Are there any pro border, anti illegal alien Democrats anymore?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
If there were, would they be condemned by the Party?
Isn’t one either anti illegal alien or pro illegal alien...without spinning the shit out of it, is there really any middle ground on this matter?
If one is pro illegal alien aren’t they also pro U.S. degradation...or is there data to prove otherwise?
How does one make the decision to vote for a politician who is in favor of U.S. degradation?
Sure there is middle ground. I’m lawful so fine with kicking illegals out, but don’t see any real evidence they are such a big problem. Trump sure hasn’t made the border better.
If there were, would they be condemned by the Party?
Isn’t one either anti illegal alien or pro illegal alien...without spinning the shit out of it, is there really any middle ground on this matter?
If one is pro illegal alien aren’t they also pro U.S. degradation...or is there data to prove otherwise?
How does one make the decision to vote for a politician who is in favor of U.S. degradation?
There is no ideological middle ground.

Those of us in the real world however, realize we have to deal with the reality that there are undocumented people living here. Some of them have lived here for years, have jobs, pay taxes, attend church, join the PTA, etc. Some smuggle drugs and commit other crimes. Some came here as children with no choice and know no other country.

The middle ground between sending them all home and letting them all stay is to treat the different groups differently. Is America better off now that ICE has begun picking up and deporting people working real jobs? I doubt any of them are MS13. Deporting MS13 illegals on the other hand, would be just fine with me and just about everyone I'd guess.
Sure there is middle ground. I’m lawful so fine with kicking illegals out, but don’t see any real evidence they are such a big problem. Trump sure hasn’t made the border better.

You’ve never done any due diligence on the matter..or do you simply refuse to extract head from ass?
I’ll direct you down the right path....Look up and think per capita
Welfare statistics by ethnicity
Incarceration statistics by ethnicity
Crime / violent crime statistics by ethnicity
School dropouts by ethnicity
Child birth out of wedlock by ethnicity
Abortions conducted by ethnicity

Report back to us with your findings. Thanks in advance.
Sure there is middle ground. I’m lawful so fine with kicking illegals out, but don’t see any real evidence they are such a big problem. Trump sure hasn’t made the border better.

You’ve never done any due diligence on the matter..or do you simply refuse to extract head from ass?
I’ll direct you down the right path....Look up and think per capita
Welfare statistics by ethnicity
Incarceration statistics by ethnicity
Crime / violent crime statistics by ethnicity
School dropouts by ethnicity
Child birth out of wedlock by ethnicity
Abortions conducted by ethnicity

Report back to us with your findings. Thanks in advance.
Aren’t we talking about illegals?
Sure there is middle ground. I’m lawful so fine with kicking illegals out, but don’t see any real evidence they are such a big problem. Trump sure hasn’t made the border better.

You’ve never done any due diligence on the matter..or do you simply refuse to extract head from ass?
I’ll direct you down the right path....Look up and think per capita
Welfare statistics by ethnicity
Incarceration statistics by ethnicity
Crime / violent crime statistics by ethnicity
School dropouts by ethnicity
Child birth out of wedlock by ethnicity
Abortions conducted by ethnicity

Report back to us with your findings. Thanks in advance.
Aren’t we talking about illegals?

Should I have my 13 year old nephew log in to further explain?
Sure there is middle ground. I’m lawful so fine with kicking illegals out, but don’t see any real evidence they are such a big problem. Trump sure hasn’t made the border better.

Wow, evidently you've never been to California. Do you know where it is on a map?
Sure there is middle ground. I’m lawful so fine with kicking illegals out, but don’t see any real evidence they are such a big problem. Trump sure hasn’t made the border better.

You’ve never done any due diligence on the matter..or do you simply refuse to extract head from ass?
I’ll direct you down the right path....Look up and think per capita
Welfare statistics by ethnicity
Incarceration statistics by ethnicity
Crime / violent crime statistics by ethnicity
School dropouts by ethnicity
Child birth out of wedlock by ethnicity
Abortions conducted by ethnicity

Report back to us with your findings. Thanks in advance.
Aren’t we talking about illegals?

