Are racial stats constitutional?

Lonestar_logic said:
So you see, you can paint the good citizens with the same brush as the bad citizens when the good protects, condones and make excuses for the bad. They would rather blame whitey, than take responsibility. IMO

Your logic fails you, Lonestar! It is NEVER alright to paint the good with the same brush as the bad. Further, you are clueless! Black working Christians are often the chief victims of Black Criminals. They certainly don't condone criminal behavior but, they find it hard or almost impossible to escape it. Only recently, in some regions of the country, have middle classed blacks seeking to vacate their high crime environs been able to do so. In the past White people resisted any assimilation by blacks of any stripe into their neighborhoods thereby leaving decent Black citizens to fend for themselves even though they paid taxes for police protection that rarely served their needs

Sure you can when the good people do nothing to weed out the bad. When they refuse to cooperate with police they are just as guilty as the person that committed the crime.

You sound as if blacks need our sympathy.

Why do you think that blacks are inferior?

Blacks should fend for themselves, I fend for myself, I assume you fend for yourself, so why is them fending for themselves a bad thing?
Well, the white murder rate is rather significant too, as is out of wedlock births. Will you respect whites more when they get those numbers under control?
I expect blacks would be more respected if their rates of things like murder, out-of-wedlock births and so on came within a reasonable distance of those of whites. In fact, I'm sure all Americans would be greatly relieved.

Would gun sales go down? I guess if only white murderers are out there we can all relax and sing Kum By YA! And why are you so concerned about out of wed lock births when you favor a system that locks up the baby's daddy frequently for victimless crimes like using or selling drugs! Something whites do at the same rate but are locked up far less often!

Selling drugs is not a victimless crime.
I expect blacks would be more respected if their rates of things like murder, out-of-wedlock births and so on came within a reasonable distance of those of whites. In fact, I'm sure all Americans would be greatly relieved.

Would gun sales go down? I guess if only white murderers are out there we can all relax and sing Kum By YA! And why are you so concerned about out of wed lock births when you favor a system that locks up the baby's daddy frequently for victimless crimes like using or selling drugs! Something whites do at the same rate but are locked up far less often!

Selling drugs is not a victimless crime.
Tell that to your local pharmacist and the doctors who push useless expensive drugs on patients all too frequently.
Would gun sales go down? I guess if only white murderers are out there we can all relax and sing Kum By YA! And why are you so concerned about out of wed lock births when you favor a system that locks up the baby's daddy frequently for victimless crimes like using or selling drugs! Something whites do at the same rate but are locked up far less often!

Selling drugs is not a victimless crime.
Tell that to your local pharmacist and the doctors who push useless expensive drugs on patients all too frequently.

So now your equating pharmicist with drug dealers.

Last I looked a doctor had to prescribe you medicine that you then took to the pharmicist to fill.
Truly, I ask you leftist is common sense consitutional?

Is thinking, consitutional?
Is logic, consitutional?

Seems that you're all anti these concepts. You're ok with blacks blowing other blacks the fuck away within our cities as old whitey is the bad guy. KISS MY ASS.
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You are petulantly ranting and putting words in my mouth. You obviously know nothing about me. My response was to your observation, which I suppose was made for the purposes of deflecting the very dire socioeconomic situation of black America.

That will do nothing at all to help those you are defending and is an equally daft argument as questioning the constitutionality of racial statistics. You want to help; get that chip off your shoulder and face up to the stark reality before you.

The problem with having racial statistics is that it does polarize people (black/latino and white) and it gives racists a confirmation bias. All this does is allow people like Meathead to say" if majority of blacks didn't do this or that."
My quote is above, and you are seriously misrepresenting what I said. Having said that, it was not akin to the petulant rant of Public, but you, as he, definitely have a chip on your shoulder. What you both seem to be saying is that government should not document truth if it makes a demographic look bad.

Maybe we should take it a step further and limit MSM reporting of associated events to feel-good stories and label anything else as "Stormfront". Sure, that's the solution!

