Are the McMichaels victims of a biased media?

Can you try and explain how an illegally armed white kid going to a riot and violating curfew, is similar to a black man, unarmed, minding his own business, jogging through a neighborhood?

The white kid had a right to defend himself. In the process he shot an unarmed who threw a bag of psychiatric meds at him, and another two men who tried down because he killed someone. Real similar situations wouldn’t you say? The courts might not fully agree…though it is a mitigating factor. Killing people can have consequences.

Better check your own ass here because you have yet to say one of these had any right to defend himself.
Anyone that has 2 arms is not unarmed....not even to mention how many black men are known to have beaten someone to death....not even to mention ahmaud is captured on the video doing his best to knock out Travis....get real seem awfully biased--are you by any chance black?
They are victims of our woke immoral and stupid Obama inspired prosecutors .........The MCMichaels were doing their job---stopping the criminals when the criminal decided to attack them forcing them to protect themselves as the criminal tried to steal their gun. The criminal btw, not allowed weapons and convicted of steaking before.

So if YOU or anyone in YOUR family is walking through my neighborhood and I think you committed a crime (I didn't actually witness it myself), I can grab some of my buddies and our guns and I can chase you down, corner you and detain you for questioning? Really?
The only victim is the innocent man they attempted to forceably and illegally restrain and killed. He had rights too, you know. Mental illness doesn’t change that. Having a criminal record (shoplifting for heaven’s sakes) doesn’t change that. Neither does being black. But try telling to some of the yahoo’s here who think if you are black and being chased down by a bunch of white thugs in trucks, you lose your right to self defense.

The only victim is the innocent man they attempted to forceably and illegally restrain and killed. He had rights too, you know. Mental illness doesn’t change that. Having a criminal record (shoplifting for heaven’s sakes) doesn’t change that. Neither does being black. But try telling to some of the yahoo’s here who think if you are black and being chased down by a bunch of white thugs in trucks, you lose your right to self defense.
Ahmaud the parolee was never physically restrained nor was there any attempt to restrain him....look up the definition of restrain and try to link that to anything in this case.

His criminal record includes more than stealing....why are you trying to cover up for this criminal....what do you think of someone who brings a loaded gun to school where he could easily have killed a innocent child by accident or design.

Not even to mention how when caught with the gun he took off running....oh excuse me I think the word the msm wants everyone to use is 'jogging' (does that ring a bell as in modus operandi) Nevertheless Ahmaud was chased down, caught, took to court, convicted and should have gone to jail but was put on probation and he was on probation the day he essentially committed suicide .

Why do you keep trying to make this a racial thing?

Nothing in Mac Sr.'s entire law enforcement career of 30 yrs. demonstrates he ever arrested someone just because they were are attempting to conjure up a false scenario.
So if YOU or anyone in YOUR family is walking through my neighborhood and I think you committed a crime (I didn't actually witness it myself), I can grab some of my buddies and our guns and I can chase you down, corner you and detain you for questioning? Really?
The neighborhood had one of the biggest problems with property crime in the nation.

The police were getting so many complaints from that neighborhood they designated Gregory MacMichaels as the go to guy if anyone in the neighborhood was having a problem with trespassers, burglars etc.

BTW ahhmaud was not walking ...he was hauling ass...

Macs house is in sight of the house under question and he saw the neighbor making a phone call, he saw ahhmaud take off running, he recognized ahhmaud from the video of trespassers in said house....thus he pursued him to try and find out what the suspect was up to.

Ahhmaud was never cornered, never detained nor was he questioned.....thus you fail in attempting to create a false scenario.

One you obviously gobbled up from MSM propaganda.

Try and think for yourself...if you have any capability in that not let the biased media lead you around like a sheeple.
Well the article you posted said their citizens arrest was not valid. So attempting to execute an illegal citizens arrest is a crime. Even by your own sources.

And while you may think truth and right is based upon color. I was taught better. It’s a shame your parents never bothered to teach you anything worthwhile.
There was no citzens arrest made....not sure what article you are referring to but irregardless it was not I that said that....whoever allegedly wrote that is responsible for it...just because I post something does no mean I subscribe to everything said in the article.

Then you state another falsehood...that i believe truth and right is based on skin color.....that is a well know liberal belief that you subscribe to...not me.

You certainly have gone on record believing that from way back with all your diatribe on trayvon martin being innocent just based on his skin color and now you repeat that with ahhmaud.

Neither case was in truth based on any racial motive except that trayvon may have attacked Z out of a racial or homophobic attitude....and it might be possible that Ahhmaud attacked Travis because he was white.

Even blacks themselves have said blacks are more racist than any other race on earth.

I do not know if you are black...but you are obviously just as biased as so many of them are when it comes down to a white man killing a black murder matter the circumstances in if it is a policeman being forced to shoot a black criminal or a white guy having to use lethal force to defend his can allways count on the race hustlers to stir up the blacks to get them to to riot, loot and burn.

Thus in our sociery today what we see happening again and again is that race hustlers use the threat of rioting blacks to influence the criminal justice system

Why do you think the Georgia Political Establishment is so invested in railroading these innocent white men?

