Are there any positives at all to attribute to Capitalism?

OK, so everybody knows that capitalism is evil and promotes wealth redistribution from the many toward the rich......duh.

But does capitalism have a positive aspect? Anything at all?
OK, so everybody knows that capitalism is evil and promotes wealth redistribution from the many toward the rich......duh.

But does capitalism have a positive aspect? Anything at all?

Wealth is earned and accumulated, not distributed.
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OK, so everybody knows that capitalism is evil and promotes wealth redistribution from the many toward the rich......duh.

But does capitalism have a positive aspect? Anything at all?

Wealth is earned and accumulated, not distributed.

earnings and accumulations are redistributions, fuckknot.
Wrong, asshole.

The term "distribution" presumes a central distributor and someone to whom the resources are distributed.

"Earning" presumes volition on both sides of the equation.
Troll topics are lame.

Indeed they are, and this typical lefty dunce just painted a huge bullseye on himself.:lol:

Capitalism is the only economic system for the FREE. Where $ is made by hard work, personal merits, intelligence, etc, and you keep what you own. Success is never punished, and leads to more success, the desire and drive to have more IE what made this nation great.

This lil Nazi wannabe is yet, AGAIN, another fine example of why the liberal/left is only 20% of this nation TOPS.:lol:
OK, so everybody knows that capitalism is evil and promotes wealth redistribution from the many toward the rich......duh.

But does capitalism have a positive aspect? Anything at all?
And everybody knows that it took you every bit of 2 minutes to answer your own stupid bullshit.

Positive aspect?
It pisses you off :clap2:
I won't use the word "capitalism" being such that it is a pejorative. I do believe that a market economy is the most practicable means of distributing goods and services to those in the market for them, but an imperfect one to say the least. It falls upon the community that benefits from the market to bear the responsibility for mitigating the side effects, either through voluntary association, or democratic action--and likely both.

The franchising of governing power to incorporated companies by government does not in any way limit the power exercised over the people however, but rather, it spreads power into unelected hands that may be difficult to put checks upon. Solving this problem is the key to both a just market, as well as a responsive and relatively uncorrupted government
I won't use the word "capitalism" being such that it is a pejorative. I do believe that a market economy is the most practicable means of distributing goods and services to those in the market for them, but an imperfect one to say the least. It falls upon the community that benefits from the market to bear the responsibility for mitigating the side effects, either through voluntary association, or democratic action--and likely both.

The franchising of governing power to incorporated companies by government does not in any way limit the power exercised over the people however, but rather, it spreads power into unelected hands that may be difficult to put checks upon. Solving this problem is the key to both a just market, as well as a responsive and relatively uncorrupted government

Maintaining competition is key to Capitalism. If that is taken out of the equation, what's left is no longer capitalism.
[...]Capitalism is the only economic system for the FREE. Where $ is made by hard work, personal merits, intelligence . . .[...]
You've got it exactly wrong, which I know doesn't matter at all to you. But for the benefit of anyone who might be misinformed by your error, capitalism is essentially a means of making money by exploiting the work of others. Simply stated, hard work is a way of earning a living. Capitalism is a way of becoming rich.

While capitalism has the potential for evil implementation, as in the example of slavery, if properly administered by socialist regulations it can be an effective means of creating equitably distributed wealth. A properly managed system of capitalist productivity existed between the commencement of FDR's New Deal and the commencement of Reaganomics, an anti-socialist effort to undermine the middle class by decimating the union movement, implementing laissez faire capitalism through de-regulation, promoting illegal immigration, eliminating foreign trade controls and the outsourcing of American jobs to foreign workers.

Briefly stated, socialistically regulated capitalism enabled the growth of America's material empire and unbridled capitalism is presently destroying it.
OK, so everybody knows that capitalism is evil and promotes wealth redistribution from the many toward the rich......duh.

But does capitalism have a positive aspect? Anything at all?

Wealth is earned and accumulated, not distributed.

Good luck with that?

By the way have you actually ever bothered to look up the definition of Capitalism? For one thing it is the antithesis of Democracy. For another it requires that all who participate in it have some (capital that is).
[...]Capitalism is the only economic system for the FREE. Where $ is made by hard work, personal merits, intelligence . . .[...]
You've got it exactly wrong, which I know doesn't matter at all to you. But for the benefit of anyone who might be misinformed by your error, capitalism is essentially a means of making money by exploiting the work of others. Simply stated, hard work is a way of earning a living. Capitalism is a way of becoming rich.

While capitalism has the potential for evil implementation, as in the example of slavery, if properly administered by socialist regulations it can be an effective means of creating equitably distributed wealth. A properly managed system of capitalist productivity existed between the commencement of FDR's New Deal and the commencement of Reaganomics, an anti-socialist effort to undermine the middle class by decimating the union movement, implementing laissez faire capitalism through de-regulation, promoting illegal immigration, eliminating foreign trade controls and the outsourcing of American jobs to foreign workers.

Briefly stated, socialistically regulated capitalism enabled the growth of America's material empire and unbridled capitalism is presently destroying it.

^^Stupidest post of the day so far:cuckoo::lol:^^

I know that's what exists in your twisted fantasy world, but not in REALITY. Your tired, silly, long since disproven National Socialist diatribe talking points aside, CAPITALISM is obviously what made America great. REAL, largely unhindered, Laissez Faire Capitalism indeed, the desire to keep earning more, the competition, race for profits. It's what made America rich, and drove us to countless innovations in all fields of this society. Again, success should NOT be punished or discouraged. MY $ doesn't belong to you you wannabe thief. Equally distributed income or Communism is UNAmerican, and immoral.

The radical, job killing, authoritarian regulation that so you mindlessly cherish is what's worsened this recession, prolonged it, gave us a RECORD deficit/debt, I could go on.

When you lay awake @ night and wonder why your side keeps loosing after your lies are exposed, and why you nuts are only 20% of this population/electorate TOPS, you'll always have this true answer.
Someone care to inform the idiot that capitalism in concerned with wealth creation?

Wealth is earned and accumulated, not distributed.

earnings and accumulations are redistributions, fuckknot.
Wrong, asshole.

The term "distribution" presumes a central distributor and someone to whom the resources are distributed.

"Earning" presumes volition on both sides of the equation.

Those are all your assumptions. The real world isn't beholden to your assumptions.
Troll topics are lame.

Indeed they are, and this typical lefty dunce just painted a huge bullseye on himself.:lol:

Capitalism is the only economic system for the FREE. Where $ is made by hard work, personal merits, intelligence, etc, and you keep what you own. Success is never punished, and leads to more success, the desire and drive to have more IE what made this nation great.

This lil Nazi wannabe is yet, AGAIN, another fine example of why the liberal/left is only 20% of this nation TOPS.:lol:

So how do you know that capitalism is any of what you claim? What do you base those assumptions on?

Just for a start intellectual property is fairly widely understood to be the principle driver of innovation in modern times, and intellectual property in the US is afforded short term monopolies that are in opposition to capitalism.

Tesla, on the other hand, may the most productive innovator of all time and he barely participated at all in capitalist enterprise, and was definitely not motivated by pursuit of profit, power or personal material reward.

If you have an argument to present you better present it.

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