Are the McMichaels victims of a biased media?

hE jUSt WAntEd tO TalK
No it was just for self protection....they had previously tried to talk to ahhmaud....and he just kept on joggin.

So after they stopped the Truck Greg got on the phone to the police....and they were waiting for the police as the police had been dispatched and were very close....if ahhmaud had been running a bit slower...the police would likely have got there before ahhmaud decided to attack Travis.
Thats a tough question

Kavanaugh raised a big white flag

Which side do you want to win. The argument put forth by Texas that they are working within loopholes. Or the Federal Argument that rights are individual and it is the job of the Government to protect those rights?
The question is whether or not Travis exited his vehicle with the wwapon because he saw ahhmaud jogging toward him. Ahhmaud clearly thought Travis was threatening him. We cant be sure about Travis' actual intent, since he never actually pointed the gun at Ahhmaud, but intent is key, and if it did ever come out that Travi intended to threaten or intimidate Ahhmaud, then manslaughter charges would be warranted,but until then, Travis was breaking no laws. The only factor that changes anything is Travis' intentions, which will be hard to prove in court, unless he slips up during questioing.

Explain how the Georgia Laws on Manslaughter apply.
The question is whether or not Travis exited his vehicle with the wwapon because he saw ahhmaud jogging toward him. Ahhmaud clearly thought Travis was threatening him. We cant be sure about Travis' actual intent, since he never actually pointed the gun at Ahhmaud, but intent is key, and if it did ever come out that Travi intended to threaten or intimidate Ahhmaud, then manslaughter charges would be warranted,but until then, Travis was breaking no laws. The only factor that changes anything is Travis' intentions, which will be hard to prove in court, unless he slips up during questioing.

No one knows what ahhmaud was thinking....whatever it was was fuked up...but we must remember the guy was a mental case...had a problem with hallucinations.
That is just heresay....I posted the official crime stats for Gwynn have to go to the county to get the complete crime stats.

Satila Shores is in Gwynn County....and when you read the stats you can easily see why the residents were so concerned about crime and why Larry English installed security cameras and why he called the police 4 times about trespassing activity at his home undergoing construction and why the police dept. deputized Gregory MacMichaels as the go to guy for anyone who had problems in the neighborhood.

Thus when you add it all together the Macs had enough reasons to pursue the suspect under the Citizens Arrest law at that time.

Do you think the Macs would have bothered to take out after ahhmaud if they had no reason to believe he was a legitmate suspect? Of course not.

Ahhmaud made 3 big mistakes....1. running in front of the house of the guy who was in charge of investigating what he had been doing in that neighborhood ....aka going on a construction site when he had no legitimate reason to be there etc.

2. Refusing to talk to the Macs when they drove up beside.. him.

The matter could have easily been cleared up with a little communication.

3. Attacking Travis

#2….What kind of interpretation would a black man make of three big white men chasing after him with trucks? Get serious.
Gosh. He must have been so threatened by a man who just “kept on joggin” that he needed a loaded gun with which to coerce him to comply with their orders.
Any cop will tell you that a suspect should always be thought of as armed until he can be searched and it then can be determined whether or not he is.

The Macs had reasons to believe the suspect might be was known he had a weapon...he had brought it to school....a few nights before this incident Travis had encountered a suspect fitting the description of Ahhmaud and when confronted the suspect put his hand into his pocket like he had a weapon and then ran and disappeared...add to that a pistol had been stolen out of Travis's truck...very possibly by ahhmaud.
#2….What kind of interpretation would a black man make of three big white men chasing after him with trucks? Get serious.
Lookie here girly Q.....this was not ahhmaud's first rodeo....he was not intimidated even by uniformed police officers.....(see posted video on ahhberys previous confrontation with the police when they attempted to taser him) much less by a couple of civilians he had already blown off with no repercussions...Ahhmaud never displayed any fear whatsoever...probably because he did not have any....being on drugs enhances the feeling of being invulnurable.
Any cop will tell you that a suspect should always be thought of as armed until he can be searched and it then can be determined whether or not he is.

The Macs had reasons to believe the suspect might be was known he had a weapon...he had brought it to school....a few nights before this incident Travis had encountered a suspect fitting the description of Ahhmaud and when confronted the suspect put his hand into his pocket like he had a weapon and then ran and disappeared...add to that a pistol had been stolen out of Travis's truck...very possibly by ahhmaud.
There’s a big problem in random people acting like police. A cop gets to do things that is illegal for us. That’s where they went wrong, believing they had some special authority or Arbery. They don’t.
Explain how the Georgia Laws on Manslaughter apply.
Under geogia law, andthose in almost every state, the law views intentional intimidation with a lethal weapon as an indieect threat, and assumes the intent to use lethal force from the start. The lawdoes not consider it self defense if you are trying to intimidate someone who poses no clear threat with a weapon and it becomes phsyical and they are shot. So if Travis intended to intimidate Ahhmaud, then the law assumes he intended Ahhmaud harm,and would not recognize the shooting as self defense. However, like I said this would require evindece that Travis was intending to intimidate Ahhmaud, which would be hard to prove without Travis admitting it.
There’s a big problem in random people acting like police. A cop gets to do things that is illegal for us. That’s where they went wrong, believing they had some special authority or Arbery. They don’t.
Try and keep up....Gregory had 30 yrs of experience in law enforcement and had been deputized by the police as the go to guy to deal with all the complaints the cops were getting from Santila Shores.

