Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?

Everybody knows about transportation costs.. What were Chinese tar sands selling for???? $29.00 a barrel?

This thread is also about antiscience religious zealots. They were spurred on and organized in Philadelphia in May of 1919 as a backlash to science.

And yet you don't know why your argument of using imports for energy independence was a bogus argument. The answer is transportation costs, dumb ass. You're arguing that everyone knows about transportation costs, except ... you ....
The resolution of the ideologues vs the climatologists squabble over who had a better grasp of climate was always silly.

"I don’t know about you guys, but I think climate change is...


...‘By the way, it is!"

[Sen. Ron Johnson mouths to Republican luncheon that climate change is ‘bullsh—’]

Knowledge respects reality. Ignorance must have reality forced upon it. When ignorance is sustained by ideological dogma, it's a bitch to overcome, particularly in especially resistant cases.

The predictions are being validated. The theoretical is becoming blatant. The forecasts are being realized. Denial is becoming an increasingly costly ideological self-indulgence - agricultural failures, wildfires, flooding, soaring energy costs, droughts, mass starvation, relentless human migrations, etc., etc., etc.

By midcentury, if greenhouse gas emissions are not significantly curtailed, the coldest and warmest daily temperatures are expected to increase by at least 5 degrees F in most areas by mid-century rising to 10 degrees F by late century. The National Climate Assessment estimates 20-30 more days over 90 degrees F in most areas by mid-century. A recent study projects that the annual number of days with a heat index above 100 degrees F will double, and days with a heat index above 105 degrees F will triple, nationwide, when compared to the end of the 20th century.
Extreme heat can increase the risk of other types of disasters. Heat can exacerbate drought, and hot dry conditions can in turn create wildfire conditions. In cities, buildings roads and infrastructure can be heated to 50 to 90 degrees hotter than the air while natural surfaces remain closer to air temperatures. The heat island effect is most intense during the day, but the slow release of heat from the infrastructure overnight (or an atmospheric heat island) can keep cities much hotter than surrounding areas. Rising temperatures across the country poses a threat to people, ecosystems and the economy...
An early summer heatwave across the western United States broke all-time records in multiple states, with temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for days on end in some places. This event marked yet another climate extreme for residents of a region already suffering through a devastating drought and with memories of last year’s horrific wildfire season likely still fresh on people’s minds.
Truth not only endures. It has an irresistible way of imposing itself upon even the most willfully obtuse:

Expect Americans to demand their elected representatives confront reality.

Some may be a bit slow, but eventually, everybody will get it, one way or another.

View attachment 511009
"If there is one thing that really burns my ass, it's

Because entire nations have been wiped off the face of the earth....

Yes ... these islands are made of guano and have been mined out, removing about everything above sea level ... and inch or two sea level rise and the nation is wiped off the face of the Earth ... what does the Bible say about building nations on guano? ... or sand ... or tidal marshland ...
As bleak as the prospects are, there are encouraging signs that the private sector is coming in line with the planet's governments who are heeding the scientific reality and its blatant symptoms.

There is a growing consensus that the private sector must be involved if the world is to avoid catastrophic global warming.
A group of over 450 major financial institutions announced that they are aligning their investments with the 2015 Paris climate accord — which calls for reducing carbon dioxide emissions and other efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels.
The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero — launched this year by former Bank of England chief Mark Carney — promised to follow scientific guidelines for cutting carbon emissions to “net zero” by 2050.
That goal — which means limiting greenhouse gas emissions to the amount that can be absorbed again through natural or artificial ways — is increasingly being embraced by companies and governments around the world.

There is profit in responsible, scientifically-savvy policy.

The alternative, besides being financially irresponsible, is an unacceptable abandonment of national security:

The effects of climate change are "threat multipliers" that will force the Pentagon to rethink how it engages in training, missions and humanitarian aid around the world, the Defense Department said Tuesday in its Quadrennial Defense Review .
The review, released every four years, steps up calls made to address climate change in the last version. It noted climate change would "aggravate stressors" such as "poverty, environmental degradation, political instability and social tensions — conditions that can enable terrorist activity and other forms of violence."

Major U.S. banks threaten to leave Mark Carney's climate alliance - FT​


See Story #3 for details.

False Flag Planted In Nord Stream Pipeline - #NewWorldNextWeek​

Interview 1750 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Corbett • 09/29/2022
This week on the New World Next Week: Nord Stream blows up after Biden and Nuland threaten it; the Canadian government scraps their ArriveCAN app tyranny...for now; and the GFANZ alliance is failing forward into global governmental regulation.

Story #1: EU Chief Calls Nord Stream Attack "Sabotage," Warns Of "Strongest Possible Response"

Story #2: ArriveCan App Finally Scrapped In Canada

Story #3: Former Bank of England Governor Carney’s Net Zero Asset Alliance Crumbling

Major U.S. banks threaten to leave Mark Carney's climate alliance - FT​

View attachment 703388

See Story #3 for details.

False Flag Planted In Nord Stream Pipeline - #NewWorldNextWeek​

Interview 1750 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Corbett • 09/29/2022
This week on the New World Next Week: Nord Stream blows up after Biden and Nuland threaten it; the Canadian government scraps their ArriveCAN app tyranny...for now; and the GFANZ alliance is failing forward into global governmental regulation.

Story #1: EU Chief Calls Nord Stream Attack "Sabotage," Warns Of "Strongest Possible Response"

Story #2: ArriveCan App Finally Scrapped In Canada

Story #3: Former Bank of England Governor Carney’s Net Zero Asset Alliance Crumbling

Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?​

Self-interest is vanquishing irrational, dogmatic scientific denialism.

The monumental costs of ideologues perpetuating ignorance in the face of the unprecedented frequency of severe weather is inevitably, forcefully, confirming the irrefutable reality and dire consequences of global warming as predictions are realized.


Low grade demagoguery, with no basis in demonstrable fact.

Denying science when ignorance exacts such a high cost is no way to go through life.

“Within the scientific community it’s a relatively well-accepted fact that as global temperatures increase,
extreme precipitation will very likely increase as well.”

Joao Teixeira, co-director of the Center for Climate Sciences at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The monumental costs of ideologues perpetuating ignorance in the face of the unprecedented frequency of severe weather is inevitably, forcefully, confirming the irrefutable reality and dire consequences of global warming as predictions are realized.

Denying science when ignorance exacts such a high cost is no way to go through life.

“Within the scientific community it’s a relatively well-accepted fact that as global temperatures increase,
extreme precipitation will very likely increase as well.”

Joao Teixeira, co-director of the Center for Climate Sciences at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
how was Ian worse?

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