Are Gay Clubs/Bath Houses Regular Passive-Aggressive Killing Floors?

Well for awhile there, ISIS was beheading Christians and such. Like beheading one's half-brother who agrees with you the thief stealing the sheep is the real enemy. They all share the same father: Yaweh/Allah/God (all the same thing). It's just their "mother" (their prophets/messiahs) are different.

For a while there? They still do. Christianity offends radical Islam and as a precaution we need to limit the freedoms Christians enjoy in America. We mustn't inflame those that wish to kill us for simply existing.
Its better to suppress you're a tiny portion of the population that isn't worth the headache.

How is that going for you?

You still pissed off that now you can't gather 5 or 6 of your bravest friends to go out and find some guy by himself that you think might be 'gay' to bravely beat up?
I've never went out and beat up a fag in my life. Unlike you fucking nags on the left, I respect and practice my natural right to freedom of association and disassociation.
@OOM; Yet you argue that homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to remain in the country despite the majority national opinion that they're welcome? That's an interestingly convoluted belief of freedom of dis/association. None-the-less, at its base I actually support it; in so much as it applies to business rights and the like, though I do draw the line at government funded/run locals.

Still, if we were allowed to simply start picking large groups of the populous to "throw" out of the country based on merely their personal beliefs, then my choices are Socialists (read OWS idiots), Muslim's, gangs, Christians, Catholics, and Mormon's - in roughly that order; and truly I believe that would rid us of nearly every flawed dolt in the nation, so why not right? (I admittedly have a personal bias against organized religions, it's their flagrant coercion of weaker minded individuals that irks me so.) I think its fairly obvious none of that is going to happen, isn't it? I mean even Trump, the supposed grand master of hate ~snorts softly~ won't go so far as to toss /all/ the Muslims out. So why then do you tease yourself with false hopes that it could every possibly happen with homosexuals? You're just setting yourself up for a disappointment there hon.

Fucked in the head? hmmm well, its no secret that my brain is actually physically wired differently than most folks; I have synesthesia, a near photographic memory, an IQ of 198 (btw that's my new official MENSA score for any that may have been keeping track, I got my latest results back last month \o/), and I also have an insatiable appetite for learning new things - I'd dare say the last is at least borderline obsessive; I have a life goal of attempting to become the most intelligent individual alive heh So, I mean, I'm obviously not "normal," nor do I honestly ever wish to be, but "fucked in the head" ... I'm not entirely sure that would be appropriate. I suppose it depends on how one defines it, and I'll hold my tongue on the dirty joke ;) But if you define it merely upon ones preference for "innies" and/or "outies," well then I suppose by that narrowly defined field, I am, and quite happy to be so if I might say; playing both teams is delightful heh

Still, shouldn't the bigger question be "would I be an asset or a hindrance to this nations future?" After all, we're not just talking about your private penthouse or office, but rather the nation as a whole. Clearly in such a discussion, the focus should be based upon ones benefit or detriment to the nation, should it not?

~shrug~ I'm simply curious as to what the ultimate purpose of your "culling" of homosexuals from the country is... Is it merely so you don't have to think about possibly growing to like one of us? ;) Or is this something borne of a deeper agoraphobia? Perhaps you are merely a Pavlov pup - quite common in the religious folks. Or do you suffer from a similar phobia like Sil here?

To be completely frank, my dear OOM, I find your discussion far more interesting and intelligent than the resident fruit loop OP. Sil oft grates me with her incessant illogical fallacies, regardless of her impressive ability to somewhat reasonably explain the connection of completely unrelated issues and events. Or at least you seem to be attempting to weave some reality into your posts anyway... I guess I am rather hoping there is more entertainment value in your debate than boring simple hatred, it's rather difficult to find a reasonable person to debate LGBT issues with these days, I rather miss the challenge of it as it's one of the very few issues I can get riled up about. Can you rise to such a challenge or shall I discard you to the "boring" pile on this issue with the rest of folded hands? ~flashes canines~

[And don't be jelly Sil, I don't have a damn choice but to peruse all your rediculious opening threads, your ability to tie knots has me challenging my brain to understand far too often to "fold" you ...and I totally don't mean that sexually.]
a) You are delusional and
b) there is no chance of a rational discussion with a homophobic delusional bigot like you.

You would not discuss or encourage the discussion about gay night clubs and bath houses being AIDS factories, with anyone at any time. And that is because you don't want a single smear on the LGBT banner. You're OK with ignorance and silence being the accomplices to gays killing each other at night in anonymous sex hookups.
Just going by death toll, more Americans die from AIDs each year than died from the Orlando shooting.

So if the left is interested in saving lives, they'd be better off banning sodomy than banning guns.
At the very least, they should get honest about promiscuity being a death sentence in their cult. But they seem instead to be encouraging promiscuity at every turn; like it is the elixir of life or something. Any attempt to thwart or cut off that drug is met with venomous hostility by the faithful. Rampant, anonymous sex is the hallmark of the gay man. The clubs like "Pulse" and bath houses are notorious killing/suicide fields.

This is an epidemic killing thousands each year. But the Church of LGBT won't do sermons about it and only encourages it to keep escalating.

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