Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting?


Among the many ways the PC Police have victimized American Blacks is this commitment to dragging skin color into every last conversation, no matter how absurd the effort is, screaming "racist" over and over in an effort to own blacks (pun intended) more and more.

They have diluted a terribly important word, rendering it not much more than a punchline. And that, in turn, has provided cover for the real white on black racism that does still exist, which gives them further excuse to dilute the word. Plus, they know that their tactics increase racial animosity, dividing us further. A terrible cycle that they have created and controlled.

What a horrible, cynical, awful crime they have perpetrated on generations of American Blacks, that group's second mass victimization in this country's history. Isolate them from society and then claim to "care". All for political expediency.

Time is running out on this tactic, though. Thank goodness.

When we point out true racism, it is still called race baiting as a coverup.

But that's not what you're doing. You're pointing out "racism" whether it exists or not. And when you destroy lives with your lies, like you did with the Duke Lacrosse players, you don't apologize, you don't admit your wrong, you just move on to the next lie. You're racists and one thing that's sustained racism through many decades is your willingness to lie, lie, lie.
If you are speaking to me, your entire post was a lie.
its unbelievable to me, not one liberal here could actually speak up against putting race into incidents that have nothing to do with race. Inciting racial hatred for political gain is the sickest kind of politics. it gets people killed..... This is why our country is in such sad shape

You're the dummy who insists the motivation behind these recent incidents is entirely racial in the exclusion of any other factors. Maybe you don't quite realize how idiotic your position is.

When did he do this? It's you people who do this. Are you mental?

I assume you can do your own homework dip shit.
its unbelievable to me, not one liberal here could actually speak up against putting race into incidents that have nothing to do with race. Inciting racial hatred for political gain is the sickest kind of politics. it gets people killed..... This is why our country is in such sad shape

The PC Police have caused this country great damage.

Look at what they have done to an entire race of people, based on nothing more than the color of their skin.

It is probably best to allow victims of racism to speak for themselves.
He prefers to pretend there aren't any...

Standard lies from the racist Left.

You people literally can't help yourselves, I know.

Read post post 164 in this very thread.

But don't worry, I wouldn't expect an apology or admission from someone like you.


Among the many ways the PC Police have victimized American Blacks is this commitment to dragging skin color into every last conversation, no matter how absurd the effort is, screaming "racist" over and over in an effort to own blacks (pun intended) more and more.

They have diluted a terribly important word, rendering it not much more than a punchline. And that, in turn, has provided cover for the real white on black racism that does still exist, which gives them further excuse to dilute the word. Plus, they know that their tactics increase racial animosity, dividing us further. A terrible cycle that they have created and controlled.

What a horrible, cynical, awful crime they have perpetrated on generations of American Blacks, that group's second mass victimization in this country's history. Isolate them from society and then claim to "care". All for political expediency.

Time is running out on this tactic, though. Thank goodness.

When we point out true racism, it is still called race baiting as a coverup.

But that's not what you're doing. You're pointing out "racism" whether it exists or not. And when you destroy lives with your lies, like you did with the Duke Lacrosse players, you don't apologize, you don't admit your wrong, you just move on to the next lie. You're racists and one thing that's sustained racism through many decades is your willingness to lie, lie, lie.



its unbelievable to me, not one liberal here could actually speak up against putting race into incidents that have nothing to do with race. Inciting racial hatred for political gain is the sickest kind of politics. it gets people killed..... This is why our country is in such sad shape

The PC Police have caused this country great damage.

Look at what they have done to an entire race of people, based on nothing more than the color of their skin.

It is probably best to allow victims of racism to speak for themselves.
He prefers to pretend there aren't any...

Standard lies from the racist Left.

You people literally can't help yourselves, I know.

Read post post 164 in this very thread.

But don't worry, I wouldn't expect an apology or admission from someone like you.

Yes I see. There is racism but only by the Democrats. Now those would be white Democrats right, not GOP voters like these great guys?
Judge Jeanine Blasts Obama - Why Don’t You Act Like You’re The President Of All Of Us!

It could have something to do with the fact that 50% of you claim he isn't your President.

Or maybe is has to do with the 50% who wouldn't vote for a ******?

What a stupid thing to say .... and we wonder why an intelligent conversation is impossible.

Once again, if you dare to disagree with a black man, you MUST be a racist. Just, simply stupid ... and racist.

