Are people as a rule predisposed to liking the Democratic Party more?

Democrats dangle more shiny objects in front of dummies and they react accordingly.
Like tax cuts??

Tax cuts? You mean not taking money that someone has earned by their own work.....letting them keep their own money.....rather than giving it to politicians, who didn't earn it, spend it to increase their own power? Tax cuts don't "give" money to the people who receive cuts is just not stealing money from the people who it belongs to......
Let them go keep it in another country. If they don't want to support this one, they can go.
Democrats dangle more shiny objects in front of dummies and they react accordingly.
Like tax cuts??

Tax cuts? You mean not taking money that someone has earned by their own work.....letting them keep their own money.....rather than giving it to politicians, who didn't earn it, spend it to increase their own power? Tax cuts don't "give" money to the people who receive cuts is just not stealing money from the people who it belongs to......
Damn that George Washington for implementing the whiskey tax...
Yes....because the democrat party uses tax money to buy votes and they don't care that we have no money Rush can't fight Santa Klaus.......
And when the GOP is in power this spigot of free money stops??

Yes....much more so than democrats.....
I have seen only increases in welfare and spending when both are in power, even Reagan the Magnificent fixed Social Security to make it last...
It's nothing to do with "liking" a party more. It's the policies. No true American believes in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed".

Yet another demonstration of how, if the Left could not communicate through straw reasoning, they would cease to exist.
Democrats dangle more shiny objects in front of dummies and they react accordingly.
Like tax cuts??
Do you feel that not taking something away from someone is the same as giving it to them?

I guess,,, but all great societies through history have had taxes in one form or another...
I'm not against taxes at all, as long as the bureaucracy that is spending the money is sincerely trying to be efficient & effective, and as long as the level of taxation creates neither a significant drag on an economy nor overt dependence on the government.

I do think, however, that many feel that not taxing someone more is some kind of benevolent gift or giveaway. It is not.

It's nothing to do with "liking" a party more. It's the policies. No true American believes in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed".

Yet another demonstration of how, if the Left could not communicate through straw reasoning, they would cease to exist.
Those are actual quotes though.
"Let them die":
"Don't feed the poor; they'll breed":
Yes....because the democrat party uses tax money to buy votes and they don't care that we have no money Rush can't fight Santa Klaus.......
And when the GOP is in power this spigot of free money stops??

Yes....much more so than democrats.....
I have seen only increases in welfare and spending when both are in power, even Reagan the Magnificent fixed Social Security to make it last...

Social Security is not welfare... It is a Ponzi Scheme designed by the Ideological Left, wherein the People were told that they would pay into their 'fund' through their working lifetime and the monies confiscated from their earnings would be 'invested' and the money they paid in and the gains from the investment were guaranteed... and the government would pay them from their date certain retirement, to their date uncertain death....

What they didn't tell them, was that they would not only NOT invest their money, they would steal it, borrow against it, establish bonds that the citizen could buy, which the government would pay interest on... then tax the living shit out of them, so that the government could use current tax revenue to pay the 'benefits' to those who were retired in the current year, until entropy eventually overwhelmed the system crashing it in a massive catastrophic economic meltdown, at the end of prolonged stagnation and endless economic malaise... .
It's nothing to do with "liking" a party more. It's the policies. No true American believes in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed".

Yet another demonstration of how, if the Left could not communicate through straw reasoning, they would cease to exist.
Those are actual quotes though.
"Let them die":
"Don't feed the poor; they'll breed":



It's as though there is some valid purpose for out of context references.

And THAT is why the Framers did not allow the non-vested citizen to participate in governance. They're presumed ill-equipped to do so, until they demonstrate otherwise, through their having demonstrated investment.

Otherwise, ya get that sort of addle-minded pap, standing for soundly reasoned argument.
He mentioned those well known Republican quotations. You said that it was straw reasoning. I showed you the sources for those quotations to show you why that isn't the case. Not our fault you don't believe they're legit.
It's nothing to do with "liking" a party more. It's the policies. No true American believes in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed".

