Are Gay Clubs/Bath Houses Regular Passive-Aggressive Killing Floors?

a whole different issue------you could also blame ice cream parlors for DIABETES TYPE II

Their target customers are quite a broader range than gays. So they don't exist solely to tempt people to get Diabetes II. Gay clubs what the late gay journalist Randy Shilts had to say about them in the OP...
a whole different issue------you could also blame ice cream parlors for DIABETES TYPE II

Their target customers are quite a broader range than gays. So they don't exist solely to tempt people to get Diabetes II. Gay clubs what the late gay journalist Randy Shilts had to say about them in the OP...
Evidently you harbor a bias for ice cream and a different one for gheys.....Yet the diabetic ends up in the same place a person with HIV does..You just hate one, over the other...
An oldie, but the opening line is just superb. ~ Getting it Straight: HIV as a Gay Disease Is a Myth That Refuses to Die

"HIV is a gay disease." This is a myth that refuses to die. Misinformation, fear, ignorance and media sensationalism continue to fuel this myth in America. For every one person like me trying to tell the truth about HIV transmission, there seems to be a dozen shrieking, simpleminded, natural-born dullards with a staggering inability to grasp reality.

HIV is not a gay disease. Nope. All of us are at risk in getting HIV from unsafe sex or other modes of blood to blood contact, like sharing needles. Television talk shows and all those fundamentalist/conservative/family values groups are chock full of flaky, clueless lightweights who made up their minds twenty years ago that HIV is a product of the so-called "gay lifestyle" and it's God's wrath on homosexuals. These poor creatures are so invested in this myth that they are incapable of hearing the truth. They continue to spew their self-righteous, delusional feculence to the detriment of all humanity. They are, in fact, shameless, insidious prevaricators driven solely by their irrational loathing and fear of homosexuality."


"The truth is that 16,000 people worldwide are infected with HIV every single day (World Health Organization). They are not all gay. In the United States, HIV infection rates have held steady at 40,000 per year, but recent preliminary data suggests those rates are on the rise. They are not all gay. African-American and Hispanic women together represent less than one-fourth of all U.S. women, but account for more than three-fourths (76%) of AIDS cases among women in this country (CDC Update, 6/98). Women now account for 43% of all HIV infected people over the age of 15 (New York Times, 11/98). In just over a decade, the proportion of all AIDS cases reported among adult and adolescent women tripled, from 7% in 1985 to 22% in 1997 (CDC Update, 6/98).

Further, more than 30 million people around the world are living with HIV or AIDS, and by the year 2000 that figure will reach 40 million (UNAIDS/World Health Organization, 12/97). They are not all gay. AIDS now kills more people worldwide than any other infection, including malaria and tuberculosis."


"Women contract HIV. Women get AIDS. So let's talk about what's going on. The female genital tract (vagina) is normally populated by a flora, helpful bacteria like those "active cultures" listed on yogurt containers. This flora (lactobacilli) produces hydrogen peroxide to kill invading organisms and lower the pH level in the vagina, making it less hospitable for foreign organisms. A loss of lactobacillli lowers the natural protective barriers and leads to an increased risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases. Recent studies conducted by the American Society of Microbiology confirm this. In a study of 144 female sex-workers in Thailand, those with loss of vaginal flora were twice as likely as those with a normal balance of vaginal organisms to contract HIV. A study of 657 female sex-workers in Kenya showed that the risk of contracting gonorrhea rose by 78% in women with low levels of lactobacilli."
Ask any bouncer that has worked normal bars and clubs as well as gay bars and clubs. Homosexuals are ten times more violent.
No one mentioned violence. Spreading disease is non violent and more deadly.

I'm just saying, most gays don't "love" each other at all. They hate each other and fight all the time. Queers are the most mentally unstable and violent people on the planet, although it could be argued that Islamists are. But many Islamist men are closet homos anyway.
An attorney friend of mine was mediating a property division for a gay couple. Right in the attorney's office, one gay guy pulled out a gun, shot his boyfriend then shot himself. The suicide note was in the car.
Heteros never do that.
An oldie, but the opening line is just superb. ~ Getting it Straight: HIV as a Gay Disease Is a Myth That Refuses to Die

"HIV is a gay disease." This is a myth that refuses to die.

You might want to contact the CDC about that. They generally don't dispense myths. Their conclusion is that the #1 vector of HIV spreading in the US is unprotected gay male sex. We aren't talking about Africa dear. We're talking about our unique cultural-epidemic. African disease etiology isn't going to cure the US epidemic. Getting honest about gay male sex lives is. The CDC refers to statistics in this way always "HIV in the United States". And they do that for a reason.

