Are Christians intolerant?

Are Christians intolerant?

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Or atheist nutcases like Stalin and Hitler who turned away from God.
Those are fallacious examples. While one of the poster children for megalomania, Stalin furthered a political ideology of socialism / communism. Atheism had nothing to do with his political motivations. I know of no case where Stalin spoke " god is not with me", as he ordered people to the firing squad.

Hitler and Nazism were deeply rooted in christianity with a bit of favoritism to the occult. Did you know the SS wore the inscription "Gott mit uns" on their belt buckles?

You truly do not know your Hitler and Stalin, who as adults turned to atheism and perverted Christian symbology for their evil ends. Hollie, you are no expert on the men or their philosophies.
I'm expert enough to understand history. Do some research on your one regarding Hitler, the Nazi party and christianity.
Those are fallacious examples. While one of the poster children for megalomania, Stalin furthered a political ideology of socialism / communism. Atheism had nothing to do with his political motivations. I know of no case where Stalin spoke " god is not with me", as he ordered people to the firing squad.

Hitler and Nazism were deeply rooted in christianity with a bit of favoritism to the occult. Did you know the SS wore the inscription "Gott mit uns" on their belt buckles?

You truly do not know your Hitler and Stalin, who as adults turned to atheism and perverted Christian symbology for their evil ends. Hollie, you are no expert on the men or their philosophies.
I'm expert enough to understand history. Do some research on your one regarding Hitler, the Nazi party and christianity.

The problem with people who presume to be experts is they tend not to know what they are talking about.

I know alot, but I also realize there is a heck of alot I don't know. It's pride that will kill you.
Get it right, Christians are the victims of the modern version of the "separation/church/state" opined by a FDR appointment to the supreme court who was a KKK member who hated Catholics. Ignorant oafs who punch Christian preachers in the face for not supporting sodomy are the intolerant bigots.
Those are fallacious examples. While one of the poster children for megalomania, Stalin furthered a political ideology of socialism / communism. Atheism had nothing to do with his political motivations. I know of no case where Stalin spoke " god is not with me", as he ordered people to the firing squad.

Hitler and Nazism were deeply rooted in christianity with a bit of favoritism to the occult. Did you know the SS wore the inscription "Gott mit uns" on their belt buckles?

You truly do not know your Hitler and Stalin, who as adults turned to atheism and perverted Christian symbology for their evil ends. Hollie, you are no expert on the men or their philosophies.
I'm expert enough to understand history. Do some research on your one regarding Hitler, the Nazi party and christianity.

Yes, that is exactly what you need to do, Hollie: good self advice.

You see how this religion of yours turns people into nut cases?

"By their fruits ye shall know them."


I have not come to bring peace but a sword. Matthew 10:34

From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations. revelation 19:15

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them. Jeremiah 25:15
Those are fallacious examples. While one of the poster children for megalomania, Stalin furthered a political ideology of socialism / communism. Atheism had nothing to do with his political motivations. I know of no case where Stalin spoke " god is not with me", as he ordered people to the firing squad.

Hitler and Nazism were deeply rooted in christianity with a bit of favoritism to the occult. Did you know the SS wore the inscription "Gott mit uns" on their belt buckles?

You truly do not know your Hitler and Stalin, who as adults turned to atheism and perverted Christian symbology for their evil ends. Hollie, you are no expert on the men or their philosophies.
I'm expert enough to understand history. Do some research on your one regarding Hitler, the Nazi party and christianity.

They may have had those words on their belt buckles, but they did not represent genuine biblical Christianity. Bonhoeffer did, and he tried to assasinate Hitler. And he was hung for it.
Hitler and the Nazis were deeply rooted in the occult. Their god was Woton. ( do I have spelling right?) Not the God of the bible. The very first thing Hitler had the Nazis do in classrooms throughout Germany was to remove the crucifix and replace it with a photograph of himself. He was their god. Get it?

Check out the dvd - Hitlers 3rd Reich and the Occult - as it has the actual footage of all the occult symbols - occult personalities they were working with including Aleister Crowley - satanist known as the beast. Neither Hitler nor the Nazis were christians. That's a myth.
Do people believe still believe Barbara Bush was Aleister Crowleys daughter or did that one ever get resolved?
You see how this religion of yours turns people into nut cases?

"By their fruits ye shall know them."
Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them. Jeremiah 25:15
Nice guys, eh? · · :cuckoo:

Is that what they did for relaxation when they weren't sending out armies to murder "men and women, children and infants" [I Samuel 15] and any puppies and kittens they might have had?

Yup, I agree faith believers are intolerant of those who don't think like them, the same as unbelievers are intolerant of those who don't think like them, as well.

It's human nature, podjos.
You truly do not know your Hitler and Stalin, who as adults turned to atheism and perverted Christian symbology for their evil ends. Hollie, you are no expert on the men or their philosophies.
I'm expert enough to understand history. Do some research on your one regarding Hitler, the Nazi party and christianity.

They may have had those words on their belt buckles, but they did not represent genuine biblical Christianity. Bonhoeffer did, and he tried to assasinate Hitler. And he was hung for it.

