Are racial stats constitutional?

Who has been harmed? And how?

If one bad apple is spoling the whole bunch, reasonable apples would eradicate the bad apple.

When you hear of a black man getting arrested, the NBBP, Sharpton and the rest of the race baiters come out to defend the perp instead of condeming him for bringing shame upon their race and harm to their community.

So you see, you can paint the good citizens with the same brush as the bad citizens when the good protects, condones and make excuses for the bad. They would rather blame whitey, than take responsibility. IMO

Isn't it obvious who has been harmed. Blacks who are good tax paying citizens are being harmed.

HOW? Just look at the crap white laymen spew here about Blacks in general. None are really experts on the subject but the INTERNET affords easy access to statistics that measure ALL blacks by the same yardstick! That is WRONG! That generalization harms because it places ALL blacks in the same mould! The Trayvon Martin profiling and shooting is a perfect outcropping of that generalization as is the incident where black teens were shot because they played their music too loud!

But it doesn't stop there! Depending on their location, Blacks release their children to an educational system that doesn't prepare them to compete in the ever changing technological society of today. Then , when the GRE, SAT OR IQ Tests come around the predictable outcome is actually a self fulfilling prophecy, manufactured by the system itself!

As far as your generalization about the alleged support for a "black man being arrested," that is just poppycock! Unless you can give me a real example to work with I'll file that lie under the label of BS!

How can facts harm anyone?

Mumia Abu-Jamal?

Facts may be factual or manipulated.. .even my dog "NOSE " dat!
The government's compilation and use of racial statistics has done more harm than good. Nothing has polarized Black and White America more.

While most blacks are good Christian citizens, the smaller number of Black criminals continue to represent the face that most white people associate with blackness. When you make no distinctions between criminal or non criminal elements of a particular group and use derogatory statistical information to define an entire segment of any society, a question of Constitutionality arises.

How can a man be free when he is judged by the actions of others who just happen to look like him? How can life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness be attained if everything you do is viewed under a cloud of suspicion by people who can influence your life decisions and social outcomes. Discrimination prevails and is buttressed by statistics. Statistics that have no other purpose but to keep the races apart!

I know I quoted parts of the Declaration of Independence above but I have to note it because some troll is sure to think i don't know the difference between the DOI and the Constitution!

I see what you are saying, but if one group of people is six times as likely to kill me when I walk down the street, I think I have a right to know that and act accordingly.

What street are you walking down? If you are in a predominately middle class Black neighborhood with manicured lawns and brick houses, all your statistical input is doing is alarming you needlessly. If you are walking near a trailer park with confederate flags billowing in the wind, while shady tattooed characters are sitting around a fire drinking from jars, and eyeballing you; don't fear them, they aren't black BUT THEY ARE FAR MORE LIKELY TO KILL YOU! But thats alright, they ain't black...
I doubt that I would be in danger in either neighborhood, but if I get into the wrong area of Chicago or Birmingham, I want to know the danger.

I fit in pretty well with the kind of folks that respect their Southern heritage. I have a few tattoos myself, I like to sit around a fire and drink whatever from whatever is available. There are even a few trailer homes in my area.

But you, somehow place yourself above me; as if you've accomplished more in your pathetic life than putting folks down that disagree with your politics. Carry your ass to where I live pal. You'll learn to keep your pie hole shut, tout suite.
Isn't it obvious who has been harmed. Blacks who are good tax paying citizens are being harmed.

HOW? Just look at the crap white laymen spew here about Blacks in general. None are really experts on the subject but the INTERNET affords easy access to statistics that measure ALL blacks by the same yardstick! That is WRONG! That generalization harms because it places ALL blacks in the same mould! The Trayvon Martin profiling and shooting is a perfect outcropping of that generalization as is the incident where black teens were shot because they played their music too loud!

But it doesn't stop there! Depending on their location, Blacks release their children to an educational system that doesn't prepare them to compete in the ever changing technological society of today. Then , when the GRE, SAT OR IQ Tests come around the predictable outcome is actually a self fulfilling prophecy, manufactured by the system itself!

As far as your generalization about the alleged support for a "black man being arrested," that is just poppycock! Unless you can give me a real example to work with I'll file that lie under the label of BS!

