Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting?

Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting?

I am. I've been disgusted with right wing race baiting for the last 50 years.
This guy shot someone...

This guy blew up people...

This guy mowed down 12 people

This guy actually
killed a cop:eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:


This guy stole some cigars and punched a cop


This guy bought skittles and an iced tea

Im not sure what this guy did but he didn't shoot anyone....

Which of the above are alive and which are dead...

If you don't think race plays a role in how the authorities respond to a suspected're either lying to yourself or are incredibly naive.



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I'm sick of the RWnuts who think that yelling 'race baiting!' is their new easy button.

When you Leftists stop with your racism, then we'll stop calling you on it.
That will be the same time we stop hearing that Obama was elected because he is black.
He was. Twice.

So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.
I'm sick of the RWnuts who think that yelling 'race baiting!' is their new easy button.

When you Leftists stop with your racism, then we'll stop calling you on it.
That will be the same time we stop hearing that Obama was elected because he is black.
He was. Twice.

So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.
What excuse? It's a simple fact. 95% of the black voting community voted for Obama. That's called race based voting. Opposition to Obama's policy is not rooted in racism, we oppose those policies no matter who they come from. That too is a fact. Racism is a denial of the facts, something that's a hallmark on the racist Left.
I'm sick of the RWnuts who think that yelling 'race baiting!' is their new easy button.

When you Leftists stop with your racism, then we'll stop calling you on it.
That will be the same time we stop hearing that Obama was elected because he is black.
He was. Twice.

So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.
What excuse? It's a simple fact. 95% of the black voting community voted for Obama. That's called race based voting. Opposition to Obama's policy is not rooted in racism, we oppose those policies no matter who they come from. That too is a fact. Racism is a denial of the facts, something that's a hallmark on the racist Left.

Ahh, I see. Conservatives playing the race card is fine...gotcha.
I'm sick of the RWnuts who think that yelling 'race baiting!' is their new easy button.

When you Leftists stop with your racism, then we'll stop calling you on it.
That will be the same time we stop hearing that Obama was elected because he is black.
He was. Twice.

So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.
What excuse? It's a simple fact. 95% of the black voting community voted for Obama. That's called race based voting. Opposition to Obama's policy is not rooted in racism, we oppose those policies no matter who they come from. That too is a fact. Racism is a denial of the facts, something that's a hallmark on the racist Left.

Just out of curiosity....did you demand the birth certificates of all of your white Presidential candidates in 2012?
"Honest liberal" is an oxymoron.
"Honest liberal" is an oxymoron.

There is simply no such thing as an "Honest Liberal".

And that is because Liberalism is a function of "Left-think" and Left-think rests entirely upon Relativism... and Relativism is the doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and as such are never the result of soundly reasoned moral absolutes.

As a result "Liberals" reject the objectivity which is essential to 'truth'... and where one rejects that which is essential to knowing truth, one can make no claim to have any kinship with the quality of being honest ... thus being honorable, thus being an adherent to honor; therefore one dedicated to the pursuit of THE TRUTH.

Such is simply NOT possible.
When you Leftists stop with your racism, then we'll stop calling you on it.
That will be the same time we stop hearing that Obama was elected because he is black.
He was. Twice.

So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.
What excuse? It's a simple fact. 95% of the black voting community voted for Obama. That's called race based voting. Opposition to Obama's policy is not rooted in racism, we oppose those policies no matter who they come from. That too is a fact. Racism is a denial of the facts, something that's a hallmark on the racist Left.

Just out of curiosity....did you demand the birth certificates of all of your white Presidential candidates in 2012?

Was there some doubt in their heritage? Of course not... So no.

We also did not require a Birth Certificate of Herman Cain... but then, again, his history is an open book, readily verifiable, going back through many generations of natural born citizens of the United States. Just like the rest of the candidates, except obama.
I'm sick of the RWnuts who think that yelling 'race baiting!' is their new easy button.

When you Leftists stop with your racism, then we'll stop calling you on it.
That will be the same time we stop hearing that Obama was elected because he is black.
He was. Twice.

So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.

Conservatives don't use race as an excuse --- they cite it as a reason. Are you, somehow, trying to intimate that Obama didn't benefit from race in his election?
Liberals don't have enough intelligence to be sick and disgusted with the race baiting. Nor should they be. Everyone other than liberals is sick and disgusted. The public is finally seeing liberalism as something that should make thinking people sick and disgusting. Don't stop now. We need liberals to keep up the race baiting until the 2016 elections. Work blacks up into a real lather. The tipping point is almost reached. That point where mention of race causes a complete shutdown and the people stop listening.
I'm sick of the RWnuts who think that yelling 'race baiting!' is their new easy button.

When you Leftists stop with your racism, then we'll stop calling you on it.
That will be the same time we stop hearing that Obama was elected because he is black.
He was. Twice.

So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.

Conservatives don't use race as an excuse --- they cite it as a reason. Are you, somehow, trying to intimate that Obama didn't benefit from race in his election?

A reason. Hmmmm That is interesting. No, it really is. If you're going to try to cite it as "a reason", can you tell us the other reason's Romney lost in nearly every contested state?
That will be the same time we stop hearing that Obama was elected because he is black.
He was. Twice.

So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.
What excuse? It's a simple fact. 95% of the black voting community voted for Obama. That's called race based voting. Opposition to Obama's policy is not rooted in racism, we oppose those policies no matter who they come from. That too is a fact. Racism is a denial of the facts, something that's a hallmark on the racist Left.

Just out of curiosity....did you demand the birth certificates of all of your white Presidential candidates in 2012?

Was there some doubt in their heritage? Of course not... So no.


You made an assessment to NOT QUESTION THEIR HERITAGE. Somehow, when Obama runs...gee all of the sudden we must have a birth certificate...for the first time in memorable history of Presidential politics.

I imagine that you'd be shocked to know that GWB was actually not a native Texan. He was born in Connecticut.

So your not disgusted by these hacks making these incidents into a racial issue then.....Ok we'll put you down as a dishonest liberal:thup:[/QUOTE]

Hmmmm..."dishonest liberal" ....isn't that redundant?

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