What is it with you guys saying "you have a chip on your shoulder?" Do you guys know me or something? I don't go around complaining about
whites. What I do know is its rather annoying that many of you look at statistics, YouTube fight videos, WorldStarHipHop, or any media or biased outlets to

generalize over 42 million black Americans.

"chip on your shoulder", very similar to the term "uppity". Here is an article that you may find interesting.

Racial Offense Taken When 'Uppity' Rolls Off Certain Tongues
"chip on your shoulder", very similar to the term "uppity". Here is an article that you may find interesting.

Racial Offense Taken When 'Uppity' Rolls Off Certain Tongues
A Chip On Your Shoulder
Being angry about something that happened in the past; holding a grudge.

The common phrase "a chip on your shoulder" is frequently spoken to those who remain upset over problems they've experienced in times past.
The origins for this phrase appear to be from the early 19th century, where a particular group of people that were looking for a physical fight would literally place a chip of wood on their shoulders and walk around, daring others to knock it off. Anyone who wanted to accept the proposed challenge could do so by knocking the chip off the person's shoulders.

The Long Island Telegraph newspaper printed on May 20th, 1830, explains:

"When two churlish boys were determined to fight, a chip would be placed on the shoulder of one, and the other demanded to knock it off at his peril."

Today, the phrase is no longer about carrying a literal chip of wood on our shoulders, but instead, when we have anger issues with others, we might be seen as carrying around a figurative one.

Reference: Wikipedia - Chip On Shoulder

A Chip On Your Shoulder Phrase Meaning With its Origin, Sayings - Common Idioms and Popular Expressions

up·pi·ty (p-t)
adj. Informal
Taking liberties or assuming airs beyond one's station; presumptuous:

uppity - definition of uppity by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

So, chip on your shoulder is exactly what I meant. As obvious as it might be at times, I am not ready to suggerst anyone's station in life and therefore have never called anyone "uppity".

Having said that, I am dead right about the idiom "chip on your shoulder". It may impress others with the same chip, but few else. Lose it!
"chip on your shoulder", very similar to the term "uppity". Here is an article that you may find interesting.

Racial Offense Taken When 'Uppity' Rolls Off Certain Tongues
A Chip On Your Shoulder
Being angry about something that happened in the past; holding a grudge.

The common phrase "a chip on your shoulder" is frequently spoken to those who remain upset over problems they've experienced in times past.
The origins for this phrase appear to be from the early 19th century, where a particular group of people that were looking for a physical fight would literally place a chip of wood on their shoulders and walk around, daring others to knock it off. Anyone who wanted to accept the proposed challenge could do so by knocking the chip off the person's shoulders.

The Long Island Telegraph newspaper printed on May 20th, 1830, explains:

"When two churlish boys were determined to fight, a chip would be placed on the shoulder of one, and the other demanded to knock it off at his peril."

Today, the phrase is no longer about carrying a literal chip of wood on our shoulders, but instead, when we have anger issues with others, we might be seen as carrying around a figurative one.

Reference: Wikipedia - Chip On Shoulder

A Chip On Your Shoulder Phrase Meaning With its Origin, Sayings - Common Idioms and Popular Expressions

up·pi·ty (p-t)
adj. Informal
Taking liberties or assuming airs beyond one's station; presumptuous:

uppity - definition of uppity by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

So, chip on your shoulder is exactly what I meant. As obvious as it might be at times, I am not ready to suggerst anyone's station in life and therefore have never called anyone "uppity".

Having said that, I am dead right about the idiom "chip on your shoulder". It may impress others with the same chip, but few else. Lose it!

Wikipedia is an unreliable source and can be edited by any Tom, Dick or Harry. Frankly, you habitually label the majority of black posters as "having a chip on their shoulder", when your sweeping, broad brush generalizations are met head on with a sensible rebuttal. It has been proven time after time in this forum. JQPublic, has not displayed any "anger about anything in the past, not has Aristotle. Neither of them personally attacked you, called you any names, or used a four letter word directed toward you. They did, however challenge you and you took offense yo it, so you defaulted to your "uppity/chip on your shoulder" defense mechanism. You are not fooling anyone with this deflective style of expressing your biases.