How can facts harm anyone?

Mumia Abu-Jamal?

Facts may be factual or manipulated.. .even my dog "NOSE " dat!

So the FBI manipulates facts? Who's in charge there? OH shit! An obama appointee imagine that.
The problem with having racial statistics is that it does polarize people (black/latino and white) and it gives racists a confirmation bias. All this does is allow people like Meathead to say" if majority of blacks didn't do this or that."
I see what you are saying, but if one group of people is six times as likely to kill me when I walk down the street, I think I have a right to know that and act accordingly.

What street are you walking down? If you are in a predominately middle class Black neighborhood with manicured lawns and brick houses, all your statistical input is doing is alarming you needlessly. If you are walking near a trailer park with confederate flags billowing in the wind, while shady tattooed characters are sitting around a fire drinking from jars, and eyeballing you; don't fear them, they aren't black BUT THEY ARE FAR MORE LIKELY TO KILL YOU! But thats alright, they ain't black...
I doubt that I would be in danger in either neighborhood, but if I get into the wrong area of Chicago or Birmingham, I want to know the danger.

I fit in pretty well with the kind of folks that respect their Southern heritage. I have a few tattoos myself, I like to sit around a fire and drink whatever from whatever is available. There are even a few trailer homes in my area.

But you, somehow place yourself above me; as if you've accomplished more in your pathetic life than putting folks down that disagree with your politics. Carry your ass to where I live pal. You'll learn to keep your pie hole shut, tout suite.

Here we go; another internet tough guy. BTW, bike tot, I already might be where you live. But just because I wear a suit and tie does not mean that I cannot take care of myself.

Now that we understand each other I think putting folks down is more of your forte! I'm not putting myself above you, rather, I am echoing the same statistical database you use when castigating blacks. White people are more likely to kill each other than they are likely to be killed by blacks or other ethnicities.
The problem with having racial statistics is that it does polarize people (black/latino and white) and it gives racists a confirmation bias. All this does is allow people like Meathead to say" if majority of blacks didn't do this or that."
My sentiments exactly!
How can facts harm anyone?

Mumia Abu-Jamal?

Facts may be factual or manipulated.. .even my dog "NOSE " dat!

So the FBI manipulates facts? Who's in charge there? OH shit! An obama appointee imagine that.
I'll bet you knew that the collecting of racial statistics was in place well before Obama or Holder took office.BTW, neither man may even be aware of the damage that those stats are doing to the good blacks in any given community.

Criminal stats need not use race to alert people about crime in their environs; It's just not necessary. Race neutral stats would do just as well. Anyone with any common sense should know when they are in an environment that requires higher alertness.
I expect blacks would be more respected if their rates of things like murder, out-of-wedlock births and so on came within a reasonable distance of those of whites. In fact, I'm sure all Americans would be greatly relieved.

Would gun sales go down? I guess if only white murderers are out there we can all relax and sing Kum By YA! And why are you so concerned about out of wed lock births when you favor a system that locks up the baby's daddy frequently for victimless crimes like using or selling drugs! Something whites do at the same rate but are locked up far less often!
You are petulantly ranting and putting words in my mouth. You obviously know nothing about me. My response was to your observation, which I suppose was made for the purposes of deflecting the very dire socioeconomic situation of black America.

That will do nothing at all to help those you are defending and is an equally daft argument as questioning the constitutionality of racial statistics. You want to help; get that chip off your shoulder and face up to the stark reality before you.

The problem with having racial statistics is that it does polarize people (black/latino and white) and it gives racists a confirmation bias. All this does is allow people like Meathead to say" if majority of blacks didn't do this or that."
My quote is above, and you are seriously misrepresenting what I said. Having said that, it was not akin to the petulant rant of Public, but you, as he, definitely have a chip on your shoulder. What you both seem to be saying is that government should not document truth if it makes a demographic look bad.

Maybe we should take it a step further and limit MSM reporting of associated events to feel-good stories and label anything else as "Stormfront". Sure, that's the solution!
I expect blacks would be more respected if their rates of things like murder, out-of-wedlock births and so on came within a reasonable distance of those of whites. In fact, I'm sure all Americans would be greatly relieved.

