Are My Personal Ethics Contradictory?


Gothic Vampires
Nov 10, 2012
Today, I was told that I cannot - absolutely impossible for me to - believe the way I do. Either I was for religion and freedom, or I was not.

To explain as an example: I am for complete religious freedom, yet I'm also okay with gay people getting married. I am definitely okay with someone owning fourteen thousand guns if they so wished, but I do want there to be a system in place to make sure a paranoid schizophrenic doesn't get one. I hate federal government but I like state government.

Stuff like that, but I want to focus on that first sentence.

It is apparently literally impossible for me to believe in both religious and (let's call it) personal freedom. Likewise because I can do both, I am (exact words here) an "affront against God" for believing as much.

Why? Why is it wrong to want what I feel is best for everyone? Why do I have to "choose a side"? Can things like gay marriage and religion truly not coexist? Am I grasping at straws wanting both?
Why? Why is it wrong to want what I feel is best for everyone? Why do I have to "choose a side"? Can things like gay marriage and religion truly not coexist? Am I grasping at straws wanting both?

Not all marriages are religious
How can you follow God and not be for liberty? He is the one the gives us liberty.
How can you follow God and not be for liberty? He is the one the gives us liberty.

Because in Christianity there is a point where there is " too much " freedom. The line is drawn at things like gay marriage. I've always been a big believer in "if it doesn't hurt anyone they what's the problem". And around here that's a big no no.
According to the bible god is the one who gave us free will, so in a way its true...
Today, I was told that I cannot - absolutely impossible for me to - believe the way I do. Either I was for religion and freedom, or I was not.

To explain as an example: I am for complete religious freedom, yet I'm also okay with gay people getting married. I am definitely okay with someone owning fourteen thousand guns if they so wished, but I do want there to be a system in place to make sure a paranoid schizophrenic doesn't get one. I hate federal government but I like state government.

Stuff like that, but I want to focus on that first sentence.

It is apparently literally impossible for me to believe in both religious and (let's call it) personal freedom. Likewise because I can do both, I am (exact words here) an "affront against God" for believing as much.

Why? Why is it wrong to want what I feel is best for everyone? Why do I have to "choose a side"? Can things like gay marriage and religion truly not coexist? Am I grasping at straws wanting both?

Nope, just means you are a thinking human being. Something that is now sadly lacking in a majority of our posters. I am very much like you. I am not frightened by people who are religious, nor do I think that ethics is the prerogative of religion.

I pretty much think that so long as you harm no one you can do whatever you damn well please.
According to the bible god is the one who gave us free will, so in a way its true...
the bible says a lot of things, most all of them are not true..

Not exactly true. As a history book it is actually pretty accurate we are finding. As a book of philosophy it is limited because, well it's at the beginning of written philosophy. It's when you get into the religious predictions that it falls apart.
According to the bible god is the one who gave us free will, so in a way its true...
the bible says a lot of things, most all of them are not true..

Not exactly true. As a history book it is actually pretty accurate we are finding. As a book of philosophy it is limited because, well it's at the beginning of written philosophy. It's when you get into the religious predictions that it falls apart.
it's not even pretty accurate..
here's one, what percentage of the bible is fact?
Today, I was told that I cannot - absolutely impossible for me to - believe the way I do. Either I was for religion and freedom, or I was not.

To explain as an example: I am for complete religious freedom, yet I'm also okay with gay people getting married. I am definitely okay with someone owning fourteen thousand guns if they so wished, but I do want there to be a system in place to make sure a paranoid schizophrenic doesn't get one. I hate federal government but I like state government.

Stuff like that, but I want to focus on that first sentence.

It is apparently literally impossible for me to believe in both religious and (let's call it) personal freedom. Likewise because I can do both, I am (exact words here) an "affront against God" for believing as much.

Why? Why is it wrong to want what I feel is best for everyone? Why do I have to "choose a side"? Can things like gay marriage and religion truly not coexist? Am I grasping at straws wanting both?

Of course ‘gay marriage’ and religion can truly coexist, particularly given the fact that the vast majority of gay Americans are persons of faith.

And it’s idiocy to state that it’s an "affront against god" because one believes in both religious and personal freedom.
the bible says a lot of things, most all of them are not true..

Not exactly true. As a history book it is actually pretty accurate we are finding. As a book of philosophy it is limited because, well it's at the beginning of written philosophy. It's when you get into the religious predictions that it falls apart.
it's not even pretty accurate..
here's one, what percentage of the bible is fact?

According to whom? The more the archeologists do their work in the region, the more they discover that the Bible is correct. As I have said, it is good as a history book. Why are you so interested in destroying the bible? I'm curious.
Today, I was told that I cannot - absolutely impossible for me to - believe the way I do. Either I was for religion and freedom, or I was not.

To explain as an example: I am for complete religious freedom, yet I'm also okay with gay people getting married. I am definitely okay with someone owning fourteen thousand guns if they so wished, but I do want there to be a system in place to make sure a paranoid schizophrenic doesn't get one. I hate federal government but I like state government.

Stuff like that, but I want to focus on that first sentence.

It is apparently literally impossible for me to believe in both religious and (let's call it) personal freedom. Likewise because I can do both, I am (exact words here) an "affront against God" for believing as much.

Why? Why is it wrong to want what I feel is best for everyone? Why do I have to "choose a side"? Can things like gay marriage and religion truly not coexist? Am I grasping at straws wanting both?

