Zone1 Are There Prophets Around Today?

Hamas is Muslim Brotherhood. They are as mean as the Zionists. God I hate nationalism...whether it's white, Christian, Arab, Jewish, black or Nazis.
ok---your opinion---but not responsive to the issue.
According to your statement----the UMMAH is eager
to help Israel ROOT HAMAS out of its vast underground
system of bunkers and access tunnels which are devoted
to the facilitation of terrorism and TO PROTECT their own
whilst throwing "palestinian" muslim kids UNDER RETURN
FIRE. Does the UMMAH know that it is EAGER to help
Israel in the NOBLE ENDEAVOR?
ok---your opinion---but not responsive to the issue.
According to your statement----the UMMAH is eager
to help Israel ROOT HAMAS out of its vast underground
system of bunkers and access tunnels which are devoted
to the facilitation of terrorism and TO PROTECT their own
whilst throwing "palestinian" muslim kids UNDER RETURN
FIRE. Does the UMMAH know that it is EAGER to help
Israel in the NOBLE ENDEAVOR?
They are just rabid nationalists like the Zionists.
They are just rabid nationalists like the Zionists.
who is "they"?---they is a pronoun and MUST refer to
a specific noun----according to your statement--the
a mere 10 million Zionists---if that many. No wonder the
UMMAH gets away with so much in the realm of Barbarity
and Atrocity. Does the UN know?
who is "they"?---they is a pronoun and MUST refer to
a specific noun----according to your statement--the
a mere 10 million Zionists---if that many. No wonder the
UMMAH gets away with so much in the realm of Barbarity
and Atrocity. Does the UN know?

Hamas are rabid nationalists just like the Zionists. So far most Arabs aren't nationalists. I can't stand them... White, black, Jewish, Arab, Christian nationalists are sickening. Trump claims he's a nationalist.
That's why I figured I would stop while I still had my head. That story still gives me nightmares. :omg:
I'd say to be careful. You don't want to end up like John the Baptist.

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Personally, considering who we are discussing here, I’d say Road Runner — and of course JGalt too — are more likely to end up like that Pennsylvania guy Justin Mohn, who “God” told to cut off the head of his own father … who was after all for decades on the payroll of the “Deep State” and thus obviously a rotten traitor.


Nope. And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

It's about the Parthians .. see Parthian empire. Eastern Iranians on the other side of the Euphrates River.
Hamas are rabid nationalists just like the Zionists. So far most Arabs aren't nationalists. I can't stand them... White, black, Jewish, Arab, Christian nationalists are sickening. Trump claims he's a nationalist.
I have known lots and lots of muslims----ALL were Ummahists----except the
Iranians. Even a shiite from India with whom I was acquainted was an ARDENT UMMAHIST. Muslim babies are taught "FIGHT FOR ISLAM" from
infancy even before they start stumbling thru recitations of the koran. Of course the UMMAH is marked by the MOST TOLERATION---ask any
muslim adolescent-----don't ask christians, hindus, zoroastrians or jews from
To base one’s understanding of geo-politics on biblical prophecy is madness. Same with economics. It’s not much different than seeking answers from QAnon, or the “Orange Oracle.”

There used to be alleged prophets of a new religion: “Scientific Socialism,” that claimed to have insight into the future. That was just another “God that Failed.”

Of course there are occasional scientific and industrial “visionaries” in their own fields, “futurists” and even perceptive statesmen. But wars, economic changes, technological and cultural changes are never easy to call and the best and most responsible leaders can only be right occasionally.

Character becomes important when events cannot be predicted with any certainty. But most people here are just too immature and ignorant, too wrapped up with their own troubles and fantasies, too irresponsible to make useful contributions, let alone “prophecies.”

Oh, last but not least: depressed people make depressing “prophets.” If you’re old and miserable, or sick to your stomach, keep your predictions to yourself. You own world may be ending. But the world doesn’t care about you or your prophesies.