Would gun sales go down? I guess if only white murderers are out there we can all relax and sing Kum By YA! And why are you so concerned about out of wed lock births when you favor a system that locks up the baby's daddy frequently for victimless crimes like using or selling drugs! Something whites do at the same rate but are locked up far less often!

You are petulantly ranting and putting words in my mouth. You obviously know nothing about me. My response was to your observation, which I suppose was made for the purposes of deflecting the very dire socioeconomic situation of black America.

I don't agree that I am "putting words in your mouth." I am stating my opinion and you can't seem to cope with that! If you don't like my "ranting" feel free to grasp your mouse firmly and click elsewhere! Some very erudite people here seem to like what I am saying!

But you are wrong about my "knowing' you. I know your type... arrogant and bigoted to the bone. What IS obvious though, is that you know nothing about Black America except the contents of news clips and news articles designed to inflame the public imagination for political expediency. There is no chip on my shoulder towards people who at least try to differentiate between good and bad apples in the Back community. Its the bigots who don't even want to extend their hands in friendship that makes me a bit perturbed. Its the guy who won't let go of that damn statistical paintbrush that rings my bell.

That will do nothing at all to help those you are defending and is an equally daft argument as questioning the constitutionality of racial statistics. You want to help; get that chip off your shoulder and face up to the stark reality before you.

I doubt if anything said in the micro-world of USMB will help anyone. This is just a place to vent and exchange ideas about the world around us. However, I think that bringing new ideas to old problems will help solve those problems. The old ideas haven't worked for decades. If my Idea of challenging the Constitutionality of racial statistics is "daft' to you then tell me why! don't just say its daft without reason! I have spent time researching the topic so my conclusions are from the heart; and, IMHO, they are based on sound principles!
Would gun sales go down? I guess if only white murderers are out there we can all relax and sing Kum By YA! And why are you so concerned about out of wed lock births when you favor a system that locks up the baby's daddy frequently for victimless crimes like using or selling drugs! Something whites do at the same rate but are locked up far less often!

I don't agree that I am "putting words in your mouth." I am stating my opinion and you can't seem to cope with that! If you don't like my "ranting" feel free to grasp your mouse firmly and click elsewhere! Some very erudite people here seem to like what I am saying!

But you are wrong about my "knowing' you. I know your type... arrogant and bigoted to the bone. What IS obvious though, is that you know nothing about Black America except the contents of news clips and news articles designed to inflame the public imagination for political expediency. There is no chip on my shoulder towards people who at least try to differentiate between good and bad apples in the Back community. Its the bigots who don't even want to extend their hands in friendship that makes me a bit perturbed. Its the guy who won't let go of that damn statistical paintbrush that rings my bell.

That will do nothing at all to help those you are defending and is an equally daft argument as questioning the constitutionality of racial statistics. You want to help; get that chip off your shoulder and face up to the stark reality before you.

I doubt if anything said in the micro-world of USMB will help anyone. This is just a place to vent and exchange ideas about the world around us. However, I think that bringing new ideas to old problems will help solve those problems. The old ideas haven't worked for decades. If my Idea of challenging the Constitutionality of racial statistics is "daft' to you then tell me why! don't just say its daft without reason! I have spent time researching the topic so my conclusions are from the heart; and, IMHO, they are based on sound principles!
You obviously presume to know far more than you actually do about me, the Constitution as well as racial realities. The chip on your shoulder significantly outweighs your ability to rationalize. The premise of this thread is that perhaps government racial statistics should be deemed unconstitutional because you have come to a warped conclusion that it would somehow be a panacea to the to the lingering problem of racial disparity and would serve to effectively mute those you deem as racist.

I don't doubt that your conclusion is "from the heart" as you say, but I am absolutely certain it is not "based on sound principles". Political correctness is never based on sound principles nor is it constitutional.
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Would gun sales go down? I guess if only white murderers are out there we can all relax and sing Kum By YA! And why are you so concerned about out of wed lock births when you favor a system that locks up the baby's daddy frequently for victimless crimes like using or selling drugs! Something whites do at the same rate but are locked up far less often!
You are petulantly ranting and putting words in my mouth. You obviously know nothing about me. My response was to your observation, which I suppose was made for the purposes of deflecting the very dire socioeconomic situation of black America.