With that, carry on. I stated what I had to say regarding how you handle your business in this forum, and will not be commenting on this again. Not worth the time.
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Wikipedia is an unreliable source and can be edited by any Tom, Dick or Harry. Frankly, you habitually label the majority of black posters as "having a chip on their shoulder", when your sweeping, broad brush generalizations are met head on with a sensible rebuttal. It has been proven time after time in this forum. JQPublic, has not displayed any "anger about anything in the past, not has Aristotle. Neither of them personally attacked you, called you any names, or used a four letter word directed toward you. They did, however challenge you and you took offense yo it, so you defaulted to your "uppity/chip on your shoulder" defense mechanism. You are not fooling anyone with this deflective style of expressing your biases.

With that, carry on. I stated what I had to say regarding how you handle your business in this forum, and will not be commenting on this again. Not worth the time.
If your vocabulary range cannot accommodate the difference between the idiom "chip on your shoulder" and the adjective "uppity" that is your problem and certainly not worth further comment.

I cannot know who is black and anyone's station in life and commenting on "the majority" of blacks is nonsense. I can distinguish, however, who carries a chip on their shoulders - that much is clear even on such a forum.
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Wikipedia is an unreliable source and can be edited by any Tom, Dick or Harry. Frankly, you habitually label the majority of black posters as "having a chip on their shoulder", when your sweeping, broad brush generalizations are met head on with a sensible rebuttal. It has been proven time after time in this forum. JQPublic, has not displayed any "anger about anything in the past, not has Aristotle. Neither of them personally attacked you, called you any names, or used a four letter word directed toward you. They did, however challenge you and you took offense yo it, so you defaulted to your "uppity/chip on your shoulder" defense mechanism. You are not fooling anyone with this deflective style of expressing your biases.

With that, carry on. I stated what I had to say regarding how you handle your business in this forum, and will not be commenting on this again. Not worth the time.
If your vocabulary range cannot accommodate the difference between the idiom "chip on your shoulder" and the adjective "uppity" that is your problem and certainly not worth further comment.

I cannot know who is black and anyone's station in life and commenting on "the majority" of blacks is nonsense. I can distinguish, however, who carries a chip on their shoulders - that much is clear even on such a forum.
There are over 300,000,000 Americans, and one thinks I have a chip on my shoulder! hahahaha. The sad part is you believe you found something to pull my chain with. Go on, keep repeating your bizarre soliloquy. It warns others that something stupid is about to follow.
The only reason you fight the truth is you don't give a fuck.
-Your community doesn't care that you murder at a far higher rate. Whitey's standards and shit.
-Your community doesn't care how many times your brothers rape a woman.
-You don't care how many stores your brothers robs. What's property? A white concept?
-You blacks think that it's cool that a black male leaves his girl friend with baby.

The black problem is they don't care about their own community. They hate whitey giving a damn-- even through they bitch about us not wiping your ass.
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I tried reasoning with Meathead privately.

Like any racist he cannot answer basic questions
Lonestar_logic said:
Trayvon Martin was a thug and you idiots portray him as some innocent victim. Which supports my argument that you people protect your own no matter their guilt or innocence.

Every American accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law! But Trayvon's misdemeanor did not make him a thug. He WAS an innocent victim...The thug in this scenario is likey Zimmerman! BTW thugs don't usually take a jaunt to the local store to buy a pack of skittles! They usually carry guns in the dark of night with malevolent intent!

Lonestar_logic said:
Are you saying that black children are incapable of learning in the same educational environment as white children?

Depending on the teacher and the ratio of Black students/White students in the class, that
view might have some merit. You put words in my mouth as usual, I never said or suggested anything of the sort.

Lonestar_logic said:
You are pretty much admitting that blacks are inferior to whites when you say such ridiculous crap.

