Are conservatives smarter than liberals?

Roadrunner, Katzngoz, Kosh, Stephanie -

Posting statements assuring us how intelligent you all are and how stupid everyone else is would seem to go a long way towards establishing my point.

Beyond vague insults and claims to startling insight and intelligence - do any of you ever actually have anything of substance to say?

Do you not think that maybe posting intelligent comments might provide better evidence of actual intelligence?
Let's see.

I have two BA's and a Masters from the University of Texas at Austin, score 98th percentile on the NTE when I took it, taught successfully for 25 years, and retired at 55.

That convinces me I am smarter than the average Dem.

What were your degrees in, what did you teach and at what level?

Your turn now.

I have a BA from the State University of New York. My major was also History with a minor in International Studies. That led me to do a year abroad in Japan. My first "real" job was in the export department of a Japanese manufacturer of industrial tooling. Been in sales ever since.

Im a perfect example of how a higher education can broaden ones horizons. My career has nothing to do with my major.
Was there a demand for pet rocks or hula hoops?
Yet they created jobs.

Was there a demand for pet rocks and hula hoops you ask. Probably not. But there was an existing demand for entertainment for kids and young adults. And there already was marketing to create demand. And there has always been "fads". And it was all very short lived.

And some people made good money from filling the demand for hula hoops and pet rocks. After they had determined that they could sell the damned things. Then the demand eventually dropped as other forms of entertainment became more preferable. Then those jobs went away.

Now you can buy a pet rock at a garage sale. And I have some as well if you need any. Reasonable price too.
All of my nieces, and my sister in law, had pet rocks.

They all voted for Obama later in life.

Hula hoops had a purpose, they made exercise fun.

My GF still has one and uses it.

I will not describe how hot she looks while exercising with it.
Kosh -

There really are no "far left" posters on this board that I have seen, which is why I never understand your obsession with them, but I do agree with you that probably many liberal posters don't understand conservatism as well as they should do, and visa versa.

The terms 'Liberal' and 'far left' have very, very little in common, btw. They are closer to being opposites than synonyms; hence your posts are often rendered meaningless when you confuse the two.

And that proves how far to the left you are as I pointed out when you first started spouting that you were "right wing"..

Now the far left wants to lecture others on how the far left are not "liberals". A point that has been known for a very long time. Just that the far left hijacked that term to hide themselves like the OP has..

Please point out where I have confused those terms!

Good luck!
Why do you always say 'far left'?

Are you 'far right'?

Are you the god of American politics?

Do you keep your labels in a drawer?

More proof that the far left will not even admit who and what they are! Many far left posters like this prove that they are cowards and trying to pretend to be something they are not.

Of course if you were really interested in such "labels" you would nail the far left OP from a far left European country with such non-sense..

I went to Japan a few times when I was a Merchant Marine.

I'd slit my wrists before I'd go back to any port city in Asia.
Roadrunner, Katzngoz, Kosh, Stephanie -

Posting statements assuring us how intelligent you all are and how stupid everyone else is would seem to go a long way towards establishing my point.

Beyond vague insults and claims to startling insight and intelligence - do any of you ever actually have anything of substance to say?

Do you not think that maybe posting intelligent comments might provide better evidence of actual intelligence?
Let's see.

I have two BA's and a Masters from the University of Texas at Austin, score 98th percentile on the NTE when I took it, taught successfully for 25 years, and retired at 55.

That convinces me I am smarter than the average Dem.

What were your degrees in, what did you teach and at what level?

Your turn now.

I have a BA from the State University of New York. My major was also History with a minor in International Studies. That led me to do a year abroad in Japan. My first "real" job was in the export department of a Japanese manufacturer of industrial tooling. Been in sales ever since.

Im a perfect example of how a higher education can broaden ones horizons. My career has nothing to do with my major.

You are perfect example of how education matters little to the far left religion..

Maybe you should ask for a refund since you just follow the far left programming..
Roadrunner, Katzngoz, Kosh, Stephanie -

Posting statements assuring us how intelligent you all are and how stupid everyone else is would seem to go a long way towards establishing my point.

Beyond vague insults and claims to startling insight and intelligence - do any of you ever actually have anything of substance to say?

Do you not think that maybe posting intelligent comments might provide better evidence of actual intelligence?
Let's see.

