Are the Repubs finally on offense?

Pretty low-down of Boehner. Guess he does not like Obama trying to take away their designated targets for future profiteering wars.
You beat me to it Del. This is the most positive development since the repubs came into office. Sweep the pretender aside, protect our country, and don't let Obama make a deal that is bad for country and world. Obama loves to dish it out but he sure can't take it. Thanks for thread.
You beat me to it Del. This is the most positive development since the repubs came into office. Sweep the pretender aside, protect our country, and don't let Obama make a deal that is bad for country and world. Obama loves to dish it out but he sure can't take it. Thanks for thread.
Exactly how is making sure Iran does not get the bomb without having to annihilate them a bad thing? No glorious bombing campaign and thousands of dead Iranians?
This is the first time I can remember the Repubs putting it in Obabble's face. Long overdue. Maybe MLK Day reminded them its content of character that counts. Hopefully we are over color of skin.
Pretty low-down of Boehner. Guess he does not like Obama trying to take away their designated targets for future profiteering wars.
Low down? Each House sets its own rules. Each House can invite whomever they want.
Do you dispute this?
You beat me to it Del. This is the most positive development since the repubs came into office. Sweep the pretender aside, protect our country, and don't let Obama make a deal that is bad for country and world. Obama loves to dish it out but he sure can't take it. Thanks for thread.
Exactly how is making sure Iran does not get the bomb without having to annihilate them a bad thing? No glorious bombing campaign and thousands of dead Iranians?
You presume the MinC has a strategy and a determination and an inspection process heretofore unachievable with any nation I can think of. Can you think of one?
Pretty low-down of Boehner. Guess he does not like Obama trying to take away their designated targets for future profiteering wars.
Low down? Each House sets its own rules. Each House can invite whomever they want.
Do you dispute this?
I suppose they can but as you well know diplomacy is entirely the responsibility of the executive branch, or maybe you do not know that.
How is letting Obama get played by Iran while Iran stockpiles more bombs and materials going to save lives. Obama has a history of not being able to negotiate(just take Cuba or Iraq or Russia as examples of nonexistent negotiating skills) deals without giving away the farm. The obvious danger is that Obama is not worried about our security but rather his legacy and I applaud congress for being more interested in the nations protection than politics. Don't forget this last election was all about stopping obamas policies and this is a good start.
You beat me to it Del. This is the most positive development since the repubs came into office. Sweep the pretender aside, protect our country, and don't let Obama make a deal that is bad for country and world. Obama loves to dish it out but he sure can't take it. Thanks for thread.
Exactly how is making sure Iran does not get the bomb without having to annihilate them a bad thing? No glorious bombing campaign and thousands of dead Iranians?
You presume the MinC has a strategy and a determination and an inspection process heretofore unachievable with any nation I can think of. Can you think of one?
It's almost like you want to destroy, invade and occupy another middle eastern country. How many American lives do you want to spend because you think talking to Iran is cowardice?
You beat me to it Del. This is the most positive development since the repubs came into office. Sweep the pretender aside, protect our country, and don't let Obama make a deal that is bad for country and world. Obama loves to dish it out but he sure can't take it. Thanks for thread.
Exactly how is making sure Iran does not get the bomb without having to annihilate them a bad thing? No glorious bombing campaign and thousands of dead Iranians?
You presume the MinC has a strategy and a determination and an inspection process heretofore unachievable with any nation I can think of. Can you think of one?
It's almost like you want to destroy, invade and occupy another middle eastern country. How many American lives do you want to spend because you think talking to Iran is cowardice?
Who is talking destroy/invade/occupy? We are talking EFFECTIVE the reset with Russia...?
That is not true occupied. The senate has to approve any treaties made by the president and it is common knowledge that obamas negotiations were trying to circumvent that procedure. Protocol my ass!
Bullshit, you guys just want to save them for utter destruction later. I have not forgotten how much you people wanted to just bomb them not too long ago on even less of a pretext than we invaded Iraq.
You beat me to it Del. This is the most positive development since the repubs came into office. Sweep the pretender aside, protect our country, and don't let Obama make a deal that is bad for country and world. Obama loves to dish it out but he sure can't take it. Thanks for thread.
Exactly how is making sure Iran does not get the bomb without having to annihilate them a bad thing? No glorious bombing campaign and thousands of dead Iranians?
You presume the MinC has a strategy and a determination and an inspection process heretofore unachievable with any nation I can think of. Can you think of one?
It's almost like you want to destroy, invade and occupy another middle eastern country. How many American lives do you want to spend because you think talking to Iran is cowardice?
Who is talking destroy/invade/occupy? We are talking EFFECTIVE the reset with Russia...?
People like you despise diplomacy and think the only way to deal with countries who do not like us is to issue ultimatums and send in the bombers.
You beat me to it Del. This is the most positive development since the repubs came into office. Sweep the pretender aside, protect our country, and don't let Obama make a deal that is bad for country and world. Obama loves to dish it out but he sure can't take it. Thanks for thread.
Exactly how is making sure Iran does not get the bomb without having to annihilate them a bad thing? No glorious bombing campaign and thousands of dead Iranians?
You presume the MinC has a strategy and a determination and an inspection process heretofore unachievable with any nation I can think of. Can you think of one?
It's almost like you want to destroy, invade and occupy another middle eastern country. How many American lives do you want to spend because you think talking to Iran is cowardice?
Who is talking destroy/invade/occupy? We are talking EFFECTIVE the reset with Russia...?
People like you despise diplomacy and think the only way to deal with countries who do not like us is to issue ultimatums and send in the bombers.
Can't answer the question ehhhhh GERTRUDE?
You beat me to it Del. This is the most positive development since the repubs came into office. Sweep the pretender aside, protect our country, and don't let Obama make a deal that is bad for country and world. Obama loves to dish it out but he sure can't take it. Thanks for thread.
Exactly how is making sure Iran does not get the bomb without having to annihilate them a bad thing? No glorious bombing campaign and thousands of dead Iranians?
You presume the MinC has a strategy and a determination and an inspection process heretofore unachievable with any nation I can think of. Can you think of one?
It's almost like you want to destroy, invade and occupy another middle eastern country. How many American lives do you want to spend because you think talking to Iran is cowardice?

Your last statement is patently false. You cannot post anything by me that supports invading, occupying, and destroying a middle eastern country. You cannot post anything by me that suggests negotiations are a form of cowardice or that I desire to see more Americans die on the battlefield. Why don't you take a page from your president and stop the character assassinations and partisan attacks. I seek to persuade through the truth, you seem to want to shape opinion through innuendo and fabrications. You have the ability to change.
That is not true occupied. The senate has to approve any treaties made by the president and it is common knowledge that obamas negotiations were trying to circumvent that procedure. Protocol my ass!
Bullshit, you guys just want to save them for utter destruction later. I have not forgotten how much you people wanted to just bomb them not too long ago on even less of a pretext than we invaded Iraq.
So you believe that Saddam was closer to a nuke than iran is now? Bibi's visit will be a real eye opener for you.
The Kelly File is saying there are now sufficient votes to override any veto by obama concerning iran sanctions....breaking news...breaking Obamas balls........finally,,!

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