Zone1 Are There Prophets Around Today?

It always comes down to hatred of Christians and Jews with you people. Always.

Yet you are supporting an openly antisemitic asshole who uses christians and all of his deranged followers as if they were disposable possessions only to further his megalomaniacal ambitions.

There is no darkness greater than the darkness in your mind where your only light in life is a lie.

You do have my condolences.
Don't be silly. You do what you do. You don't even deny it, and so you are what you is.

I don't feel anger, not sadness, not pity, not pride, not envy, not fear, not anything just as if I was being barked at by a fenced in dog, broken by trained personnel, and fitted with collar and chain.

I am enjoying life in all of its abundance, the reward for complying with Divine instruction.

You have your reward already, death. I have my reward already, life.

Everything under the sun is in tune. Everything is as it should be. Everything must be this way.

If you sense anger it is just because your own conscience condemns you. :itsok:
I'm not being silly. Fascists are angry fanatics just like you. Always unhappy with what other people are doing. Always telling others what they should believe and what they should do. Just like you do.

Yet you are supporting an openly antisemitic asshole who uses christians and all of his deranged followers as if they were disposable possessions only to further his megalomaniacal ambitions.

There is no darkness greater than the darkness in your mind where your only light in life is a lie.

You do have my condolences.
Preach on!!!
Nothing has been set aside. Doing the right thing, the right way, for the right reason is an artifact of having a personal relationship with God.

how dudy do ... is that at nite by yourself when they appear before you and give their daily blessing to you personally ...

how about during the day with a few people around, they do not have hollow incisors do they. and turn into a bat before flying away.
It always comes down to hatred of Christians and Jews with you people. Always.

the true people of religion ...


have spoken, so cute and they're so innocent.
Always telling others what they should believe and what they should do
Wrong. I am telling you that if what you profess to believe, that the Bible teaches truth and is the very Word of God, then you are already dead and in hell ever since the day that you first got down on your knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo made by human hands that can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, has no life to give, is not the body of Christ, much less God

Am I telling you something that you didn't already know or haven't already told you many times?

I believe in what the Bible teaches. Your addled mind desperately clinging to irrational religious flotsam, deaf to the voice of reason, blind to the absurdity of the words that come out of your mouth, is proof enough for me, actual evidence of Divine condemnation that anyone can verify.

If you prefer to believe in the garbage that you have swallowed, then, by all means, go to church.

Do whatever you want. I couldn't care less. My hands have been washed clean.
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Wrong. I am telling you that if what you profess to believe, that the Bible teaches truth and is the very Word of God, then you are already dead and in hell ever since the day that you first got down on your knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo made by human hands that can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, has no life to give, is not the body of Christ, much less God

Am I telling you something that you didn't already know or haven't already told you many times?

I believe in what the Bible teaches. Your addled mind desperately clinging to irrational religious flotsam, deaf to the voice of reason, blind to the absurdity of the words that come out of your mouth is proof enough for me, actual evidence of Divine condemnation that anyone can verify.

If you prefer to believe in the garbage that you have swallowed, then, by all means, go to church.

Do whatever you want. I couldn't care less. My hands have been washed clean.
I don't read your long ranting posts. I just assume you are ranting and raving about the exact same things you always rant and rave about which is your disdain for my faith's religious beliefs and practices. So I hope you are at least getting some therapeutic benefit from writing them.

I am not a religious person, even though I am paying them back in their own coin.

^^^^ Hobelim's reason for being here
Who knew a secular humanist would end up being this forum's biggest stark raving mad religious nut job lunatic :dunno:
What did you mean by saying, "but is in the hidden of our Torah"

It is translation of Rabbi Cherki's short remark about Nietzsche,
and other streams of thought, during weekly lessons,

on 'Orot HaTorah",
I disagree. How is even possible to love an incomprehensible God? Isn't it to know and love God?

Knowing comes first without which love is impossible.

If a person takes the law literally the image and likeness of God becomes that of a capricious and puerile petty tyrant whose concerns for humans are about diet, fashion, and sex. But if one finds the deeper implications of the law the image and likeness of God becomes that of a dedicated, benevolent, and loving father who doesn't give a crap about what you eat, what you wear, or the sexual preferences of consenting adults but is only concerned about human beings state of mind and quality of life. What then? The first is incomprehensible, the second easily understood.

Which image and likeness of God do you worship love and reflect?

Thanks for the question, I'll try to make it concise,
don't take it as disregard I didn't answer,
in my country, war is actually going on

The Greek question of why should an omnipotent Creator
care or remember a tiny bit of dust, of the infinity of
worlds created and destroyed?

But that's exactly what prophecy reveals,
that G-d is omnipotent, and present in
every realm of life... some say mostly
in places thought to be "not".
Now, in the Temple,
the image of two angels
embracing each wings, barely
touching lips reaching in for a kiss.

