Are Democrats gonna trash another emergency bill?

Are Democrats gonna trash another emergency bill?

If by “trash” you mean load the bill with a ton to unrelated shit, then the answer is yes. If you think this is limited to the dimocraps, then you are deluded. Bipartisan passage in the senate.
Cost is $18k per man woman and child in the country. Enjoy your $1200 kick back suckers.
It's a cynical and lazy position to take, not reflective of reality. Most importantly, it removes blame for the dysfunction in DC from the real guilty party...........we the people.

It is reflective of reality, neither party gives a fuck about anything but power, either getting it or keeping it. The two parties are not even that different. Take away a few social wedge issue and they are about the same.

Government isn't an abstraction. It's a reflection on the degree to which we the people educate ourselves on the issues and demand competent representation by getting out and voting.

On this I agree 100%, and our current state of affairs is our own fault, 2/3 of the country blindly votes for one party or the other.
They're trying to hold down the amount of unemployment that laid off workers can get.

What scumbags
By golly they oughta get paid for the rest of their life.
They "ought to get paid" as long as this continues

We're screwed. The economy shut down and shut NOT open

There is no "moral hazard" here. It's a PANDEMIC
It is reflective of reality, neither party gives a fuck about anything but power, either getting it or keeping it. The two parties are not even that different. Take away a few social wedge issue and they are about the same.
The most consequential danger facing the world today is climate change. The two parties are at polar ends of the issue. In terms of differences, the same can essentially be said about abortion, gun control, and healthcare. Claiming "there is no difference" between the parties is a fallacy.
They "ought to get paid" as long as this continues

We're screwed. The economy shut down and shut NOT open

There is no "moral hazard" here. It's a PANDEMIC

I beg to differ Lesh

the public sector gets a free ride, while insisting the private sector east cake is moral turpitude at it's finest

I beg to differ Lesh

the public sector gets a free ride, while insisting the private sector east cake is moral turpitude at it's finest
What does that even mean?

It means they do not lead by example Lesh

They've actively closed the doors on Business (private sector) while feeding us this 'we're all in this together' line , and then continue to exist on OUR tax $$$'s

THEY make no sacrifice , yet insist we do

THAT is morally wrong

Ergo, your truly is going to work this morning, in direct defiance of their martial law lite bullsh*t

and they can stuff thier 'relief' where the sun don't shine as well

It is reflective of reality, neither party gives a fuck about anything but power, either getting it or keeping it. The two parties are not even that different. Take away a few social wedge issue and they are about the same.
The most consequential danger facing the world today is climate change. The two parties are at polar ends of the issue. In terms of differences, the same can essentially be said about abortion, gun control, and healthcare. Claiming "there is no difference" between the parties is a fallacy.

Ironically, both parties are wrong when it comes to climate change, which is often the case when people stake a claim to the far extremes of either left or right.

abortion, gun control, and healthcare....the social wedge issues I mentioned .
I beg to differ Lesh

the public sector gets a free ride, while insisting the private sector east cake is moral turpitude at it's finest
What does that even mean?

It means they do not lead by example Lesh

They've actively closed the doors on Business (private sector) while feeding us this 'we're all in this together' line , and then continue to exist on OUR tax $$$'s

THEY make no sacrifice , yet insist we do

THAT is morally wrong

Ergo, your truly is going to work this morning, in direct defiance of their martial law lite bullsh*t

and they can stuff thier 'relief' where the sun don't shine as well

So you want the government to shut down?

They're keeping things running. THEY are getting the checks out...the services...the material

WTF are you talking about

You want the police to simply go home? The firemen?

How about THANKING all those people for risking their lives and the lives of their families to keep some semblance of society going.

You stupid....

Ahhhhh Jesus
And it was a fucking waste of time and ended up delaying the bill.

When will you idiots realize that no politician regardless of party has your best interests in mind?

You mean all the folks trying to lock my biz down, telling me 'we're all in this together' , while hiding in their rabbit holes on our tax dime?

'eff them all

none ever led by example , none will ever 'be in it w/us' or ever will

That people still defend the parasites in the fucking government is a mystery to me

GubMit IS the problem

Unlike Reagan I actually believe that to be true
Pelosi's corona conundrum confirms the Squad broke her, my friends

After invoking the ire of everyone from the entire Republican Party to the architect of the Green New Deal himself, Pelosi buckled and is now suddenly open to passing some iteration of the bill agreed upon by the Senate.

All of the humiliation raises the question, how did one of the most ruthlessly effective Democrats in the country turn into a feckless avatar of woke virtue-signaling? Easy: she succumbed to the Squad.
One of the more disingenuous and inaccurate defenses of Repubs out there is the false equivalence "they're all bad" argument.

The "they're all bad" argument is 100% correct.

Ya gotta live it Gator

We;ve seen stimulus deals before, always the same winners and losers


and "we the people" are typically the losers.
The problem seems to be that those who are the loudest and most destructive have most of the influence.

That just ain't gonna work. As we're seeing.
Stop trying to shove your garbage agenda in the emergency packages.


What they'll remember is that the economy crashed on Trump's watch.
I don't think it's going to work that way although no doubt that's what demodumbasses are hoping for. I look at it as a democratic party s torched earth plan. They know damn well that they are going to lose so its preferable to destroy the entire nation so it goes down with them. A typically selfish and immature democratic party move. It tells us all that it's time to put the democratic party to death forevermore.
It's a cynical and lazy position to take, not reflective of reality. Most importantly, it removes blame for the dysfunction in DC from the real guilty party...........we the people.

It is reflective of reality, neither party gives a fuck about anything but power, either getting it or keeping it. The two parties are not even that different. Take away a few social wedge issue and they are about the same.

Government isn't an abstraction. It's a reflection on the degree to which we the people educate ourselves on the issues and demand competent representation by getting out and voting.

On this I agree 100%, and our current state of affairs is our own fault, 2/3 of the country blindly votes for one party or the other.
What this nation needs to do is eliminate political parties all together and the only way to do that is to establish single term limits. The only fly in the ointment is getting that accomplished when so may drooling, brainless morons are allowed to vote.
The urgency to pass this bill and help the American people is being used by Pelosi to hold Trump hostage. She knows Trump has to allow her unneeded, bullshit spending to be included in order to get relief to the people sooner rather than later. Pelosi is an effin anti American lowlife.
What held up the bill last night was four GOP Senators who objected to more robust unemployment because they thought it would make people lazy.
Those Senators (Lindsey Graham and others) will be getting paid no matter what.

Maybe we ought to make THEM unemployed huh?

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