Are muslims running the US government?

Are Israelis running the Republican Party?


Prove it.

Your first. I started this thread and challenged any of you dems to prove that the obama administration is not being run by muslims. Once you respond to that, I will address your israeli question.
I think the burden of proof is on you since you're making the accusations. Of course it makes no difference whether they are Muslims, Jews, Christians, or atheists.

This weekend seems to be the time for really dumb threads.

not one of you libs has been able to refute what the OP says. The people listed are muslims, they are in positions of power under obama. Are you really so naive that you think they would separate their religion from their jobs in the administration?

Now, pay attention. If a muslim did that he or she would be in violation of the koran. They are mandated to force the muslim faith on all non believers and a position of power in the government is the perfect place to do that.

Why do you tolerate this religious infusion into government and denigrate a simple clerk for trying to live by her beliefs?
That's because the premise of the OP is unmitigated idiocy, not worthy of a response.

Your first. I started this thread and challenged any of you dems to prove that the obama administration is not being run by muslims. Once you respond to that, I will address your israeli question.
I think the burden of proof is on you since you're making the accusations. Of course it makes no difference whether they are Muslims, Jews, Christians, or atheists.

This weekend seems to be the time for really dumb threads.

not one of you libs has been able to refute what the OP says. The people listed are muslims, they are in positions of power under obama. Are you really so naive that you think they would separate their religion from their jobs in the administration?

Now, pay attention. If a muslim did that he or she would be in violation of the koran. They are mandated to force the muslim faith on all non believers and a position of power in the government is the perfect place to do that.

Why do you tolerate this religious infusion into government and denigrate a simple clerk for trying to live by her beliefs?
That's because the premise of the OP is unmitigated idiocy, not worthy of a response.

Thanks for your acknowledgement and concurrence with the OP sense you lack a quality and or reasonable response

Your defeat is noted


Commies too!

Commie Muslims are running the country!

From Kenya!

Time to take back our country, patriots!

I agree. It should start with the forced removal of Obama from the Office of Presidency

He should be arrested and prosecuted for impersonating an American,, Not by birth right, but by actions

When a turd circles the drain with other turds, the tightening of the spiral appears normal

And I'll spit the final flush then slam the lid on the cesspool known as Obama regime

The Imperial President who prefers to rule instead of govern from the Imperial White House

Now we know what it's like in other oppressed nations

The communist won the cold war after all. Not only did Obama abandon Iraq and let it turn into an ISIS killing field, he also has Russia ready to knock on our front door. The Chinese are flexing off our Northwest coast . He thumbed his nose at Israel and gave Iran the bomb to carry out more terrorist acts on Americans and likely, the attack on Israel that looms

There will be one huge vacuum when Obama leaves, The void that used to be the 'American Way' will quickly be filled by those of use waiting on the sidelines. Waiting for the opportunity to cease the reins of our culture, and change the course. All the good things America represents will fill the void, and fill it rapidly.

The American way will return as soon as this little diversity experiment is complete and Obama becomes the doorman for his library tucked neatly in the outskirts of Chicago... far from Rush street. Just think about the 4-5 visitors a day the library could expect...... They should be given annual passes just for making it to the library without black youth gunning them down on the way to review the great contributions of the first black POTUS. Considering this all can be accomplished within 15-minutes, warrants a very low admission fee and should include 9-holes (for the course on the lawns of the library), a cart and lunch while viewing Karl Marx highlight reels.

I mean this in all seriousness

Obama is dangerous and we need to ensure that when he leaves, everything he stood for, everything that represents his tenure and destruction, is forgotten and never to be discussed when the nation is looking for leadership to right her ship

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I had this bookmarked. this is what we tried to tell people. It's on a site I know the left won't like, but if anyone is interested in reading it.... Make sure you read the comment section. a lot of information about Obama and the communist party of the United States, etc and then you decide. the original article was off the American Thinker and the link for it is there also

Why Is Observing Obama As A Marxist Verboten?
American Thinker ^ | 03/22/2012 | Bill Flax

Posted on ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2012‎ ‎2‎:‎23‎:‎29‎ ‎AM by billflax

The recent release of a tape by Andrew Breitbart's outfit sparked renewed interest in President Obama's murky past. In anticipation, conservatives were elated that the president might finally be exposed. The tape showed Obama, then at Harvard Law, orchestrating a protest on behalf of Derrick Bell.
Without providing any background on just how radical is Professor Bell, the compliant liberal media derisively dismissed it all as conservative paranoia, even proclaiming presidential vindication. It still appears preposterous to purport that America elected a communist ideologue. The world's greatest beneficiary of capitalist bounty would never willingly empower a radical socialist to "fundamentally transform America."