The left damn sure believes in giving more to the poor when they have yet another child while unable to afford the ones they currently have. While I don't support a child having nothing to do with coming into the world going without, I don't have a problem with the adults that continue to bring more in the world while being unable to afford the ones they already have going without. It might help them thing with their brain instead of their reproductive organs if there are consequences on them for doing things that costs the rest of us.
GOP talking points. Just bullshit. Most welfare goes to whites.
Bush and the GOP helped send millions of jobs to China and then complain that Americans won't get a job, the fuckers. Many poor have two minimum wage jobs because they can't afford getting an education with Republicans also block. The GOP helps no one but corporations. Because they are a dirty party. They blame the poor for being poor when many of the reasons the poor are poor is because of GOP policies.

yeah...nice try...there are more whites so more are on welfare....but what percentage of each race is on welfare compared to their populations....that is the real stat......that you guys don't want to reveal......
He mentioned those well known Republican quotations. You said that it was straw reasoning. I showed you the sources for those quotations to show you why that isn't the case. Not our fault you don't believe they're legit.

LOL! Rand Paul said that an individual is responsible for their choices... you want to say that because a person makes a choice which results in their demise, that 'The People' are responsible for their choice.

You're wrong. It's not even a debatable point.

Your perspective is one which represents a 60 degree ice laden decline, which is further treated with silicone, grease and soap. In truth, there is no bottom to medical need. But each instance is the responsibility of THE RESPECTIVE INDIVIDUAL ASSOCIATED WITH THE RESPECTIVE NEED!

You feel that such is harsh and extreme. When it is merely REALITY, which sadly for your point of view, overcomes wishing that reality were less 'real'.
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I would preface this by stressing that I'm not a member of either party, I'm pretty much against both parties at least as much as I'm for them, and this is going to be somewhat silly. I won't actually do that because I realize that it doesn't really matter if I say it or not. The partisan hacks aren't going to be convinced and the tiny minority of non-extremists don't need to be. Anyway, so on to the story...

Here I was minding my own business reading an unrelated forum when I noticed somebody's signature, which said something about "voting issue: free cookies". My mind started wandering and asked itself why this isn't a thing. It'd be awesome if there were a party that offered to bribe me with free cookies. Then I remembered that we live under a two party system and so it would have to be either the Democrats or the Republicans doing it. I thought of what that would be like. The image of some young Democrat volunteers giving out cookies at the polls brought to mind images of Jon Steward cracking good natured jokes about it and my peers finding it amusing and endearing. The image of some young Republican kids doing the same brought to mind images of Bill Maher making episodes primarily about sneering about such a dishonest and transparently shallow tactic and my peers finding it still amusing but... less than impressive... I can honestly see people being swayed by the joke if Democrats handed out warm chocolate chip to everyone turning up to vote every bit as much as I can see those same people turned off by the cynical ploy of Republicans trying to pull something like that.

I know my mind likes going in weird places, and I'm not exactly average for my age and socioeconomic class, but I just feel like there might be something deeper here. Is it just me? Are the Democrats really that good at making themselves relatable? Or did the GOP make itself look that terrible by comparison? Maybe people just naturally like the left better and that's the way the cookie crumbles... :eusa_think:
Democrats control our schools and most of our media.

The thoughts you have on this subject are taught to us through constant reinforcement.

Until that changes it will always be more popular to be a Democrat.
I wasn't even thinking about policies or slogans at all tbh. It just hit me how different the reactions to each party doing some silly publicity stunt like that would be. The Dems just seem to have an easier time presenting themselves as relatable, while the GOP would be soundly mocked for trying to do the same. It probably relates to the perennial question of why there aren't any good right-wing comedians. Fox even tried to make a couple conservative answers to The Daily Show. They predictably didn't pan out.
When the truth doesn't hold you back, and lying becomes second-nature, Democrats have it easy. Democrats lie and say "well....we won...didn't we????"

