Are the gangs now infiltrating the cops?

At least this investigation is happening. I remember that the police in Mississippi cooperated with and set up the murder of the three civil-rights workers whose bodies were found in the levy. Our law enforcement agencies have been infiltrated by gangs on many occasions, thus sacrificing the honor and esteem that is due to to our honorable and dedicated officers of the law.
Texas Officers Fired for Membership in KKK

"Two law enforcement officers in Williamson County, Texas, have been fired after it was discovered they were members of the Ku Klux Klan.

County Sheriff John Maspero said there was no evidence the two men, Deputy David Gay, 45, and Sgt. Greg Palm, 29, had committed any acts of discrimination or failed to perform their duties, but said membership in the notorious hate group was sufficient reason to dismiss them.

Officials said they found out the two men belonged to the Klan after they approached another officer and asked him to join."
L.A. County sheriff's detectives probe secret clique in gang unit

"Historically, within the Sheriff's Department, the groups have been tied to patrol stations. In one instance, a federal judge called one of those groups, the Lynwood Vikings, a "neo-Nazi, white supremacist gang" that had engaged in racially motivated hostility. As part of a 1996 settlement, the county agreed to retrain deputies to prevent such conduct and pay $7.5 million to compensate victims of alleged abuses.


Affiliation with such groups reaches the highest levels of the department, all the way up to Baca's second-in-command, Paul Tanaka, who the sheriff acknowledged in an interview last year still had his Vikings tattoo."
The competition to enter a big city police academy is pretty tough. Lots of applicants for not that many spots. Everyone in my academy squad was a college graduate. Most were ex-military. Depending on the department, most big city police departments recruit training is anywhere between six months and a year. Academy conditions are much harder physically and mentally than any high school in the country. The drop out rate is nearly 20%.

You are tested mentally, emotionally, ethically, and physically on a daily basis and you're being watched all the time.

After that, you have a year (at least) as a probationary officer where the pressure doesn't let up.

I'd have to question the idea that any high school dropout gang-banger would drop his social affiliations for two to three years just to get into an entry level position in a metropolitan police force. What would be the pay off?

The payoff would be after the pressure does let up, and they are free to do all the illegal things that so many cops are known to do, and they are assured that every person on that side of that blue line will cover for them.
The competition to enter a big city police academy is pretty tough. Lots of applicants for not that many spots. Everyone in my academy squad was a college graduate. Most were ex-military. Depending on the department, most big city police departments recruit training is anywhere between six months and a year. Academy conditions are much harder physically and mentally than any high school in the country. The drop out rate is nearly 20%.

You are tested mentally, emotionally, ethically, and physically on a daily basis and you're being watched all the time.

After that, you have a year (at least) as a probationary officer where the pressure doesn't let up.

I'd have to question the idea that any high school dropout gang-banger would drop his social affiliations for two to three years just to get into an entry level position in a metropolitan police force. What would be the pay off?
Weapons training.

In the US, white supremacists have infiltrated police and military to get weapons training

That doesn't surprise me. I was in the military and the Police, the police recruit training was much more demanding. . The standard for entry level military is much lower than the police, GED is acceptable. Recruit basic training in the Army is only 10 weeks, including OSUT.
The competition to enter a big city police academy is pretty tough. Lots of applicants for not that many spots. Everyone in my academy squad was a college graduate. Most were ex-military. Depending on the department, most big city police departments recruit training is anywhere between six months and a year. Academy conditions are much harder physically and mentally than any high school in the country. The drop out rate is nearly 20%.

You are tested mentally, emotionally, ethically, and physically on a daily basis and you're being watched all the time.

After that, you have a year (at least) as a probationary officer where the pressure doesn't let up.

I'd have to question the idea that any high school dropout gang-banger would drop his social affiliations for two to three years just to get into an entry level position in a metropolitan police force. What would be the pay off?
Weapons training.

