Are the Lefties as divided about U.S. involvement in Ukraine as the Right?

The Right is not cohesive in support of U.S. involvement to prop up Zelensky's regime, in fact I haven't met a single right-leaning person in real life who actually supports the US being involved there at all.

How's it going with the leftist contingent in that regard?

I know the gop neocons found them some common ground with the leftists in the tater administration but that hardly constitutes a country-wide position.
This should have been an easy one for the right to support. A despot tries to take over a neighboring country friendly to the US.

Throw in the fact that the said despot is an ex-KGB, this should have been a no-brainer. But then, of late, rightists and brains...

But, coming back to your question - yup, all the libs that I know support brave Ukraine against tyrannical Russia.
Indeed, see you are learning...
I cant, for the life of me, figure out how someone as stupid as you can still function. Or still be alive. Like, bro, how have you NOT accidently killed yourself yet?
Really mind blowing, actually.
Ukraine is not the powerhouse that Russia is.
It started the war as the largest standing Army in Europe aside from Russia. With more men, and equipment than the next two combined; if I remember the stats spewed out at the beginning of this shindig correctly…
Based on my observations of this forum, lefties don't disagree on anything.

It's a top-down affair with the left. The masters say "jump" and the proles say "how high?"
It started the war as the largest standing Army in Europe aside from Russia. With more men, and equipment than the next two combined; if I remember the stats spewed out at the beginning of this shindig correctly…
this is an industrial war.
I cant, for the life of me, figure out how someone as stupid as you can still function. Or still be alive. Like, bro, how have you NOT accidently killed yourself yet?
Really mind blowing, actually.
He or it probably does not even know what sex they are or what pronoun to go by.

Baby steps.
But, coming back to your question - yup, all the libs that I know support brave Ukraine against tyrannical Russia.
This sounds like Big Brother propaganda coming straight from The Party.
Big Brother approves comrade.

Got any more propaganda for us there parrot?
To look at this issue analytically, you must first understand that there is a significant percentage of leftists who don't know shit about anything other than bongs and jerking off. These silly, ignorant bastards are anywhere from attacking our Ukraine involvement as an intentional march toward nuclear Armageddon to "Whoa, dude. What's a 'Ukraine'?" First, we have to qualify and quantify this group, then completely disregard them from the data pool.

Once this task is complete, we are left with a handful of leftist radicals being used as tools to hasten a neo-Marxist revolution to overthrow our republic, a couple diehard Democrats, and the "independents". Note that I place "independents" in parentheses because they really are not independent at all. Instead, they are a bunch of followers with no ideology. They are just about as prone to vote for a Democrat skag as they are a Republican. They don't know any better. They are ignorant, stupid, and useless. Yet, its these morons that usually decide our fate. What a kick in the balls THAT is.

To be honest, OP, the left does not know what the fuck to think about anything because their involvement in politics is most often narcissistic, shallow, and fleeting. The left's voting stock are sub-par human specimens; i.e., der untermensche. They do not know shit. But they think they are smart and clever, which is just enough overbearing narcissism to make them totally repulsive. I love it when some unwashed 20-something kid with no education, no job, and who smokes pot daily tries to tell me why I am a fascist. These are not Americans. These are parasites.

So, to answer the OP's question, in my opinion there is real no schism on the left based on Ukraine. They are just going to sway with the breeze, completely unburdened by principle and morality.
The Right is not cohesive in support of U.S. involvement to prop up Zelensky's regime, in fact I haven't met a single right-leaning person in real life who actually supports the US being involved there at all.

How's it going with the leftist contingent in that regard?

I know the gop neocons found them some common ground with the leftists in the tater administration but that hardly constitutes a country-wide position.

There are no lefties who oppose Biden's money-laundering operation in Ukraine.
Mush gave 100 million to Ukraine

Could you imagine having so much money to burn on an absurd cause
Russia should take him out
Asking them this question is like asking them what a woman is.

All you see is a deer in headlights.

Nobody home.
Yeah, I should have known better....Looking at the responses from the left-leaning members I only saw one that admitted to agreeing with our involvement.

You would not think such a question would elicit such a "how dare you for even asking" tone.

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