Are Gay Clubs/Bath Houses Regular Passive-Aggressive Killing Floors?

Looking at Obama's ineptitude when it comes to terrorism and that any gun control he tries to ram through won't stop another attack from happening and the reality of copy cats...mixed in with the annoyingly militant nature of you's just a matter of time before someone tries to beat Mateed's high score. And that might continue on for awhile, especially if he gets what he wants and floods us with more Muslims.

Not only that but the Islamic extremists may have figured out that the vile nature of the LGBT cult and its aggressive evangelizing is largely unwanted by Christians and Jews alike. It may be appealing to them to not have to fight with people who essentially agree where the problem is with evil in the world.
I believe they have already figured that out.
Not necessarily "forced" back into the closet. It'll probably be voluntary.

What makes you say that? Why would gays volunteer to return to the closet?
Looking at Obama's ineptitude when it comes to terrorism and that any gun control he tries to ram through won't stop another attack from happening and the reality of copy cats...mixed in with the annoyingly militant nature of you's just a matter of time before someone tries to beat Mateed's high score. And that might continue on for awhile, especially if he gets what he wants and floods us with more Muslims.

Yeah, gays are not going to cower in fear or return to the closet as a result of extremists, Muslim or otherwise. You're fooling yourself if you believe otherwise. I am sure noting would give you greater joy if they did, though.
Oh yes they will. Mark my words. You are watching the collapse of civilization. You're not aware of this because you don't want to be.
Who's that? Your dyke friend from Iraq or something? Lol
Looking at Obama's ineptitude when it comes to terrorism and that any gun control he tries to ram through won't stop another attack from happening and the reality of copy cats...mixed in with the annoyingly militant nature of you's just a matter of time before someone tries to beat Mateed's high score. And that might continue on for awhile, especially if he gets what he wants and floods us with more Muslims.

Not only that but the Islamic extremists may have figured out that the vile nature of the LGBT cult and its aggressive evangelizing is largely unwanted by Christians and Jews alike. It may be appealing to them to not have to fight with people who essentially agree where the problem is with evil in the world.
I believe they have already figured that out.

Well for awhile there, ISIS was beheading Christians and such. Like beheading one's half-brother who agrees with you the thief stealing the sheep is the real enemy. They all share the same father: Yaweh/Allah/God (all the same thing). It's just their "mothers" (their prophets/messiahs) are different.
What makes you say that? Why would gays volunteer to return to the closet?
Looking at Obama's ineptitude when it comes to terrorism and that any gun control he tries to ram through won't stop another attack from happening and the reality of copy cats...mixed in with the annoyingly militant nature of you's just a matter of time before someone tries to beat Mateed's high score. And that might continue on for awhile, especially if he gets what he wants and floods us with more Muslims.

Yeah, gays are not going to cower in fear or return to the closet as a result of extremists, Muslim or otherwise. You're fooling yourself if you believe otherwise. I am sure noting would give you greater joy if they did, though.
Oh yes they will. Mark my words. You are watching the collapse of civilization. You're not aware of this because you don't want to be.
Who's that? Your dyke friend from Iraq or something? Lol

You can do better than. I know you can. lol
Looking at Obama's ineptitude when it comes to terrorism and that any gun control he tries to ram through won't stop another attack from happening and the reality of copy cats...mixed in with the annoyingly militant nature of you's just a matter of time before someone tries to beat Mateed's high score. And that might continue on for awhile, especially if he gets what he wants and floods us with more Muslims.

Not only that but the Islamic extremists may have figured out that the vile nature of the LGBT cult and its aggressive evangelizing is largely unwanted by Christians and Jews alike. It may be appealing to them to not have to fight with people who essentially agree where the problem is with evil in the world.
I believe they have already figured that out.

Well for awhile there, ISIS was beheading Christians and such. Like beheading one's half-brother who agrees with you the thief stealing the sheep is the real enemy. They all share the same father: Yaweh/Allah/God (all the same thing). It's just their "mothers" (their prophets/messiahs) are different.
They still behead Christians.
Well for awhile there, ISIS was beheading Christians and such. Like beheading one's half-brother who agrees with you the thief stealing the sheep is the real enemy. They all share the same father: Yaweh/Allah/God (all the same thing). It's just their "mother" (their prophets/messiahs) are different.