Unfortunately, we did, even if Americans loathe admitting it. And this ought to have been obvious even before Mr. Breitbart's valiant efforts.

Obama exploits the citizenry's concerted blindness, cloaking his views under veneers of "social justice," "fairness," and "progress." Unadulterated Marxism attracts few votes. In rare candor, sans teleprompter, Obama lectured Joe the Plumber that his prescription for widespread prosperity is "spreading the wealth around."

Before catapulting to prominence, the president complained that thanks to constraints instituted by our Founders, "The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice." Obama's justice ensures not that transactions are freely entered and fairly measured, but that bureaucrats enforce results fancied per the fluttering fashions of political correctness.

Still, most Americans would deny Obama's Marxist outlook, mistaking the term's meaning as synonymous with Stalin or Mao. Marxist theory informed many of history's most murderous tyrants, but Obama's brand is the emasculated theorizing of the faculty lounge. He neither intends similar mayhem nor has such means in our constitutional republic. (That last statement in bold is one that I and a lot of people disagree with. Are we seeing rioting, lootings, police hunted down and killed, etc)

all of it here WITH comments
Why Is Observing Obama As A Marxist Verboten?
I had this bookmarked. this is what we tried to tell people. It's on a site I know the left won't like, but if anyone is interested in reading it.... Make sure you read the comment section. a lot of information about Obama and the communist party of the United States, etc and then you decide. the original article was off the American Thinker and the link for it is there also

Why Is Observing Obama As A Marxist Verboten?
American Thinker ^ | 03/22/2012 | Bill Flax

Posted on ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2012‎ ‎2‎:‎23‎:‎29‎ ‎AM by billflax

The recent release of a tape by Andrew Breitbart's outfit sparked renewed interest in President Obama's murky past. In anticipation, conservatives were elated that the president might finally be exposed. The tape showed Obama, then at Harvard Law, orchestrating a protest on behalf of Derrick Bell.
Without providing any background on just how radical is Professor Bell, the compliant liberal media derisively dismissed it all as conservative paranoia, even proclaiming presidential vindication. It still appears preposterous to purport that America elected a communist ideologue. The world's greatest beneficiary of capitalist bounty would never willingly empower a radical socialist to "fundamentally transform America."

Unfortunately, we did, even if Americans loathe admitting it. And this ought to have been obvious even before Mr. Breitbart's valiant efforts.

Obama exploits the citizenry's concerted blindness, cloaking his views under veneers of "social justice," "fairness," and "progress." Unadulterated Marxism attracts few votes. In rare candor, sans teleprompter, Obama lectured Joe the Plumber that his prescription for widespread prosperity is "spreading the wealth around."

Before catapulting to prominence, the president complained that thanks to constraints instituted by our Founders, "The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice." Obama's justice ensures not that transactions are freely entered and fairly measured, but that bureaucrats enforce results fancied per the fluttering fashions of political correctness.

Still, most Americans would deny Obama's Marxist outlook, mistaking the term's meaning as synonymous with Stalin or Mao. Marxist theory informed many of history's most murderous tyrants, but Obama's brand is the emasculated theorizing of the faculty lounge. He neither intends similar mayhem nor has such means in our constitutional republic. (That last statement in bold is one that I and a lot of people disagree with. Are we seeing rioting, lootings, police hunted down and killed, etc)

all of it here WITH comments
Why Is Observing Obama As A Marxist Verboten?
hooray, silliness!
what do you think that opinion piece is other than a bunch of election year whining?
.... not to mention that two wars started under Bush have ended...

Yes, obama found a way to lose both of them.



Commies too!

Commie Muslims are running the country!

From Kenya!

Time to take back our country, patriots!
The Arabic proverb, "Enemy of my enemy is my friend" describes quite well the relationship of many communist and Islamist. They both may share some common goals as did the Communists and Nazis, but in the end the religious philosophy of Islam and the political philosophy of communism are not compatible.

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