No I am not! You just make things up, ascribe them negatively to your opponent, and run with it like its fact! What I sid was this: "Depending on their location, Blacks release their children to an educational system that doesn't prepare them to compete in the ever changing technological society of today. "

Do you see the phrase "depending on their location" preceding the emboldened text you so strategically excised from the sentence? Your dishonesty is thus revealed. That is the mark of your creed. Just as someone of your ilk saw an advantage in using racial stats to stigmatize minorities decades ago, you have surreptitiously attempted to distort, misconstrue and corrupt the dialogue right before our very eyes! My contempt of you grows every time you post.
Lonstar_logic said:
We rat out the bad apples in our neighborhood, we don't protect them.

Stop lying son. If that were true there would be NO white criminals. But we both know that there are plenty of white criminals out there don't we? And yes, you do protect them! Just look at the support you are giving Zimmerman!

The evidence is Quanell X, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the like have all stated in general terms that the police cannot be trusted.

Well, I cannot comment on those"general terms" if I don't know what they are! Obviously you don't know either! But I'll bet ya that whatever the reasons are for that mistrust, its got something to do with racial statistics and policing!

Blacks have the same opportunity as everyone else.

Not in general! Sometimes they do; but, a quick comparison of national unemployment figures and those attributed to blacks in general, show a significant disparity. Unemployment rates for whites are significantly lower than those for blacks!

What they want is what they believed is owed to them.

Just as you want what you think is owed to YOU! Blacks want thinks like the right to vote. They want to be secure in the knowledge that their vote counts! They want access to a good education for themselves and their children. Blacks want local stores stocked with good nutritious foods. Blacks want to be free to worship as they see fit! Blacks want every constitutional right that their citizenship affords. Is that asking too much?

You say you want to be treated equal then you ask for special treatment.

Blacks often receive special treatment whether they want it or not! Usually its negative!
For instance, their neighborhoods are frequently built on toxic sites or near sewage disposal plants,
Local stores carry junk foods and liquor. Blacks are more likely to receive inferior treatment at medical facilities than whites are. Don't you wish you were black so you could get all that special treatment?

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The only reason you fight the truth is you don't give a fuck.
-Your community doesn't care that you murder at a far higher rate. Whitey's standards and shit.
-Your community doesn't care how many times your brothers rape a woman.
-You don't care how many stores your brothers robs. What's property? A white concept?
-You blacks think that it's cool that a black male leaves his girl friend with baby.

The black problem is they don't care about their own community. They hate whitey giving a damn-- even through they bitch about us not wiping your ass.

Please learn how to construct an intelligent sentence.
You dont need a college education to get a blue collar job,that pays equal or more then a college grad. Hell a welder makes more then a college grad,atruck driver does it also.So whats your point as for sat scores.
The only reason you fight the truth is you don't give a fuck.
-Your community doesn't care that you murder at a far higher rate. Whitey's standards and shit.
-Your community doesn't care how many times your brothers rape a woman.
-You don't care how many stores your brothers robs. What's property? A white concept?
-You blacks think that it's cool that a black male leaves his girl friend with baby.

The black problem is they don't care about their own community. They hate whitey giving a damn-- even through they bitch about us not wiping your ass.

Please learn how to construct an intelligent sentence.

Whats wrong matt your pizza delivery customers giving you a little flack.
Lonestar_logic said:
Trayvon Martin was a thug and you idiots portray him as some innocent victim. Which supports my argument that you people protect your own no matter their guilt or innocence.

Every American accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law! But Trayvon's misdemeanor did not make him a thug. He WAS an innocent victim...The thug in this scenario is likey Zimmerman! BTW thugs don't usually take a jaunt to the local store to buy a pack of skittles! They usually carry guns in the dark of night with malevolent intent!

Lonestar_logic said:
Are you saying that black children are incapable of learning in the same educational environment as white children?

Depending on the teacher and the ratio of Black students/White students in the class, that
view might have some merit. You put words in my mouth as usual, I never said or suggested anything of the sort.

Lonestar_logic said:
You are pretty much admitting that blacks are inferior to whites when you say such ridiculous crap.

