Are republicans really going to be pussies and just forget Trump's blatant hypocrisy about Syria?

Not only did Trumpster bitch about Obama's intentions in Syria in 2013, but he also insisted that he get congressional approval for any attack.

Are you republicans really that big of pussies to admit Trump never said all of this?

Progs calling conservatives pussies. Now there's your hypocrisy Billy boy.
Not only did Trumpster bitch about Obama's intentions in Syria in 2013, but he also insisted that he get congressional approval for any attack.

Are you republicans really that big of pussies to admit Trump never said all of this?

The FAKE Snowflake WooWoo has come out since the strikes on the Syrian base to declare 'any military action against Syria requires the President to come before Congress to ask for the authority to do so'.

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Does Pocahontas realize that we have combat troops on the ground in Syria thanks to Obama, and we have been fighting his Un-Constitutional, UN-Authorized war - the one he dragged the US into without going before Congress to ask for the authority to do so - for a while now...and she never once demanded Obama come before Congress to ask for the authority to take the country to war in Syria?!

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You've got a bad case of amnesia.

On Aug. 31, 2013, Obama, who had been considering ordering a military strike unilaterally, decided to seek Congress’ approval. But there was plenty of division on such an authorization among lawmakers, and public opinion polls showed low support for military action. By mid-September, Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, had reached a diplomatic solution: an agreement between the United States and Russia to have Syria turn over its chemical weapons to international inspectors — a problematic agreement as it turns out.

Trump's Line on Syria -

In 2013, when a sarin nerve gas attack left more than 1,400 dead outside Damascus, President Barack Obama went to Congress to get approval to strike.

In a whip count from ThinkProgress, 183 Republicans were against bombing the country. Only 12 Republicans, including then-House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), sided with the president to launch a strike. Ultimately, Congress did not appear to approve the strike, with 243 Congressional members swaying towards voting “No.” Obama ultimately decided to postpone the vote.

Majority Of Republicans Said 'No' When Obama Wanted To Launch A Strike On Syria | The Huffington Post
In case you wondered where all fifteen of the Jeb supporters had gone, the media id trotting them out to support the Syria strikes!
Agreed, but the use of chemical weapons is a provocation and war crime that some say can't go unanswered.
It seems to me Assad using WMD, is really hard to understand. He was winning the war and had to know using WMD would result in worldwide condemnation and potential retaliation by the US. I wonder if he did it, or if it was a false flag.

The use of chemical weapons, especially against innocent men/women/children, constitutes the breech of an agreement regarding the use of WMD. Such an act IS of national security interest and a threat. Obama accurately thought so enough to issue his 'Red Line' but did not have the testicular fortitude to follow through with it.
I find it hard to believe Assad would be this dumb. Secondly, it was never proven that he used them in 2012. It was very likely a false flag then and could be now.

The US Government has murdered vast numbers of civilians in places all over the world. While not using chemical weapons, one could make the same argument used by Trump with his aggression against Syria. That is, it is a war crime to murder civilians no matter the weapons employed.
Not only did Trumpster bitch about Obama's intentions in Syria in 2013, but he also insisted that he get congressional approval for any attack.

Are you republicans really that big of pussies to admit Trump never said all of this?

The FAKE Snowflake WooWoo has come out since the strikes on the Syrian base to declare 'any military action against Syria requires the President to come before Congress to ask for the authority to do so'.

View attachment 120708

Does Pocahontas realize that we have combat troops on the ground in Syria thanks to Obama, and we have been fighting his Un-Constitutional, UN-Authorized war - the one he dragged the US into without going before Congress to ask for the authority to do so - for a while now...and she never once demanded Obama come before Congress to ask for the authority to take the country to war in Syria?!

View attachment 120709


You've got a bad case of amnesia.

On Aug. 31, 2013, Obama, who had been considering ordering a military strike unilaterally, decided to seek Congress’ approval. But there was plenty of division on such an authorization among lawmakers, and public opinion polls showed low support for military action. By mid-September, Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, had reached a diplomatic solution: an agreement between the United States and Russia to have Syria turn over its chemical weapons to international inspectors — a problematic agreement as it turns out.

Trump's Line on Syria -

In 2013, when a sarin nerve gas attack left more than 1,400 dead outside Damascus, President Barack Obama went to Congress to get approval to strike.

In a whip count from ThinkProgress, 183 Republicans were against bombing the country. Only 12 Republicans, including then-House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), sided with the president to launch a strike. Ultimately, Congress did not appear to approve the strike, with 243 Congressional members swaying towards voting “No.” Obama ultimately decided to postpone the vote.

Majority Of Republicans Said 'No' When Obama Wanted To Launch A Strike On Syria | The Huffington Post

The Bill Clinton Milk Factory strike was SUCH a case of 'Wag The Dog' BS that LIBERAL HOLLYWOOD made a movie about it called 'Wag The dog'. The thing looked like it followed Clinton's diary to a 'T'.

I find it hard to believe Assad would be this dumb. Secondly, it was never proven that he used them in 2012. It was very likely a false flag then and could be now.

