Are GOP deficit hawks dead?

Absolutely. It's undeniable republicans are the most fiscal irresponsible. When faced with a deficit they lowered taxes and increased spending, the most irresponsible option. This is while they held the house, senate, and presidency-so no one else to blame.
Right...because raising taxes and still raising spending disproportionately higher, while somehow managing to loose track of 1 trillion dollars within 8 years is sooo much more responsible. And while we’re at it, let’s take the absolute worst of capitalistic and socialist healthcare systems, combine them, and then make small businesses and the middle class pay for the inevitable price increase. That did wonders.

The problem is omnibus bills. It’s been the problem for a while now. So STFU. And learn a thing or two before being inexcusably stupid. If you’re not against omnibus bills, then you have ZERO room to speak about the deficit no matter which side of the isle you’re on.
Fact remains that cutting while spending more is even worse. And that's exactly what the fake debt crusader republicans keep doing long after the "great recession".
We've been running a deficit since ... what year?
The deficit created by Bush was dramatically reduced under Obama.

Fed spending was in the low $2Ts' untill chancy took over in 2007 then out of control since. Obammy never had a budget? They just kept going at phony stimulus level from year 1. Recently RINO took off debt ceiling so as not to scare the Citizenry.
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Donald Trump's budget proves that GOP deficit hawks are a dying breed - CNNPolitics

I disagree....the. Hawks will be back when a Democrat is elected President. They will begin singing the Deficit Blues like good Hypocrites always do....

Until they they heads will remain buried in a big fat orange ass....
Of course their dead, if they ever were alive. Another proof that the two parties are very much alike, yet you ignorantly love one and hate the other. Stop that.
Donald Trump's budget proves that GOP deficit hawks are a dying breed - CNNPolitics
I disagree....the. Hawks will be back when a Democrat is elected President. They will begin singing the Deficit Blues like good Hypocrites always do....
Until they they heads will remain buried in a big fat orange ass....
Talk radio teaches them to crow about the economy -- even though we're stuck at roughly HALF of Trump's promised 5% to 6% GDP -- while purposely ignoring the fact that Trump exploded the deficit to pay for the sugar rush.

This is what partisans do: Ignore, avoid and downplay all information that doesn't suit their agenda, no matter how fucking important it is.

Our wingers are killing us.
Absolutely. It's undeniable republicans are the most fiscal irresponsible. When faced with a deficit they lowered taxes and increased spending, the most irresponsible option. This is while they held the house, senate, and presidency-so no one else to blame.
Right...because raising taxes and still raising spending disproportionately higher, while somehow managing to loose track of 1 trillion dollars within 8 years is sooo much more responsible. And while we’re at it, let’s take the absolute worst of capitalistic and socialist healthcare systems, combine them, and then make small businesses and the middle class pay for the inevitable price increase. That did wonders.

The problem is omnibus bills. It’s been the problem for a while now. So STFU. And learn a thing or two before being inexcusably stupid. If you’re not against omnibus bills, then you have ZERO room to speak about the deficit no matter which side of the isle you’re on.
Fact remains that cutting while spending more is even worse. And that's exactly what the fake debt crusader republicans keep doing long after the "great recession".
Cutting is not worse as long as it grows GDP. Which it clearly has. And Obama’s line that trump inherited his economy is laughable BS. There’s a extremely clear increase in things like consumer confidence, expendable income, job growth, wages, etc after Trump takes office and after the tax cuts. Who would’ve thought that when businesses have more money, they can do things like hire more employees, expand, and invest, all of which grows the economy. It’s so obvious it’s shocking. A vibrant economy is much more resieliant than an overburdened economy with low consumer confidence where businesses aren’t going to expand because they don’t know if more regulations or another recession is coming down the pike.

