Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting?

"Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting"

This fails as a straw man fallacy, given the fact there is no such thing as 'race bating,' where you've fabricated a lie designed to misrepresent your opponents' position.

'Race baiting' is a partisan contrivance of the right, along with 'liberal media,' 'political correctness,' and 'entitlement mentality.'
Pointing out racism when we see it is known as 'race baiting'. We will continue to point out racism when we see it.

Among the many ways the PC Police have victimized American Blacks is this commitment to dragging skin color into every last conversation, no matter how absurd the effort is, screaming "racist" over and over in an effort to own blacks (pun intended) more and more.

They have diluted a terribly important word, rendering it not much more than a punchline. And that, in turn, has provided cover for the real white on black racism that does still exist, which gives them further excuse to dilute the word. Plus, they know that their tactics increase racial animosity, dividing us further. A terrible cycle that they have created and controlled.

What a horrible, cynical, awful crime they have perpetrated on generations of American Blacks, that group's second mass victimization in this country's history. Isolate them from society and then claim to "care". All for political expediency.

Time is running out on this tactic, though. Thank goodness.

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Among the many ways the PC Police have victimized American Blacks is this commitment to dragging skin color into every last conversation, no matter how absurd the effort is, screaming "racist" over and over in an effort to own blacks (pun intended) more and more.

They have diluted a terribly important word, rendering it not much more than a punchline. And that, in turn, has provided cover for the real white on black racism that does still exist, which gives them further excuse to dilute the word. Plus, they know that their tactics increase racial animosity, dividing us further. A terrible cycle that they have created and controlled.

What a horrible, cynical, awful crime they have perpetrated on generations of American Blacks, that group's second mass victimization in this country's history. Isolate them from society and then claim to "care". All for political expediency.

Time is running out on this tactic, though. Thank goodness.

Where do you get this nonsense from? You used to be the party of Lincoln, now you're the party of Clive Bundy those thinks the ******* had it good when they were still in chains.

Among the many ways the PC Police have victimized American Blacks is this commitment to dragging skin color into every last conversation, no matter how absurd the effort is, screaming "racist" over and over in an effort to own blacks (pun intended) more and more.

They have diluted a terribly important word, rendering it not much more than a punchline. And that, in turn, has provided cover for the real white on black racism that does still exist, which gives them further excuse to dilute the word. Plus, they know that their tactics increase racial animosity, dividing us further. A terrible cycle that they have created and controlled.

What a horrible, cynical, awful crime they have perpetrated on generations of American Blacks, that group's second mass victimization in this country's history. Isolate them from society and then claim to "care". All for political expediency.

Time is running out on this tactic, though. Thank goodness.

Where do you get this nonsense from? You used to be the party of Lincoln, now you're the party of Clive Bundy those thinks the ******* had it good when they were still in chains.

I'm an independent and agree with the Democrats on more issues than the Republicans.

I suspect that's too complicated for you.

Lie to someone else, racist.

its unbelievable to me, not one liberal here could actually speak up against putting race into incidents that have nothing to do with race. Inciting racial hatred for political gain is the sickest kind of politics. it gets people killed..... This is why our country is in such sad shape
its unbelievable to me, not one liberal here could actually speak up against putting race into incidents that have nothing to do with race. Inciting racial hatred for political gain is the sickest kind of politics. it gets people killed..... This is why our country is in such sad shape

The PC Police have caused this country great damage.

Look at what they have done to an entire race of people, based on nothing more than the color of their skin.


Among the many ways the PC Police have victimized American Blacks is this commitment to dragging skin color into every last conversation, no matter how absurd the effort is, screaming "racist" over and over in an effort to own blacks (pun intended) more and more.

They have diluted a terribly important word, rendering it not much more than a punchline. And that, in turn, has provided cover for the real white on black racism that does still exist, which gives them further excuse to dilute the word. Plus, they know that their tactics increase racial animosity, dividing us further. A terrible cycle that they have created and controlled.

What a horrible, cynical, awful crime they have perpetrated on generations of American Blacks, that group's second mass victimization in this country's history. Isolate them from society and then claim to "care". All for political expediency.

Time is running out on this tactic, though. Thank goodness.

When we point out true racism, it is still called race baiting as a coverup.
its unbelievable to me, not one liberal here could actually speak up against putting race into incidents that have nothing to do with race. Inciting racial hatred for political gain is the sickest kind of politics. it gets people killed..... This is why our country is in such sad shape

The PC Police have caused this country great damage.

Look at what they have done to an entire race of people, based on nothing more than the color of their skin.

It is probably best to allow victims of racism to speak for themselves.

Among the many ways the PC Police have victimized American Blacks is this commitment to dragging skin color into every last conversation, no matter how absurd the effort is, screaming "racist" over and over in an effort to own blacks (pun intended) more and more.

They have diluted a terribly important word, rendering it not much more than a punchline. And that, in turn, has provided cover for the real white on black racism that does still exist, which gives them further excuse to dilute the word. Plus, they know that their tactics increase racial animosity, dividing us further. A terrible cycle that they have created and controlled.

What a horrible, cynical, awful crime they have perpetrated on generations of American Blacks, that group's second mass victimization in this country's history. Isolate them from society and then claim to "care". All for political expediency.