I have two BA's and a Masters from the University of Texas at Austin, score 98th percentile on the NTE when I took it, taught successfully for 25 years, and retired at 55.

That convinces me I am smarter than the average Dem.

Texas? :laugh2::laugh2::lol::lmao::rofl:
I won't even bother with defending an institution that stands on its own reputation.

Where did you get your degrees, and what is your career?

State University of NY Stoneybrook.. Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering

NYU..Masters from the school of Engineering

Now, Semi retired Engineer

The Texas Legislative Study Group released its 2013 “Texas on the Brink” report at the end of last week. The report is an annual study to determine Texas’ rankings among the 50 states and the District of Columbia on health care, education, and the environment.

How’s Texas doing? Not so great: The state ranks 50th in percentage of high school graduates

Texas on the Brink We Can Do Better
Roadrunner, Katzngoz, Kosh, Stephanie -

Posting statements assuring us how intelligent you all are and how stupid everyone else is would seem to go a long way towards establishing my point.

Beyond vague insults and claims to startling insight and intelligence - do any of you ever actually have anything of substance to say?

Do you not think that maybe posting intelligent comments might provide better evidence of actual intelligence?
Let's see.

I have two BA's and a Masters from the University of Texas at Austin, score 98th percentile on the NTE when I took it, taught successfully for 25 years, and retired at 55.

That convinces me I am smarter than the average Dem.

What were your degrees in, what did you teach and at what level?
BA's in History and English, Masters in History; I taught damned near everything except math when I was teaching 6-12 in small rural schools, and I taught World and American history at a college, but, did not like working with college kids as much as working with the younger kids.

I'm going to pay more attention to what you have to say, then. I'm wondering how someone who actually studied and taught History can be so dedicated to the GOP's stated objectives for this land. someone with so much education can be so enthralled by the term "Gubercrats". It just doesn't make sense to me.
If I said "Gubercrats" I dropped an R due to sticky keys.

Gruber pretty well re-defined dems as Grubercrats.

The truth hurts; he wasn't talking about conservatives that opposed the dems, he was talking about the dem party masses.

He's one guy who doesn't speak for anyone but himself. You have hopped on the bandwagon without seeing who is steering the thing. The Democratic Party does not think that voters are stupid. In fact, the Democratic Party gives voters MUCH more respect than does the GOP. Just look at the bumper stickers that run your election campaigns. It's clear that the GOP higher ups don't believe that voters can think for themselves.

You have been trying to get others to start saying "Grubercrats" for several days now. In other think that your fellow USMB conservatives are idiots.
Roadrunner, Katzngoz, Kosh, Stephanie -

Posting statements assuring us how intelligent you all are and how stupid everyone else is would seem to go a long way towards establishing my point.

Beyond vague insults and claims to startling insight and intelligence - do any of you ever actually have anything of substance to say?

Do you not think that maybe posting intelligent comments might provide better evidence of actual intelligence?
Let's see.

I have two BA's and a Masters from the University of Texas at Austin, score 98th percentile on the NTE when I took it, taught successfully for 25 years, and retired at 55.

That convinces me I am smarter than the average Dem.

Texas? :laugh2::laugh2::lol::lmao::rofl:
I won't even bother with defending an institution that stands on its own reputation.

Where did you get your degrees, and what is your career?

State University of NY Stoneybrook.. Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering

NYU..Masters from the school of Engineering

Now, Semi retired Engineer

The Texas Legislative Study Group released its 2013 “Texas on the Brink” report at the end of last week. The report is an annual study to determine Texas’ rankings among the 50 states and the District of Columbia on health care, education, and the environment.

How’s Texas doing? Not so great: The state ranks 50th in percentage of high school graduates

Texas on the Brink We Can Do Better
Gee, think that has anything to do with the high percentage of blacks and Hispanics in Texas?
Let's see.

I have two BA's and a Masters from the University of Texas at Austin, score 98th percentile on the NTE when I took it, taught successfully for 25 years, and retired at 55.

That convinces me I am smarter than the average Dem.

What were your degrees in, what did you teach and at what level?
BA's in History and English, Masters in History; I taught damned near everything except math when I was teaching 6-12 in small rural schools, and I taught World and American history at a college, but, did not like working with college kids as much as working with the younger kids.

