Are Scientists Lying to us about Dinosaurs and The Flood?

Darwinism is solely about biological evolution. You're right that many things evolve, stars and religions for example, but there are many things that do not, truth and facts being two examples. One + One will never equal anything but 2, that is a truth.
Evolution is solely about things changing, that has to include the truth.

That's why evolution is myth. Truth doesn't change, ever.

Again, if everything is changing, then truth can't exist.....Period.
Okay, but "everything is changing" is your claim. You are the only one saying this.


Ever heard of the 2nd law of thermodynamics? Surely you think your God made this law, no? "Entropy is ever increasing"

Does that mean everything is always changing?
Did you say this?
I did.

You forgot to make a point again.

I also said that, maybeyou aren't alone on this island, if you consider the 2nd law of thermodynamics to mean "everything is always changing". In which case, you would have lots of company.

Is that so?
I had been poking around on You Tube, and doing some reading about strange artifacts that keep appearing at older dig site across the world.
What is strange about them? There is no way that any species of man according to scientists could possibly been on The Earth at the same time as when The Dinosaurs Roamed.

Evolution takes such a long time according to evolutionists, so long that you cannot fathom it so it must be that these creatures had to have existed millions of years ago, not a 5-10 thousands years ago. They could not have possibly been created as we come to know them let alone lived at the same time as man.

My view on it now is that these kind of life forms were all wiped out during the flood, and that these artifacts are Pre-Flood artifacts. Perhaps this is where we get the notion of dragons in some of our literature?

Apparently these creatures were trainable and tamable. What could be more awesome than riding a dinosaur?


Take a look:

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What would be scarier than being chased by a Dinosaur?

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Actually, dinosaurs have a genetic structure that allows them to evolve much faster than humans. And since humans are at the top of the food chain and the most vicious creatures on the planet, the dinosaurs have quickly evolved to look just like humans.

Even your next door neighbor could be one of them.
That stuff was dated to just a few years before the "discovery" I mean, those pieces werent even weathered.
There have been no fossils found in that area.
There is also no evidence, or oral traditions, of clay use in that area.
Most likely, people were making those for the market or something.
The carving of the stegasurous on the Indian temple is not recent.

There are tribes in the Congo who have seen saurapods. There is at least the cealocant that is a living fossil and Gigantopithicus is likely Bigfoot
I had been poking around on You Tube, and doing some reading about strange artifacts that keep appearing at older dig site across the world.
What is strange about them? There is no way that any species of man according to scientists could possibly been on The Earth at the same time as when The Dinosaurs Roamed.

Evolution takes such a long time according to evolutionists, so long that you cannot fathom it so it must be that these creatures had to have existed millions of years ago, not a 5-10 thousands years ago. They could not have possibly been created as we come to know them let alone lived at the same time as man.

My view on it now is that these kind of life forms were all wiped out during the flood, and that these artifacts are Pre-Flood artifacts. Perhaps this is where we get the notion of dragons in some of our literature?

Apparently these creatures were trainable and tamable. What could be more awesome than riding a dinosaur?


Take a look:

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What would be scarier than being chased by a Dinosaur?

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Here's a tip son and I know it to be accurate.
There was no biblical flood and you have bern conned.
You can't even tell me when it happened let alone where all the water went.

Dinosaurs were extinguished 64 million years ago by an asteroid things. That is beyond doubt. Tests in the Yucatan peninsula have proven it.

You need to do some more research and stay out of that filthy bible.
Evolution is change, stop. Truth doesn't change, stop.
Well that's mind numbingly stupid.

What is the true content of your toilet after you take a shit?

How about after you flush?

Oh look, the truth changed.

When you were born with an extra chromosome... what changed?
What kind of moron thinks "poking around on Youtube" will allow him to outsmart scientists who have dedicated their lives to studying a topic?

Oh, right, half of this dumpster fire of a message board.
What is the true content of your toilet after you take a shit?

How about after you flush?

Those are 2 separate questions, and no, the truth never changed.

The toilet was full before you flushed ( true) and empty after you flushed ( also true ).

Nice try though.

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