Are republicans really going to be pussies and just forget Trump's blatant hypocrisy about Syria?

Nope, I want us to stay out of Syria and Obama at least attacked ISIS...


Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected ISIS.

Obama refused to allow their mile-long convoys rolling across open desert, headed into Iraq to take much of the country our military had already liberated at great cost, to be destroyed by military air strikes.

Obama created 'Rules Of Engagement' the coalition was forced to adhere to that protected ISIS Black Market oil Operations, which funded 50% of their terrorist Operations - like the Paris attack...UNTIL France and Russia gave Barry the finger right after the ISIS attack on Paris. (Barry was in Paris declaring to the world he had ISIS 'contained' the night before the Paris attack.) After the attack, when Russia and France joined together to strike ISIS' Black Market oil operation - ya know what Barry did? Did he join in and send US planes to join the attack? NO - Barry had the US military drop leaflets warning ISIS that the attack was coming.

Obama said ISIS was not a threat because they were a 'JV team'.

After Assad used chemical weapons on his people Obama was so outraged that he issued his 'Red Line' and threatened to strike Assad. Don't blame Trump because Obama did not have the balls to follow through on the appropriate response to a rogue leader gassing his own people.

You were never for getting involved in Syria? Obama dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war when he could have done what Trump did - launch a proportional response attack on Syria for the use of chemical weapons on innocent people WITHOUT dragging the US into another war. Instead, we now have combat boots on the ground IN SYRIA and have been fighting Obama's war for a while now.
Nope, I want us to stay out of Syria and Obama at least attacked ISIS...

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Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected ISIS.

Obama refused to allow their mile-long convoys rolling across open desert, headed into Iraq to take much of the country our military had already liberated at great cost, to be destroyed by military air strikes.

Obama created 'Rules Of Engagement' the coalition was forced to adhere to that protected ISIS Black Market oil Operations, which funded 50% of their terrorist Operations - like the Paris attack...UNTIL France and Russia gave Barry the finger right after the ISIS attack on Paris. (Barry was in Paris declaring to the world he had ISIS 'contained' the night before the Paris attack.) After the attack, when Russia and France joined together to strike ISIS' Black Market oil operation - ya know what Barry did? Did he join in and send US planes to join the attack? NO - Barry had the US military drop leaflets warning ISIS that the attack was coming.

Obama said ISIS was not a threat because they were a 'JV team'.

After Assad used chemical weapons on his people Obama was so outraged that he issued his 'Red Line' and threatened to strike Assad. Don't blame Trump because Obama did not have the balls to follow through on the appropriate response to a rogue leader gassing his own people.

Personally I believe Obama is a Muslim Scumbag.
We have never had a president finance and arm KNOWN TERRORISTS, and he didn't do this just once.

He financed coups in Egypt, Libya, and Syria using Al Queda, Al Nusra, Hezbollah, ISIS & The Muslim Brotherhood.

Who does that? And Hillary Clinton was no better. The only thing that makes sense is their professed hatred of Israel.

Some say he may have also tried to stage a coup in Turkey of all places.

If you look at The Shifty Sheik, Obama Bin Lying, every single action he has taken in The Middle East has emboldened and strengthened terrorists. Who trades mass murderers for a deserter and then gives the World's Biggest Sponsor of terror Billions and Nuclear Weapons?

Obama Bin Lying, that's who.
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Not only did Trumpster bitch about Obama's intentions in Syria in 2013, but he also insisted that he get congressional approval for any attack.

Are you republicans really that big of pussies to admit Trump never said all of this?

So I'm confused. When Obama was president you guys were for intervention in Syria. Now that Trump is in you oppose it. Even though 48 hrs ago you were whining about him doing nothing.

Also he has been pretty clear that going after Assad is a policy change. Is changing policies hypocritical? Personally I think he was right to begin with but it seems disingenuous to accuse someone of hypocrisy because they have admitted to changing their mind about something while ignoring your own hypocrisy

Right nothing Obama did was ok, and now that Trump has helped ISIS you are all fine with it. Unreal.

Who said I'm fine with it? I've been very clear that I think it's a bad idea
The pussy had his 8 years. Things have changed.

Things haven't changed. Assad has always been Tyrant who kills his own people.
True, and Obama is still a pussy. But you see, now Trump is president, so some things do change.

Obama asked for air strikes on Syria and he was blocked by republicans. Your orange messiah even was against attacks in Syria.

He's only attacking Syria now because his ratings are in the toilet, which ironically Trump accused Obama of.
The most sympathetic explanation I've seen is that Trump was genuinely torn apart by the images of those dead kids & launched the strike.
The pussy had his 8 years. Things have changed.

