Are corporations the enemy?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
In these video games you stop evil corporations from taking over America. Do you think
corporations have too much power in America?


Great thread idea.

Seems to me that any entity - individual, group or business - that can purchase influence with lawmakers is suspect, and the fact that they can purchase influence often means that they will.

At the same time, there are many (and we'll see them on this thread) who look at corporations en masse and simplistically look at them as "evil" (good word you used there). Profits are evil, etc. And these same people will usually ignore the fact that the reason for the existence of any given corporation is not to put food on your table or hire you because of the color of your skin or the nature of your genitals, it's to maximize value to shareholders.

They trust the government more than those evil corporations, whether they can prove the evil corporation is doing something wrong or not.
Great thread idea.

Seems to me that any entity - individual, group or business - that can purchase influence with lawmakers is suspect, and the fact that they can purchase influence often means that they will.

At the same time, there are many (and we'll see them on this thread) who look at corporations en masse and simplistically look at them as "evil" (good word you used there). Profits are evil, etc. And these same people will usually ignore the fact that the reason for the existence of any given corporation is not to put food on your table or hire you because of the color of your skin or the nature of your genitals, it's to maximize value to shareholders.

They trust the government more than those evil corporations, whether they can prove the evil corporation is doing something wrong or not.

And held accountable to those shareholders!

Whereas Obama is pretty much doing what he wants despite the opposition.
The problem is that the government is too big and has too much power...and the people running it are more than willing to sell that power to the highest bidder...reduce the power of the government and you reduce the influence of corporations...

Mixing government with anything is a bad idea...and mixing business with government creates the problem...
And held accountable to those shareholders!

Sure, that's another thing they won't admit, that leadership of corporations have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize shareholder value and can be hauled into court at any time if they're perceived to be in breach of that responsibility.

And, of course, this is not specific to America.

They don't want to discuss or even acknowledge that.

Corporations do not exist in a bubble nor on an island. They have responsibilities that go beyond pleasing their shareholders. They are a part of the American pie.....ingredients, if you will. If not for the other ingredients, they are of little use. Too much sugar fucks up a pie real good.

We've had this discussion several times, Mac. I'm right this time too.

Finally....please find one person here who states that all corporations are evil and that profit is evil. Just one. If you can't, please stop making that ludicrous claim.
Corporations do not exist in a bubble nor on an island. They have responsibilities that go beyond pleasing their shareholders. They are a part of the American pie.....ingredients, if you will. If not for the other ingredients, they are of little use. Too much sugar fucks up a pie real good.

We've had this discussion several times, Mac. I'm right this time too.

Finally....please find one person here who states that all corporations are evil and that profit is evil. Just one. If you can't, please stop making that ludicrous claim.

"Finally....please find one person here who states that all corporations are evil and that profit is evil. Just one. If you can't, please stop making that ludicrous claim"

Well, I'll admit that I tune them out whenever and wherever they appear on these pages but, appear, they do.

I won't take on the responsibility for bringing you up to speed with reality on this score.

Go fish.

I back Mac.

They DO show up on these pages.
Looks like my little stalker friend is still posting to me. Creepy.

They'll attack business at damn near every opportunity and then deny it when confronted about it.

Their foundation is essentially the sixties hippie commune approach: You go dig that hole, you go plant those seeds, I'll build this little thing, and we'll all "share" and we'll all be "equal" and everybody will be happy.

Finding the proper equilibrium between government bureaucracy and employers, between regulation and enterprise, is the key. But it's difficult when employers are looked at with disdain, ignorance and hatred by those who run the government.

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These profit hating libs are everywhere...and you'd be able to point them out easily.....but you wont.

And...they constantly rail against business.....but deny it when confronted.

Perfectly convenient.

These profit hating libs are everywhere...and you'd be able to point them out easily.....but you wont.

And...they constantly rail against business.....but deny it when confronted.

Perfectly convenient.

Hey man you are just blind to anything u all do.

I see what's up.

Typical symptom of Libbies, however sometimes it does also afflict Conservatives.

These profit hating libs are everywhere...and you'd be able to point them out easily.....but you wont.

And...they constantly rail against business.....but deny it when confronted.

Perfectly convenient.

Hey man you are just blind to anything u all do.

I see what's up.

Typical symptom of Libbies, however sometimes it does also afflict Conservatives.

Hey man...why not just point me to a profit hating lib. Thanks.

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