Are Fields of Flowers a Gift of Aesthetics for Joy in the Environment? A Place to Share Pictures of Flowers that You Love Here.

2022-09-18_14-40-22_Red Mexican Sunflower.jpg
Those are amazing, bones. There could be a couple of reasons it seems your local daffodils are less prolific than some others would be that I noticed a lot of yours had not bloomed yet. In another week they could be quite prolific on top. If they're small, it could be they're more jonquils than daffodils. Some prefer jonquils to daffodils.

OTOH, I really haven't ever seen as many daffodils in one area as were in your linked picture which is wild and wonderful, imho. So I looked up "differences between jonquils and daffodills," I humbly admit I didn't really know as you will see from the paragraph below:

.There are 13 divisions of daffodils, or Narcissus. Each division has special classifications and specific Narcissus plant info that delineates which class each​
species falls into. Is jonquil a Narcissus? Yes. Daffodil bulbs are Narcissus and jonquils are Narcissus. The overall scientific name is Narcissus, and it covers​
over 13,000 hybrids of both daffodil bulbs and jonquils.​
The Difference Between Daffodil, Jonquil, And Narcissus Narcissus Plant Info - Jonquil, Narcissus And Daffodil Bulbs
The early bloom time in your link showed just how amazing the greenery that supports the blooms is quite intriguing as well as beautiful. I mowed an area by the shallow curve of my back forty lake this morning, and in the high grass (waist high), I was cutting down some truly lovely tiny wildflowers, and I could only name one of the 15 or 20 species I was trying to return to grassland (one single dandelion that grew to 18" high due to competitors for the sunlight. These tiny little flowers I cut down (feeling guilty) are likely as astonishing as a prize lily under a magnifying glass. One had dozens of tiny pointed petals that was a strong magenta color, others were 4-pointed blues (really tiny), itsy bitsy white flowers , all in miniature compared to what you can see at our local plant universe aka Kim's Garden Nursery, which has to be the classiest, most beautiful garden nursery on this green earth. One of these days, I'm gonna go over there with a lawn chair and just watch their beautiful flowers come and go all day. I know that sounds silly, but I will tell Kim "Hey, girl this is on my life's bucket list to just enjoy your Gardens from looking over the blooms and roses!" That place is so gorgeous. I've never seen such a tasteful place that celebrates the beauty of flowers, fruit, and ornamental bushes and trees. Earlier this spring, Kim's sold me a pot of true blue bluebonnets, because I planted it for the seeds, and my goal in life is to cover my front 4 acres with the prettiest blue bluebonnets which Kim, of course, had. Some bluebonnets are tinted with pink and purple streaks, since they may be pollinated by foreign lupines of every shade of color lupines have.

I couldn't mow more than once around because of the lovely little flowers, the names of which I don't know. Except some tiny yellow ranunculus.

The only reason I was mowing is to eliminate snake habitat. Today, my friend's son killed an olive green on dark green snake. I never saw a green one before, but my friend insisted it was a water moccasin. Oh, I looked it up. They can be black, gray, brown, or olive green. this one was paying the hens a visit. I guess he burrowed himself into a little hole when he was apprehended by friend's son, who killed it. :eek: Guess I need to go get more 18" red concrete slabs and put them around the two pens. This spring, someone didn't quite close the gate so there were momentary free range chickens in the adjacent field leaving their scent in the vicinity of the pens before they were coaxed back into their pens.
I love roses. It's simple, and I have 2 1/2 rows of them opposite my vegetable garden. I found some more pictures of the favorite flower online. I gotta get some purple or blue roses one of these days...


I think that I shall never see
A rose more beautiful than thee


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The Elusive True Blue Rose Bush
Do they relly exist? *sigh*



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