How about the potential that 50% of us so profoundly disagree with the political machinations of this president, that we are embarrassed and outraged by his actions? How about the potential that 50% of us believe that he has done irreparable damage to the fabric of this country? How about the potential that 50% of us are irate about presidential lies, presidential blackmail, presidential bribery, presidential extortion?

Instead, you take the intellectually dishonest position that it MUST be race .... your hypersensitivity to the race of the president clouds your thought processes. Not everything is about race.
Judge Jeanine Blasts Obama - Why Don’t You Act Like You’re The President Of All Of Us!

It could have something to do with the fact that 50% of you claim he isn't your President.

Or maybe is has to do with the 50% who wouldn't vote for a ******?

What a stupid thing to say .... and we wonder why an intelligent conversation is impossible.

Once again, if you dare to disagree with a black man, you MUST be a racist. Just, simply stupid ... and racist.

How about the potential that 50% of us so profoundly disagree with the political machinations of this president, that we are embarrassed and outraged by his actions? How about the potential that 50% of us believe that he has done irreparable damage to the fabric of this country? How about the potential that 50% of us are irate about presidential lies, presidential blackmail, presidential bribery, presidential extortion?

Instead, you take the intellectually dishonest position that it MUST be race .... your hypersensitivity to the race of the president clouds your thought processes. Not everything is about race.

The party of old white men wouldn't vote for the ******. I'm sure race had nothing to do with it.

There is politics and there is also racism. Start dealing with reality.
its unbelievable to me, not one liberal here could actually speak up against putting race into incidents that have nothing to do with race.
It's very believable to me.

Was it Josef Stalin who said, "The truth??? The 'truth' is whatever serves the Soviet Union!" ?

The same intention to lie and distort, exists in every big-govt pusher. The countries may change, but the agenda remains the same.
its unbelievable to me, not one liberal here could actually speak up against putting race into incidents that have nothing to do with race.
It's very believable to me.

Was it Josef Stalin who said, "The truth??? The 'truth' is whatever serves the Soviet Union!" ?

The same intention to lie and distort, exists in every big-govt pusher. The countries may change, but the agenda remains the same.

Such is the nature of Relativism, OKA: Evil.
So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.
What excuse? It's a simple fact. 95% of the black voting community voted for Obama. That's called race based voting. Opposition to Obama's policy is not rooted in racism, we oppose those policies no matter who they come from. That too is a fact. Racism is a denial of the facts, something that's a hallmark on the racist Left.

Just out of curiosity....did you demand the birth certificates of all of your white Presidential candidates in 2012?

Was there some doubt in their heritage? Of course not... So no.


You made an assessment to NOT QUESTION THEIR HERITAGE. Somehow, when Obama runs...gee all of the sudden we must have a birth certificate...for the first time in memorable history of Presidential politics.

I imagine that you'd be shocked to know that GWB was actually not a native Texan. He was born in Connecticut.

That's absolutely false - the press has vetted every presidential candidate (except Obama). Birth history is part of that process.
So you don't trust the so-called liberal media...


in this case....right? I hope you don't believe your own BS...nobody else does.

If you wish to be honest (something I'm not convinced of), you will admit that McCain and Obama are the first two presidential candidates in recent history that had a birth record that deserved close attention. (For those who don't remember, McCain was born in Panama, though the child of military officers)

You create a question of veracity that doesn't exist ... or, as my ol' daddy would say, you're just makin' shit up to cover the smell.

No, I point out how the black guy gets treated differently than the white guys. You say it doesn't happen. Most whites would disagree with you.

And the robustly silly thing is that I'm not even stating that it's a strictly conservative thing...I doubt that Clearance Thomas and the whispers about his personal improprieties would have gained any traction if he were white.

I wish you'd take a crack at being honest as well. You've shown it's likely not going to happen but this is the season of hope.
That will be the same time we stop hearing that Obama was elected because he is black.
He was. Twice.

So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.

Conservatives don't use race as an excuse --- they cite it as a reason. Are you, somehow, trying to intimate that Obama didn't benefit from race in his election?

A reason. Hmmmm That is interesting. No, it really is. If you're going to try to cite it as "a reason", can you tell us the other reason's Romney lost in nearly every contested state?

Absolutely - you mean you can't?


Sure I can. Romney ran an amateurish campaign, he was emblematic of the 1% at a time when the popularity of the mega-rich was taking a beating, he favored the failed policies of the Bush administration, he had no foreign policy plan whatsoever, Paul Ryan added nothing to the ticket, he was and is a historic flip-flopper.