In the US, white supremacists have infiltrated police and military to get weapons training

That doesn't surprise me. I was in the military and the Police, the police recruit training was much more demanding. . The standard for entry level military is much lower than the police, GED is acceptable. Recruit basic training in the Army is only 10 weeks, including OSUT.

But, just like infiltrating the cops, you have to question the reasoning behind joining the army for weapons training. In that 10 weeks, only a small portion is dedicated to any actual weapons training. You'd get more intensive training going off to the Appalachians with a bunch of junk bond traders from Manhattan for a survivalist weekend.
Depending on your MOS you get more training think MP or Armorer. Also if you stay in for 4 years or so you get even more training if you go to PLDC. The ones that can make it in the military can make it as a cop. Pretty much all the people I know personally that are cops were also in the military. They tell me there is a shitload of racist cops that are probably part of the KKK or Nazis.

A person that goes through four years of training competitive military training and gains a specialty MOS isn't an infiltrator. He's a dedicated soldier who is also smart. He didn't join just so he could live on some white power compound in Montana after his enlistment is up. There are a lot easier ways to get weapons training. The kind of training the Army provides wouldn't even be useful to someone planning on being an insurgent. Insurgencies don't have access to Pentagon-grade logistic chains, air support, armored divisions, or ELINT platforms. The US Army fights a completely different kind of war from wanna be white militants.

Are there racist cops? There sure are. There are racist bus drivers, racist librarians, racist stock brokers, and racist interior decorators too.

There are close to 5,000 different police departments in the US, some are huge metropolitan departments and some are small local ones. At my station, there are close to 500 cops of every race, creed and religion you can name. He have roughly 30% women, some of whom wear a hajib in uniform.

You can be a closeted racist and last for a while, but you're going to get found out and the punishment is the door. All your hard work and training down the toilet. Departments are hyper-sensitive to charges of racism not because they're enlightened in their thinking but because, frankly, they can't afford the law suit. A racial-motivated lawsuit could cost a city millions and kicking a racist cop out the door costs them nothing ... it's simple math.

Some say that being a cop makes you a racist, but I claim the opposite is true. I worked in the business world for decades and what I knew about crime came from the evening news, which plays up minority crime as epidemic. The biggest surprise and the most fundamental truth I learned very quickly in this job is that arseholes don't have a race. Criminals are literally a rainbow coalition of races, genders, sexual orientation, and politics. The only thing they have in common is a shockingly low order of intelligence. Before taking this job, I didn't realize people at that level of stupid even existed outside of the 'Jerry Springer Show'.

I'm sure lots of criminals are stupid, but you would be an idiot to think all are.
This is the trouble with having 'forces of order'; force is dangerous and order is a relative term.
There are some very committed and intelligent racists in the military and the police.

Please introduce me to them. I'd love to meet them.

Trust me, if you want to get ahead in the police or military in 21st Century America, you're better better talk-the-talk and walk-the-walk of multiculturalism.

If they're there (and I have no doubt there are racists in all walks of American life) they are so far underground that they might as well be cultural sensitivity trainers.

An overt racist in any major police department has as much chance of rising to a senior rank as a gay, Jewish, Black, transgender woman has of becoming Grand Dragon of the KKK.
No you wouldnt. Trust me. Imagine David Duke with a license to kill.

I would say that depends on your unit or PD. I grew up in a neighborhood policed by hardcore racist cops. I can spot them a mile away. Also like I was saying I have actual police officers I know that tell me about the racist cops that belong to the KKK or Nazis. Its not a small thing. Its a very real threat.

I have no clue about their career aspirations but I know alot of them are in various PD's around the country. They can be a lowly beat cop and still kill people.
Louisiana cop fired after pictured giving Nazi salute at KKK rally - NY Daily News

You realize you're making my point, right?
There are some very committed and intelligent racists in the military and the police.

Please introduce me to them. I'd love to meet them.