Republicans lie and the media crucifies them.
good gawd, this question is sick. When you are "predisposed" to a FRKKEN political party then you can call yourself, their SLAVE

and you would deserve to be their slave and bow to them with, YES MASTER.
I would preface this by stressing that I'm not a member of either party, I'm pretty much against both parties at least as much as I'm for them, and this is going to be somewhat silly. I won't actually do that because I realize that it doesn't really matter if I say it or not. The partisan hacks aren't going to be convinced and the tiny minority of non-extremists don't need to be. Anyway, so on to the story...

Here I was minding my own business reading an unrelated forum when I noticed somebody's signature, which said something about "voting issue: free cookies". My mind started wandering and asked itself why this isn't a thing. It'd be awesome if there were a party that offered to bribe me with free cookies. Then I remembered that we live under a two party system and so it would have to be either the Democrats or the Republicans doing it. I thought of what that would be like. The image of some young Democrat volunteers giving out cookies at the polls brought to mind images of Jon Steward cracking good natured jokes about it and my peers finding it amusing and endearing. The image of some young Republican kids doing the same brought to mind images of Bill Maher making episodes primarily about sneering about such a dishonest and transparently shallow tactic and my peers finding it still amusing but... less than impressive... I can honestly see people being swayed by the joke if Democrats handed out warm chocolate chip to everyone turning up to vote every bit as much as I can see those same people turned off by the cynical ploy of Republicans trying to pull something like that.

I know my mind likes going in weird places, and I'm not exactly average for my age and socioeconomic class, but I just feel like there might be something deeper here. Is it just me? Are the Democrats really that good at making themselves relatable? Or did the GOP make itself look that terrible by comparison? Maybe people just naturally like the left better and that's the way the cookie crumbles... :eusa_think:
When your mom gives you free cookies it's to express her love for you. When democrats give free cookies it's to convince you that they are your new parents, welcome home. Republican's give out free coffee & doughnuts, not because they want to be your new parents, but because it's the expected thing to do at adult functions.
I would preface this by stressing that I'm not a member of either party, I'm pretty much against both parties at least as much as I'm for them, and this is going to be somewhat silly. I won't actually do that because I realize that it doesn't really matter if I say it or not. The partisan hacks aren't going to be convinced and the tiny minority of non-extremists don't need to be. Anyway, so on to the story...

Here I was minding my own business reading an unrelated forum when I noticed somebody's signature, which said something about "voting issue: free cookies". My mind started wandering and asked itself why this isn't a thing. It'd be awesome if there were a party that offered to bribe me with free cookies. Then I remembered that we live under a two party system and so it would have to be either the Democrats or the Republicans doing it. I thought of what that would be like. The image of some young Democrat volunteers giving out cookies at the polls brought to mind images of Jon Steward cracking good natured jokes about it and my peers finding it amusing and endearing. The image of some young Republican kids doing the same brought to mind images of Bill Maher making episodes primarily about sneering about such a dishonest and transparently shallow tactic and my peers finding it still amusing but... less than impressive... I can honestly see people being swayed by the joke if Democrats handed out warm chocolate chip to everyone turning up to vote every bit as much as I can see those same people turned off by the cynical ploy of Republicans trying to pull something like that.

I know my mind likes going in weird places, and I'm not exactly average for my age and socioeconomic class, but I just feel like there might be something deeper here. Is it just me? Are the Democrats really that good at making themselves relatable? Or did the GOP make itself look that terrible by comparison? Maybe people just naturally like the left better and that's the way the cookie crumbles... :eusa_think:

I'd think it's less about the Democrat platform as it's the Republicans usually discriminating or hating so people gravitate to whoever isn't that.
I would preface this by stressing that I'm not a member of either party, I'm pretty much against both parties at least as much as I'm for them, and this is going to be somewhat silly. I won't actually do that because I realize that it doesn't really matter if I say it or not. The partisan hacks aren't going to be convinced and the tiny minority of non-extremists don't need to be. Anyway, so on to the story...

