Are lady clothes the new trend for men?


Nothing bizarre about that guy. this is where some fag asks me what I mean by "normal".

And I say...something besides the above.

Nothing bizarre about that guy.

OMG!!! this one takes the cake , if I had taken a drink it would have been all over the screen this is fkn hysterical ............I can't stop laughing... You have got to be kidding me.
the fact that a person WANTS to inflict that upon an unsuspecting and innocent population is EVIDENCE that they are mentally ill, sociopathic, and anti-social...
and therefore, a threat to themselves and others. They should be institutionalized.
Oh I'll let them do whatever they want as long as they don't have a problem when I laugh at them for doing it
How would anyone NOT 'let them' do whatever they want?

Cant exactly tar and feather them for cross dressing any more.

But I REFUSE to ever say it is normal, healthy or manly to dress like a faggot.
As a free person in a supposedly free nation I will wear what ever the fuck I wish. I aint hurting anyone.


Move to Iran if you don't like it.
Nah, but I will laugh my ass off at you in those fagot clothes and if you dont like that, move to Queer City.
As a free person in a supposedly free nation I will wear what ever the fuck I wish. I aint hurting anyone.


Move to Iran if you don't like it.
Nah, but I will laugh my ass off at you in those fagot clothes and if you dont like that, move to Queer City.

As long as it is just laughing...You have a right to it. Clothing shouldn't matter.

I don't understand why you want to force your way into other peoples lives....Let people be free. If you reject it then that is your right but forcing government to do such is the surest way to iranian style dictatorship.
Oh I'll let them do whatever they want as long as they don't have a problem when I laugh at them for doing it

"Men " with hair buns wearing skinny jeans

Now that's fucking hilarious

We made so much fun of this bun guy at work he finally cut it off...and we were like why did you do that?

Haters of freedom and liberty is all I see...People that are so bitter and full of hatred that they go through life only thinking about that hatred. Sad.

I feel sorry for you.


Oh yeah I've seen that jackass, another liberal moron promoting the normal dress look.

Could you see our Border Patrol Men working in a fkn dress. Or how about our soldiers ........Oh wait they've infiltrated them already.

Will smith's son is one stuck up cockly little bastard who uses Hollywood to herd in the idiots.

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