I'm going to pay more attention to what you have to say, then. I'm wondering how someone who actually studied and taught History can be so dedicated to the GOP's stated objectives for this land. someone with so much education can be so enthralled by the term "Gubercrats". It just doesn't make sense to me.
If I said "Gubercrats" I dropped an R due to sticky keys.

Gruber pretty well re-defined dems as Grubercrats.

The truth hurts; he wasn't talking about conservatives that opposed the dems, he was talking about the dem party masses.

He's one guy who doesn't speak for anyone but himself. You have hopped on the bandwagon without seeing who is steering the thing. The Democratic Party does not think that voters are stupid. In fact, the Democratic Party gives voters MUCH more respect than does the GOP. Just look at the bumper stickers that run your election campaigns. It's clear that the GOP higher ups don't believe that voters can think for themselves.

You have been trying to get others to start saying "Grubercrats" for several days now. In other think that your fellow USMB conservatives are idiots.

More proof the the far left runs on a programmed narrative not connected to any part of reality..
Let's see.

I have two BA's and a Masters from the University of Texas at Austin, score 98th percentile on the NTE when I took it, taught successfully for 25 years, and retired at 55.

That convinces me I am smarter than the average Dem.

What were your degrees in, what did you teach and at what level?
BA's in History and English, Masters in History; I taught damned near everything except math when I was teaching 6-12 in small rural schools, and I taught World and American history at a college, but, did not like working with college kids as much as working with the younger kids.

I'm going to pay more attention to what you have to say, then. I'm wondering how someone who actually studied and taught History can be so dedicated to the GOP's stated objectives for this land. someone with so much education can be so enthralled by the term "Gubercrats". It just doesn't make sense to me.
If I said "Gubercrats" I dropped an R due to sticky keys.

Gruber pretty well re-defined dems as Grubercrats.

The truth hurts; he wasn't talking about conservatives that opposed the dems, he was talking about the dem party masses.

He's one guy who doesn't speak for anyone but himself. You have hopped on the bandwagon without seeing who is steering the thing. The Democratic Party does not think that voters are stupid. In fact, the Democratic Party gives voters MUCH more respect than does the GOP. Just look at the bumper stickers that run your election campaigns. It's clear that the GOP higher ups don't believe that voters can think for themselves.

You have been trying to get others to start saying "Grubercrats" for several days now. In other think that your fellow USMB conservatives are idiots.
You have a link to me trying to get anyone to use any term?

I think not.

I think Grubercrats are idiots, and so does Obama and Gruber.
What were your degrees in, what did you teach and at what level?
BA's in History and English, Masters in History; I taught damned near everything except math when I was teaching 6-12 in small rural schools, and I taught World and American history at a college, but, did not like working with college kids as much as working with the younger kids.

I'm going to pay more attention to what you have to say, then. I'm wondering how someone who actually studied and taught History can be so dedicated to the GOP's stated objectives for this land. someone with so much education can be so enthralled by the term "Gubercrats". It just doesn't make sense to me.
If I said "Gubercrats" I dropped an R due to sticky keys.

Gruber pretty well re-defined dems as Grubercrats.

The truth hurts; he wasn't talking about conservatives that opposed the dems, he was talking about the dem party masses.

He's one guy who doesn't speak for anyone but himself. You have hopped on the bandwagon without seeing who is steering the thing. The Democratic Party does not think that voters are stupid. In fact, the Democratic Party gives voters MUCH more respect than does the GOP. Just look at the bumper stickers that run your election campaigns. It's clear that the GOP higher ups don't believe that voters can think for themselves.

You have been trying to get others to start saying "Grubercrats" for several days now. In other think that your fellow USMB conservatives are idiots.
You have a link to me trying to get anyone to use any term?

I think not.

I think Grubercrats are idiots, and so does Obama and Gruber.

I have you using the term over and over again. You know why you are doing that. Why try to pretend otherwise.
Oh please, not another 'the other side does it to' excuse. Look the left's lying has spiraled completely out of control, its like comparing a camp fire to a forest fire.

You seem to want to prove what Saigon and Antiparty are saying. Conservatives are both smart and stupid, you being the latter. One can just as easily point out where they've been lying all the time.

Roadrunner, Katzngoz, Kosh, Stephanie -

Posting statements assuring us how intelligent you all are and how stupid everyone else is would seem to go a long way towards establishing my point.

Beyond vague insults and claims to startling insight and intelligence - do any of you ever actually have anything of substance to say?

