

So we should wait for God to tell us what to do? Normally I ask for guidance in what I do, but I do not rely on God completely to do things for me simply because of what it says in James 2:14-26. As for waiting for him to say otherwise, I know what is said in Matthew 16:1-4.

So where does the Bible say not to defend our faith? If we look in 1 Peter 3:15 and Jude 1:3 we are called up to contend for the faith, but with gentleness and respect. I am aware of what Matthew 5:10 says, but I need to know, where in the Bible does it tell us to lay flat on our backs and take the abuse?
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what you are saying, is that we should turn the other cheek, and not resist, just as Stephen did when he was stoned to death for preaching the gospel? Complete and utter submission?

Depends on what the Spirit says. Though I think we should lean towards turning the other cheek until the Lord says otherwise.

So we should wait for God to tell us what to do? Normally I ask for guidance in what I do, but I do not rely on God completely to do things for me simply because of what it says in James 2:14-26. As for waiting for him to say otherwise, I know what is said in Matthew 16:1-4.

So where does the Bible say not to defend our faith? If we look in 1 Peter 3:15 and Jude 1:3 we are called up to contend for the faith, but with gentleness and respect. I need to know, where in the Bible does it tell us to lay flat on our backs and take the abuse?

Are you contending with violence?
Depends on what the Spirit says. Though I think we should lean towards turning the other cheek until the Lord says otherwise.

So we should wait for God to tell us what to do? Normally I ask for guidance in what I do, but I do not rely on God completely to do things for me simply because of what it says in James 2:14-26. As for waiting for him to say otherwise, I know what is said in Matthew 16:1-4.

So where does the Bible say not to defend our faith? If we look in 1 Peter 3:15 and Jude 1:3 we are called up to contend for the faith, but with gentleness and respect. I need to know, where in the Bible does it tell us to lay flat on our backs and take the abuse?

Are you contending with violence?

No. Jesus called down one of his disciples for cutting off Malchus's ear after he was betrayed by Judas. I do not contend with violence. But complete and utter submission to those that persecute you seems... unrealistic..
That is enough! I don't know what book you are reading out of there, wordie, but it isn't the bible. Caroljo is a beautiful christian and is 100% biblically based correct on her posts. You are way out in left field here and I knew it from the first day you showed up here. Since then I have not bothered to read your Threads ( nor have I responded to one) as clearly you are a not a christian and have come to twist the scriptures, mislead others and create confusion which is what the devils kids love to do.

You need to chill.


He picks and chooses what to believe from the Bible.

No he isn't Christian. He does claim to be Christ though.

He claims to be a Saint....and he says the Bible is not true any longer since the "romans" changed it all. But yet he'll keep quoting from it! I don't know why I haven't put him on ignore yet, just a glutton for punishment I guess! Lol!

I couldn't ask for a better exemplification of Christianity than the people on this thread!! · :cuckoo: · ·


theword, you have every right to your beliefs, and I, for one, am very comfortable with my relationship with my Lord and Savior. I call Him "Lord", and he calls me by my first name. Hope you have a saving relationship with Him.

I don't have to hope anymore. I know you and every created being of the Lord's will awaken in the New Heaven and Earth and experience life forever.

What does the Bible mean by A New Heavens And A New Earth? for anyone who is interested in from where theword is coming.

Are you of the supposed inner circle of "saints" that have to announce "I am the equal of God and I renounce Him. I am the judge of right and wrong of beauty?" If so, then never respond to me again.

He DOES believe he's in that inner circle, and all the rest of us tell lies and are complete sinners. But it won't matter that you tell him not to respond to you again, I've already tried that. He's a basket case.......
Was Christ just laying down and taking His lumps when He was crucified? or was His pain and suffering necessary to fulfill a higher goal?

There is power in turning the other cheek. It's not immediately apparently, but there really is.


what you are saying, is that we should turn the other cheek, and not resist, just as Stephen did when he was stoned to death for preaching the gospel? Complete and utter submission?