I tend to agree with the old Bob Dylan song: “Don’t follow leaders. Watch your parking meters.”
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I have known lots and lots of muslims----ALL were Ummahists----except the
Iranians. Even a shiite from India with whom I was acquainted was an ARDENT UMMAHIST. Muslim babies are taught "FIGHT FOR ISLAM" from
infancy even before they start stumbling thru recitations of the koran. Of course the UMMAH is marked by the MOST TOLERATION---ask any
muslim adolescent-----don't ask christians, hindus, zoroastrians or jews from

Muslims also have a devilish sense of humor with know it alls like you. It's mischief.
Muslims also have a devilish sense of humor with know it alls like you. It's mischief.
oh gee-----surada is desperate---laughter and humor is frowned upon
in Islam----I have been in mosques---she hasn't---Of course humor is CULTURAL----she laughed all thru Oct 7. The koran describes the
time that the rapist of mecca spent in Yathrib where the jews refused to
lick his ass----SO he fiddled around with the genitalia of the adolescent
boys and all those who had public hairs (I have four brothers---boys have
pubic hairs by the time at MOST they are 14---but lots like my brothers---
by the time they are 12) ---the rapist dragged out, in the presence of his
perverted "wives," the PUBE BOYS--- and BEHEADED THEM----the sluts LAUGHED---it's so reported in the KORAN----well---OCT 7 and murdering
little boys and infants is what SHE CALLS 'AS SENSE OF HUMOR'
Character becomes important when events cannot be predicted with any certainty. But most people here are just too immature and ignorant, too wrapped up with their own troubles and fantasies, too irresponsible to make useful contributions, let alone “prophecies.”

such are the optometrist that rule the world ... sounds like trump.
oh gee-----surada is desperate---laughter and humor is frowned upon
in Islam----I have been in mosques---she hasn't---Of course humor is CULTURAL----she laughed all thru Oct 7. The koran describes the
time that the rapist of mecca spent in Yathrib where the jews refused to
lick his ass----SO he fiddled around with the genitalia of the adolescent
boys and all those who had public hairs (I have four brothers---boys have
pubic hairs by the time at MOST they are 14---but lots like my brothers---
by the time they are 12) ---the rapist dragged out, in the presence of his
perverted "wives," the PUBE BOYS--- and BEHEADED THEM----the sluts LAUGHED---it's so reported in the KORAN----well---OCT 7 and murdering
little boys and infants is what SHE CALLS 'AS SENSE OF HUMOR'

Your poor family. You're just a filthy old woman.
Your poor family. You're just a filthy old woman.
oh? because I read the KORAN !!! gee --I read it when I was very young---
about ? 21 or 22 It had no effect on my family----I read all sorts of "filth"
When I read the Pickthal version of the Koran----it was fairly new. I kinda
doubted it's accuracy but gave it to a Pakistani friend---a surgeon---he said
that he knew about it and that it was a GOOD TRANSLATION ??? I gave it
to him.
Hamas isn't Islam.

If Moohammad is the "last prophet",

what happens to Islam with the revival of Prophecy?

To base one’s understanding of geo-politics on biblical prophecy is madness. Same with economics. It’s not much different than seeking answers from QAnon, or the “Orange Oracle.”

There used to be alleged prophets of a new religion: “Scientific Socialism,” that claimed to have insight into the future. That was just another “God that Failed.”

Of course there are occasional scientific and industrial “visionaries” in their own fields, “futurists” and even perceptive statesmen. But wars, economic changes, technological and cultural changes are never easy to call and the best and most responsible leaders can only be right occasionally.

Character becomes important when events cannot be predicted with any certainty. But most people here are just too immature and ignorant, too wrapped up with their own troubles and fantasies, too irresponsible to make useful contributions, let alone “prophecies.”

Oh, last but not least: depressed people make depressing “prophets.” If you’re old and miserable, or sick to your stomach, keep your predictions to yourself. You own world may be ending. But the world doesn’t care about you or your prophesies.

I tend to agree with the old Bob Dylan song: “Don’t follow leaders. Watch your parking meters.”
How about if I prophesized that successful behaviors naturally lead to success and failed behaviors naturally lead to failure?

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