Should I have my 13 year old nephew log in to further explain?
Facts seem to be against you.

The debate over illegal immigration and criminality will likely continue until much better data are available across the United States. Based on the research above, I’m fairly confident that illegal immigrants are less likely to be criminals than native-born Americans. On the overall issue of immigration and crime, the evidence is so one-sided that even Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, has said that, “A lot of data does suggest immigrants are less likely to be involved in crime.” This issue will be resolved when states and localities keep better records of the immigration statuses of people convicted in their states – just like Texas does. The crime data are so complicated and inconsistently kept that even the government misinterprets its own data. The government should resolve these data issues.

Illegal Immigrants and Crime – Assessing the Evidence
Isn’t one either anti illegal alien or pro illegal alien...without spinning the shit out of it, is there really any middle ground on this matter?
Is there a middle ground with you? And you can drop the 'illegal alien' pretense. It is clear that ANY immigration from a so-called sub standard country or asylum seeking souls are not welcome in your eyes. How do I know that? How about this:
How does one make the decision to vote for a politician who is in favor of U.S. degradation?
IMHO no immigrant could degrade America more than you with your attitude of superiority by birth.
Nobody is anti-illegal alien or they would be demanding that the employers that hire them are shut down and quit making lame excuses as to why they are not.
We are pro-border. But we went a reasonable border. One that we can actually defend not a wall that anybody can crawl over.

And we are also anti-illegal immigrant. But people fleeing danger and coming here asking for asylum to save their own lives are not illegal immigrants. They are protected by our laws.

What I am is anti-racist, and that would make me anti-Republican.
If there were, would they be condemned by the Party?
Isn’t one either anti illegal alien or pro illegal alien...without spinning the shit out of it, is there really any middle ground on this matter?
If one is pro illegal alien aren’t they also pro U.S. degradation...or is there data to prove otherwise?
How does one make the decision to vote for a politician who is in favor of U.S. degradation?
Closest is Manchin
There are still a few mom and pop Dimocrats out there that are for strong borders, and are against illegal immigration, but they're in the minority, and certainly they are not the future of this hideous party.
The Dim’s only support a strong secure boarder when it’s politically expedient, then they turn their back, it’s how you manage the plantation which they have down to an art form.
If there were, would they be condemned by the Party?
Isn’t one either anti illegal alien or pro illegal alien...without spinning the shit out of it, is there really any middle ground on this matter?
If one is pro illegal alien aren’t they also pro U.S. degradation...or is there data to prove otherwise?
How does one make the decision to vote for a politician who is in favor of U.S. degradation?
This is not an answer, exactly, but the Walkaway Campaign on its first anniversary had 211,829 voters.

A lot of the smarter Democrats wised up after seeing the dowager Maxine Waters making an utter fool of herself by decimating the Constitution's separation of powers when she instructed her followers to scream, horrify, and verbally attack members of the Executive Branch in public places. They were to wait outside the White House and follow them to lunch engagements, shopping, and wherever else they went after hours or on breaks. Can you say stalking?

Nancy Pelosi was pointing out how corrupt Trump was to collude with the Russians when 5 reports in a 2-year investigative time all had the same information: NO COLLUSION, 4 had clearly NO OBSTRUCTION, and the 5th Report was not only a failure to be written by the Report's administrator, he didn't know what was in it when he was asked; and it was revealed that 100% of his team were strong Democrat operatives, many of whom had been caught lying for the Democrat Party at one time or another, including Mueller's right hand man who attended Hillary Clinton's wannabe Victory Party on election night. Two former FBI agents passed e-mails on Trump's Inauguration Day that they would oust him from his elected post based on the dossier all of them knew very early on was a hoax put out by Hillary Clinton as her "Insurance Policy" in case she lost the election. I could be wrong, but I don't think they're working for the FBI any more after the emails were public knowledge.