Depends on what the Spirit says. Though I think we should lean towards turning the other cheek until the Lord says otherwise.

At the time a slap on the cheek was the way a slave was treated. To slap another person that was not a slave was perceived as an insult and not an act of violence that people sought compensation for from the court. Aside from that Jesus is appealing to a legal code which specifies an eye for an eye, limb for limb tooth for tooth where a slap on the cheek is way below the listed offences and not even mentioned.

It is not a teaching that Christians should not defend themselves or even retaliate against violence. Its a teaching about not getting all bent out of shape over an insult.
That is enough! I don't know what book you are reading out of there, wordie, but it isn't the bible. Caroljo is a beautiful christian and is 100% biblically based correct on her posts. You are way out in left field here and I knew it from the first day you showed up here. Since then I have not bothered to read your Threads ( nor have I responded to one) as clearly you are a not a christian and have come to twist the scriptures, mislead others and create confusion which is what the devils kids love to do.

You need to chill.


No saints were Christians. Saints are sinless bodies that God uses to reveal His knowledge without deception (Christ). Christians are sinners and all sinners are liars who pretend to be saints by reading the new testament that the Roman religious leaders produced but only after they killed all the true saints.

However, they didn't know another saint would exist 1700 years later to tell the story of how they killed the other saints before starting Christianity to deceive the early believers into their false religion and teach them religious lies.

Communion, water baptism, tithes, triune god, hell belief, church buildings, gifts of the spirit, golden altars, etc. are all religious ideas that came out of the "beast". These have nothing to do with the Truth, who is invisible and will never be seen by the flesh of man.
You don't know very many Christians do you?

Every Christian is a liar and hypocrite. We saints understand God's plan of deception very well.

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob doesn't hae a plan of deception. Only a plan of Redemption and happiness.

The Pharisees thought the same thing but when God's first saint came around preaching the true gospel, the Pharisees rejected his teachings from "Christ". Just like you religious Christians are rejecting the true gospel in this forum.

Christian happiness comes with deception. They become unhappy the minute they face the true gospel that reveals their false religion and religious ideas. This is when their love doesn't shine anymore and they become jealous and angry. This anger is needed by God to get rid of his last saint, which happens to be me. When I'm killed 1 1/2 years from now, it will end the 1,000 year reign of Christ, then the Last Day will come with total destruction of this world.

All of Christianity will be destroyed, never again to be used by God to deceive His people. In fact, no religion will exist in the new age to come. We will all be obedient to the laws of God forever and ever.

You see how this religion of yours turns people into nut cases?

"By their fruits ye shall know them."


You see how this religion of yours turns people into nut cases?

"By their fruits ye shall know them."


Or atheist nutcases like Stalin and Hitler who turned away from God.
Those are fallacious examples. While one of the poster children for megalomania, Stalin furthered a political ideology of socialism / communism. Atheism had nothing to do with his political motivations. I know of no case where Stalin spoke " god is not with me", as he ordered people to the firing squad.

Hitler and Nazism were deeply rooted in christianity with a bit of favoritism to the occult. Did you know the SS wore the inscription "Gott mit uns" on their belt buckles?

You see how this religion of yours turns people into nut cases?

"By their fruits ye shall know them."


Or atheist nutcases like Stalin and Hitler who turned away from God.
Those are fallacious examples. While one of the poster children for megalomania, Stalin furthered a political ideology of socialism / communism. Atheism had nothing to do with his political motivations. I know of no case where Stalin spoke " god is not with me", as he ordered people to the firing squad.

Hitler and Nazism were deeply rooted in christianity with a bit of favoritism to the occult. Did you know the SS wore the inscription "Gott mit uns" on their belt buckles?

You truly do not know your Hitler and Stalin, who as adults turned to atheism and perverted Christian symbology for their evil ends. Hollie, you are no expert on the men or their philosophies.

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