Estimated New HIV Infections in the United States

Gay and bisexual men — referred to in CDC surveillance systems as men who have sex with men (MSM) of all races continue
to be the risk group most severely affected by HIV
. CDC’s most recent data show that between 2008 and 2010, the number
of new infections among MSM increased 12 percent, with an even steeper increase among the youngest MSM. These data
clearly show the urgent need to expand access to proven HIV prevention programs for gay and bisexual men, and to develop
new approaches to fight HIV in this population....
Just going by death toll, more Americans die from AIDs each year than died from the Orlando shooting.

So if the left is interested in saving lives, they'd be better off banning sodomy than banning guns.
Just going by death toll, more Americans die from AIDs each year than died from the Orlando shooting.

So if the left is interested in saving lives, they'd be better off banning sodomy than banning guns.

Yeah, it's a bit more than who died at the HIV-promoting club Sunday in Orlando:

AIDS Kills 7,000 Gay Men In The U.S. Each Year
AIDS Kills 7,000 Gay Men In The U.S. Each Year

At the very least, the Church of LGBT should put pressure on these gathering clubs and bath houses to shut down. They are the hubs, the lantern for the moths to come flitter and die in the flame. Gay journalist Randy Shilts felt very strongly that this should be the case. He was ridiculed by the Church of LGBT almost as much as Anne Heche for defecting to real men.
Ask any bouncer that has worked normal bars and clubs as well as gay bars and clubs. Homosexuals are ten times more violent.
Back in the day, my cousin rented a downstairs room from a couple AIDS vectors. Every time my brother and I visited him, these filthy pieces of offal would be in the kitchen scrapping and calling each other "Yew Betch!*accent added*"! Throwing dishes at each other getting all slashed up.

Queers, they are ALL loony. Hopefully Trump becomes president and ships them off to a tropical island and builds a wall around it with no entrances or the Muslims can't get them of course.

And if the fags, dykes and transformers start getting uppity and say " This sounds like you're trying to get rid of us!"...all Trump will have to say is: " The Donald? Homophobic? Nobody likes the gays like Trump. The gays support Trump. Trust me, its gonna be incredible...its gonna be YUGE!"
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Ask any bouncer that has worked normal bars and clubs as well as gay bars and clubs. Homosexuals are ten times more violent.
Back in the day, my cousin rented a downstairs room from a couple AIDS vectors. Every time my brother and I visited him, these filthy pieces of offal would be in the kitchen scrapping and calling each other "Yew Betch!*accent added*"! Throwing dishes at each other getting all slashed up.

Queers, they are ALL loony. Hopefully Trump becomes president and ships them off to a tropical island and builds a wall around it with no entrances or the Muslims can't get them of course.

And if the fags, dykes and transformers start getting uppity and say " This sounds like you're trying to get rid of us!"...all Trump will have to say is: " The Donald? Homophobic? Nobody likes the gays like Trump. The gays support Trump. Trust me, its goona be incredible...its gonna be YUGE!"
Seige heil...bitch..
Ask any bouncer that has worked normal bars and clubs as well as gay bars and clubs. Homosexuals are ten times more violent.
Back in the day, my cousin rented a downstairs room from a couple AIDS vectors. Every time my brother and I visited him, these filthy pieces of offal would be in the kitchen scrapping and calling each other "Yew Betch!*accent added*"! Throwing dishes at each other getting all slashed up.

Queers, they are ALL loony. Hopefully Trump becomes president and ships them off to a tropical island and builds a wall around it with no entrances or the Muslims can't get them of course.

And if the fags, dykes and transformers start getting uppity and say " This sounds like you're trying to get rid of us!"...all Trump will have to say is: " The Donald? Homophobic? Nobody likes the gays like Trump. The gays support Trump. Trust me, its goona be incredible...its gonna be YUGE!"
Seige heil...bitch..
Seige heil?
Back in the day, my cousin rented a downstairs room from a couple AIDS vectors. Every time my brother and I visited him, these filthy pieces of offal would be in the kitchen scrapping and calling each other "Yew Betch!*accent added*"! Throwing dishes at each other getting all slashed up.

Queers, they are ALL loony. Hopefully Trump becomes president and ships them off to a tropical island and builds a wall around it with no entrances or the Muslims can't get them of course....And if the fags, dykes and transformers start getting uppity and say " This sounds like you're trying to get rid of us!"...all Trump will have to say is: " The Donald? Homophobic? Nobody likes the gays like Trump. The gays support Trump. Trust me, its goona be incredible...its gonna be YUGE!"

That's really weird you would say all that about Trump because he loves the Church of LGBT. He thinks gay weddings are "beautiful" and he declared emphatically that men are allowed in ladies' rooms in Trump Tower.
Back in the day, my cousin rented a downstairs room from a couple AIDS vectors. Every time my brother and I visited him, these filthy pieces of offal would be in the kitchen scrapping and calling each other "Yew Betch!*accent added*"! Throwing dishes at each other getting all slashed up.

