Are Republicans losing it?

lol, he sounded mean and thuggish

it's because he probably is, he's from New York for crying out loud

some of the rudest people in the world

Yeah, he's an ex marine too. Probably ptsd ... :cuckoo:
This is no brainer. Rep. Grimm needs to resign. Effective Immediately

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I should care about this why ?

Because Sarah G. is committing a logical fallacy; hasty generalization.

Are all members of the GOP doing this ? Nope.

Time to move on...can't believe this got five pages.

You people need to get lives.
Does anyone really believe Grimm meant what he said? That he would throw the guy over the rail? Really? Don't get me wrong, I think Grimm could have told the guy off without the threats, and I think the man should be taken to task for his poor choice of words, but ultimately it was nothing more than an exercise in angry hyperbole.

The guy is an ass. What he did accomplished only one thing. He has guaranteed that every reporter will take any and every opportunity to ask him the same question...

He sounded pretty mean and thuggish.

That's not hard to do, especially when you're angry. I once gave my wife a look that made her cry.

And please don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the guy. Considering the position he holds, I think what he said is reprehensible. Sometimes our emotions get the better of us. It happens.

I see he called Scotto (the reporter) and apologized. The apology was accepted, Scotto says he believes it was sincere, and apparently they're going to do lunch. Grimm also issued a public apology. Not much more he can do.

As far as I'm concerned, the issue, if it ever was an issue outside of a message board, is now dead. I'm sure this thread will go on for many more pages, that's the nature of the beast...
Does anyone really believe Grimm meant what he said? That he would throw the guy over the rail? Really? Don't get me wrong, I think Grimm could have told the guy off without the threats, and I think the man should be taken to task for his poor choice of words, but ultimately it was nothing more than an exercise in angry hyperbole.

The guy is an ass. What he did accomplished only one thing. He has guaranteed that every reporter will take any and every opportunity to ask him the same question...

He sounded pretty mean and thuggish.

That's not hard to do, especially when you're angry. I once gave my wife a look that made her cry.

And please don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the guy. Considering the position he holds, I think what he said is reprehensible. Sometimes our emotions get the better of us. It happens.

I see he called Scotto (the reporter) and apologized. The apology was accepted, Scotto says he believes it was sincere, and apparently they're going to do lunch. Grimm also issued a public apology. Not much more he can do.

As far as I'm concerned, the issue, if it ever was an issue outside of a message board, is now dead. I'm sure this thread will go on for many more pages, that's the nature of the beast...

Actually, it was an issue that made it on Fox know...the network that ignores it when a Republican does something that is considered reprehensible.
I should care about this why ?

Because Sarah G. is committing a logical fallacy; hasty generalization.

Are all members of the GOP doing this ? Nope.

Time to move on...can't believe this got five pages.

You people need to get lives. are here in this thread...and you posted in it.

So...pot, meet kettle.
Does anyone really believe Grimm meant what he said? That he would throw the guy over the rail? Really? Don't get me wrong, I think Grimm could have told the guy off without the threats, and I think the man should be taken to task for his poor choice of words, but ultimately it was nothing more than an exercise in angry hyperbole.

The guy is an ass. What he did accomplished only one thing. He has guaranteed that every reporter will take any and every opportunity to ask him the same question...

The idiot reporter went off script, he even said he was going off script. He should have had his punk ass whooped.

Don't tell a man that you will stick to a script if you have no intention on sticking to it. It makes you a liar and you lose what little credibility you may have had. It also may get your ass thrown off a balcony.

The idiots defending this punk ass reporter should have their asses whooped too.

I'm guessing, and by the way they follow their leader, libturds don't mind being lied to or misled.

Fuck the "script". They are meant to be reporters. They pander enough to politicians without "sticking to a script".

I would have beat his ass.
I should care about this why ?

Because Sarah G. is committing a logical fallacy; hasty generalization.

Are all members of the GOP doing this ? Nope.

Time to move on...can't believe this got five pages.

You people need to get lives.

And thanks for your contribution.
Well good, lets call for him to resign then we can go through and kick out about half the elected idiots in congress for threatening a reporter at one time or another

First one to ask, is Obama for threatening US in this country
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That was the most exciting part about last night.

I don't blame you for posting about it. You liberals have to do everything you can to not talk about your inept leader.

Divert, dodge and deflect to Obama when one of your own is in deep kimchee. You can't defend this asshole, can you?

Nope,just as there is no defense for any dip wad politician,you know just like that Jefferson cat that got caught with a whole bunch of dead frozen presidents in his freezer.

As much as hacks like yourself salivate over other peoples problems,no one party has a lock on miss deeds and boneheadedness.
He sounded pretty mean and thuggish.

That's not hard to do, especially when you're angry. I once gave my wife a look that made her cry.

And please don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the guy. Considering the position he holds, I think what he said is reprehensible. Sometimes our emotions get the better of us. It happens.

I see he called Scotto (the reporter) and apologized. The apology was accepted, Scotto says he believes it was sincere, and apparently they're going to do lunch. Grimm also issued a public apology. Not much more he can do.

As far as I'm concerned, the issue, if it ever was an issue outside of a message board, is now dead. I'm sure this thread will go on for many more pages, that's the nature of the beast...

Actually, it was an issue that made it on Fox know...the network that ignores it when a Republican does something that is considered reprehensible.

I don't watch Fox News. They've been known to make up issues out of whole cloth. That's the same reason I don't watch MSNBC...
Can anyone threaten a congressman like that, and not go to jail?

The poor limp bastard who was threatened was a reporter. And what Sarah won't tell you is that the slimey little shit had agreed beforehand to ONLY ask about the SOTU speech.I bet he had a skid mark in his unders!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Except that not what the reporter said.

Asked by CNN anchor Chris Cuomo if he thought the threat was real, Scotto said "I don't believe the substance of the threat at all. I'm not taking it personal. I just think he was angry by the fact that I asked that question and I think he was even more angry by the fact that I kind of explained to viewers why he was not going to answer that question."

Scotto added that there were no preconditions when he spoke to the Grimm before the interview started.

N.Y. congressman apologizes after threatening to throw reporter off balcony ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Yes, like I believe that bullshit!
If this were a Democrat congressman they'd be cheering him and blaming the reporter for being a thug

we've seen it all before, just like they blamed Monica Lewinsky for Bill Clinton's fall from grace

but the faux outrage is predictable and how funny they don't want to talk about their Dear Leaders, speech they'd rather talk about this.
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