Trust me, if you want to get ahead in the police or military in 21st Century America, you're better better talk-the-talk and walk-the-walk of multiculturalism.

If they're there (and I have no doubt there are racists in all walks of American life) they are so far underground that they might as well be cultural sensitivity trainers.

An overt racist in any major police department has as much chance of rising to a senior rank as a gay, Jewish, Black, transgender woman has of becoming Grand Dragon of the KKK.
No you wouldnt. Trust me. Imagine David Duke with a license to kill.

I would say that depends on your unit or PD. I grew up in a neighborhood policed by hardcore racist cops. I can spot them a mile away. Also like I was saying I have actual police officers I know that tell me about the racist cops that belong to the KKK or Nazis. Its not a small thing. Its a very real threat.

I have no clue about their career aspirations but I know alot of them are in various PD's around the country. They can be a lowly beat cop and still kill people.
Louisiana cop fired after pictured giving Nazi salute at KKK rally - NY Daily News

You realize you're making my point, right?

Not sure what your point might be. Without that picture, he wouldn't have been fired, but he would have still been a cop in good standing with the police force giving a Nazi salute at a KKK rally.
It would seem like a smart thing to do. Use your vast moneys to pay off people that don't make nearly as much.

mobs been doing it for generations.

but the tattoo thing is fucking ignorant and probably something they are doing for fun
The competition to enter a big city police academy is pretty tough. Lots of applicants for not that many spots. Everyone in my academy squad was a college graduate. Most were ex-military. Depending on the department, most big city police departments recruit training is anywhere between six months and a year. Academy conditions are much harder physically and mentally than any high school in the country. The drop out rate is nearly 20%.

You are tested mentally, emotionally, ethically, and physically on a daily basis and you're being watched all the time.

After that, you have a year (at least) as a probationary officer where the pressure doesn't let up.

I'd have to question the idea that any high school dropout gang-banger would drop his social affiliations for two to three years just to get into an entry level position in a metropolitan police force. What would be the pay off?
Weapons training.

In the US, white supremacists have infiltrated police and military to get weapons training

That doesn't surprise me. I was in the military and the Police, the police recruit training was much more demanding. . The standard for entry level military is much lower than the police, GED is acceptable. Recruit basic training in the Army is only 10 weeks, including OSUT.
The competition to enter a big city police academy is pretty tough. Lots of applicants for not that many spots. Everyone in my academy squad was a college graduate. Most were ex-military. Depending on the department, most big city police departments recruit training is anywhere between six months and a year. Academy conditions are much harder physically and mentally than any high school in the country. The drop out rate is nearly 20%.

You are tested mentally, emotionally, ethically, and physically on a daily basis and you're being watched all the time.

After that, you have a year (at least) as a probationary officer where the pressure doesn't let up.

I'd have to question the idea that any high school dropout gang-banger would drop his social affiliations for two to three years just to get into an entry level position in a metropolitan police force. What would be the pay off?
Weapons training.

In the US, white supremacists have infiltrated police and military to get weapons training

That doesn't surprise me. I was in the military and the Police, the police recruit training was much more demanding. . The standard for entry level military is much lower than the police, GED is acceptable. Recruit basic training in the Army is only 10 weeks, including OSUT.

But, just like infiltrating the cops, you have to question the reasoning behind joining the army for weapons training. In that 10 weeks, only a small portion is dedicated to any actual weapons training. You'd get more intensive training going off to the Appalachians with a bunch of junk bond traders from Manhattan for a survivalist weekend.
Depending on your MOS you get more training think MP or Armorer. Also if you stay in for 4 years or so you get even more training if you go to PLDC. The ones that can make it in the military can make it as a cop. Pretty much all the people I know personally that are cops were also in the military. They tell me there is a shitload of racist cops that are probably part of the KKK or Nazis.

