Are gag orders constitutional?

Ok, well then, it should be noted that the loss of travel of someone indicted for a criminal offense, could pose a flight risk, which is why their right to travel could be curtailed...Just as a gag order is usually used to protect tainting of a potential jury.

However, in Donald Trump's case, this gag order by this judge is because SHE doesn't like Trump's rhetoric surrounding this sham of a prosecution...So, IMHO, she is trying everything she can to stack the deck against Trump...Including gaging his right to free speech...
That's FALSE....completely false!

Read the gag order, and the examples given.

This gag order is very very specifically limited....
It should be noted that the Constitution allows for bail....

and bail is more than just money....Bail is a set of pre-trial restrictions that are imposed on a suspect to ensure that they will not hamper the judicial process. Bail is the conditional release of a defendant with the promise to appear in court when required
Correct. So we both seem to agree that a gag order is constitutional.

This is not about Trump, in fact TN will say mean things to you if you bring up Trump
I never said it was unconstitutional...But, it may be considering that the defendant we are considering is in the running for a Presidential nomination, in an ongoing election...That goes further, that is election tampering...
But, it may be considering that the defendant we are considering is in the running for a Presidential nomination, in an ongoing election...That goes further, that is election tampering...

The defendant, like every other defendant has the right and power to challenge the gag order to a higher court. That they might be running for an elected office is 100% irrelevant.
I never said it was unconstitutional...But, it may be considering that the defendant we are considering is in the running for a Presidential nomination, in an ongoing election...That goes further, that is election tampering...
If he was being gagged over his political speech, I’d agree. This, however, is a judicial proceeding and HE’S the one making it political.
If he was being gagged over his political speech, I’d agree. This, however, is a judicial proceeding and HE’S the one making it political.
Oh no...I believe that the timing of these cases are designed exactly to politicize this circus to hamper his ability to run...
Oh no...I believe that the timing of these cases are designed exactly to politicize this circus to hamper his ability to run...
Timing? Trump has been asking why this wasn’t brought three years ago. Well, he was president three years ago and some of the crimes were committed less than three years ago. Every year we have elections somewhere. If we allowed his reasoning, career politicians couldn’t be held accountable until they retired!
So, it's election interference....
No it isn't.

Please, for the love of God, read the judge's gag order, don't stay in the dark.... it's a PDF and I don't know how to copy and paste from won't let me???? :(

Ok, I found a way to copy a page....YAY!


Some of you people have SEVERE TDS. Even the ones that support him.
The obsession with that POS blows my mind.

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