For a while there? They still do. Christianity offends radical Islam and as a precaution we need to limit the freedoms Christians enjoy in America. We mustn't inflame those that wish to kill us for simply existing.
Well for awhile there, ISIS was beheading Christians and such. Like beheading one's half-brother who agrees with you the thief stealing the sheep is the real enemy. They all share the same father: Yaweh/Allah/God (all the same thing). It's just their "mother" (their prophets/messiahs) are different.

For a while there? They still do. Christianity offends radical Islam and as a precaution we need to limit the freedoms Christians enjoy in America. We mustn't inflame those that wish to kill us for simply existing.
Its better to suppress you're a tiny portion of the population that isn't worth the headache.
Well for awhile there, ISIS was beheading Christians and such. Like beheading one's half-brother who agrees with you the thief stealing the sheep is the real enemy. They all share the same father: Yaweh/Allah/God (all the same thing). It's just their "mother" (their prophets/messiahs) are different.

For a while there? They still do. Christianity offends radical Islam and as a precaution we need to limit the freedoms Christians enjoy in America. We mustn't inflame those that wish to kill us for simply existing.
Its better to suppress you're a tiny portion of the population that isn't worth the headache.

What is stopping you now? Too busy whining on the Internet?
Well for awhile there, ISIS was beheading Christians and such. Like beheading one's half-brother who agrees with you the thief stealing the sheep is the real enemy. They all share the same father: Yaweh/Allah/God (all the same thing). It's just their "mother" (their prophets/messiahs) are different.

For a while there? They still do. Christianity offends radical Islam and as a precaution we need to limit the freedoms Christians enjoy in America. We mustn't inflame those that wish to kill us for simply existing.
Its better to suppress you're a tiny portion of the population that isn't worth the headache.

What is stopping you now? Too busy whining on the Internet?
The muslims will do it for us. Lol
There is no way that /my/ people, the military people, will allow /anyone/ to start killing homosexuals. Jesus, stuff your faggot hate up your ass and loosen up.

The vast, vast majority of the public doesn't give two shits what jack and joe do in their private relationships. That is why SSM is passed and supported by the majority of the country. Even supposed outspoken "haters" like Trump, who have a long history of thinking being gay is "immoral," are willing to say ya know what? it's their life so whatever (exactly as I reassured our liberal panic-team some months ago btw)

The blunt truth is that most folks are inherently selfish, they don't care what others do /until/ it actually affects their little bubbles. The majority of the rediculious shit that hits the media is because of the attention whores, and that goes for both sides. No, most gay folks have little interest in traipsing around in public in their S&M gear, similarly, no most Christian's are not wanting homosexuals dead. Have a little intellectual honesty for once.

Especially you Sil, if you actually give a shit what your mentally deranged friend did, then at least be honest in your flailing attempts to change public opinion, because seriously you are coming off just as deranged as your alleged friend with your obsessions. I more than welcome an honest intellectual discussion about any legitimate concerns, but the vast majority of the crap you bring us is pulled straight out of your head and not based in reality at all. Sure you get some support from anti-homosexual extremest on here, but you and I both know that isn't going to change jack shit yes? Or maybe all you want is the attention like all the other dimwitted morons?

On a personal note; its a real shame to waste your talents on this bologna honey, I believe you should try your hand at writing novels. I think the unexpected connections you could weave into plots and plot-twists would be quite appealing to readers. Quite similar to mine if I'm being honest, in both my writing and RP communities they call me the chessmaster because I tie everyone into huge webs and knots of interconnected intrigues.
There is no way that /my/ people, the military people, will allow /anyone/ to start killing homosexuals. Jesus, stuff your faggot hate up your ass and loosen up.

The vast, vast majority of the public doesn't give two shits what jack and joe do in their private relationships. That is why SSM is passed and supported by the majority of the country....

1. Children who want a mother might care what jack and joe do in their private relationship.

2. SSM didn't "pass" anything. It was temporarily forced upon the nation by judicial fiat. An action that would not have been necessary had the majority had their votes in the several states count. And those votes by the majority were "no gay marriage".

I like how you said it if the 5 Justices who "passed" SSM in Obergefell were representative of a national referendum. Because that's essentially how Obergefell did "pass". If the Justices didn't overreach and act as despotic proxy votes for the rest of the nation, they would have been naturally limited to interpreting the Constitution: where in no place whatsoever does it speak about marriage at all, and nowhere does it speak about just some sexual behaviors having "rights" to deprive children of either a mother or father for life without the consent of the governed.

