Are Christians intolerant?

Are Christians intolerant?

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Funny, the only time I heard atheists complain is when Christians force their religion on them.

It's unfortunate that you are so weak willed that you consider someone mentioning Christ as an assault on your person.

People that are controlled by satan do feel they're being assaulted......rdean probably covers his eyes whenever he drives by a church, the cross may burn him! Lol!

The crucifix has deceived every single Christian since the Roman religious leaders added this lie to their new testament.

God's plan is for the salvation of all His created people (Israel).
I voted yes for one reason. The majority of Christians that I have met were very intolerant to ME for not following THEIR chosen path. I have my own (path) and it leads to the same Being. I just choose to take a different route. For that, I have been ostracized and condemned that I am on the road to hell instead of the road to Christ.

So just from my own experience? Yes.

It's too bad that the only Christians you've met are this way....I'm Christian, but I would never say that ALL Christians come across the right way to people. There are many that are so pushy and they don't see that they're only pushing people AWAY from the faith. My best friend is FAR from being a Christian, and we understand eachother very well. Heck, there's Christians that I don't even like to be around!! Every religion has their bad apples, Christianity isn't exemp from that. We have a few on this board that are a complete embarassment to real big problem is, many of the non-believers here then take it out on ALL of us just because of a few. I've never in my life told someone they were going to hell .... that's between them and God, I don't make that choice for them. I think when we get to heaven, we're going to see people that that are going to put us in shock that they actually made it!! Lol! Ya never know!!! :)
Yes VERY and hypocritical.

You don't know very many Christians do you?

Every Christian is a liar and hypocrite. We saints understand God's plan of deception very well.

Hey....why don't you take your holier than thou crap and move along? I'm tired of you calling Christians liars in just about every one of your posts. You are NOT who you think you are, and I think you better go get some help.
There are Christians and then there is the evangelical movement that has taken over the Republican party in the last decade. Christians, if they are true to their core beliefs, are very tolerant. The far right evangelicals are not.

Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et. al ---- blatantly, openly intolerant of everything unless it's another evangelical nut case like them.

Robertston & Falwell ARE complete NUT jobs! It's embarassing sometimes what comes out of their mouths, and there are people out there that follow them :cuckoo:......
I'm "mostly" tolerant about everything, but because of my beliefs there are things I refuse to support. And I shouldn't be expected to support something just because someone else tells me I should. This is where I get the intolerance from non believers...
I voted yes for one reason. The majority of Christians that I have met were very intolerant to ME for not following THEIR chosen path. I have my own (path) and it leads to the same Being. I just choose to take a different route. For that, I have been ostracized and condemned that I am on the road to hell instead of the road to Christ.

So just from my own experience? Yes.

It's too bad that the only Christians you've met are this way....I'm Christian, but I would never say that ALL Christians come across the right way to people. There are many that are so pushy and they don't see that they're only pushing people AWAY from the faith. My best friend is FAR from being a Christian, and we understand eachother very well. Heck, there's Christians that I don't even like to be around!! Every religion has their bad apples, Christianity isn't exemp from that. We have a few on this board that are a complete embarassment to real big problem is, many of the non-believers here then take it out on ALL of us just because of a few. I've never in my life told someone they were going to hell .... that's between them and God, I don't make that choice for them. I think when we get to heaven, we're going to see people that that are going to put us in shock that they actually made it!! Lol! Ya never know!!! :)

A real Christian is nothing more than another sinner who exalts himself above another sinner. All sinners are liars who have never known the Truth.
You don't know very many Christians do you?

Every Christian is a liar and hypocrite. We saints understand God's plan of deception very well.

Hey....why don't you take your holier than thou crap and move along? I'm tired of you calling Christians liars in just about every one of your posts. You are NOT who you think you are, and I think you better go get some help.

Most Christian liars are not believers of the true gospel. Even atheists believe in the true gospel because God is not religious. He only created religion to deceive man from the Truth.

I can easily see you have no love of God within you.
Well.....that made absolutely no sense.

Do you what people to go to hell? Do you want people to go to heaven? Perhaps it is a combination of Ideal and Reality. I believe heaven is a real place and the ideal is that everyone gets to go there. But the reality is that many people care only about themselves and the present. They need to at least be warned and encouraged.

In other words, you think you know what's best for me....and you'd like to warn me and encourage me to believe, as you do, that "heaven" is a real place. What is more, the means to getting there are right there for me to see, but I am too dense....or see them.


Very good! You get an A+ !!
I voted yes for one reason. The majority of Christians that I have met were very intolerant to ME for not following THEIR chosen path. I have my own (path) and it leads to the same Being. I just choose to take a different route. For that, I have been ostracized and condemned that I am on the road to hell instead of the road to Christ.

So just from my own experience? Yes.

It's too bad that the only Christians you've met are this way....I'm Christian, but I would never say that ALL Christians come across the right way to people. There are many that are so pushy and they don't see that they're only pushing people AWAY from the faith. My best friend is FAR from being a Christian, and we understand eachother very well. Heck, there's Christians that I don't even like to be around!! Every religion has their bad apples, Christianity isn't exemp from that. We have a few on this board that are a complete embarassment to real big problem is, many of the non-believers here then take it out on ALL of us just because of a few. I've never in my life told someone they were going to hell .... that's between them and God, I don't make that choice for them. I think when we get to heaven, we're going to see people that that are going to put us in shock that they actually made it!! Lol! Ya never know!!! :)

A real Christian is nothing more than another sinner who exalts himself above another sinner. All sinners are liars who have never known the Truth.