That SPACE is a universal living relationship
much more 'intrusive' and holistic
than perceptions of religious,
or ritual worship.
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It is translation of Rabbi Cherki's short remark about Nietzsche,
and other streams of thought, during weekly lessons,

on 'Orot HaTorah",
Ok, but what is "in the hidden of our Torah" specifically referring to? A hidden light? hidden teaching? If so what else could that be if not what I have revealed to you about the deeper meaning and hidden subjects of kosher law?
Courage and Strength - The beginning of Prophecy (b)

But to reach that we have to pass through a war that is not another war. We see today that the war we're in today, has very remarkable elements of war on 'Amalek, in which aspect?

"How he pursued you on the way and cut off all the stragglers at your rear"- Devarim 25

The mixture of 2 things - cruelty of savagery and organization.
Organization and savagery together was with the Nazis,
and this resembles war on 'Amalek.

It's very interesting, why Reuven felt connection to the people Pri-Gan, he's from Shlomit, what does he have there? We all know the story, the Holiday of Purim was that which connected them. The holiday of Purim, 1st year he comes sending people entire meals, no one knows what he wants. When he comes the 2nd year, the people already go forth with prepared meals, 3rd year they ask if they can come to the Megilah Scroll reading, 4th years asking to do it at their homes - that was the living connection of the people of Shlomit, woken by Reuven and the people of Pri-Gan.

The war of Purim - is the war on 'Amalek.
It's not coincidence these things are connected.
Now in war on 'Amalek there's vast cruelty, we have to destroy everyone.

And the question - what is this?
You, the Jewish nation, what You do is an cruel deed?
To this, says Rabbi Kook, in the Letters of Ray"ah, 1st part p.100,
when Rabbi Mosheh Zeidel asked Rabbi Kook about the cruel wars in Torah,

Rabbi Kook says - "it was entirely impossible, when the neighbors were essentially night wolves, that only Israel doe't fight. Otherwise they gather, and G-d forbid eliminate their remnant".

Initially, in the time of TaNaCh, the nations around were predatory beasts, in that situation it's apparent You have to fight, otherwise You're done.

"And moreover, it was necessary to instill fear in the savages through wicked ways. Only with expectation to bring humanity to its potential, but not to push away the hour of responsibility. And know, that in public policy, Torah didn't at all push the spirit of the nation to extend mercy".

And I pass several lines, "and it's clear, that it was in the hands of each generation's Halachic Court, to examine the situation of that specific idolatry, not every element was the same".

Meaning each time they went to war, they asked the Court, or the Prophet at the time - how to treat this nation? At what level of cruelty?

As Elish'a the Prophet says, when going to war on Moab - to cut every good tree, different to what is said in Torah, not to cut trees. There are situations, for example, towards Moab to be more cruel, for another nation to have more mercy.

"No every element was the same, and in our many sins, these measures haven't been taught in detail, for lack of practical application, since we've lost our national immunity."

Since we've been exiled, these Halachic measures weren't in use -
"until HaShem return to us the crown of our splendor, quickly in our days".

Therefore, this war, we are the lighthouse for humanity,
that it learns from us, what are the moral values to act according to in war.

And the attempt by the US to dictate to us what is morality, is this standing test, we have to examine what do we accept and what we don't, and the entire humanity is expecting to know this. Especially the European nations facing the threat of Islamization, to them it's very important to know what we are going to do.


Weather Changes - Bnayah Baraby with the Ashdod Orchestra

Changes in weather brought me to think
That beside them, I'm sad also because of You
Near the house that was my home, a street was paved,
I know, something is changing here

Here a cloud, similar to other clouds already passed
And regardless - I see shapes

Once I'd get the whole body closer to kisses
I'd come to You, learning everything
Once I'd have more people in me
Remaining I have only names
Also, a sea erases names - written in sand

But now I know that regardless, You are with me
And united both of us together are being born

The changing of people brought me to think,
That besides You, I have no one to love
Near the house which was my home
Paved a road, I know something
About bad and good

Here the sea, similar to another sea,
And another sea, and flowing more
There's always a sea, always a boat

Once, I used to get closer...
What You've said and what not
Brought me to think, that our words meet
Near the house that was my home
Here are You, once similar to sea, once not

- Written by Shlomah Artzi​

Shay Levy - My Beautiful

My beauty,
It's not easy with You
And thoughts go though
That it is the time to go forth

My beauty,
You're always at defense
Restless, drawing fire to Yourself
From south to north, from sea to Jordan

Israel my beloved, I shall give You everything
Beauty, I fear for Your fate, and pray for Your peace
My heart You're conquering, those around don't understand,
That we never part, even when I sometimes go, from south to north

My beauty, in Your narrow waist and long body, turning the head of all the world

Simple answer... yes. But they are unknown to the world. And most certainly are not Mormon or JW's.
Israel my beloved, I shall give You everything
Beauty, I fear for Your fate, and pray for Your peace
My heart You're conquering, those around don't understand,
That we never part, even when I sometimes go, from south to north

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