Are Republicans making a mistake discriminating against white people?

Raise your hands if you think blacks arenā€™t equal to whites. All democrats

Raise your hands if you think bias doesn't exist and doesn't hurt people who are considered diversity candidates? Of course you disagree. You're a straight white man who likes the status quo.

And it doesn't matter if you get it. 175 of the fortune 500 companies get it. This is why they signed the pledge

The persistent inequities across our country underscore our urgent, national need to address and alleviate racial, ethnic and other tensions and to promote diversity within our communities. As leaders of some of Americaā€™s largest corporations, we manage thousands of employees and play a critical role in ensuring that inclusion is core to our workplace culture and that our businesses are representative of the communities we serve. Moreover, we know that diversity is good for the economy; it improves corporate performance, drives growth and enhances employee engagement.

We recognize that diversity and inclusion are multi-faceted issues and that we need to tackle these subjects holistically to better engage and support all underrepresented groups within business. To do this, we believe we also need to address honestly and head-on the concerns and needs of our diverse employees and increase equity for all, including Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, LGBTQ, disabled, veterans and women. This group convened to ask what we can do collectively as business leaders, because one fact is clear: we have to do more. For us, this means committing to four initial goals that we hope will catalyze further conversation and action around diversity and inclusion within the workplace and foster collaboration among our organizations:

  1. We will continue to make our workplaces trusting places to have complex, and sometimes difficult, conversations about diversity and inclusion:

  2. We will implement and expand unconscious bias education: Experts tell us that we all have unconscious biases -- that is human nature. Unconscious bias education enables individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have, but wasnā€™t aware of previously. We will commit to rolling out and/or expanding unconscious bias education within our companies in the form that best fits our specific culture and business. By helping our employees recognize and minimize their blind spots, we aim to facilitate more open and honest conversations. Additionally, we will make non-proprietary unconscious bias education modules available to others free of charge.

  3. We will share bestā€”and unsuccessfulā€”practices:

  4. We will create and share strategic inclusion and diversity plans with our board of directors. We will work with our board of directors (or equivalent governing bodies) through the development and evaluation of concrete, strategic action plans to prioritize and drive accountability around diversity and inclusion. Given the shared responsibility for driving strategies that help companies thrive, boards and CEOs play an important role in driving action together to cultivate inclusive cultures and talent.
I consider diversity as a goal more horrific than climate change demands.

Yea because you are a straight white male with a conservative brain.

I am a straight white male too but I'm not afraid of the fairness and competition. It will make us as a whole great.

A company as diverse as ours shouldn't be run by mostly straight white males. We will do better when they don't have an unfair control over our system.

Notice how there are not many blacks and women in this picture who are Republicans?


It's happening whether you like it or not

The number of Fortune 500 companies with greater than 40 percent diversity has more than doubled from 69 to 145 since 2012,
I saw it happen at my company-mistakes, arguments, miscommunications, delays, accusations, threats-all part of a workday in diversity land. And don't accuse me or anyone without facts-I am not a conservative, I was part of the first earth day and pushing INTEGRATION in the workplace. Diversity just means you add more WEAK links to the chain so it can break. Read a book about the OTHER side of the argument if you are so enlightened.

So you are a racist who cars about your planet. Congrats.

So you are saying if a company that is all white males hires more blacks, hispanics, muslims and women the company will do worse? What a racist thing to think. Same way you guys didn't think a black could coach or be Quarterback because they weren't smart enough.
All I want is results. And we went from an A plus excellence derived society to a Samantha B plus above average one. The movers and shakers need to be the engines. I do not care about sports as that. What you wrote are doing worse. For we are losing our competitive edge and everything that is a service is mushrooming in cost.
Are Republicans making a mistake discriminating against white people?

After all, the Republican Party is a nearly all white party.

Thereā€™s an entire list of white people Republicans literally hate. Those include liberals and atheists. In fact they hate white gays even more than any minority of color.

Then you have educated people like college professors and scientists. They may not hate them the way they hate gays , but Republicans certainly donā€™t trust them.

Is there enough American Nazi party and Aryan nation and KKK and Alt White to fill out the ranks after losing all those other white people?

Are Republicans counting on all the whites that they either dislike or hate to ā€œcome homeā€ and vote white regardless?

You're a liberal, atheist, fag moron, I don't hate you.
See what I mean?


How can Republicans attract white people that arenā€™t racist if this is how they describe white people that arenā€™t racist?
Are Republicans making a mistake discriminating against white people?

After all, the Republican Party is a nearly all white party.

Thereā€™s an entire list of white people Republicans literally hate. Those include liberals and atheists. In fact they hate white gays even more than any minority of color.

Then you have educated people like college professors and scientists. They may not hate them the way they hate gays , but Republicans certainly donā€™t trust them.

Is there enough American Nazi party and Aryan nation and KKK and Alt White to fill out the ranks after losing all those other white people?

Are Republicans counting on all the whites that they either dislike or hate to ā€œcome homeā€ and vote white regardless?

You're a liberal, atheist, fag moron, I don't hate you.
See what I mean?


How can Republicans attract white people that arenā€™t racist if this is how they describe white people that arenā€™t racist?
We arenā€™t robots lol diversity
Are Republicans making a mistake discriminating against white people?

After all, the Republican Party is a nearly all white party.

Thereā€™s an entire list of white people Republicans literally hate. Those include liberals and atheists. In fact they hate white gays even more than any minority of color.

Then you have educated people like college professors and scientists. They may not hate them the way they hate gays , but Republicans certainly donā€™t trust them.

Is there enough American Nazi party and Aryan nation and KKK and Alt White to fill out the ranks after losing all those other white people?

Are Republicans counting on all the whites that they either dislike or hate to ā€œcome homeā€ and vote white regardless?

You're a liberal, atheist, fag moron, I don't hate you.
See what I mean?


How can Republicans attract white people that arenā€™t racist if this is how they describe white people that arenā€™t racist?

Still mad that GHW Bush made liberal a 4 letter word? LOL!


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