"My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right." Abraham Lincoln

G-d's side may not be found in any extant religion here on Earth. If you believe G-d created the whole universe, limiting your belief to the one or more of the 25,000 discrete religions here on Earth excludes the countless others through the rest of the cosmos, most of which will be vastly older than our own. So you could argue G-d created and revealed Himself elsewhere long before He did here to us. In which case, our religions may be completely wrong, and some alien race's completely, or at least more right. Thus maintaining freedom to choose or reject an earthly religion allowing for the possibility they're all wrong is very sensible. Sheer probability of some much older and truer religion being more correct than any of our's is sensible to allow for.

Every religion's holy book was written by human beings. If G-d's really against gay marriage He's more than capable of tossing a big golden glowing book to earth so big no human could possibly have made it and thus make it clear it's direct from Him, and not any of us. That He never has should be a clue.

Ultimately our religious faith and beliefs are between ourselves and whatever deities we believe in. If your faith in G-d is adjustable by what other equally perplexed people think, you should re-evaluate your beliefs and make sure you're thinking about the deity of your faith, and not what other people say of it. If you believe in the G-d of the Bible, but limit your beliefs to the Bible, you're limiting G-d. If G-d can create the entire universe on a whim, believing that being cares what we do is the heigh of egotistical self-centeredness.

G-d, whatever G-d is, gave us life. But I do not believe for one moment He plays favourites, takes church attendance, or would pluck a hair over what we do. Big universe afterall, if your idea of G-d is a petty-minded being into micro-managing every little thing, chances are you're following a flawed human being instead of a perfect Creator.
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Not exactly true. As a history book it is actually pretty accurate we are finding. As a book of philosophy it is limited because, well it's at the beginning of written philosophy. It's when you get into the religious predictions that it falls apart.
it's not even pretty accurate..
here's one, what percentage of the bible is fact?

According to whom? The more the archeologists do their work in the region, the more they discover that the Bible is correct. As I have said, it is good as a history book. Why are you so interested in destroying the bible? I'm curious.
I'm asking you "what percentage of the bible is fact?"
I'm not Interested in destroying the bible just scraping away the nonsense..put another way to put in context ...
Today, I was told that I cannot - absolutely impossible for me to - believe the way I do. Either I was for religion and freedom, or I was not.

To explain as an example: I am for complete religious freedom, yet I'm also okay with gay people getting married. I am definitely okay with someone owning fourteen thousand guns if they so wished, but I do want there to be a system in place to make sure a paranoid schizophrenic doesn't get one. I hate federal government but I like state government.

Stuff like that, but I want to focus on that first sentence.

It is apparently literally impossible for me to believe in both religious and (let's call it) personal freedom. Likewise because I can do both, I am (exact words here) an "affront against God" for believing as much.

Why? Why is it wrong to want what I feel is best for everyone? Why do I have to "choose a side"? Can things like gay marriage and religion truly not coexist? Am I grasping at straws wanting both?

You might want to get professional counselling if you think you need to "choose a side" . Dirty tricks left wing posts are a dime a dozen
it's not even pretty accurate..
here's one, what percentage of the bible is fact?

According to whom? The more the archeologists do their work in the region, the more they discover that the Bible is correct. As I have said, it is good as a history book. Why are you so interested in destroying the bible? I'm curious.
I'm asking you "what percentage of the bible is fact?"
I'm not Interested in destroying the bible just scraping away the nonsense..put another way to put in context ...

I have no idea what percentage of the Bible is accurate, however, that percentage go's up every year.
According to whom? The more the archeologists do their work in the region, the more they discover that the Bible is correct. As I have said, it is good as a history book. Why are you so interested in destroying the bible? I'm curious.
I'm asking you "what percentage of the bible is fact?"
I'm not Interested in destroying the bible just scraping away the nonsense..put another way to put in context ...

I have no idea what percentage of the Bible is accurate, however, that percentage go's up every year.
if you have no idea about the first then the second is erroneous speculation.. got to give you style points...
Today, I was told that I cannot - absolutely impossible for me to - believe the way I do. Either I was for religion and freedom, or I was not.

To explain as an example: I am for complete religious freedom, yet I'm also okay with gay people getting married. I am definitely okay with someone owning fourteen thousand guns if they so wished, but I do want there to be a system in place to make sure a paranoid schizophrenic doesn't get one. I hate federal government but I like state government.

Stuff like that, but I want to focus on that first sentence.

It is apparently literally impossible for me to believe in both religious and (let's call it) personal freedom. Likewise because I can do both, I am (exact words here) an "affront against God" for believing as much.

Why? Why is it wrong to want what I feel is best for everyone? Why do I have to "choose a side"? Can things like gay marriage and religion truly not coexist? Am I grasping at straws wanting both?

God only gives a certain amount of information for each of His people to believe in each day of their lives and this will go on forever. Death is only an illusion so once you're body dies, you will awaken with different thoughts but enough to keep believing what God gave you to believe in. Don't worry about what other people tell you. They got different information from God to believe in, that's all.
How can you follow God and not be for liberty? He is the one the gives us liberty.

This is so dumb.
Its just plain dumb.

And, completely dismisses and shows utter contempt for those who fought for and GAVE us our liberty.

How DARE you?
According to the bible god is the one who gave us free will, so in a way its true...

And this is how that free will is used.


If there was a god, she would be SO ashamed and disappointed in the greedy money grubbing of most religions.

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