No I am not! You just make things up, ascribe them negatively to your opponent, and run with it like its fact! What I sid was this: "Depending on their location, Blacks release their children to an educational system that doesn't prepare them to compete in the ever changing technological society of today. "

Do you see the phrase "depending on their location" preceding the emboldened text you so strategically excised from the sentence? Your dishonesty is thus revealed. That is the mark of your creed. Just as someone of your ilk saw an advantage in using racial stats to stigmatize minorities decades ago, you have surreptitiously attempted to distort, misconstrue and corrupt the dialogue right before our very eyes! My contempt of you grows every time you post.

Trayvon's history made him a thug.

They said he was a "model student", no, he was suspended from school. And that makes three times he had been suspended. So much for the "model student" claim.

Trayvon Martin was first suspended from school in October 2011 for an incident in which he was found in possession of stolen women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that a schools security staffer described as a “burglary tool,” The Miami Herald has learned.

According to the report, on Oct. 21 staffers monitoring a security camera at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School spotted Trayvon and two other students writing “W.T.F.,” an acronym for “What the f—,” on a hallway locker, according to schools police. The security employee, who knew Trayvon, confronted the teen and looked through his bag for the graffiti marker.

Then in February 2012 that initial suspension was followed four months later by another one, in which Trayvon was caught with an empty plastic bag with traces of marijuana in it AND a pipe. A schools police report obtained by The Miami Herald specifies two items: a bag with marijuana residue and a “marijuana pipe.”Trayvon was again suspended. This time for ten days.

You can read much more about Trayvon’s drug involvement at Wagist. Click HERE

Trayvon left a trail of communication from his twitter account that is retrievable via google cache. His screen name was “NO_LIMIT_NIGGA” and his words speak for themselves. You can read 152 pages of his twitter communication at DAILY CALLER.

Explain what the difference in location has to do with education?

Are you suggesting an urban teen couldn't learn in a rural setting and vice versa?

Every classroom I have ever been in pretty much looked the same. Desks, chalkboard, books and a teacher.
Lonstar_logic said:
We rat out the bad apples in our neighborhood, we don't protect them.

Stop lying son. If that were true there would be NO white criminals. But we both know that there are plenty of white criminals out there don't we? And yes, you do protect them! Just look at the support you are giving Zimmerman!

The evidence is Quanell X, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the like have all stated in general terms that the police cannot be trusted.

Well, I cannot comment on those"general terms" if I don't know what they are! Obviously you don't know either! But I'll bet ya that whatever the reasons are for that mistrust, its got something to do with racial statistics and policing!

Not in general! Sometimes they do; but, a quick comparison of national unemployment figures and those attributed to blacks in general, show a significant disparity. Unemployment rates for whites are significantly lower than those for blacks!

What they want is what they believed is owed to them.

Just as you want what you think is owed to YOU! Blacks want thinks like the right to vote. They want to be secure in the knowledge that their vote counts! They want access to a good education for themselves and their children. Blacks want local stores stocked with good nutritious foods. Blacks want to be free to worship as they see fit! Blacks want every constitutional right that their citizenship affords. Is that asking too much?

You say you want to be treated equal then you ask for special treatment.

Blacks often receive special treatment whether they want it or not! Usually its negative!
For instance, their neighborhoods are frequently built on toxic sites or near sewage disposal plants,Local stores carry junk foods and liquor. Blacks are more likely to receive inferior treatment at medical facilities than whites are. Don't you wish you were black so you could get all that special treatment?


Oh please, if we could see the future we would.

And why is that?

I am owed nothing. And why don't blacks feel that their vote don't count? Who is keeping them from access to education? Why isn't their neighborhood stores stocked with nutritious food and who's fault is it that it's not? When are blacks denied their right to worship?

The highlighted portions above you are gonna have to prove.

Most black neighborhoods that I've been in, used to be white neighborhoods.

Local store carry what the customers buy.

If I were black I would be pissed off if anyone thought I needed special treatment.

It would be like saying I couldn't do things for myself, I need my masters help to survive in this world.

***Adding dialog inside the Quote Box is against the Rules. Quotes are Protected. Add Comment Outside of the Quote Box. -Intense.

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