Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting?

"Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting"

This fails as a straw man fallacy, given the fact there is no such thing as 'race bating,' where you've fabricated a lie designed to misrepresent your opponents' position.

'Race baiting' is a partisan contrivance of the right, along with 'liberal media,' 'political correctness,' and 'entitlement mentality.'

oh shut up
i hear ya....its not like the dipshit is going to actually participate in these discussions.....because as we all know.....
Jones dont do .....

Seems like there are so many of these liberal "Democratic" Party politicians who couldn't wait to make these two police incidents about race. There must be some honest liberals here who are disgusted by this kind of crap...

This guy is a piece of shit:mad:

Racists like you will just never get it.

Talking about race and racial problems is NOT race-baiting.

The REAL piece of shit??? Well, look in the mirror, honey child.

Race-baiting is attempting to insert a racial element where it doesn't belong. We have two examples of this now, one in Ferguson and another in NYC. It's absolutely pathetic and people are getting really angry about what's going on. It's not helping the chances of Democrats. It's destroying them. You will see this in the next election. Trust me.
"Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting"

This fails as a straw man fallacy, given the fact there is no such thing as 'race bating,' where you've fabricated a lie designed to misrepresent your opponents' position.

'Race baiting' is a partisan contrivance of the right, along with 'liberal media,' 'political correctness,' and 'entitlement mentality.'

oh shut up
i hear ya....its not like the dipshit is going to actually participate in these discussions.....because as we all know.....
Jones dont do .....

He's more like a drive-by hater. he rushes in dumps his ignorant hate on us then speeds off
Without RACISM, these FOOLS lose their power!
Without racism we'd be a decent country. No chance of that though eh?

I'm sorry, I should have realized you're black, and a member of the New Black Panthers!
I'm Whitey, just not stupid Whitey like more Americans.
is not that a matter of opinion?....
"Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting"

This fails as a straw man fallacy, given the fact there is no such thing as 'race bating,' where you've fabricated a lie designed to misrepresent your opponents' position.

'Race baiting' is a partisan contrivance of the right, along with 'liberal media,' 'political correctness,' and 'entitlement mentality.'

So your not disgusted by these hacks making these incidents into a racial issue then.....Ok we'll put you down as a dishonest liberal:thup:

Of course he isn't. notice how it's all "contrived" by the RIGHT. if CLAY ever blamed anything on the left/democrats, his career as an ignorant blowhard partisan hack would be over
if Jones ever responded to one of his posts.....that right there would be a Kodak moment....just sayin.....
Liberals are, of course, sick of, and disgusted with, the contrivances and lies propagated by most on the right.
oh look its the guy who likes to talk but is to much of a pussy to come here in the forum and face people....and yea Jones i know you read everything....when your other ball drops....come and join us....
Without RACISM, these FOOLS lose their power!
Without racism we'd be a decent country. No chance of that though eh?

Without racism, every country would be a decent country. Without race bating, we'd be even better. Viewing someone by virtue of their race as beneath everyone else, is racism. Disagreement on policy with member of another race is not racism.
I'm sick of the RWnuts who think that yelling 'race baiting!' is their new easy button.
Without RACISM, these FOOLS lose their power!
Without racism we'd be a decent country. No chance of that though eh?
We are a decent country.

Not perfect, no country is.
I disagree, greatly. Onward.
You are free to move.
Yes I am, but it's my country not yours, and it's a wreck.

It's my country, too - you probably would be much more comfortable somewhere else. But, I must admit I am curious where.
To answer the OP ... yes, we liberals are disgusted with jroc's chronic racebaiting.

Being consistent, we're just as disgusted with the chronic racebaiting of all the conservatives on this thread.

The bigger question is concerns why racebaiting has become the preferred tactic for the right here. There are few conservatives here who aren't proud race hustlers. It's what defines them now, their desire to make every single thing entirely about race.

Reality, reality! Wherefore art thou?
Without RACISM, these FOOLS lose their power!
Without racism we'd be a decent country. No chance of that though eh?
We are a decent country.

Not perfect, no country is.
I disagree, greatly. Onward.
You are free to move.
Yes I am, but it's my country not yours, and it's a wreck.
Why is it not mine?
Seems like there are so many of these liberal "Democratic" Party politicians who couldn't wait to make these two police incidents about race. There must be some honest liberals here who are disgusted by this kind of crap...

This guy is a piece of shit:mad:

"Left-think" rests entirely upon Relativism... which axiomatically rejects objectivity. And since objectivity is the essential element of truth, it is therefore, quite impossible for there to exist an "Honest Liberal".
Jim H suggested I was upset with all the new low wage jobs because of Obama's skin color.

WTF, how stupid does that sound?

These nutters are really getting desperate.
Everything is race with these blacks.

When you're used to being seen as black first, and human second, yes, you think everything is about race.

Now, as to the OP......there is actual race-baiting, actual using of the race card. There are people who also play the woman card, the gay card, and God knows that there are people who play the Christian card.

We all deal with others through our unique perspective, but there are certainly those who consciously and manipulatively use something to instill guilt and/or doubt in others. Human nature.
Seems like there are so many of these liberal "Democratic" Party politicians who couldn't wait to make these two police incidents about race. There must be some honest liberals here who are disgusted by this kind of crap...

This guy is a piece of shit:mad:

Racists like you will just never get it.

Talking about race and racial problems is NOT race-baiting.

The REAL piece of shit??? Well, look in the mirror, honey child.

Racist? Me? I'll pay for you a gold membership if you can prove it back to the real world. Were these police incidents racist? No liberal seems to be able to answer that and prove it .
Seems like there are so many of these liberal "Democratic" Party politicians who couldn't wait to make these two police incidents about race. There must be some honest liberals here who are disgusted by this kind of crap...

This guy is a piece of shit:mad:

Racists like you will just never get it.

Talking about race and racial problems is NOT race-baiting.

The REAL piece of shit??? Well, look in the mirror, honey child.

And the Jew hater chimes in:uhoh3:
Seems like there are so many of these liberal "Democratic" Party politicians who couldn't wait to make these two police incidents about race. There must be some honest liberals here who are disgusted by this kind of crap...

This guy is a piece of shit:mad:

I am not generally a big fan of the police. Too many cases of abuse of power and getting away with murder. On the other hand, some cases like Ferguson, are actually justified shootings. And even in cases where it looks like cold blooded murder, like WalMart, I don't think race had anything to do with it. Just a-hole cops.

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