Are you stalking me or something? I told you earlier to just go away.....or at least stop commenting on my posts. I have only 2 people on my ignore list....I think there will be a 3rd one very soon.....
There are Christians and then there is the evangelical movement that has taken over the Republican party in the last decade. Christians, if they are true to their core beliefs, are very tolerant. The far right evangelicals are not.

Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et. al ---- blatantly, openly intolerant of everything unless it's another evangelical nut case like them.

Robertston & Falwell ARE complete NUT jobs! It's embarassing sometimes what comes out of their mouths, and there are people out there that follow them :cuckoo:......
I'm "mostly" tolerant about everything, but because of my beliefs there are things I refuse to support. And I shouldn't be expected to support something just because someone else tells me I should. This is where I get the intolerance from non believers...

Your beliefs become the little god you have put in a box and this is why you can't think outside that box. All Christians are stuck in little boxes where their false gods are stored.

The true God created these little boxes for you Christians to keep you from His knowledge (Christ).
It's too bad that the only Christians you've met are this way....I'm Christian, but I would never say that ALL Christians come across the right way to people. There are many that are so pushy and they don't see that they're only pushing people AWAY from the faith. My best friend is FAR from being a Christian, and we understand eachother very well. Heck, there's Christians that I don't even like to be around!! Every religion has their bad apples, Christianity isn't exemp from that. We have a few on this board that are a complete embarassment to real big problem is, many of the non-believers here then take it out on ALL of us just because of a few. I've never in my life told someone they were going to hell .... that's between them and God, I don't make that choice for them. I think when we get to heaven, we're going to see people that that are going to put us in shock that they actually made it!! Lol! Ya never know!!! :)

A real Christian is nothing more than another sinner who exalts himself above another sinner. All sinners are liars who have never known the Truth.

Are you stalking me or something? I told you earlier to just go away.....or at least stop commenting on my posts. I have only 2 people on my ignore list....I think there will be a 3rd one very soon.....

I don't stalk anyone. You're the one who came to me with your false accusations about the written testimonies from our Creator that I've placed in this forum.

You're an unbeliever who exalts yourself above other sinners and that goes against God's commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor". This makes you a proven sinner who has no knowledge of "Christ".
Are Christians intolerant?

ask the gays

We tolerate gays....we just don't support them. Why should we be expected to give them everything they want if we don't believe in it? Just like we wouldn't expect you to support us since you don't believe in what we believe. What's the difference? Why are you so intolerant of us?
A real Christian is nothing more than another sinner who exalts himself above another sinner. All sinners are liars who have never known the Truth.

Are you stalking me or something? I told you earlier to just go away.....or at least stop commenting on my posts. I have only 2 people on my ignore list....I think there will be a 3rd one very soon.....

I don't stalk anyone. You're the one who came to me with your false accusations about the written testimonies from our Creator that I've placed in this forum.

You're an unbeliever who exalts yourself above other sinners and that goes against God's commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor". This makes you a proven sinner who has no knowledge of "Christ".

I came to YOU? When? Where? You call me an unbeliever? And now you're calling me a liar....I think it's way past time for your meds dear. Oh, and I think your cult is calling you, you better leave now....
Are Christians intolerant?

ask the gays

We tolerate gays....we just don't support them. Why should we be expected to give them everything they want if we don't believe in it? Just like we wouldn't expect you to support us since you don't believe in what we believe. What's the difference? Why are you so intolerant of us?

God created gays, murderers, thieves, priests, pastors, accidents, church buildings, and everything else that you see in this world as a delusion so He and His knowledge (Christ) would be hidden from His people. Particularly you Christians who exalt yourselves above all other sinners in this world, even amongst your Christian bretheren you exalt yourselves. That's God's sense of humor for you.
Are you stalking me or something? I told you earlier to just go away.....or at least stop commenting on my posts. I have only 2 people on my ignore list....I think there will be a 3rd one very soon.....

I don't stalk anyone. You're the one who came to me with your false accusations about the written testimonies from our Creator that I've placed in this forum.

You're an unbeliever who exalts yourself above other sinners and that goes against God's commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor". This makes you a proven sinner who has no knowledge of "Christ".

I came to YOU? When? Where? You call me an unbeliever? And now you're calling me a liar....I think it's way past time for your meds dear. Oh, and I think your cult is calling you, you better leave now....

Not only are you a liar and unbeliever. You're one of God's created righteous beings who will live forever after your wicked flesh is killed during this age.
That is enough! I don't know what book you are reading out of there, wordie, but it isn't the bible. Caroljo is a beautiful christian and is 100% biblically based correct on her posts. You are way out in left field here and I knew it from the first day you showed up here. Since then I have not bothered to read your Threads ( nor have I responded to one) as clearly you are a not a christian and have come to twist the scriptures, mislead others and create confusion which is what the devils kids love to do.

You need to chill.

The OP poses a terrible question. You may as well ask "Are PEOPLE intolerant?" Some are, and some aren't.

I guess the real question is if Christian individuals tend to be intolerant. In comparison to whom? People of other religions? Atheists? All non-Christians in general?

Shit question. But then again, just asking the question as presented suggests that the asker has an agenda. I wonder what that might be?
I have to agree. But should we just lay down and take our lumps because of who we are?

Was Christ just laying down and taking His lumps when He was crucified? or was His pain and suffering necessary to fulfill a higher goal?

There is power in turning the other cheek. It's not immediately apparently, but there really is.


what you are saying, is that we should turn the other cheek, and not resist, just as Stephen did when he was stoned to death for preaching the gospel? Complete and utter submission?

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