Contrast that to what virtually every single democrat wants to do which is expand or create more entitlements. Entitlements may give people a fuzzy feeling inside, but the ones we already have in place make up over 60%, have been growing steadily for decades, and are only going to continue to grow. For Christ sake social security is going to be completely bankrupt within a decade. Government has its place but people need to understand it is highly innefficient with money. The model for every government institution is not to cut and spend less, or become more efficient with procedures and technology, because you’ll loose that surplus in next years budget. Instead it is to bitch and moan until you get more money. Because there is little incentive and/or consequences for government to preform in a satisfying and affordable way to its “consumers” (like there is in free markets), you tend to get people in charge of institutions who treat taxpayer money like rich teens with daddy’s credit card. Which is why in the Obama era, the fed govt misspent 1 TRILLION dollars. By misspent I don’t mean wasteful spending on stupid shit like making turtle tunnels under highways, misspent means government lost that money through making double payments, paying the wrong party, straight up loosing it, and very likely plenty of fraud. 1 trillion dollars is more money than the richest company on the planet is worth, Apple. If we looked at government as a charity, and figured out how much money donated goes into actually helping the intended people, we’d all loose our shit and call it a fraud organization. Again government has its place, it can’t completely operate like a business, but far too much money gets caught up in creating a burdensome bureaucracy when people stop paying attention and treat government like daddy’s credit card.

What’s more ideal is first cutting spending then taxes much like in the Harding/Coolidge era when they came into office with a recession that by every metric was much worse than what led to the Great Depression. Harding/Coolidge completely flipped the economy around within a year and a half and ushered in the roaring 20’s. Despite Coolidge’s popularity, he decided not to run for another term for pretty much the same reason as Washington, which sadly put others in office who did the exact opposite of what needed to be done in the recession that led to the Great Depression.

Our problem is omnibus spending bills. Instead we need to either zero the budget and give more money to what we see is actually effective, combine the thousands of redundant programs and departments, and make cuts on what’s ineffective. Or we can do a rand Paul type plan and cut a penny on every dollar and eventually balance the budget and begin to reduce debt. Problem is as soon as entitlement reform is brought up, people loose their shit, even though it’s objectively a necessary eventuality. It’s very unpopular and the fucks in office don’t want to loose re-election which is why more entitlements are a terrible idea, and government is a terrible steward of taxpayer money.
Donald Trump's budget proves that GOP deficit hawks are a dying breed - CNNPolitics

I disagree....the. Hawks will be back when a Democrat is elected President. They will begin singing the Deficit Blues like good Hypocrites always do....

Until they they heads will remain buried in a big fat orange ass....
It’s not just Trump, of course.

We saw the same thing under GWB – deficits increased absent any protest from the right.

Federal budget deficits are important to conservatives only when Democratic presidents are in office.

Deficit Hawks die until a Dem is in the WH....then they come alive and begin screaming about deficit spending...

We all have been watching it for decades. The GOP is the most Hypocritical Animal alive....and many of you bow to their HYPOCRISY.

Just wait until a Dem is in the WH again....
Donald Trump's budget proves that GOP deficit hawks are a dying breed - CNNPolitics

I disagree....the. Hawks will be back when a Democrat is elected President. They will begin singing the Deficit Blues like good Hypocrites always do....

Until they they heads will remain buried in a big fat orange ass....
Of course their dead, if they ever were alive. Another proof that the two parties are very much alike, yet you ignorantly love one and hate the other. Stop that.

Just watch after trump leaves the economy in shambles....the deficit hawks will scream and blame Democrats....
Donald Trump's budget proves that GOP deficit hawks are a dying breed - CNNPolitics

I disagree....the. Hawks will be back when a Democrat is elected President. They will begin singing the Deficit Blues like good Hypocrites always do....

Until they they heads will remain buried in a big fat orange ass....
A progressive Liberal even mentioning the deficit in a negative manner is true hypocrisy. Trump may be spending like a drunken democrat but it is a fraction of what the lefty loons running for President want to spend.