Simply comes down to happens so often in our times....they realize if blacks do not get their way...the race hustlers may stir up the blacks in Atlanta to burn the city....and the establishmenr would thus incur huge financial losses.
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There is also no evidence they were racists

Thats just liberal kneejerk bullshit
Aside from the fact there is evidence they're racists, that has nothing to do with the sad reality you claimed Arbery is a burglar, a crime he's never been accused of.

If you're going to discuss this case, shouldn't you at least know the details?
The dedicated activist lib judges are legal frauds

And many of the repub appointees are not much better

I have no confidence on the legal system
Who cares about your lack of confidence?
The neighborhood had one of the biggest problems with property crime in the nation.
Lying racist. Satilla Shores had one crime reported over recent months prior to shooting Arbery.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.
Lying racist. Satilla Shores had one crime reported over recent months prior to shooting Arbery.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.
I've got to believe this account is a troll. There's no other explanation.
I've got to believe this account is a troll. There's no other explanation.

I've got to believe this account is a troll. There's no other explanation.
Why do you think the owner of the property had security cams installed?

Why do you think the police dept. was getting so many complaints they had to deputize Gregory McMichaels to be the go to guy for all the complaints from that neighborhood.

To get the complete crime reports you have to go to the County....Satilla Shores is in Glynn County.

Glynn County Police Dept County, GA | Crime Rates​

Glynn County Police Dept is a county located in GA, and has a population of 65,088. This region is policed by GLYNN COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT.

Glynn County Police Dept County has an overall crime rate of 6,722 per 100,000 residents. This is one of the most dangerous regions in the United States. This means that your chances of becoming a victim of any type of crime in Glynn County Police Dept is 1 in 15 County if you reside there for a year.

The average overall crime rate for Glynn County Police Dept County for the previous 2 years was 6,465 per 100,000 residents. This means that the crime rate for Glynn County Police Dept County has been increasing over time.

BRUNSWICK, Ga. — For many residents of Satilla Shores, a subdivision in coastal Georgia, their waterfront neighborhood is paradise without pretension.

Several of the homes are low-slung ranches of 20th century vintage, more cozy than fancy, and shaded by dramatic, moss-draped oaks. Some backyards are bordered by the Little Satilla River, a lazy on-ramp to a stunning jigsaw puzzle of waterways and wetlands stretching to the Atlantic Ocean.

But by mid-February, concerns about property crimes were mounting. Cars had been broken into. Guns had been stolen. One house under construction on Satilla Drive, the neighborhood’s main street, had been the subject of at least three emergency calls about potential trespassing.

Below are its crime rates and policing statistics according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). For more specific crime statistics (NIBRS) for many US cities & counties, see Offense Statistics.
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Nope, they had no legal right.

if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge.

A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.

Making a citizens arrest is predicated on witnessing a felony, or at least having immediate knowledge. As Arbery had not committed a felony, they had neither witnessed, nor had immediate knowledge, of him committing a felony.

This failure on their part to enforce a citizen's arrest is among the reasons I expect to see convictions in this case.
I think you may need to reread that.

if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge.
...OR within his immediate knowledge...


Running at a person who is armed and attempting to take away his gun is not only stupid as fuck, but is an act of aggression warranting deadly force.

What would have happened had Aubrey taken that shotgun?

You know good and goddamn fucking well what would've happened.

All other factors are fucking irrelevant. Period.

Attempting to take a firearm from another is an assault that so threatens the life of the person in lawful possession of that firearm that deadly force is absolutely justified and in most cases UNAVOIDABLE!!!

So, take your hoplophobic gun-hating ass the fuck out of here. You are ignorant!!
Aside from the fact there is evidence they're racists, that has nothing to do with the sad reality you claimed Arbery is a burglar, a crime he's never been accused of.

If you're going to discuss this case, shouldn't you at least know the details?
Even hear all that bullshit is true (it's not), The fat white kid was in lawful possession of a firearm, and Aubrey attempted to take it from him.

An assault where the assailant attempts to take a firearm from the person in lawful possession is deadly as hell.
Aside from the fact there is evidence they're racists, that has nothing to do with the sad reality you claimed Arbery is a burglar, a crime he's never been accused of.
What evidence is that that macmichaels are racists?
I’m wrong according to who?

You and some asshole in a black robe?

Dont make me laugh
You determined they're "some asshole" because they said something you didn't like. It has nothing to do with right or wrong.
Even hear all that bullshit is true (it's not), The fat white kid was in lawful possession of a firearm, and Aubrey attempted to take it from him.

An assault where the assailant attempts to take a firearm from the person in lawful possession is deadly as hell.
The kid was using his firearm in an illegal manner.
The kid was using his firearm in an illegal manner.
Really? How so?

Holding a firearm is not illegal.

TAKING a firearm from another who is in lawful possession is ILLEGAL. It's assault. And that is a serious threat to the life of the person in possession.

I would not have allowed Aubrey to get within 10 feet of me before smoking his ass. NEVER run at someone who is armed unless you intend to get shot.

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