Dietrich Boenhoeffer was executed by firing squad but yes, he did represent genuine biblical christianity and was arrested by the nazis for trying to assassinate Hitler. Too bad he wasn't successful. It would have saved alot of lives.

- Jeri
Hitler and the Nazis were deeply rooted in the occult. Their god was Woton. ( do I have spelling right?) Not the God of the bible. The very first thing Hitler had the Nazis do in classrooms throughout Germany was to remove the crucifix and replace it with a photograph of himself. He was their god. Get it?

Check out the dvd - Hitlers 3rd Reich and the Occult - as it has the actual footage of all the occult symbols - occult personalities they were working with including Aleister Crowley - satanist known as the beast. Neither Hitler nor the Nazis were christians. That's a myth.

Hitler wanted to become a priest. Mein Kampf is filled with Christian references. All the Nazis and the Germans who supported them were Christian, well except for the Jews and Roma they were killing.

Onward Christian Soldier.
Of course Christians are intolerant!

Introduce some human sacrifice or devil worship to their normal practices and they go Ape-S##t crazy.

The babies of Greek Orthodox Christians.

Who Crusaders roasted and devoured during the Sacking of Constantinople.
Hitler and the Nazis were deeply rooted in the occult. Their god was Woton. ( do I have spelling right?) Not the God of the bible. The very first thing Hitler had the Nazis do in classrooms throughout Germany was to remove the crucifix and replace it with a photograph of himself. He was their god. Get it?

Check out the dvd - Hitlers 3rd Reich and the Occult - as it has the actual footage of all the occult symbols - occult personalities they were working with including Aleister Crowley - satanist known as the beast. Neither Hitler nor the Nazis were christians. That's a myth.

Hitler wanted to become a priest. Mein Kampf is filled with Christian references. All the Nazis and the Germans who supported them were Christian, well except for the Jews and Roma they were killing.

Onward Christian Soldier.

You obviously have never studied the history of Hitler and the Occult. There are dozens of good documentaries and books out there on the subject.

The best one I know of is put out by Eagle Media. The title is The Occult History of the Third Reich and it has over 3 hours of video footage original in which they document their belief system of arcane rituals and symbols such as swastika ( which Madame Blavatsky - occultist brought to Europe decades earlier ) using it as an amulet - Himmlers SS were part of that occult activity with their own holy book, and priestly elite ( which had nothing to do with Christianity) Racial purity was considered key in their combination of ancient legends and theories on genetic science.

There was not a trace of christianity to be found by either the nazis or Hitler. Any mention of it is a hidden agenda to blame to God for what actually was the work of satan therein nazi sympathisers continue to insist Hitler was a christian. He was not.

Hitler and Mussolini and Stalin et al were as nutty as atheists are today, just stark raving loony.
Hitler and the Nazis were deeply rooted in the occult. Their god was Woton. ( do I have spelling right?) Not the God of the bible. The very first thing Hitler had the Nazis do in classrooms throughout Germany was to remove the crucifix and replace it with a photograph of himself. He was their god. Get it?

Check out the dvd - Hitlers 3rd Reich and the Occult - as it has the actual footage of all the occult symbols - occult personalities they were working with including Aleister Crowley - satanist known as the beast. Neither Hitler nor the Nazis were christians. That's a myth.

Hitler wanted to become a priest. Mein Kampf is filled with Christian references. All the Nazis and the Germans who supported them were Christian, well except for the Jews and Roma they were killing.

Onward Christian Soldier.

You obviously have never studied the history of Hitler and the Occult. There are dozens of good documentaries and books out there on the subject.

The best one I know of is put out by Eagle Media. The title is The Occult History of the Third Reich and it has over 3 hours of video footage original in which they document their belief system of arcane rituals and symbols such as swastika ( which Madame Blavatsky - occultist brought to Europe decades earlier ) using it as an amulet - Himmlers SS were part of that occult activity with their own holy book, and priestly elite ( which had nothing to do with Christianity) Racial purity was considered key in their combination of ancient legends and theories on genetic science.

There was not a trace of christianity to be found by either the nazis or Hitler. Any mention of it is a hidden agenda to blame to God for what actually was the work of satan therein nazi sympathisers continue to insist Hitler was a christian. He was not.


Christianity was formed from the "beast" and "satan", also. Read Daniel and Revelation.
I'm expert enough to understand history. Do some research on your one regarding Hitler, the Nazi party and christianity.

They may have had those words on their belt buckles, but they did not represent genuine biblical Christianity. Bonhoeffer did, and he tried to assasinate Hitler. And he was hung for it.

Dietrich Boenhoeffer was executed by firing squad but yes, he did represent genuine biblical christianity and was arrested by the nazis for trying to assassinate Hitler. Too bad he wasn't successful. It would have saved alot of lives.

- Jeri

If you haven't already, I would recommend reading his book, the cost of discipleship.
I voted yes for one reason. The majority of Christians that I have met were very intolerant to ME for not following THEIR chosen path. I have my own (path) and it leads to the same Being. I just choose to take a different route. For that, I have been ostracized and condemned that I am on the road to hell instead of the road to Christ.

So just from my own experience? Yes.
Is it intolerance, or perceived on your part?

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