The US Government has murdered vast numbers of civilians in places all over the world. While not using chemical weapons, one could make the same argument used by Trump with his aggression against Syria. That is, it is a war crime to murder civilians no matter the weapons employed.

The plane that dispersed the chemical weapons in the attack flew out of this base and returned to this base - Assad's base.

Assad's response to the strike was NOT, 'Hey, we didn't do it' - it was BS about the destruction of the base harming his ability to fight ISIS.

Assad was caught dead-to-rights on this one...and Putin and Russia can STFU because THEY have been busted as either COMPLICIT or INCOMPETNT! It was their responsibility to ensure Assad had no more chemical weapons - they swore he had no more. They lied....or (as they might claim) Assad duped them, making them look like idiots who are defending a War Criminal.
Not only did Trumpster bitch about Obama's intentions in Syria in 2013, but he also insisted that he get congressional approval for any attack.

Are you republicans really that big of pussies to admit Trump never said all of this?

The FAKE Snowflake WooWoo has come out since the strikes on the Syrian base to declare 'any military action against Syria requires the President to come before Congress to ask for the authority to do so'.

View attachment 120708

Does Pocahontas realize that we have combat troops on the ground in Syria thanks to Obama, and we have been fighting his Un-Constitutional, UN-Authorized war - the one he dragged the US into without going before Congress to ask for the authority to do so - for a while now...and she never once demanded Obama come before Congress to ask for the authority to take the country to war in Syria?!

View attachment 120709


You've got a bad case of amnesia.

On Aug. 31, 2013, Obama, who had been considering ordering a military strike unilaterally, decided to seek Congress’ approval. But there was plenty of division on such an authorization among lawmakers, and public opinion polls showed low support for military action. By mid-September, Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, had reached a diplomatic solution: an agreement between the United States and Russia to have Syria turn over its chemical weapons to international inspectors — a problematic agreement as it turns out.

Trump's Line on Syria -

In 2013, when a sarin nerve gas attack left more than 1,400 dead outside Damascus, President Barack Obama went to Congress to get approval to strike.

In a whip count from ThinkProgress, 183 Republicans were against bombing the country. Only 12 Republicans, including then-House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), sided with the president to launch a strike. Ultimately, Congress did not appear to approve the strike, with 243 Congressional members swaying towards voting “No.” Obama ultimately decided to postpone the vote.

Majority Of Republicans Said 'No' When Obama Wanted To Launch A Strike On Syria | The Huffington Post

The Bill Clinton Milk Factory strike was SUCH a case of 'Wag The Dog' BS that LIBERAL HOLLYWOOD made a movie about it called 'Wag The dog'. The thing looked like it followed Clinton's diary to a 'T'.

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What does your weird little conspiracy theory have to do with the facts I provided?
Not only did Trumpster bitch about Obama's intentions in Syria in 2013, but he also insisted that he get congressional approval for any attack.

Are you republicans really that big of pussies to admit Trump never said all of this?

So I'm confused. When Obama was president you guys were for intervention in Syria. Now that Trump is in you oppose it. Even though 48 hrs ago you were whining about him doing nothing.

Also he has been pretty clear that going after Assad is a policy change. Is changing policies hypocritical? Personally I think he was right to begin with but it seems disingenuous to accuse someone of hypocrisy because they have admitted to changing their mind about something while ignoring your own hypocrisy

Right nothing Obama did was ok, and now that Trump has helped ISIS you are all fine with it. Unreal.
I find it hard to believe Assad would be this dumb. Secondly, it was never proven that he used them in 2012. It was very likely a false flag then and could be now.

The US Government has murdered vast numbers of civilians in places all over the world. While not using chemical weapons, one could make the same argument used by Trump with his aggression against Syria. That is, it is a war crime to murder civilians no matter the weapons employed.

The plane that dispersed the chemical weapons in the attack flew out of this base and returned to this base - Assad's base.

Assad's response to the strike was NOT, 'Hey, we didn't do it' - it was BS about the destruction of the base harming his ability to fight ISIS.

Assad was caught dead-to-rights on this one...and Putin and Russia can STFU because THEY have been busted as either COMPLICIT or INCOMPETNT! It was their responsibility to ensure Assad had no more chemical weapons - they swore he had no more. They lied....or (as they might claim) Assad duped them, making them look like idiots who are defending a War Criminal.

You do not know that, I believe that ISIS messed up playing with chemical weapons. If indeed there were any chemicals. So you must be on ISIS side, in that case, shouldn't you people want to allow women and children from Syria in the US. Hypocrites.
Those who support the air strikes;

Chuck Schumer
Nancy Pelosi
Lindsey Graham
Mainstream media
I find it hard to believe Assad would be this dumb. Secondly, it was never proven that he used them in 2012. It was very likely a false flag then and could be now.

The US Government has murdered vast numbers of civilians in places all over the world. While not using chemical weapons, one could make the same argument used by Trump with his aggression against Syria. That is, it is a war crime to murder civilians no matter the weapons employed.

The plane that dispersed the chemical weapons in the attack flew out of this base and returned to this base - Assad's base.