Do you not think that maybe posting intelligent comments might provide better evidence of actual intelligence?
Let's see.

I have two BA's and a Masters from the University of Texas at Austin, score 98th percentile on the NTE when I took it, taught successfully for 25 years, and retired at 55.

That convinces me I am smarter than the average Dem.

Texas? :laugh2::laugh2::lol::lmao::rofl:
I won't even bother with defending an institution that stands on its own reputation.

Where did you get your degrees, and what is your career?

State University of NY Stoneybrook.. Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering

NYU..Masters from the school of Engineering

Now, Semi retired Engineer

The Texas Legislative Study Group released its 2013 “Texas on the Brink” report at the end of last week. The report is an annual study to determine Texas’ rankings among the 50 states and the District of Columbia on health care, education, and the environment.

How’s Texas doing? Not so great: The state ranks 50th in percentage of high school graduates

Texas on the Brink We Can Do Better
Gee, think that has anything to do with the high percentage of blacks and Hispanics in Texas?

Say what?
Liberal = lying America hating Chinese communist loving socialist puke. Glad I could clear that up for you.

ˈlib(ə)rəl/tolerant, unprejudiced, unbigoted, broad-minded, open-minded, enlightened;More
permissive, free, free and easy, easygoing, libertarian, indulgent, lenient
"the values of a liberal society"
antonyms:narrow-minded, bigoted
  • of or characteristic of Liberals or a Liberal Party.
    adjective: Liberal
  • (in the UK) of or relating to the Liberal Democrat Party.
    adjective: Liberal
    "the Liberal leader"
  • Theology
    regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.
  • 2.
    (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms:wide-ranging, broad-based, general
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
when you have to rely on a googel [sic] dictionary to find definitions that describe yourself and your lying party, you have lost your side of the argument, nowhere in the spelling of Conservative can you find a lie.., BUT!! in the spelling of LIEberal, there is no escaping the fact that liberal can NOT be spelled without a "LIbE"

none of those dictionary definitions fit todays LIEberals..., 100 years or so ago, but NOT today !!!
Is this a serious post?

Ask yourself this question - Are we advancing or falling behind?
Has Liberal entitlement programs lifted the poor out of poverty or has it kept them in poverty?
Is our society breaking down or is it becoming better?
The answer is no to all three.

Social Security and Medicare have lifted MILLIONS of Americans out of poverty. Before Medicare, elderly were the most likely group to fall into poverty, after Medicare elderly are the LEAST likely to live in poverty.

Conservatives have NEVER done anything to help the poor. They loathe the poor.

Conservatives give just as much to charities as Liberals do.
They do not hate the poor
We pay into those programs for years before we receive them.
ˈlib(ə)rəl/tolerant, unprejudiced, unbigoted, broad-minded, open-minded, enlightened;More
permissive, free, free and easy, easygoing, libertarian, indulgent, lenient
"the values of a liberal society"
antonyms:narrow-minded, bigoted
  • of or characteristic of Liberals or a Liberal Party.
    adjective: Liberal
  • (in the UK) of or relating to the Liberal Democrat Party.
    adjective: Liberal
    "the Liberal leader"
  • Theology
    regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.
  • 2.
    (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms:wide-ranging, broad-based, general
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
when you have to rely on a googel [sic] dictionary to find definitions that describe yourself and your lying party, you have lost your side of the argument, nowhere in the spelling of Conservative can you find a lie.., BUT!! in the spelling of LIEberal, there is no escaping the fact that liberal can NOT be spelled without a "LIbE"

none of those dictionary definitions fit todays LIEberals..., 100 years or so ago, but NOT today !!!
Is this a serious post?

Ask yourself this question - Are we advancing or falling behind?
Has Liberal entitlement programs lifted the poor out of poverty or has it kept them in poverty?
Is our society breaking down or is it becoming better?
The answer is no to all three.

Social Security and Medicare have lifted MILLIONS of Americans out of poverty. Before Medicare, elderly were the most likely group to fall into poverty, after Medicare elderly are the LEAST likely to live in poverty.

Conservatives have NEVER done anything to help the poor. They loathe the poor.

Conservatives give just as much to charities as Liberals do.
They do not hate the poor
We pay into those programs for years before we receive them.

Oh, so terms like 'moochers' is meant to be endearing...

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