Time is running out on this tactic, though. Thank goodness.

When we point out true racism, it is still called race baiting as a coverup.

But that's not what you're doing. You're pointing out "racism" whether it exists or not. And when you destroy lives with your lies, like you did with the Duke Lacrosse players, you don't apologize, you don't admit your wrong, you just move on to the next lie. You're racists and one thing that's sustained racism through many decades is your willingness to lie, lie, lie.
its unbelievable to me, not one liberal here could actually speak up against putting race into incidents that have nothing to do with race. Inciting racial hatred for political gain is the sickest kind of politics. it gets people killed..... This is why our country is in such sad shape

The PC Police have caused this country great damage.

Look at what they have done to an entire race of people, based on nothing more than the color of their skin.

It is probably best to allow victims of racism to speak for themselves.
He prefers to pretend there aren't any...

Among the many ways the PC Police have victimized American Blacks is this commitment to dragging skin color into every last conversation, no matter how absurd the effort is, screaming "racist" over and over in an effort to own blacks (pun intended) more and more.

They have diluted a terribly important word, rendering it not much more than a punchline. And that, in turn, has provided cover for the real white on black racism that does still exist, which gives them further excuse to dilute the word. Plus, they know that their tactics increase racial animosity, dividing us further. A terrible cycle that they have created and controlled.

What a horrible, cynical, awful crime they have perpetrated on generations of American Blacks, that group's second mass victimization in this country's history. Isolate them from society and then claim to "care". All for political expediency.

Time is running out on this tactic, though. Thank goodness.

When we point out true racism, it is still called race baiting as a coverup.

But that's not what you're doing. You're pointing out "racism" whether it exists or not. And when you destroy lives with your lies, like you did with the Duke Lacrosse players, you don't apologize, you don't admit your wrong, you just move on to the next lie. You're racists and one thing that's sustained racism through many decades is your willingness to lie, lie, lie.
Chief Sellout doesn't believe in racism either, even though he refers to his four children as half-breeds.
its unbelievable to me, not one liberal here could actually speak up against putting race into incidents that have nothing to do with race. Inciting racial hatred for political gain is the sickest kind of politics. it gets people killed..... This is why our country is in such sad shape

You're the dummy who insists the motivation behind these recent incidents is entirely racial in the exclusion of any other factors. Maybe you don't quite realize how idiotic your position is.
When you Leftists stop with your racism, then we'll stop calling you on it.
That will be the same time we stop hearing that Obama was elected because he is black.
He was. Twice.

So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.

Conservatives don't use race as an excuse --- they cite it as a reason. Are you, somehow, trying to intimate that Obama didn't benefit from race in his election?

A reason. Hmmmm That is interesting. No, it really is. If you're going to try to cite it as "a reason", can you tell us the other reason's Romney lost in nearly every contested state?

Absolutely - you mean you can't?

If you want to have intelligent political debate, drive-by comments like this serve no purpose. The election has been analyzed to death -
Judge Jeanine Blasts Obama - Why Don’t You Act Like You’re The President Of All Of Us!

its unbelievable to me, not one liberal here could actually speak up against putting race into incidents that have nothing to do with race. Inciting racial hatred for political gain is the sickest kind of politics. it gets people killed..... This is why our country is in such sad shape

You're the dummy who insists the motivation behind these recent incidents is entirely racial in the exclusion of any other factors. Maybe you don't quite realize how idiotic your position is.

When did he do this? It's you people who do this. Are you mental?
He was. Twice.

So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.
What excuse? It's a simple fact. 95% of the black voting community voted for Obama. That's called race based voting. Opposition to Obama's policy is not rooted in racism, we oppose those policies no matter who they come from. That too is a fact. Racism is a denial of the facts, something that's a hallmark on the racist Left.

Just out of curiosity....did you demand the birth certificates of all of your white Presidential candidates in 2012?

Was there some doubt in their heritage? Of course not... So no.


You made an assessment to NOT QUESTION THEIR HERITAGE. Somehow, when Obama runs...gee all of the sudden we must have a birth certificate...for the first time in memorable history of Presidential politics.

I imagine that you'd be shocked to know that GWB was actually not a native Texan. He was born in Connecticut.

That's absolutely false - the press has vetted every presidential candidate (except Obama). Birth history is part of that process.

If you wish to be honest (something I'm not convinced of), you will admit that McCain and Obama are the first two presidential candidates in recent history that had a birth record that deserved close attention. (For those who don't remember, McCain was born in Panama, though the child of military officers)

You create a question of veracity that doesn't exist ... or, as my ol' daddy would say, you're just makin' shit up to cover the smell.
Seems like there are so many of these liberal "Democratic" Party politicians who couldn't wait to make these two police incidents about race. There must be some honest liberals here who are disgusted by this kind of crap...

This guy is a piece of shit:mad:

So please remind yourself not to vote for Rand Paul in 2016, OK?

"African Americans perceive as true that their kids are more likely to be killed. ProPublica examined 33 years of FBI data on police shootings, accounted for the racial make-up of the country, and determined that: “Young black males in recent years were at a far greater risk of being shot dead by police than their white counterparts – 21 times greater.”

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