But then again, this thread is about rampant HIV in the gay culture and how night clubs and bath houses for quick anonymous sex are spawning grounds breeding a deadly epidemic where gays are killing each other and the rest of the nation in numbers that make what happened in Orlando look like a teeny weeny drop in the bucket.
There is no way that /my/ people, the military people, will allow /anyone/ to start killing homosexuals. Jesus, stuff your faggot hate up your ass and loosen up.

The vast, vast majority of the public doesn't give two shits what jack and joe do in their private relationships. That is why SSM is passed and supported by the majority of the country. Even supposed outspoken "haters" like Trump, who have a long history of thinking being gay is "immoral," are willing to say ya know what? it's their life so whatever (exactly as I reassured our liberal panic-team some months ago btw)

The blunt truth is that most folks are inherently selfish, they don't care what others do /until/ it actually affects their little bubbles. The majority of the rediculious shit that hits the media is because of the attention whores, and that goes for both sides. No, most gay folks have little interest in traipsing around in public in their S&M gear, similarly, no most Christian's are not wanting homosexuals dead. Have a little intellectual honesty for once.

Especially you Sil, if you actually give a shit what your mentally deranged friend did, then at least be honest in your flailing attempts to change public opinion, because seriously you are coming off just as deranged as your alleged friend with your obsessions. I more than welcome an honest intellectual discussion about any legitimate concerns, but the vast majority of the crap you bring us is pulled straight out of your head and not based in reality at all. Sure you get some support from anti-homosexual extremest on here, but you and I both know that isn't going to change jack shit yes? Or maybe all you want is the attention like all the other dimwitted morons?

On a personal note; its a real shame to waste your talents on this bologna honey, I believe you should try your hand at writing novels. I think the unexpected connections you could weave into plots and plot-twists would be quite appealing to readers. Quite similar to mine if I'm being honest, in both my writing and RP communities they call me the chessmaster because I tie everyone into huge webs and knots of interconnected intrigues. are fucked in the head.

A nice person no doubt...but nevertheless... Fucked in the head.
How astute. Want to talk about HIV/AIDS and bath houses or gay clubs Syriusly?

Like I said- there is a serious discussion to be had- just not with you.

Let me know when MSNBC runs a special on "the problem with HIV, bath houses/ gay night clubs, and quick anonymous sex". OK? Because it seems your Church of LGBT of late just can never ever seem to make the time to have a public discussion about how rampant HIV is in your sect. I'll await your next excuse why this slower but more potent killing of gays get a complete media blackout. Thousands die each year while they await the conversation that will never happen.
There is no way that /my/ people, the military people, will allow /anyone/ to start killing homosexuals. Jesus, stuff your faggot hate up your ass and loosen up.

The vast, vast majority of the public doesn't give two shits what jack and joe do in their private relationships. That is why SSM is passed and supported by the majority of the country....

1. Children who want a mother might care what jack and joe do in their private relationship.

No- children don't- any more than my child cared what my wife and I did in private. You bigots keep fantasizing about how other people have sex- normal people do not.
2. SSM didn't "pass" anything. It was temporarily forced upon the nation by judicial fiat. An action that would not have been necessary had the majority had their votes in the several states count. And those votes by the majority were "no gay marriage".

Same Sex marriage was legalized by various states by popular vote and by legislative action.

And in the rest, the majority of courts- both state and federal recognized that states were discriminating against same sex couples, and violating their Constitutional rights.

You are for violating the Constitutional rights of Americans.

I am not.
Well for awhile there, ISIS was beheading Christians and such. Like beheading one's half-brother who agrees with you the thief stealing the sheep is the real enemy. They all share the same father: Yaweh/Allah/God (all the same thing). It's just their "mother" (their prophets/messiahs) are different.

For a while there? They still do. Christianity offends radical Islam and as a precaution we need to limit the freedoms Christians enjoy in America. We mustn't inflame those that wish to kill us for simply existing.
Its better to suppress you're a tiny portion of the population that isn't worth the headache.

How is that going for you?

You still pissed off that now you can't gather 5 or 6 of your bravest friends to go out and find some guy by himself that you think might be 'gay' to bravely beat up?

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