Zone1 Are There Prophets Around Today?

Definitely one of the means.
Essentially all echoes from the Temple.
And everything is going through Jerusalem.

Do You play an instrument?
Before the war, there was a unique
conversation emerging through songwriting.

Now, eventually I think improvisation
will be an integral aspect of the
Levite song in the Temple.
Yagel Haroush - Lehalelchah (To Praise You)

To praise You I desired / And I didn't know how
For my soul I have worked / And made her an altar
My desire I have poured in her / Of Your bereft desire
Before Your exalted creation / Standing silent still
Remained desolate / The light of her eyes as blind

If not lit her world with a song
Descends alive silent into Sheol

Bless my soul / And awaken from slumber
Desire Your song / For within is consolation


Narkis - "I believe the new Temple will be built, and imagine myself singing there"


On the occasion of her 41st birthday, which fell a day before Tish'ah B'Av, the singer Narkis congratulated herself, thanked her loved ones and imagined the coming days of the Messiah

The singer Narkis celebrated her 41st birthday yesterday, a day before Tisha B'av. In her opinion it is no coincidence because she believes that the Temple will be rebuilt and she will sing there. In the post that the singer published on the occasion of her birthday, she referred to the special day and congratulated herself on the occasion of her birthday.

I will Bring Him

We have already passed over the great sea
And where are You hiding when the desert closes on us?

You have promised us a country, and we came towards You
And where are You going around when the horses are ready for war?

I will, I will bring Him the air of mountains
I will bring Him the laughter of children
I will bring Him fire and wine

Shall come, shall come my beloved
Heard shall be my cry
The day I call


Perfect example of the suffering in refusing prophecy,
When all HaShem wants is to have a conversation.

All the offerings/prayers, and Job didn't talk to G-d.
his death left his people without collective merit.
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Perfect example of the suffering in refusing prophecy,
When all HaShem wants is to have a conversation.

All the offerings/prayers, and Job didn't talk to G-d.
his death left his people without collective merit.
I always took Job 40 to be about the folly of questioning God. But maybe my memory has failed me and I got the chapter number wrong.
Definitely one of the means.
Essentially all echoes from the Temple.
And everything is going through Jerusalem.

Do You play an instrument?
Before the war, there was a unique
conversation emerging through songwriting.

Now, eventually I think improvisation
will be an integral aspect of the
Levite song in the Temple.

Sorry, I don't listen to music these days much,
and when I do, it's Hebrew song.

Write the words,
regarding the "hidden of our Torah",
no learned Jew will tell teaching you that,
your way is through the Noahide covenant.
Ron Vaknin - 'Omed Bsha'ar (Standing At The Gate)

I have heard that You are returning all the way
I have seen angels set the table for the King's son
Also seen a ladder of yearnings ascend and descend
I have heard winds soothing the leaves,
I have seen You, it's not an mirage

I have heard You returning,
I have seen the stars and the moon dance
They, too, know how to roll back over,
I have heard that the sun is essentially a shadow
I have seen a tower trembling and collapse

Thus come - we've been waiting for You too many years...
We've gone mad with no more patience left,
Only going and degrading all the time
Thus come!

Yes come, there are no more vessels left to break,
We don't know who is the sane and the drunk,
That falls into a cave for no reason,
Thus come, yes come...
- by 'Amir Benayoun.​

I always took Job 40 to be about the folly of questioning God. But maybe my memory has failed me and I got the chapter number wrong.

What do you think about questioning God?
G-d wanted to make Job a prophet,
if it was through questioning God,
from sorrow, or by conversation
in gratitude.

G-d answered,
asking 50 questions, neither Job,
nor any human could answer, for what?
What do you think about questioning God?
G-d wanted to make Job a prophet,
if it was through questioning God,
from sorrow, or by conversation
in gratitude.

G-d answered,
asking 50 questions, neither Job,
nor any human could answer, for what?
Rhetorical questions that demonstrated that Job wasn't God and that God is and the implication that God has everything under control.

Certain questions are perfectly valid. Such as, what is it that you wanted me to learn from this, God? But questioning his wisdom concerning bad things happening to good people, that's not one of them.
Rhetorical questions that demonstrated that Job wasn't God and that God is and the implication that God has everything under control.

Certain questions are perfectly valid. Such as, what is it that you wanted me to learn from this, God? But questioning his wisdom concerning bad things happening to good people, that's not one of them.

Everything under control,
begs the stone question at freedom of choice.

What do you mean by "this God", is there another?
Everything under control,
begs the stone question at freedom of choice.
It might for some but not for me. Why would it? I can choose anything but I can't choose to avoid the consequences of my choices which are how God creates order from chaos in the lives of men and women.
What do you mean by "this God", is there another?
No, there's not. And I never said "this God." I provided an example of a valid question for God as in, "what is it that you wanted me to learn from this, God?"
It might for some but not for me. Why would it? I can choose anything but I can't choose to avoid the consequences of my choices which are how God creates order from chaos in the lives of men and women.

Do You think there's a place for lack of control,
as an aspect or an interval of lack of control,
if not only for the space of choice, but for
the sake of encompassing all control
itself holistically?

If the Creator's control is in everything,
everything must include the "not"...

In short - 'let go'?

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