Queers, they are ALL loony. Hopefully Trump becomes president and ships them off to a tropical island and builds a wall around it with no entrances or the Muslims can't get them of course....And if the fags, dykes and transformers start getting uppity and say " This sounds like you're trying to get rid of us!"...all Trump will have to say is: " The Donald? Homophobic? Nobody likes the gays like Trump. The gays support Trump. Trust me, its goona be incredible...its gonna be YUGE!"

That's really weird you would say all that about Trump because he loves the Church of LGBT. He thinks gay weddings are "beautiful" and he declared emphatically that men are allowed in ladies' rooms in Trump Tower.
For God's sake woman....I was trying to lighten the mood a little.
Randy Shilts wrote these excerpts from an article reprinted below for the May 13, 1982 edition of The Chronicle. Randy Shilts was a gay journalist who was known for his dogged loyalty to the truth, even when it hurt to hear.. the term "GRID" was the old term for HIV/AIDS. It stood for "Gay Related Immune Deficiency".

Randy Shilts warned early about 'baffling diseases' in gay men
A 45-year-old San Francisco man looked at the purple spots covering his arms, face and chest and contemplated the death sentence they might foreshadow..."Every time I see a new spot, I think I'm a step closer to death," said Jerry, a former waiter. "I don't even look in the mirror any more."
Jerry is a victim of one of a series of baffling diseases hitting primarily gay men with increasing frequency across the country...

..The numbers of gay men struck by the GRID disease passed epidemic proportions long ago and are now frightening public health officials for a number of reasons.-- In the 11 months since the first American case of a rare skin cancer known as Kaposi's sarcoma was reported to federal authorities, the cancer and the other GRID illnesses have reportedly struck 335 Americans, almost all of them gay, killing 136 -- a higher death toll than both toxic shock syndrome and Legionnaire's disease combined...

...-- Public health officials are also discovering that a laundry list of other strange diseases are striking gay men, apparently associated with a dysfunction of the patient's immune systems. These "opportunistic" diseases now account for one-sixth of GRID victims...

...-- Even more mysterious than the fact that these diseases are attacking a group with few if any common genetic physical or racial characteristics is the fact that the geographic regions where GRID victims have been found are so isolated. About half come from New York, with another quarter split almost evenly between Los Angeles and San Francisco. The remaining quarter is scattered throughout smaller centers of gay populations around the country...

...What causes this short circuit of the immune system among such a specific demographic group? Federal health officials ran profiles of 130 risk factors on the GRID victims through a computer and found that the typical patient had about twice the sexual activity of a normal American gay male, tending to be involved in bathhouses and esoteric sexual activities...

...Complicating the search is the fact that several sets of roommates and lovers have come down with the same GRID disease, leading some researchers to suggest that a viral agent may be involved...


They were freaking out about 335 Americans having HIV back then. Now we accept well over a million people with it without a passing comment. Indeed there seems to be a deafening silence about HIV/AIDS as the LGBT propaganda machine strangles our legal system into mainstreaming the bath house/ quick-sex club culture into the mainstream.

These bath houses and clubs exist in the LGBT community for one predominant reason, and everybody knows it. They are for quick, anonymous sex hook ups; the type that carry the highest risk for HIV transmission. Why? Because the loveless LGBT sex culture doesn't care about the unknown semen receptacle. They are there merely for immediate physical release/amusement. And so, these clubs and establishments exist to passively murder thousands of gays each year. Meanwhile people mourn the more acute deaths of just 49 of them. I think it's time people start mourning the thousands too; and why they are dying..
Ask any bouncer that has worked normal bars and clubs as well as gay bars and clubs. Homosexuals are ten times more violent.
No one mentioned violence. Spreading disease is non violent and more deadly.

I'm just saying, most gays don't "love" each other at all. They hate each other and fight all the time. Queers are the most mentally unstable and violent people on the planet, although it could be argued that Islamists are. But many Islamist men are closet homos anyway.

Then you are an idiot.

An ignorant idiot.
These bath houses and clubs exist in the LGBT community for one predominant reason, and everybody knows it. They are for quick, anonymous sex hook ups; the type that carry the highest risk for HIV transmission. Why? Because the loveless LGBT sex culture doesn't care about the unknown semen receptacle. They are there merely for immediate physical release/amusement. And so, these clubs and establishments exist to passively murder thousands of gays each year. Meanwhile people mourn the more acute deaths of just 49 of them. I think it's time people start mourning the thousands too; and why they are dying..

There is a real discussion to be had about the issue of safe sex and gay men.

But there is no real discussion to be had regarding the issue with Silhouette- as her only goal is to attack gay men.

IF she could ensure that only gay men- and all gay men- got AID's- she would be for AIDs- and even riskier sex.

She doesn't care that thousands of gay men have AID's or that they are dying. They are just another one of her props for attacking homosexuals.
How astute. Want to talk about HIV/AIDS and bath houses or gay clubs Syriusly? No? :popcorn:

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