Feel free to cite your own reasons (other than his race) why Obama won. This should be hilarious watching you give credit to a black man.
If you want to have intelligent political debate, drive-by comments like this serve no purpose. The election has been analyzed to death
I can have an intelligent debate about politics.

I doubt you could.
...And the robustly silly thing is that I'm not even stating that it's a strictly conservative thing...I doubt that Clearance Thomas and the whispers about his personal improprieties would have gained any traction if he were white.


Now who were the purveyors of those 'whispers' regarding the personal improprieties of one Clarence Thomas?

They were Democrats... which is to say, they were Ideological Leftists... which is to say that they were YOU; the braying asses of the "BURN THIS BITCH DOWN" club.

And those whispers... they were the product of Left-think... which is to say, they were Deceits, FRAUDULENTLY advanced, as a means to influence the Ignorant.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... The Fundamental Elements of Socialism.
Last edited:
What excuse? It's a simple fact. 95% of the black voting community voted for Obama. That's called race based voting. Opposition to Obama's policy is not rooted in racism, we oppose those policies no matter who they come from. That too is a fact. Racism is a denial of the facts, something that's a hallmark on the racist Left.

Just out of curiosity....did you demand the birth certificates of all of your white Presidential candidates in 2012?

Was there some doubt in their heritage? Of course not... So no.


You made an assessment to NOT QUESTION THEIR HERITAGE. Somehow, when Obama runs...gee all of the sudden we must have a birth certificate...for the first time in memorable history of Presidential politics.

I imagine that you'd be shocked to know that GWB was actually not a native Texan. He was born in Connecticut.

That's absolutely false - the press has vetted every presidential candidate (except Obama). Birth history is part of that process.
So you don't trust the so-called liberal media...


in this case....right? I hope you don't believe your own BS...nobody else does.

If you wish to be honest (something I'm not convinced of), you will admit that McCain and Obama are the first two presidential candidates in recent history that had a birth record that deserved close attention. (For those who don't remember, McCain was born in Panama, though the child of military officers)

You create a question of veracity that doesn't exist ... or, as my ol' daddy would say, you're just makin' shit up to cover the smell.

No, I point out how the black guy gets treated differently than the white guys. You say it doesn't happen. Most whites would disagree with you.

And the robustly silly thing is that I'm not even stating that it's a strictly conservative thing...I doubt that Clearance Thomas and the whispers about his personal improprieties would have gained any traction if he were white.

I wish you'd take a crack at being honest as well. You've shown it's likely not going to happen but this is the season of hope.

Rule No. 4. When lacking a coherent or cogent counter-argument, attack the poster.

What I said was you ASSUME it is because he's black ... I ASSUME it's because he's incompetent, dishonest, and disingenuous. History has proven me to be right.
He was. Twice.

So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.

Conservatives don't use race as an excuse --- they cite it as a reason. Are you, somehow, trying to intimate that Obama didn't benefit from race in his election?

A reason. Hmmmm That is interesting. No, it really is. If you're going to try to cite it as "a reason", can you tell us the other reason's Romney lost in nearly every contested state?

Absolutely - you mean you can't?


Sure I can. Romney ran an amateurish campaign, he was emblematic of the 1% at a time when the popularity of the mega-rich was taking a beating, he favored the failed policies of the Bush administration, he had no foreign policy plan whatsoever, Paul Ryan added nothing to the ticket, he was and is a historic flip-flopper.

Feel free to cite your own reasons (other than his race) why Obama won. This should be hilarious watching you give credit to a black man.
If you want to have intelligent political debate, drive-by comments like this serve no purpose. The election has been analyzed to death
I can have an intelligent debate about politics.

I doubt you could.

I can't argue with the ideologically challenged. You jumped on a bandwagon, and you're gonna ride all the way to the cliff in 2016. I think it's safe to say that history has proven Romney right, and Obama wrong. We needn't go any further, do we?
So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.

Conservatives don't use race as an excuse --- they cite it as a reason. Are you, somehow, trying to intimate that Obama didn't benefit from race in his election?

A reason. Hmmmm That is interesting. No, it really is. If you're going to try to cite it as "a reason", can you tell us the other reason's Romney lost in nearly every contested state?

Absolutely - you mean you can't?


Sure I can. Romney ran an amateurish campaign, he was emblematic of the 1% at a time when the popularity of the mega-rich was taking a beating, he favored the failed policies of the Bush administration, he had no foreign policy plan whatsoever, Paul Ryan added nothing to the ticket, he was and is a historic flip-flopper.

