Are Pat Tillman Type Americans Gone From Our Country?

Pat Tillman was a great athlete who prized loyalty above all else, to include love for his country.

In college he graduated with a 3.85 GPA, and earned recognition as a top student athlete. In 1997 he won the PAC-10 Defensive Player of the Year Award.

He earned a starting position with the Arizona Cardinals and started 10 games his rookie year.

He turned down a $9 million offer from the St Louis Rams out of nothing but loyalty to his team and to honor the commitment he made to them. Who does that any more?

In May of 2002, after completing the 2001 season, he turned down $3.6 million offer from the Arizona Cardinals so he could enlist as a private in the US Army, and he went into the Rangers.

On April 22nd 2004, Tillman was killed in a friendly fire incident while serving in Afghanistan. He died a hero and a Patriot.

When we think of who we are going to vote for in this election, lets try to remember that many Americans believe in this country so much that they have literally given up millions of US dollars in wealth, and have such integrity that they would rather die than shirk what they see as their responsibilities to their country.

To vote for a known criminal like Hillary Clinton to auction off our nations interests while she lines her pockets is a fucking disgrace. And Americans like Pat Tillman show you to be the shallow, self serving party hacks you are if you vote for that vile crook out of mere party loyalty.

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Enlist then.
I didn't say he wasn't a hero, Sparky. I said the White House pimped him out. How can I make this any simpler for you?
I didn't say you DID say that, 'sparky'. I just made a comment. Why you so defensive? 'You mad, bro?' :p
How ironic . Pat had good intentions. He was then killed by friendly fire . That fact was hidden, the pentagon instead used his death as pro war propaganda . Truley disgusting .

His own family had to fight to get the truth . This was under the bush administration by the way . No benghazhi -ish investigation.

Right wing meatheads think the only was to help America is to go to war . It's like we are klingons . In reality, Pat could've done more for America by staying in football and using his fame and money for whatever charity .
Well Pat would disagree, obviously.

And so you affirm the idea that we *should* have no people like Tillman, just money grubbing dicks that will vote for any monster as long as they have a (D) by their names.

Of course you missed the point .

The point is that you can help your country in many ways . It's conservatives who mock those who choose to be a "community organizer " rather than just take some big firm job paying 6 figures .
Right wing meatheads think the only was to help America is to go to war .
Dumbass partisan hippie Liberals much like yourself 'welcomed home' Viet Nam Veterans by throwing things at them, personally attacking them, calling them 'baby killers' and blaming them for a war they had no part in starting, no part in decision-making, did not volunteer for, were drafted and sent off to a political-run meat grinder ... rather than understanding who was pulling the strings, making the decisions, and sending Americans off to war they had no intention of winning...dumbasses who vilified young kids sent off to that war yet made heroes of the lying POS John Kerry who was busted lying his ass off in order to start his own personal political career and while ignoring / refusing to protest the politicians whose war it was. .

Your counter-argument doesn't address Timmy's excellent point. Right wingers do think going to war is the answer. That is why Obama has been so derided by the right: for not invading Syria and Iraq to combat ISIS. Trump says he wants to "bomb the shit out of them". That sounds like war, doesn't it Sparky?
Of course you missed the point .

The point is that you can help your country in many ways .

No one is denying that one can serve ones country in many ways.

YOU said that Tilman did not serve his country in a good way and should have stayed in football.

Post#10, you said, "In reality, Pat could've done more for America by staying in football and using his fame and money for whatever charity ."

Which is utter bullshit. It was his choice, not yours and *I* think he made the better choice as do millions of other PATRIOTS who detest money grubbing dicks that ride the coat tails of other citizens sacrifice. Dicks that wont serve nor respect those that do should go live in some other country.

It's conservatives who mock those who choose to be a "community organizer " rather than just take some big firm job paying 6 figures .

1. I am not a conservative.

2. I and others honor Tillman for being exactly the opposite of what you are saying conservatives do.

3. You are a blithering moron.
A great American citizen!

We need more men like him, and fewer Pajama boys. :)

The article does have one glaring error; there are no former Army Rangers.

I bought his jersey for this very reason. He is an awesome person, level-headed, and, a great lineman. Also, I refuse to wear a Steeler jersey that is not a lineman. lol
I bought his jersey for this very reason. He is an awesome person, level-headed, and, a great lineman. Also, I refuse to wear a Steeler jersey that is not a lineman. lol
I bought Tillmans jersey for similar reasons.

Why do you restrict your shirts to Steeler Linemen?
Your counter-argument doesn't address Timmy's excellent point. Right wingers do think going to war is the answer.
I am sorry you are too dense to understand my response. Let me break it down for you.

During the Viet Nam war ignorant liberals like you and Timmy argued that the soldiers - who were drafted right out of high school and forced to fight half way around the world in a politician's war where politicians seemingly did not want to win - were 'war mongers', that they embraced war and what they had to do to survive....This liberal argument was all ignorance and / or a lie....the same type of lie Timmy and you are trying to - seemingly - push now.

You and Timmy also engage in massive 'generalization' in blaming all 'right wingers' of believing in 1 common thing. Such generalization is ALWAYS false.

Finally, Timmy's claim is once AGAIN an example of how Liberals MUST create false narratives to support their lies rants.

Have a nice day.
I bought his jersey for this very reason. He is an awesome person, level-headed, and, a great lineman. Also, I refuse to wear a Steeler jersey that is not a lineman. lol
I bought Tillmans jersey for similar reasons.

Why do you restrict your shirts to Steeler Linemen?

I am a huge Steeler fan and I was an offensive/defensive lineman for the 12 years I played football. I love the game and I thoroughly enjoyed playing, but I am not going to pretend that I don't have some knee, foot, and, hand issues that persist today as result of those years.
I am a huge Steeler fan and I was an offensive/defensive lineman for the 12 years I played football. I love the game and I thoroughly enjoyed playing, but I am not going to pretend that I don't have some knee, foot, and, hand issues that persist today as result of those years.
Football is hard on the body as you know. I played one year in high school, made the team, but started noticing all the injuries of old NFL stars, like Jerry Kramer, Nagurksi and others and decided I didnt like football THAT much.

We should celebrate soccer as a sport more, I think. It is healthier and you dont have to be a mutant to do well in it.
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America is all about the buck and he who has the most wins. People will and are forced to do anything to make a buck only to struggle their whole lives. So naturally there are a lot less Tillman's. He was in a place that aaforded him the choice. Most working folk don't have a pot to piss in so they have no opportunity to serve....their family neefds the pittance they have. We!come to america.
America is all about the buck and he who has the most wins. People will and are forced to do anything to make a buck only to struggle their whole lives. So naturally there are a lot less Tillman's. He was in a place that aaforded him the choice. Most working folk don't have a pot to piss in so they have no opportunity to serve....their family neefds the pittance they have. We!come to america.
There are still many who have that same love of country that Tillman had.

The Oligarchs may have to find out the hard way.

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