That will do nothing at all to help those you are defending and is an equally daft argument as questioning the constitutionality of racial statistics. You want to help; get that chip off your shoulder and face up to the stark reality before you.

The problem with having racial statistics is that it does polarize people (black/latino and white) and it gives racists a confirmation bias. All this does is allow people like Meathead to say" if majority of blacks didn't do this or that."
My quote is above, and you are seriously misrepresenting what I said. Having said that, it was not akin to the petulant rant of Public, but you, as he, definitely have a chip on your shoulder. What you both seem to be saying is that government should not document truth if it makes a demographic look bad.

Maybe we should take it a step further and limit MSM reporting of associated events to feel-good stories and label anything else as "Stormfront". Sure, that's the solution!

What is with you guys saying "you have a chip on your shoulder?" Do you guys know me or something? I don't go around complaining about whites. What I do know is its rather annoying that many of you look at statistics, YouTube fight videos, WorldStarHipHop, or any media or biased outlets to generalize over 42 million black Americans.
Meathead said:
You obviously presume to know far more than you actually do about me, the Constitution as well as racial realities.
Your presumption of me is just as presumptuous. And just because your self analysis of the Constitution doesn't sit well with your interpretation of my premise, let me remind you that interpretations of that sublime document are solely within the purview of the USSC. Your input doesn't count!

Racial realities? That must have just popped off the top of your head to highlight your insipid banter!
What racial realities are you referring to as pertaining to this thread?

The chip on your shoulder significantly outweighs your ability to rationalize. The premise of this thread is that perhaps government racial statistics should be deemed unconstitutional because you have come to a warped conclusion that it would somehow be a panacea to the to the lingering problem of racial disparity and would serve to effectively mute those you deem as racist.

There you go again with that "chip on the shoulder" BS! If anyone has a chip on their shoulder its you and those maniacal racists who post anti-Black sentiments all over the INTERNET! No, there is no panacea for treating that sickness but I don't think the US government should be in the business of providing them with statistical ammunition to use against innocent citizens! Reports on Black and white criminals should be statistically neutral! After all, what difference does the color of a perp matter? A criminal is a criminal, black white, Asian, whatever! BTW the highlighted portion of your frantic illusory tale indicts you as the one who likes to "put words in other people's mouths." I neither implied or said any of that!

I don't doubt that your conclusion is "from the heart" as you say, but I am absolutely certain it is not "based on sound principles". Political correctness is never based on sound principles nor is it constitutional.
Well, when someone decided that Plessy vs Ferguson should be overturned, the accompanying guffaws and ridicule from the majority of Americans was just as specious as your dissenting is! However, that "ridiculous" premise materialized as Brown vs the Topeka, board of Education. Don't be surprised if Racially polarizing statistics meets the same fate as Plessy vs Ferguson! Your "certainty" is just as vacuous as your imagination!
Article. IV. US CONSTITUTION: said:
Section. 2.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

Here is one basis for my Constitutional argument against Racial Statistics. For Blacks who are not criminals, a heavy price is paid by those innocents who are often wrongly targeted, judged and condemned because of a perceived statistical disparity, in which they are erroneously included, based on the color or their skin!

Skin color or phenotype should have nothing to do with justice but the statistical noose
serves as a tool for modern day lynching of people who have never committed a crime. What I mean is that everywhere significant numbers of Blacks live, many of the white people in the area frequently gather to hold public as well as clandestine meetings to manage their "Black' residents." Often Mayors, Police chiefs, Sheriffs, and District Attorneys are elected specifically to address that issue. I suspect some realtors are part of the mix too.

While prospective Black law abiding middle class residents are viewed with suspicions that spark white flight, white convicts or criminals bear no such burden. But it doesn't stop there. The real crime manifests itself when the same system that generates and deciphers racial statistics is the same system that uses them disparagingly against black communities. Clearly good Black citizens are not afforded the Privileges and Immunities they are entitled to under section 2 of Art IV of the USC when racial criminal statistics are constantly used to evaluate them!

:Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Do you really think the disparities in arrests, successful prosecutions and sentencing could be carried out so systematically if Black suspects were tried by impartial juries? I doubt if most juries are impartial at all when it comes to Black suspects! How can they be when the "statistical realities" they keep hearing about trump any humanity the suspect might have! Racial statistics therefore undermine any chance a Back person might have in court... unless white witnesses step forward to save him... or. if his jury is racially mixed; but. even then there is no guarantee.
And you guys (Pubs & Aristotle) really don't understand why a lot of people are not impressed with your knee-jerk victimization, insistence on political correctness as we as those huge chips on your shoulders?

At some point, if you had the analytical skills required, you might come to the epiphany that the above, more than anything else, relegates backs to de facto second-class citizenship. Obama came to that realization and he is the president, while black leaders who espouse your attitudes like Sharpton and Jackson are the laughing stocks of America.

We have the constitutionally guarantied right to free speech and along with it the right to access information. What you do with that is your call, insisting on limiting it for others is not.
And you guys (Pubs & Aristotle) really don't understand why a lot of people are not impressed with your knee-jerk victimization, insistence on political correctness as we as those huge chips on your shoulders?

I wasn't looking for a political "kiss" from a "lot of people" when I started this thread. I knew it was not going to be popular; the truth is often painful some!. But make up your mind. My posts cannot be "rants" and "knee jerks" simultaneously. I see this latest response form you as being more of an example of the term"knee jerk! My well thought out "rants" still have value in promoting positive solutions in race related matters. You have contributed nothing positive towards that end!

At some point, if you had the analytical skills required, you might come to the epiphany that the above, more than anything else, relegates backs to de facto second-class citizenship.

Nice trick! When you have no argument slide into ambiguity. No one knows what you are talking about unless you specify exactly what I said that relegates Blacks to de facto second class citizenship!

Obama came to that realization and he is the president, while black leaders who espouse your attitudes like Sharpton and Jackson are the laughing stocks of America.

I guess its getting late, you've started rambling!

We have the constitutionally guarantied right to free speech and along with it the right to access information. What you do with that is your call, insisting on limiting it for others is not.

Yes , but there are certain limits that must be observed. Slander and libel exemplify those limits for indiviuals The collection of racial data by the US government that stigmatizes innocent people is just as wrong. Go back and review the specific Constitutional text I posted earlier t that supports my argument.
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And you guys (Pubs & Aristotle) really don't understand why a lot of people are not impressed with your knee-jerk victimization, insistence on political correctness as we as those huge chips on your shoulders?

At some point, if you had the analytical skills required, you might come to the epiphany that the above, more than anything else, relegates backs to de facto second-class citizenship. Obama came to that realization and he is the president, while black leaders who espouse your attitudes like Sharpton and Jackson are the laughing stocks of America.

We have the constitutionally guarantied right to free speech and along with it the right to access information. What you do with that is your call, insisting on limiting it for others is not.

OMG who the fuck is claiming victimhood? Please point out in my post here or in the past have I indicated some sort of victimhood....
And you guys (Pubs & Aristotle) really don't understand why a lot of people are not impressed with your knee-jerk victimization, insistence on political correctness as we as those huge chips on your shoulders?

At some point, if you had the analytical skills required, you might come to the epiphany that the above, more than anything else, relegates backs to de facto second-class citizenship. Obama came to that realization and he is the president, while black leaders who espouse your attitudes like Sharpton and Jackson are the laughing stocks of America.

We have the constitutionally guarantied right to free speech and along with it the right to access information. What you do with that is your call, insisting on limiting it for others is not.

OMG who the fuck is claiming victimhood? Please point out in my post here or in the past have I indicated some sort of victimhood....
He can't do it! He knows we speak the truth and he cannot defend his shattered beliefs against it. Change is coming and conservatives hate change!

Skin color or phenotype should have nothing to do with justice but the statistical noose
serves as a tool for modern day lynching of people who have never committed a crime. What I mean is that everywhere significant numbers of Blacks live, many of the white people in the area frequently gather to hold public as well as clandestine meetings to manage their "Black' residents." Often Mayors, Police chiefs, Sheriffs, and District Attorneys are elected specifically to address that issue. I suspect some realtors are part of the mix too.

