Are Corona deaths more important and why

Flu deaths occur in approx. 0.1% of the cases. Plus, there is an expensive medical infrastructure to deal with the worst flu cases.

In Italy, the corona virus is deadly in around 7% of the cases.

One of the worst things about the corona virus is that you are contagious up to 5 or 6 days before any symptoms appear. Making the spreading of the virus much easier.

Also, the reasons we are closing businesses, large venue events and the like is because if we don't we will end up with the same situation as Italy has. Our medical system will be completely overwhelmed.
Italy has a large proportion of very old people and their custom is to kiss each other upon greeting.
The country is collectively going insane.
The economic price of this dramatic over-reacting is going to be felt for years.
Whole industries are set to be devastated over the next few months. We are really only at Day 2 of the country wide restrictions and it has already put 100,000s out of a job. I have no doubt it will be 10 times that by the end of April.
Look at New York. 10 people have died. 10.... one more time... 10. And they have shutdown many businesses, now any gathering over 10 people. Any day now forced travel restrictions, the governor is talking nationalizing some industries... and what... 10 people have died.
You tell me if there is an over reaction.
The country is collectively going insane.
The economic price of this dramatic over-reacting is going to be felt for years.
Whole industries are set to be devastated over the next few months. We are really only at Day 2 of the country wide restrictions and it has already put 100,000s out of a job. I have no doubt it will be 10 times that by the end of April.
Look at New York. 10 people have died. 10.... one more time... 10. And they have shutdown many businesses, now any gathering over 10 people. Any day now forced travel restrictions, the governor is talking nationalizing some industries... and what... 10 people have died.
You tell me if there is an over reaction.
Many many people would be saved from everyday pnemonia if we shut everything down. This is like swatting flies with a skillet.
Big time virtue signaling about how they all care and that we are incapable of taking care of ourselves

Scorecard of deaths last 26 days in US
Corona <80

Yeah it’s the blight of mankind all right and getting dumber and more aggravating each day
Now that the Media and America haters have gone All In ion this how do they graciously back out over panicking America over a garden variety flu, shrouded in suppositional mysteries and fabricated worst case scenarios?
The problem is they can’t and won’t. Hell almost 50% of them Still Contend that Muller is still on the job.
This is an insidious imposition upon Americans. I did not agree to turn my freedoms over to the governor
Want to virtue signal some more then close everything all the time and 80% less people will contract ordinary everyday pneumonia flu and colds All of which are far greater inflicters and killers
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