Are Democrats gonna trash another emergency bill?

Stop trying to shove your garbage agenda in the emergency packages.


Why are you asking about something that has not happened and no one said it would but don't have a problem with republicans actually trashing and holding up the big in the senate?

Only for the reason that 4 republicans believe that 4 months of unemployment is too much that it will be an incentive for people to not go back to work.

Why don't you have a problem with those republicans for what they are actually doing but making up what ifs to suggest that democrats are going to do what republicans are now doing?

4months of unemployment AND the regular cash handout. In other words they would make MORE because of the crisis. That seem fair to you? It would be like drawing workmans comp while still working.

That is a far cry from the social bullshit the left is trying to fund that is unrelated to the shutdown.

So it's ok for the republicans to do what you accuse democrats of doing but haven't done.

Wow are you a hypocrite.

And please show me where in that bill that they will get that one time pay out over and over for 4 months along with the unemployment.

Yet you have no problem with half a billion dollar slush fund for big business that gives away money. It will be grants that don't have to be paid back.
And that is exactly what the Dems are planning and hoping for. When it comes to sinister they always know what they are doing. But our dear Leader will come out ahead as he always does. He wins in 2020 serving up the absolute best revenge.

Honey, you need to stop drinking the Koolaid.

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Point is, your side has argued for the last three years that every immoral, stupid and mean-spirited thing that Trump has done is okay because the economy is good. Except now it isn't going to be good.
Sweetie, there, there, now. We conservatives will continue to take good care of you for many years to come. A vibrant economy, which is right around the corner, will benefit you and yours in every way. "A rising tide lifts all boats."
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Stop trying to shove your garbage agenda in the emergency packages.


Why are you asking about something that has not happened and no one said it would but don't have a problem with republicans actually trashing and holding up the big in the senate?

Only for the reason that 4 republicans believe that 4 months of unemployment is too much that it will be an incentive for people to not go back to work.

Why don't you have a problem with those republicans for what they are actually doing but making up what ifs to suggest that democrats are going to do what republicans are now doing?

4months of unemployment AND the regular cash handout. In other words they would make MORE because of the crisis. That seem fair to you? It would be like drawing workmans comp while still working.

That is a far cry from the social bullshit the left is trying to fund that is unrelated to the shutdown.

So it's ok for the republicans to do what you accuse democrats of doing but haven't done.

Wow are you a hypocrite.

And please show me where in that bill that they will get that one time pay out over and over for 4 months along with the unemployment.

Yet you have no problem with half a billion dollar slush fund for big business that gives away money. It will be grants that don't have to be paid back.
What the right want's OUT of the bill is based on fiscal responsibility. What the Democrats want in the bill is fiscal irresponsibility.

You not recognizing the difference and calling me a hypocrite is no surprise.
No link yet just broke but the Senate just passed the phase three bill the House could still fuck it up though.
Nancy could get greedier. She knows this is her last shot for anything as President Trump will forge full steam ahead, unleashed! Whoa! ;) Then we take back the House. So long, Nan. :happy-1:
He was too busy dealing with a sham impeachment your side orchestrated. Plus, he was the one who shut down travel from China back in late Jan/early Feb.

You mean the impeachment that happened because he was caught red handed conspiring with a foreign government to interfere with our election?

But here’s a really good question. Why are all these states & cities always so unprepared? In our system of government, the states are independent entities that form a nation. Governors & Mayors not only have the authority but the responsibility to draft up disaster plans. Disease outbreak falls under that category. So why is it, every damn time there’s a problem is the states/cities, these jackasses fall flat on their face. It’s utter dereliction of duty. Case in point, Cuomo could have bought 16,000 respirators back in 2015.

If he had, people like you would have been whining about it. The point is, we HAD a federal agency that dealt with these kinds of problems, and Trump disbanded it.