Not even to mention every thing they did was covered by the citizens arrest law.
The question is whether or not Travis exited his vehicle with the wwapon because he saw ahhmaud jogging toward him. Ahhmaud clearly thought Travis was threatening him. We cant be sure about Travis' actual intent, since he never actually pointed the gun at Ahhmaud, but intent is key, and if it did ever come out that Travi intended to threaten or intimidate Ahhmaud, then manslaughter charges would be warranted,but until then, Travis was breaking no laws. The only factor that changes anything is Travis' intentions, which will be hard to prove in court, unless he slips up during questioing.
So why did he jump out of his vehicle with a loaded shotgun after he and his racist father had chased him down the street.
Try and keep up....Gregory had 30 yrs of experience in law enforcement and had been deputized by the police as the go to guy to deal with all the complaints the cops were getting from Santila Shores.

Not even to mention every thing they did was covered by the citizens arrest law.
He was never deputized. He did not have any law enforcement power.

They had no right to arrest Arbery.
Under geogia law, andthose in almost every state, the law views intentional intimidation with a lethal weapon as an indieect threat, and assumes the intent to use lethal force from the start. The lawdoes not consider it self defense if you are trying to intimidate someone who poses no clear threat with a weapon and it becomes phsyical and they are shot. So if Travis intended to intimidate Ahhmaud, then the law assumes he intended Ahhmaud harm,and would not recognize the shooting as self defense. However, like I said this would require evindece that Travis was intending to intimidate Ahhmaud, which would be hard to prove without Travis admitting it.

The question is whether or not Travis exited his vehicle with the wwapon because he saw ahhmaud jogging toward him. Ahhmaud clearly thought Travis was threatening him. We cant be sure about Travis' actual intent, since he never actually pointed the gun at Ahhmaud, but intent is key, and if it did ever come out that Travi intended to threaten or intimidate Ahhmaud, then manslaughter charges would be warranted,but until then, Travis was breaking no laws. The only factor that changes anything is Travis' intentions, which will be hard to prove in court, unless he slips up during questioing.
When all is said and done the jury will decide what flies and what does not fly.

It must be remembered they are not lawyers and not that concerned with the minutiae of the law....they tend to go with
what they feel is right or wrong.

Though they are charged to abide by the law in their decision....that does not happen in many cases.
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He was never deputized. He did not have any law enforcement power.

They had no right to arrest Arbery.
He was in essence the police informed the citizens of the neighborhood if they had any problems call Gregory MacMichaels as he was a former law enforcement officer (look up the definition of deputize if you doubt me)and criminal investigator....not even to mention the law on citizens arrest.

Thus they were entitled to make a citizens arrest and that is what Greg said they intended to do when they began the pursuit.

Though for whatever reason or reasons they did not make a citizens arrest.

Most likely Greg just decided to let the police handle it...thus he was on the phone with the cops describing the situation and where they were and where the suspect was.
Under geogia law, andthose in almost every state, the law views intentional intimidation with a lethal weapon as an indieect threat, and assumes the intent to use lethal force from the start. The lawdoes not consider it self defense if you are trying to intimidate someone who poses no clear threat with a weapon and it becomes phsyical and they are shot. So if Travis intended to intimidate Ahhmaud, then the law assumes he intended Ahhmaud harm,and would not recognize the shooting as self defense. However, like I said this would require evindece that Travis was intending to intimidate Ahhmaud, which would be hard to prove without Travis admitting it.

That wasn’t the question. You said it should be manslaughter. Explain why manslaughter and not murder.

Oh. And the laws are worded and precedent defined as the reasonable person would believe.

You don’t have to prove intent. You have to prove that a reasonable person would believe. It is why armed robbery suspects who don’t display the weapon are convicted even if they were not armed only simulating a weapon.
I think you may need to reread that.

...OR within his immediate knowledge...


Running at a person who is armed and attempting to take away his gun is not only stupid as fuck, but is an act of aggression warranting deadly force.

What would have happened had Aubrey taken that shotgun?

You know good and goddamn fucking well what would've happened.

All other factors are fucking irrelevant. Period.

Attempting to take a firearm from another is an assault that so threatens the life of the person in lawful possession of that firearm that deadly force is absolutely justified and in most cases UNAVOIDABLE!!!

So, take your hoplophobic gun-hating ass the fuck out of here. You are ignorant!!
Nope, don't need to re-read it. Even had he witnessed it first hand, Arbery had still not committed a felony, which is a required element of that law to warrant a citizen's arrest.

And had he taken the gun? He would have been shot dead anyway by Greg McMichael; regardless of whether or not he used the gun on Travis, which I can only assume he would have.

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