Are Democrats guilty of "collusion" on the Russian "dossier"?

Are Democrats guilty of collusion on the Russian "dossier"?

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CNN is saying that some of the "dossier" includes research paid for by Republicans. Developing story...
CNN is saying that some of the "dossier" includes research paid for by Republicans. Developing story...

MSN is trying to conflate.


Ben Shapiro
.@FreeBeacon isn't behind the Russia dossier unless we count paying for oppo totally unrelated to the Russia dossier.
6:56 PM · Oct 27, 2017
So, naturally, both parties were colluding to take down Trump. This is exactly why I don't belong to either one.
So, the Conservative/Republican Washington Free Beacon hired Fusion GPS. CNN's Erin Burnett further stated that the final "dossier" does include information which they funded. In other words, there is overlap with the final "dossier" by Christopher Steele. Interesting...

Conservative news site says it hired firm that produced the Trump dossier

Like I just got through saying, it seems to me both parties were colluding with each other who were in turn colluding with Fusion GPS to take Trump out of contention.

Ahh, do you know what that smell is? The fresh scent of swamp gas, coming from all sides...
I don't think so, but I'm waiting for credible legal experts to specifically address the question. What do you think? Why or why not?

You should have just stopped at "I don't think.." But, the answer to your question is yes, and provably so. Not that facts matter to you.
I don't think so, but I'm waiting for credible legal experts to specifically address the question. What do you think? Why or why not?

You should have just stopped at "I don't think.." But, the answer to your question is yes, and provably so. Not that facts matter to you.

Ditto to you. Go try to bully and harass someone else.

I don't think so, but I'm waiting for credible legal experts to specifically address the question. What do you think? Why or why not?

I don't think there is enough information yet to form an educated opinion, but the better question is, if they are guilty of collusion will you hold them accountable or gloss right over it?

I generally ignore you - but you do make a valid point. Here is my truthful answer: YES, I will hold them accountable - but only if Trump is held equally and fairly accountable. BTW, it wasn't the Clinton campaign that was spreading fake news and encouraging the Russians to help them discredit Trump.

Sure it was. I have posted the admissions here and the page after page of astro turfing...and the Podesta emails where they planned to both plant stories in the press and then turn it into an “echo chamber”.
That fake report on Trump is another example.
As far as your above is not only a lie but a cowardly lie. You are what should be listed under the entry “moral relativism”.
Never did the liberal robot exist who didn’t say “ok but GBush/Reagan/Trump did (fill in the blank”. Never. It is part of the sickness to excuse corruption so long as you can find leverage to do so.
It's the Clintons. So is this really surprising to anyone? First Obama orders surveillance on the opposition, and then Clinton pays for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. It was an ugly blatant attack on our Democracy. But will anyone be held accountable? Don't count on it.

Funny. Where is your "credible" proof of illegal activity?
lol...all of a sudden that seems relevant to you.
I don't think so, but I'm waiting for credible legal experts to specifically address the question. What do you think? Why or why not?

I don't think there is enough information yet to form an educated opinion, but the better question is, if they are guilty of collusion will you hold them accountable or gloss right over it?

I generally ignore you - but you do make a valid point. Here is my truthful answer: YES, I will hold them accountable - but only if Trump is held equally and fairly accountable. BTW, it wasn't the Clinton campaign that was spreading fake news and encouraging the Russians to help them discredit Trump.

Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook

I’ll post Podestas emails in a bit when I get time (post them again that is) wherein they plan to plant fake news and “find young black or Hispanics” to spread the lies thinking they could yell “racist” if anyone objected.
I suspect there has been a subtle shift here. “Hacked the election” seems to have been replaced with “colluded”. They all march in lockstep.
QUOTE="., post: 18453916, member: 60585"]But hey, the Obama-ordered surveillance and phony Clinton-Russian dossier, was all just innocent "Opposition Research." That's what Clinton and Democrats are tellin us anyway. You buyin it? I sure ain't.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you bought it and paid $9 million for the dossier. A fraudulent piece of work of which they LIED ABOUT.

Fusion GPS is refusing to answer how much was paid to them.

Now known that the Washington Free Beacon (Republican with Bill Crystal) started the ball rolling by paying Fusion GPS.

No longer "just Opposition Research". Amazing how now every Democrat in Washinton was calling this a Dossier exposing TREASON yesterday are today when the Democrats have been shown to be paying for this information it is NOW called "OPPOSITION RESEARCH"!
So, naturally, both parties were colluding to take down Trump. This is exactly why I don't belong to either one.

Wait, so the information they found isn't bad because 2 parties paid for it?

How does bad information become OK based on who found it?
QUOTE="., post: 18453916, member: 60585"]But hey, the Obama-ordered surveillance and phony Clinton-Russian dossier, was all just innocent "Opposition Research." That's what Clinton and Democrats are tellin us anyway. You buyin it? I sure ain't.

Yeah, you bought it and paid $9 million for the dossier. A fraudulent piece of work of which they LIED ABOUT.

Fusion GPS is refusing to answer how much was paid to them.

Now known that the Washington Free Beacon (Republican with Bill Crystal) started the ball rolling by paying Fusion GPS.

No longer "just Opposition Research". Amazing how now every Democrat in Washinton was calling this a Dossier exposing TREASON yesterday are today when the Democrats have been shown to be paying for this information it is NOW called "OPPOSITION RESEARCH"!

Trey Gowdy is a rabid NaziCon and Hillary hater.



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