Sweetie, there, there, now. We conservatives will continue to take good care of you for many years to come. A vibrant economy, which is right around the corner, will benefit you and yours in every way. "A rising tide lifts all boats."

Okay, I'm 58 years old, the last FIVE recessions have happened when a Republican is in charge.

It's not a bug, it's a design feature. The only problem was the bubble popped too early this time.

We'll get a vibrant economy when the Democrats are back in charge. Then you guys can go about whining about abortion and gays and race like you normally do to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests.
So the 4 republicans who are now actually holding up that bill and trashing it aren't sinister?

You are upset with something that the democrats have not done but not upset with republicans who have actually done what you're upset you accuse democrats will do sometime in the future.

Can you say you're a hypocrite? I know I can.
Wow. Talk about a thread blowing up in the OP's face. Epic. The amendment put forth by Repubs trying to "trash" the bill was defeated. Do you take salt and pepper with that crow, Grampy?
Just a few things Pelosi tried to slip into the corona bill
Just to correct the record for you knuckle draggers, the proposals you keep referring to were in a House version of a bill written as a bargaining tool to let Senate Repubs what was coming if they didn't sign the version 4 Repubs tried to sabotage. Now, I realize the media sources you use got you all in a lather, with the object of their disinformation being to distract you from Trump's failure to prepare the country. And of course it worked since..........gullible. But, now you know the truth so you are just going to have to find something else to aim your phony outrage at.
Just a few things Pelosi tried to slip into the corona bill
Just to correct the record for you knuckle draggers, the proposals you keep referring to were in a House version of a bill written as a bargaining tool to let Senate Repubs what was coming if they didn't sign the version 4 Repubs tried to sabotage. Now, I realize the media sources you use got you all in a lather, with the object of their disinformation being to distract you from Trump's failure to prepare the country. And of course it worked since..........gullible. But, now you know the truth so you are just going to have to find something else to aim your phony outrage at.
And it was a fucking waste of time and ended up delaying the bill.

When will you idiots realize that no politician regardless of party has your best interests in mind?
Just a few things Pelosi tried to slip into the corona bill
To be clear, Pelosi’s bill is separate from the main $1.8 trillion Senate package currently being negotiated by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Republicans, and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. It’s also unlikely to pass the Republican-controlled Senate or be signed by President Donald Trump.

The bigger picture here is Pelosi signaling to Republicans that if they don’t like what Schumer is proposing, they will still have to deal with her down the line when the House takes up the Senate bill. Pelosi’s bill reads like a mission statement for how Democrats might govern in this crisis if they weren’t constrained by a Republican Senate and president. It calls for coronavirus treatment to be free for patients, further bolstering unemployment insurance, directing $40 billion to states to help stabilize schools and universities, student loan forgiveness, funding for the homeless, and helping boost states’ vote-by-mail capacity.

Note to Trumpleton's, you've been duped by right wing media..................AGAIN.
And it was a fucking waste of time and ended up delaying the bill.
What ended up delaying the bill was 4 Repub senators, and an attempt by the WH to secretively control the $500B portion of the package meant to go to corporations.
Stop trying to shove your garbage agenda in the emergency packages.


What they'll remember is that the economy crashed on Trump's watch.

due to a global pandemic caused by the lying, corrupt Beijing regime...

Well Trump took out the people on the ground in China... So who was the trusting sucker?

China got it and they brought in an extreme lockdown. What part of that was lying...

China are never fully truthful, a lot of the reasons in authoritarian regimes are full telling leadership what they want to hear rather than what they should hear..

I ask you a simple question...

Has Trump told the truth about this crisis all the time?
And it was a fucking waste of time and ended up delaying the bill.

When will you idiots realize that no politician regardless of party has your best interests in mind?

You mean all the folks trying to lock my biz down, telling me 'we're all in this together' , while hiding in their rabbit holes on our tax dime?

'eff them all

none ever led by example , none will ever 'be in it w/us' or ever will


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