While prospective Black law abiding middle class residents are viewed with suspicions that spark white flight, white convicts or criminals bear no such burden. But it doesn't stop there. The real crime manifests itself when the same system that generates and deciphers racial statistics is the same system that uses them disparagingly against black communities. Clearly good Black citizens are not afforded the Privileges and Immunities they are entitled to under section 2 of Art IV of the USC when racial criminal statistics are constantly used to evaluate them!

Do you really think the disparities in arrests, successful prosecutions and sentencing could be carried out so systematically if Black suspects were tried by impartial juries? I doubt if most juries are impartial at all when it comes to Black suspects! How can they be when the "statistical realities" they keep hearing about trump any humanity the suspect might have! Racial statistics therefore undermine any chance a Back person might have in court... unless white witnesses step forward to save him... or. if his jury is racially mixed; but. even then there is no guarantee.
Who's claiming victim hood?! Seriously?! What is wrong with you two. It's as God damned undeniable as those huge chips on your shoulders.

This dialogue has reached a point where further dialogue is pointless. We obviously see things in diametrically opposed ways. I expect the only thing we can agree on is that you see yourselves greatly wronged and that today's socioeconomic situation of black America is because of racism and that the constitution should prohibit government compilation of statistics which can be used against your wishes.

I obviously disagree.
Meathead said:
Who's claiming victim hood?! Seriously?! What is wrong with you two. It's as God damned undeniable as those huge chips on your shoulders.

Whatever! What you think of me personally is of little import. Your argument has disintegrated to the point of frivolity. Better to have chips on ones shoulder than chips in one's head.
Meathead said:
This dialogue has reached a point where further dialogue is pointless. We obviously see things in diametrically opposed ways. I expect the only thing we can agree on is that you see yourselves greatly wronged and that today's socioeconomic situation of black America is because of racism and that the constitution should prohibit government compilation of statistics which can be used against your wishes.

I obviously disagree.

There you go again; putting words in other people's mouths and following up on your misrepresentations as if they were the gospel truth. In reality, I am growing rather tired of your sordid conjecture. There is nothing to gain by even responding to it!
The government's compilation and use of racial statistics has done more harm than good. Nothing has polarized Black and White America more.

While most blacks are good Christian citizens, the smaller number of Black criminals continue to represent the face that most white people associate with blackness. When you make no distinctions between criminal or non criminal elements of a particular group and use derogatory statistical information to define an entire segment of any society, a question of Constitutionality arises.

How can a man be free when he is judged by the actions of others who just happen to look like him? How can life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness be attained if everything you do is viewed under a cloud of suspicion by people who can influence your life decisions and social outcomes. Discrimination prevails and is buttressed by statistics. Statistics that have no other purpose but to keep the races apart!

I know I quoted parts of the Declaration of Independence above but I have to note it because some troll is sure to think i don't know the difference between the DOI and the Constitution!

Who has been harmed? And how?

If one bad apple is spoling the whole bunch, reasonable apples would eradicate the bad apple.

When you hear of a black man getting arrested, the NBBP, Sharpton and the rest of the race baiters come out to defend the perp instead of condeming him for bringing shame upon their race and harm to their community.

So you see, you can paint the good citizens with the same brush as the bad citizens when the good protects, condones and make excuses for the bad. They would rather blame whitey, than take responsibility. IMO

Isn't it obvious who has been harmed. Blacks who are good tax paying citizens are being harmed.

HOW? Just look at the crap white laymen spew here about Blacks in general. None are really experts on the subject but the INTERNET affords easy access to statistics that measure ALL blacks by the same yardstick! That is WRONG! That generalization harms because it places ALL blacks in the same mould! The Trayvon Martin profiling and shooting is a perfect outcropping of that generalization as is the incident where black teens were shot because they played their music too loud!

But it doesn't stop there! Depending on their location, Blacks release their children to an educational system that doesn't prepare them to compete in the ever changing technological society of today. Then , when the GRE, SAT OR IQ Tests come around the predictable outcome is actually a self fulfilling prophecy, manufactured by the system itself!

As far as your generalization about the alleged support for a "black man being arrested," that is just poppycock! Unless you can give me a real example to work with I'll file that lie under the label of BS!

Explain how the education system doesn't prepare blacks?

The bolded sentence sounds rather racist.

It sounds as if you're saying blacks need special treatment in order to succeed.

A perfect example is Chad Holley.

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