A person that goes through four years of training competitive military training and gains a specialty MOS isn't an infiltrator. He's a dedicated soldier who is also smart. He didn't join just so he could live on some white power compound in Montana after his enlistment is up. There are a lot easier ways to get weapons training. The kind of training the Army provides wouldn't even be useful to someone planning on being an insurgent. Insurgencies don't have access to Pentagon-grade logistic chains, air support, armored divisions, or ELINT platforms. The US Army fights a completely different kind of war from wanna be white militants.

Are there racist cops? There sure are. There are racist bus drivers, racist librarians, racist stock brokers, and racist interior decorators too.

There are close to 5,000 different police departments in the US, some are huge metropolitan departments and some are small local ones. At my station, there are close to 500 cops of every race, creed and religion you can name. He have roughly 30% women, some of whom wear a hajib in uniform.

You can be a closeted racist and last for a while, but you're going to get found out and the punishment is the door. All your hard work and training down the toilet. Departments are hyper-sensitive to charges of racism not because they're enlightened in their thinking but because, frankly, they can't afford the law suit. A racial-motivated lawsuit could cost a city millions and kicking a racist cop out the door costs them nothing ... it's simple math.

Some say that being a cop makes you a racist, but I claim the opposite is true. I worked in the business world for decades and what I knew about crime came from the evening news, which plays up minority crime as epidemic. The biggest surprise and the most fundamental truth I learned very quickly in this job is that arseholes don't have a race. Criminals are literally a rainbow coalition of races, genders, sexual orientation, and politics. The only thing they have in common is a shockingly low order of intelligence. Before taking this job, I didn't realize people at that level of stupid even existed outside of the 'Jerry Springer Show'.

Right. No gangs in the military. Gang presence in the United States military - Wikipedia

Exclusive: Gangs Spreading In The Military
What percentage of thug LEO's is an acceptable percentage?

We don't have high enough standards for who is permitted to carry a badge and a gun.

We don't pay those who are qualified to be LEO'S enough money.
They may be, or the cops may be emulating the gangs themselves. Forming secret societies within the department. L.A. County sheriff announces inquiry into secret societies of deputies with skeleton tattoos | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 207299

More than twenty cops at the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department in Compton have this Tattoo. The Sheriff has announced an investigation into it. If this follows the usual internal investigation practice, in two years, or more, we will hear that it is just a popular Tattoo and doesn’t really mean anything.

It is entirely possible for gangs to infiltrate police. But matching tattoos does not mean that they have and neither do skull or skeleton tattoos.

I say gangs because that seems to be what the sheriff is talking about when he says secret societies although it is not clear. There are many secret societies and most of them are harmless and it is legal.

In all likely hood you are correct it is just a tattoo which the owner and artist thought was cool.

Skulls are incorporated into many people's tattoos as are crosses and other symbols. Sometimes gang members can incorporate such symbols into their tattoos but usually they are not the specific emblem of a gang simply because they are too common and ambiguous.

If this is the specific tattoo that the Sheriff is worried abut I would say he has too much time on his hand and not enough to do.
They may be, or the cops may be emulating the gangs themselves. Forming secret societies within the department. L.A. County sheriff announces inquiry into secret societies of deputies with skeleton tattoos | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 207299

More than twenty cops at the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department in Compton have this Tattoo. The Sheriff has announced an investigation into it. If this follows the usual internal investigation practice, in two years, or more, we will hear that it is just a popular Tattoo and doesn’t really mean anything.

Well sure they have infiltrated the cops they infiltrated the military some years ago.
Who told you that and why did you believe it?

I spent six years in the Navy and I work with ex-Marines, ex-Army, ex-Air Force every day. In my previous civilian career I provided technical support and training to all branches of the DOD in places like Japan, Korean and the Middle East. I know a few military types and they're not stupid.

In many ways, they're more driven and dedicated than anyone you meet working in the civilian world. They work harder for a lot less pay.

Hell, they identified several gang member's active duty in two military bases by where I live one was a SMSGT. You must have been one of the blind eyes to them.

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