I remember when during Obama times they criticized anyone who wasn't for huge deficits in favor of bailing out their friends on wallstreet and other crap.

And now... suddenly a new awakening?
Donald Trump's budget proves that GOP deficit hawks are a dying breed - CNNPolitics

I disagree....the. Hawks will be back when a Democrat is elected President. They will begin singing the Deficit Blues like good Hypocrites always do....

Until they they heads will remain buried in a big fat orange ass....
A progressive Liberal even mentioning the deficit in a negative manner is true hypocrisy. Trump may be spending like a drunken democrat but it is a fraction of what the lefty loons running for President want to spend.

I remember when during Obama times they criticized anyone who wasn't for huge deficits in favor of bailing out their friends on wallstreet and other crap.

And now... suddenly a new awakening?

Obama was trying to keep the US from sludunf into a GOP caused depression...trump was given an improving economy and He still balloons the deficit..the King of Bankruptcy...
Donald Trump's budget proves that GOP deficit hawks are a dying breed - CNNPolitics

I disagree....the. Hawks will be back when a Democrat is elected President. They will begin singing the Deficit Blues like good Hypocrites always do....

Until they they heads will remain buried in a big fat orange ass....
A progressive Liberal even mentioning the deficit in a negative manner is true hypocrisy. Trump may be spending like a drunken democrat but it is a fraction of what the lefty loons running for President want to spend.

I remember when during Obama times they criticized anyone who wasn't for huge deficits in favor of bailing out their friends on wallstreet and other crap.

And now... suddenly a new awakening?

Obama was trying to keep the US from sludunf into a GOP caused depression...trump was given an improving economy and He still balloons the deficit..the King of Bankruptcy...

The "king of bankruptcy" is worth billions and among top 1000 wealthiest men alive easily. Care to try again?

Gop caused depression... everyone who is not illiterate in economics knows the housing bubble started in the 90s, as did the dotcom bubble. No one is talking about the second disaster named Bush anyway.
Donald Trump's budget proves that GOP deficit hawks are a dying breed - CNNPolitics

I disagree....the. Hawks will be back when a Democrat is elected President. They will begin singing the Deficit Blues like good Hypocrites always do....

Until they they heads will remain buried in a big fat orange ass....
A progressive Liberal even mentioning the deficit in a negative manner is true hypocrisy. Trump may be spending like a drunken democrat but it is a fraction of what the lefty loons running for President want to spend.

I remember when during Obama times they criticized anyone who wasn't for huge deficits in favor of bailing out their friends on wallstreet and other crap.

And now... suddenly a new awakening?

Obama was trying to keep the US from sludunf into a GOP caused depression...trump was given an improving economy and He still balloons the deficit..the King of Bankruptcy...


Donald Trump's budget proves that GOP deficit hawks are a dying breed - CNNPolitics

I disagree....the. Hawks will be back when a Democrat is elected President. They will begin singing the Deficit Blues like good Hypocrites always do....

Until they they heads will remain buried in a big fat orange ass....
A progressive Liberal even mentioning the deficit in a negative manner is true hypocrisy. Trump may be spending like a drunken democrat but it is a fraction of what the lefty loons running for President want to spend.

I remember when during Obama times they criticized anyone who wasn't for huge deficits in favor of bailing out their friends on wallstreet and other crap.

And now... suddenly a new awakening?

Obama was trying to keep the US from sludunf into a GOP caused depression...trump was given an improving economy and He still balloons the deficit..the King of Bankruptcy...

The "king of bankruptcy" is worth billions and among top 1000 wealthiest men alive easily. Care to try again?

Gop caused depression... everyone who is not illiterate in economics knows the housing bubble started in the 90s, as did the dotcom bubble. No one is talking about the second disaster named Bush anyway.

We really don't know how much he us worth....the bone spur coward. Will not release his tax returns....

He could be worth billions and he could owe billions more....

Only caretaker Putin knows....

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