Are the gangs now infiltrating the cops?

There are some very committed and intelligent racists in the military and the police.

Please introduce me to them. I'd love to meet them.

Trust me, if you want to get ahead in the police or military in 21st Century America, you're better better talk-the-talk and walk-the-walk of multiculturalism.

If they're there (and I have no doubt there are racists in all walks of American life) they are so far underground that they might as well be cultural sensitivity trainers.

An overt racist in any major police department has as much chance of rising to a senior rank as a gay, Jewish, Black, transgender woman has of becoming Grand Dragon of the KKK.
No you wouldnt. Trust me. Imagine David Duke with a license to kill.

I would say that depends on your unit or PD. I grew up in a neighborhood policed by hardcore racist cops. I can spot them a mile away. Also like I was saying I have actual police officers I know that tell me about the racist cops that belong to the KKK or Nazis. Its not a small thing. Its a very real threat.

I have no clue about their career aspirations but I know alot of them are in various PD's around the country. They can be a lowly beat cop and still kill people.
Louisiana cop fired after pictured giving Nazi salute at KKK rally - NY Daily News

You realize you're making my point, right?
I'm not making your point. Your point was that it couldnt happen. If these are the only people they caught, how many more Skinheads,Nazis, and KKK members are actively employed by the PD's and military?

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