All the lying and bullshit of the attempted coup by Democrats to damage the Executive Branch Of the United States of America went unappreciated by over two hundred thousand Democrat Party members who didn't care to be lied to any more, and know that there's more to the United States of America than the frightening spectre of Socialism (aka Communism) in our country.
Sure there is middle ground. I’m lawful so fine with kicking illegals out, but don’t see any real evidence they are such a big problem. Trump sure hasn’t made the border better.

You’ve never done any due diligence on the matter..or do you simply refuse to extract head from ass?
I’ll direct you down the right path....Look up and think per capita
Welfare statistics by ethnicity
Incarceration statistics by ethnicity
Crime / violent crime statistics by ethnicity
School dropouts by ethnicity
Child birth out of wedlock by ethnicity
Abortions conducted by ethnicity

Report back to us with your findings. Thanks in advance.
Aren’t we talking about illegals?

Should I have my 13 year old nephew log in to further explain?
Facts seem to be against you.

The debate over illegal immigration and criminality will likely continue until much better data are available across the United States. Based on the research above, I’m fairly confident that illegal immigrants are less likely to be criminals than native-born Americans. On the overall issue of immigration and crime, the evidence is so one-sided that even Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, has said that, “A lot of data does suggest immigrants are less likely to be involved in crime.” This issue will be resolved when states and localities keep better records of the immigration statuses of people convicted in their states – just like Texas does. The crime data are so complicated and inconsistently kept that even the government misinterprets its own data. The government should resolve these data issues.

Illegal Immigrants and Crime – Assessing the Evidence

The facts are that illegal wetbacks = Barely legal, criminal minded, welfare dependent, Mexicrat voting thirdworlders....look it up.
Haha, you refuse to connect the dots...Now that's some funny shit.
Nobody is anti-illegal alien or they would be demanding that the employers that hire them are shut down and quit making lame excuses as to why they are not.

But when we raid businesses don’t you wetbacks lovers piss your tolerant pink panties and call for an abolishment of iCE?
We are pro-border. But we went a reasonable border. One that we can actually defend not a wall that anybody can crawl over.

And we are also anti-illegal immigrant. But people fleeing danger and coming here asking for asylum to save their own lives are not illegal immigrants. They are protected by our laws.

What I am is anti-racist, and that would make me anti-Republican.

Oh bullshit, your party is NOT anti-illegal immigrant. You assholes wouldn't be creating sanctuary cities and states if you were anti-illegal immigrant, you wouldn't be ordering your law enforcement agencies to not cooperate with ICE if you were anti-illegal immigrants.
Sure there is middle ground. I’m lawful so fine with kicking illegals out, but don’t see any real evidence they are such a big problem. Trump sure hasn’t made the border better.

Wow, evidently you've never been to California. Do you know where it is on a map?
Did you know what the American Thinker findings on Illegal Border Crossers revealed? See indention below:

Here's a good question about caravans: How many more are coming?
Gallup asked the whole population of Latin America. There are 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Roughly 450 million adults live in the region. Gallup asked them, "Would you like to move to another country permanently if you could?"

A whopping 27% said "yes." So this means roughly 120 million would like to migrate somewhere.The next question Gallup asked was, "Where would you like to move?" Of those who want to leave their Latin American country permanently, 35% said they want to go to the United States. The Gallup analytics estimate is that 42 million want to come to the US.
We are pro-border. But we went a reasonable border. One that we can actually defend not a wall that anybody can crawl over.

And we are also anti-illegal immigrant. But people fleeing danger and coming here asking for asylum to save their own lives are not illegal immigrants. They are protected by our laws.

What I am is anti-racist, and that would make me anti-Republican.

Save your twisted, fucked in the head bullshit for your fucked in the head LefTarded budddies...nobody sane is buying what you’re selling. Your repackaging works only on ignorant fucking fools.
Further, folks do not have to be a racist to HATE those who break into their country and force good Americans to care for them and fund their baby factories.
Wetbacks>Illegal aliens>Undocumented Immigrants>Immigrants>Dreamers>Asylum seekers>Refugees

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