Are Democrats gonna trash another emergency bill?

He was too busy dealing with a sham impeachment your side orchestrated. Plus, he was the one who shut down travel from China back in late Jan/early Feb.

You mean the impeachment that happened because he was caught red handed conspiring with a foreign government to interfere with our election?

But here’s a really good question. Why are all these states & cities always so unprepared? In our system of government, the states are independent entities that form a nation. Governors & Mayors not only have the authority but the responsibility to draft up disaster plans. Disease outbreak falls under that category. So why is it, every damn time there’s a problem is the states/cities, these jackasses fall flat on their face. It’s utter dereliction of duty. Case in point, Cuomo could have bought 16,000 respirators back in 2015.

If he had, people like you would have been whining about it. The point is, we HAD a federal agency that dealt with these kinds of problems, and Trump disbanded it.

View attachment 315482
He was too busy dealing with a sham impeachment your side orchestrated. Plus, he was the one who shut down travel from China back in late Jan/early Feb.

You mean the impeachment that happened because he was caught red handed conspiring with a foreign government to interfere with our election?

But here’s a really good question. Why are all these states & cities always so unprepared? In our system of government, the states are independent entities that form a nation. Governors & Mayors not only have the authority but the responsibility to draft up disaster plans. Disease outbreak falls under that category. So why is it, every damn time there’s a problem is the states/cities, these jackasses fall flat on their face. It’s utter dereliction of duty. Case in point, Cuomo could have bought 16,000 respirators back in 2015.

If he had, people like you would have been whining about it. The point is, we HAD a federal agency that dealt with these kinds of problems, and Trump disbanded it.

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It was a sham because there was never any evidence, no facts to support a case. It was done because your side wanted to overturn an electoral result you didn’t like.

Speaking of facts, the agency in question was streamlined to be able to handle crises better. Going back to the Obama years, it was too large & unruly young be effective. But don’t take my word for it, take the word if the guy who actually headed it up...

also, I’m damn glad we have a Space Force...
not when both sides are filled with pieces of crap

But are they?

Here's the thing. I really do think MOST people who get into public service are doing it because they want to do some good. It's the old joke, "Congress is corrupt, but my Congressman is a pretty good guy".

I think most start that way, but the system is so corrupt that even the most sincere either succumb or leave.
Stop trying to shove your garbage agenda in the emergency packages.


What they'll remember is that the economy crashed on Trump's watch.
And that is exactly what the Dems are planning and hoping for. When it comes to sinister they always know what they are doing. But our dear Leader will come out ahead as he always does. He wins in 2020 serving up the absolute best revenge. :stir:
We need to punish democrats dearly. Vote every one out of office.
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Stop trying to shove your garbage agenda in the emergency packages.


What they'll remember is that the economy crashed on Trump's watch.
And that is exactly what the Dems are planning and hoping for. When it comes to sinister they always know what they are doing. But our dear Leader will come out ahead as he always does. He wins in 2020 serving up the absolute best revenge. :stir:
We need to punish democrats dearly. Vote every one out of office.
Take the House back! Buh-bye Pelosi Drops Hints On Democrat Plans For Next Chi-Com Virus Bill: ‘We Have Won the Argument’
Cryin' Chuck Schumer just did his limp-wristed fist in the air thing which means bad news for American citizens.

Chuck and Nancy are owned by China and China wants to own everyone.

Right now they are buying up stock and trying to buy The Port of Los Angelos.
Stop trying to shove your garbage agenda in the emergency packages.

Yes, they will. They believe that the longer they drag this hype out, and the more Americans that suffer; the greater the odds that America will blame Trump, and hand them power. They’re literally betting the future of their party on it. That’s why they keep loading bills with Democrat wish list items they could never get passed in the Senate. It’s their only hope of remaining “relevant”...
Yeah, people are going into the hospital and people are dying just to make Trump look bad. People all over the world are doing it.
Stop trying to shove your garbage agenda in the emergency packages.

Yes, they will. They believe that the longer they drag this hype out, and the more Americans that suffer; the greater the odds that America will blame Trump, and hand them power. They’re literally betting the future of their party on it. That’s why they keep loading bills with Democrat wish list items they could never get passed in the Senate. It’s their only hope of remaining “relevant”...

Wanna adjust that claim now that the bill has passed in the Senate 96-0?
Stop trying to shove your garbage agenda in the emergency packages.

Yes, they will. They believe that the longer they drag this hype out, and the more Americans that suffer; the greater the odds that America will blame Trump, and hand them power. They’re literally betting the future of their party on it. That’s why they keep loading bills with Democrat wish list items they could never get passed in the Senate. It’s their only hope of remaining “relevant”...

Wanna adjust that claim now that the bill has passed in the Senate 96-0?
Nope. When stated in the context of the time it was stated; it remains accurate.
Stop trying to shove your garbage agenda in the emergency packages.

Yes, they will. They believe that the longer they drag this hype out, and the more Americans that suffer; the greater the odds that America will blame Trump, and hand them power. They’re literally betting the future of their party on it. That’s why they keep loading bills with Democrat wish list items they could never get passed in the Senate. It’s their only hope of remaining “relevant”...

Wanna adjust that claim now that the bill has passed in the Senate 96-0?
Nope. When stated in the context of the time it was stated; it remains accurate.

Damn. That is Trumpian level. People with no credibility can say anything and never experience regret. I’ll bet that’s an odd feeling.
Stop trying to shove your garbage agenda in the emergency packages.

Yes, they will. They believe that the longer they drag this hype out, and the more Americans that suffer; the greater the odds that America will blame Trump, and hand them power. They’re literally betting the future of their party on it. That’s why they keep loading bills with Democrat wish list items they could never get passed in the Senate. It’s their only hope of remaining “relevant”...

Wanna adjust that claim now that the bill has passed in the Senate 96-0?
Nope. When stated in the context of the time it was stated; it remains accurate.

Damn. That is Trumpian level. People with no credibility can say anything and never experience regret. I’ll bet that’s an odd feeling.
One doesn’t have to suffer regret for being correct. That’s the other guys problem...
If they needed to change the bill to make themselves happy, they should have removed some of the unnecessary things the Rs no doubt had in there instead of putting their own BS in. God knows this is going to cost us a fortune without Democrats squeezing the taxpayer for more. And time is very important here.

Why is it that you libs are throwing this claim around, without naming what "those things" are?

Not gonna work this time, your claiming, and blaming Republican's for what Democrats are doing.

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