Things haven't changed. Assad has always been Tyrant who kills his own people.
True, and Obama is still a pussy. But you see, now Trump is president, so some things do change.

Obama asked for air strikes on Syria and he was blocked by republicans. Your orange messiah even was against attacks in Syria.

He's only attacking Syria now because his ratings are in the toilet, which ironically Trump accused Obama of.
Obama needed congressional approval for ordering airstrikes as much as did Trump. It's a horribly weak excuse/talking point.

See if you can find another excuse for Obama's pussyhood.
Gee it was just a day ago that liberals were yapping about Trump doing nothing while children were gassed.
The pussy had his 8 years. Things have changed.

Things haven't changed. Assad has always been Tyrant who kills his own people.
True, and Obama is still a pussy. But you see, now Trump is president, so some things do change.

Obama asked for air strikes on Syria and he was blocked by republicans. Your orange messiah even was against attacks in Syria.

He's only attacking Syria now because his ratings are in the toilet, which ironically Trump accused Obama of.
Obama needed congressional approval for ordering airstrikes as much as did Trump. It's a horribly weak excuse/talking point.

See if you can find another excuse for Obama's pussyhood.

I agree Obama was a pussy. He tried to be this bipartisan and it didn't work because republicans are only want their way. Obama should have realized they're stubborn asses and don't listen to reason.

But can you imagine the outrage if Obama attacked Syria without Congressional support? You right wingers would be outraged.
Not only did Trumpster bitch about Obama's intentions in Syria in 2013, but he also insisted that he get congressional approval for any attack.

Are you republicans really that big of pussies to admit Trump never said all of this?

You're going to find out that the neocon Right didn't disappear, it just went in the closet for a spell. The smell of another war in the Middle East will bring them out en masse.
The pussy had his 8 years. Things have changed.

Things haven't changed. Assad has always been Tyrant who kills his own people.
True, and Obama is still a pussy. But you see, now Trump is president, so some things do change.

Obama asked for air strikes on Syria and he was blocked by republicans. Your orange messiah even was against attacks in Syria.

He's only attacking Syria now because his ratings are in the toilet, which ironically Trump accused Obama of.
Obama needed congressional approval for ordering airstrikes as much as did Trump. It's a horribly weak excuse/talking point.

See if you can find another excuse for Obama's pussyhood.

I agree Obama was a pussy. He tried to be this bipartisan and it didn't work because republicans are only want their way. Obama should have realized they're stubborn asses and don't listen to reason.

But can you imagine the outrage if Obama attacked Syria without Congressional support? You right wingers would be outraged.

Did Obama have Congressional approval for the strikes in Syria in 2014?

But can you imagine the outrage if Obama attacked Syria without Congressional support? You right wingers would be outraged.

They already were outraged. They threw a fit when Obama put a few troops into Syria.
Things haven't changed. Assad has always been Tyrant who kills his own people.
True, and Obama is still a pussy. But you see, now Trump is president, so some things do change.

Obama asked for air strikes on Syria and he was blocked by republicans. Your orange messiah even was against attacks in Syria.

He's only attacking Syria now because his ratings are in the toilet, which ironically Trump accused Obama of.
Obama needed congressional approval for ordering airstrikes as much as did Trump. It's a horribly weak excuse/talking point.

See if you can find another excuse for Obama's pussyhood.

I agree Obama was a pussy. He tried to be this bipartisan and it didn't work because republicans are only want their way. Obama should have realized they're stubborn asses and don't listen to reason.

But can you imagine the outrage if Obama attacked Syria without Congressional support? You right wingers would be outraged.

Did Obama have Congressional approval for the strikes in Syria in 2014?

So you oppose both strikes, or support both strikes?
"Think of it, the Arab League doesn't want to get involved with Syria - but they want us to do their dirty work. How stupid!" - Trump in 2013
Humanitarian reasons are the last reason any country should go to war. Anyway, anyone living in the Middle East should realize that - War and constant conflict is the way of life over there. That's what Muslims do…
What were Obama's "intentions" about Syria? Does anyone remember? How can Trump be the hypocrite when Obama took a victory lap after declaring that Syria had destroyed it's chemical weapons? The left wing hypocrites have been beating the drums for war with Russia for the last three months and now they whine about a couple of missiles used to punish Syria for using chemical weapons. Trump can't please the psychotic left no matter what he does.
What were Obama's "intentions" about Syria? Does anyone remember? How can Trump be the hypocrite when Obama took a victory lap after declaring that Syria had destroyed it's chemical weapons? The left wing hypocrites have been beating the drums for war with Russia for the last three months and now they whine about a couple of missiles used to punish Syria for using chemical weapons. Trump can't please the psychotic left no matter what he does.
The psychotic left is a good way to describe them.

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