Feel free to cite your own reasons (other than his race) why Obama won. This should be hilarious watching you give credit to a black man.
If you want to have intelligent political debate, drive-by comments like this serve no purpose. The election has been analyzed to death
I can have an intelligent debate about politics.

I doubt you could.

I can't argue with the ideologically challenged. You jumped on a bandwagon, and you're gonna ride all the way to the cliff in 2016. I think it's safe to say that history has proven Romney right, and Obama wrong. We needn't go any further, do we?

Well, let's not forget that Hillary has recently asked for the nations to show respect for her, and that we should all have empathy for her and people like her.

its unbelievable to me, not one liberal here could actually speak up against putting race into incidents that have nothing to do with race. Inciting racial hatred for political gain is the sickest kind of politics. it gets people killed..... This is why our country is in such sad shape

You're the dummy who insists the motivation behind these recent incidents is entirely racial in the exclusion of any other factors. Maybe you don't quite realize how idiotic your position is.

When did he do this? It's you people who do this. Are you mental?

I assume you can do your own homework dip shit.

In other words, you told another lie. It's always the accuser who bears the burden of proof, and it's been this way for thousands of years of human history. And for the same thousands of years, men have known that anyone who tries to shift that burden to somebody else was lying to begin with.

That's 10,000 of human history calling you a LIAR. Deep throat that one, why don't you?
its unbelievable to me, not one liberal here could actually speak up against putting race into incidents that have nothing to do with race. Inciting racial hatred for political gain is the sickest kind of politics. it gets people killed..... This is why our country is in such sad shape

The PC Police have caused this country great damage.

Look at what they have done to an entire race of people, based on nothing more than the color of their skin.

It is probably best to allow victims of racism to speak for themselves.
He prefers to pretend there aren't any...

Standard lies from the racist Left.

You people literally can't help yourselves, I know.

Read post post 164 in this very thread.

But don't worry, I wouldn't expect an apology or admission from someone like you.

Yes I see. There is racism but only by the Democrats. Now those would be white Democrats right, not GOP voters like these great guys?

And yet another lie.

You appear to be genetically incapable of honesty.

Par for the course.

The PC Police have caused this country great damage.

Look at what they have done to an entire race of people, based on nothing more than the color of their skin.

It is probably best to allow victims of racism to speak for themselves.
He prefers to pretend there aren't any...

Standard lies from the racist Left.

You people literally can't help yourselves, I know.

Read post post 164 in this very thread.

But don't worry, I wouldn't expect an apology or admission from someone like you.

Yes I see. There is racism but only by the Democrats. Now those would be white Democrats right, not GOP voters like these great guys?

And yet another lie.
You appear to be genetically incapable of honesty.
Par for the course.
That's no lie there Sweetcheeks, those good old boys are GOP voters. And you never answered if it was only Whitey Dems that are racist, or are all those colored Dems racist also?
It is probably best to allow victims of racism to speak for themselves.
He prefers to pretend there aren't any...

Standard lies from the racist Left.

You people literally can't help yourselves, I know.

Read post post 164 in this very thread.

But don't worry, I wouldn't expect an apology or admission from someone like you.

Yes I see. There is racism but only by the Democrats. Now those would be white Democrats right, not GOP voters like these great guys?

And yet another lie.
You appear to be genetically incapable of honesty.
Par for the course.
That's no lie there Sweetcheeks, those good old boys are GOP voters. And you never answered if it was only Whitey Dems that are racist, or are all those colored Dems racist also?

Plenty of racists on both ends of the spectrum, Sweetcheeks.

And I wish you folks would stop causing so much damage.

Believe it or not, blacks are just as good as you.

He prefers to pretend there aren't any...

Standard lies from the racist Left.

You people literally can't help yourselves, I know.

Read post post 164 in this very thread.

But don't worry, I wouldn't expect an apology or admission from someone like you.

Yes I see. There is racism but only by the Democrats. Now those would be white Democrats right, not GOP voters like these great guys?

And yet another lie.
You appear to be genetically incapable of honesty.
Par for the course.
That's no lie there Sweetcheeks, those good old boys are GOP voters. And you never answered if it was only Whitey Dems that are racist, or are all those colored Dems racist also?

Plenty of racists on both ends of the spectrum, Sweetcheeks.

And I wish you folks would stop causing so much damage.

Believe it or not, blacks are just as good as you.


They'll never believe that. From the KKK to today, the Left has always believed that blacks are incapable of being as good as whites.

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