Are Fields of Flowers a Gift of Aesthetics for Joy in the Environment? A Place to Share Pictures of Flowers that You Love Here.

A trip down the Rhine River in Germany might find you seeing this:

Or disembarking at Mannheim and visiting the city park...
I want that one for my rose garden. ^^^^^^^ I'm working on finding roses for the third row, which has spaces for 6 more rose bushes. *sigh*. Beautiful rose, Crick. :thup:
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Flower Gardens Around the World I'd like to see sometime...
Buchart Gardens in 2023

three of these shots from Butchart?

I have been to Victoria five or six times for work with the Canadian Navy and wanted to go but we never had a lot of spare time.
Along the Rhine, Floral Garden of Castile, Germany (scroll down)

And more along the Rhine....

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three of these shots from Butchart?

I have been to Victoria five or six times for work with the Canadian Navy and wanted to go but we never had a lot of spare time.
Well, next time you visit Victoria the city with the flowers growing from pots hanging from the street lights, look up the Victoria Butterfly Gardens on the way to the fabulous Buchart Gardens. Artists make pictures of the butterflies...

Gallery of the Victoria Butterfly Gardens near Buchart's place...



I'm retired. I'd like to take my wife up there but we haven't done it yet.
I'm retired. I'd like to take my wife up there but we haven't done it yet.
When my late husband retired, we went to Canada... a couple of times. We had a lot of fun after he retired. Hope you all do it while you're still good and healthy.
When my late husband retired, we went to Canada... a couple of times. We had a lot of fun after he retired. Hope you all do it while you're still good and healthy.
Well, we weren't all that healthy before we retired. We both have some issues. But we can fly and drive and hike a couple miles, so we'll do. Probably our biggest hindrance now is our animals.
More. This white flower in the first one here and the second one above is a rather rare Chinese "Son of Seven" bush at a botanical garden we visited. It was swarming with Monarchs.


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More. This white flower in the first one here and the second one above is a rather rare Chinese "Son of Seven" bush at a botanical garden we visited. It was swarming with Monarchs.
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Fabulous, Crick. You have some choice pictures of my Texas' State Butterfly! Thanks for sharing these amazing pictures!!! I realize you posted them a couple of weeks ago, but I've been distracted. Those black eyed Susans are particularly appealing to me. One of these days, I'm gonna plant them. Meanwhile, I'll just come here and admire your beautiful pictures.
My son moved to Portugal a few months back, so naturally, I wanted to see what gardens were like there, so I'm online looking right now.

Portuguese Heritage Gardens:


This was on a page called "Islands of Portugal" Oh, my the work that garden must have been not to mention maintenance!

This was on a page called "Portuguese Palaces and Gardens:

My late husband and I visited Portugal in or around 2004-2008, not sure which year, but it was so fabulous. We visited Lisbon and enjoyed the Oceanario and the Lisbon Zoo. Even so, changes abound in life, and here it is 2023, and my son now lives there. I'm not going to travel anymore, because the world is too dangerous with people hating on Americans so much we're getting political threats from several countries, and I just don't want to be somewhere people want to hurt Americans. We took a train to see the Oceanario, and on the way, we had several people sitting across from us, one in particular who mouthed off about our country, to which I doubt he ever visited, but when I got home, there was still a bad taste in my mouth from the chap's negativity while we remained shocked and silent. I couldn't get back home fast enough. My son couldn't believe it when I told him to be careful there. He has made friends there, and seems very happy, so I guess we just got on the wrong train back when. About the zoo, I noticed the animals were so well treated they acted as if they were quite satisfied with their life in good and caring hands of the zoologists there. I've only seen two zoos in the US where the animals seemed as happy--the zoo in New Orleans, and the one in Chicago. When we vacationed, we always went to the zoos if the towns were big enough to have a zoo. When my husband had to go to a business conference in New York, he visited a zoo somewhere and said it was a good zoo. I was a smidge jealous, but the conference he attended was for employees only, sans family. and I took his word for it that somewhere in or near NYC there is a great zoo. Since I'm on a vicarious Portuguese trip today. (giggle), I'll see if the zoo there has some nice botanicals within its walls... Oh, hahaha! The animals are the floral colors on legs in this one...



Gave up on gardens in the Lisbon Portugal zoo, but their trees are significantly interesting as you can see below.

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Here's one I took the day before yesterday. We're not in Florida anymore.

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