Here I was minding my own business reading an unrelated forum when I noticed somebody's signature, which said something about "voting issue: free cookies". My mind started wandering and asked itself why this isn't a thing. It'd be awesome if there were a party that offered to bribe me with free cookies. Then I remembered that we live under a two party system and so it would have to be either the Democrats or the Republicans doing it. I thought of what that would be like. The image of some young Democrat volunteers giving out cookies at the polls brought to mind images of Jon Steward cracking good natured jokes about it and my peers finding it amusing and endearing. The image of some young Republican kids doing the same brought to mind images of Bill Maher making episodes primarily about sneering about such a dishonest and transparently shallow tactic and my peers finding it still amusing but... less than impressive... I can honestly see people being swayed by the joke if Democrats handed out warm chocolate chip to everyone turning up to vote every bit as much as I can see those same people turned off by the cynical ploy of Republicans trying to pull something like that.

I know my mind likes going in weird places, and I'm not exactly average for my age and socioeconomic class, but I just feel like there might be something deeper here. Is it just me? Are the Democrats really that good at making themselves relatable? Or did the GOP make itself look that terrible by comparison? Maybe people just naturally like the left better and that's the way the cookie crumbles... :eusa_think:

I'd think it's less about the Democrat platform as it's the Republicans usually discriminating or hating so people gravitate to whoever isn't that.

Yeah....that's it. *rolls eyes*

It's one thing to question your beliefs. Quite another to hate everything about you.

Look at your leaders.

  1. Nancy Pelosi - Catholic
  2. Harry Reid - Mormon
  3. Barack Obama - Closet Muslim

If these people were being honest they wouldn't give you the time of day, and most likely would tell you you were going to Hell. But because they're lying politicians they tell you they like you. Nancy Pelosi was described as such a friendly wonderful person by one liberal here. Obama is so wonderful that his farts smell like Sandalwood. But the fact is they're nice to you because they want to fuck you. They want to take advantage of you. Once they don't need your vote they'll drop you like a bad habit.
I would preface this by stressing that I'm not a member of either party, I'm pretty much against both parties at least as much as I'm for them, and this is going to be somewhat silly. I won't actually do that because I realize that it doesn't really matter if I say it or not. The partisan hacks aren't going to be convinced and the tiny minority of non-extremists don't need to be. Anyway, so on to the story...

Here I was minding my own business reading an unrelated forum when I noticed somebody's signature, which said something about "voting issue: free cookies". My mind started wandering and asked itself why this isn't a thing. It'd be awesome if there were a party that offered to bribe me with free cookies. Then I remembered that we live under a two party system and so it would have to be either the Democrats or the Republicans doing it. I thought of what that would be like. The image of some young Democrat volunteers giving out cookies at the polls brought to mind images of Jon Steward cracking good natured jokes about it and my peers finding it amusing and endearing. The image of some young Republican kids doing the same brought to mind images of Bill Maher making episodes primarily about sneering about such a dishonest and transparently shallow tactic and my peers finding it still amusing but... less than impressive... I can honestly see people being swayed by the joke if Democrats handed out warm chocolate chip to everyone turning up to vote every bit as much as I can see those same people turned off by the cynical ploy of Republicans trying to pull something like that.

I know my mind likes going in weird places, and I'm not exactly average for my age and socioeconomic class, but I just feel like there might be something deeper here. Is it just me? Are the Democrats really that good at making themselves relatable? Or did the GOP make itself look that terrible by comparison? Maybe people just naturally like the left better and that's the way the cookie crumbles... :eusa_think:

I'd think it's less about the Democrat platform as it's the Republicans usually discriminating or hating so people gravitate to whoever isn't that.

Yeah....that's it. *rolls eyes*

It's one thing to question your beliefs. Quite another to hate everything about you.

Look at your leaders.

  1. Nancy Pelosi - Catholic
  2. Harry Reid - Mormon
  3. Barack Obama - Closet Muslim

If these people were being honest they wouldn't give you the time of day, and most likely would tell you you were going to Hell. But because they're lying politicians they tell you they like you. Nancy Pelosi was described as such a friendly wonderful person by one liberal here. Obama is so wonderful that his farts smell like Sandalwood. But the fact is they're nice to you because they want to fuck you. They want to take advantage of you. Once they don't need your vote they'll drop you like a bad habit.

Case in point right there. GOP hate. When people see this, even if GOP themselves they distance themselves and will go for the other guy.

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