Assad's response to the strike was NOT, 'Hey, we didn't do it' - it was BS about the destruction of the base harming his ability to fight ISIS.

Assad was caught dead-to-rights on this one...and Putin and Russia can STFU because THEY have been busted as either COMPLICIT or INCOMPETNT! It was their responsibility to ensure Assad had no more chemical weapons - they swore he had no more. They lied....or (as they might claim) Assad duped them, making them look like idiots who are defending a War Criminal.
I have to question anything coming from this government. So when they say Assad did it, I question it.

Secondly, Assad is winning the war. Killing a few dozen civilians using chemical weapons, fails to make sense. It has only inflamed the world against him and generated more enemies in Syria.
Agreed, but the use of chemical weapons is a provocation and war crime that some say can't go unanswered.
It seems to me Assad using WMD, is really hard to understand. He was winning the war and had to know using WMD would result in worldwide condemnation and potential retaliation by the US. I wonder if he did it, or if it was a false flag.

The use of chemical weapons, especially against innocent men/women/children, constitutes the breech of an agreement regarding the use of WMD. Such an act IS of national security interest and a threat. Obama accurately thought so enough to issue his 'Red Line' but did not have the testicular fortitude to follow through with it.
I find it hard to believe Assad would be this dumb. Secondly, it was never proven that he used them in 2012. It was very likely a false flag then and could be now.

The US Government has murdered vast numbers of civilians in places all over the world. While not using chemical weapons, one could make the same argument used by Trump with his aggression against Syria. That is, it is a war crime to murder civilians no matter the weapons employed.

I agree, but not for us or our allies, Israel killing Palestinian kids, and SA in Yemen. They don't even know if chemicals were used and if so who they belonged to. We are on ISIS side, SA and Israel.
Right nothing Obama did was ok, and now that Trump has helped ISIS you are all fine with it. Unreal.
Snowflakes are SO F*ed Up!

You condemn Trump for not doing anything after Assad uses Chemical Weapons - like Obama, claim Trump is supporting Assad for not doing anything, and now that Trump just proved you punk-ass butt-hurt snowflakes wrong now you claim Trump is helping ISIS because he DID do something.

EVEN DEMOCRATS IN CONGRESS - LIKE SCHUMER - IS PRAISING TRUMP THIS MORNING. You f*ers are so filled with bitter, partisan hatred you can't even agree with your own party that what Trump just did was a good thing.


Snowflakes be like


Keep up the good work, snowflake. Keep this up and losing 1,000+ political seats in 8 years is just the tip of the iceberg for the Democrats.[/URL][/URL]


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it seems as though Flynn was pushed out of the Trump admin so we could get Hillary Clinton as national security advisor.
Right nothing Obama did was ok, and now that Trump has helped ISIS you are all fine with it. Unreal.
Snowflakes are SO F*ed Up!

You condemn Trump for not doing anything after Assad uses Chemical Weapons - like Obama, claim Trump is supporting Assad for not doing anything, and now that Trump just proved you punk-ass butt-hurt snowflakes wrong now you claim Trump is helping ISIS because he DID do something.

EVEN DEMOCRATS IN CONGRESS - LIKE SCHUMER - IS PRAISING TRUMP THIS MORNING. You f*ers are so filled with bitter, partisan hatred you can't even agree with your own party that what Trump just did was a good thing.

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Nope, I want us to stay out of Syria and Obama at least attacked ISIS, and now Trump is on ISIS's side. Haste makes waste. One thing I did not agree with Obama and Hillary about was our involvement in Syria, and even why we're allies to Israel and SA. I sure did agree with them about the Iran Nuclear Deal, them and 5 other countries. The Sunnis are ISIS.
"Trump has a piece of my heart. I support & trust his judgement w/ the Intel he's received. I'm loyal & stand w/ my president." - Paul Ryan
Right nothing Obama did was ok, and now that Trump has helped ISIS you are all fine with it. Unreal.
Snowflakes are SO F*ed Up!

You condemn Trump for not doing anything after Assad uses Chemical Weapons - like Obama, claim Trump is supporting Assad for not doing anything, and now that Trump just proved you punk-ass butt-hurt snowflakes wrong now you claim Trump is helping ISIS because he DID do something.

EVEN DEMOCRATS IN CONGRESS - LIKE SCHUMER - IS PRAISING TRUMP THIS MORNING. You f*ers are so filled with bitter, partisan hatred you can't even agree with your own party that what Trump just did was a good thing.

View attachment 120716


Snowflakes be like

Keep up the good work, snowflake. Keep this up and losing 1,000+ political seats in 8 years is just the tip of the iceberg for the Democrats.

Nope never was for getting involved in Syria, even with Obama (at least he went after ISIS) or Hillary, but I was in agreement with the Iran Nuke Deal.

Trump is on the side of ISIS apparently: If chemicals were even used , and also where was his morals when he saw pics of children and women fleeing Syria and said we do not want them here. He is just trying to avert attention form the election and his failures to date, and making you all happy he used military force.
Tahrir al-Sham - Wikipedia

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